I don't understand the fuss going around this cartoon. I respect you guys' fondness of it, though.
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It's cute. And awesome. And the characters are amazing. <3
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I'm in the same boat. I know I read a thread about it and they talked about the character development and the depth it had to it, so I decided to watch the first episode to give it a chance and I couldn't finish it. To each their own.
Then I watched these:
Now if the show was more like those, I would watch it all the damn time.
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I'm for a de-ponisation of this chat. I have nothing at all against peopele watching the show, I'm sure it must have it's moments. What I'm against is the absurdity terrible fanbase that follows it who must come in and post in every single thread about the show they like (I call it The-Cake-Is-A-Lie-Syndrome).
I've seen way too many threads/forums/chatrooms/bars torn apart by "bronies" and "haters". Just stop with the spam about the show already, It's pretty much trolling at this point.
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When I first heard of MLP and the so called "Bronies" I tried understanding why they liked this show so much.
But soon enough, a different question distracted me- what is up with all this hate towards the MLP fans? Why do other people's interests disturb these haters so much that they need to comment in their threads to tell them how wrong they are (about... liking a TV show)?
Seriously the hate for these people is ridiculous, absurd and at least from what I've seen, baseless.
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It's not so much the fact that the fans like the show as that a vocal majority of them never shut the hell up about it. They bring it into pretty much everything no matter how unrelated. Having seen the show myself, I'd say it's pretty good at best. So I'm not against it. I'm against people who won't STFU about it. A really bad example was some of the people during the Desert Bus for Hope 5 marathon this year. But I'm not going to go into that ordeal again.
Not to mention that the OP is pretty much asking for a flame war. Just look at the following sentance from the OP: "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is a cartoon, and it's better than Skyrim and arrow to the knee jokes." Going to a video-game based site and claiming that this show is better then a recently released game that many people (not including myself) believe is a god among games sounds a lot like trolling to me.
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It's because bronies shove it down our throat. You don't see people starting threads left and right hating on it. But bronies will enter every thread in existance, and just spout nonsense about how good it is. The bronies instigate, they will try and tell you everything you like is worse than what they like, then they get a victim complex when you say "sir, you are annoying me, please stop."
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"Start enjoying ponies in thread."
Oh, is this a pony thread?
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And here was I thinking DefiantBlaze couldn't be much more of an idiot.
It's alright if you man babies enjoy this kids cartoon, but don't shove it down our throats if you don't want to be judged over it.
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I saw a couple of episodes by request of a work companion, and not only i didnt see anything compelling about it, i failed to realise what causes a grown up person to actually watch it with joy, while i understand some older people watch cartoons/manga/anime (in my case my all time favorite is Evangelion), a lot of those who mention their favorite series have actually something to be valued about, whether its their mature driven story, the characters emotions, the sheer deepness of the serie itself, or simply because its a classic; from all of these categories, i see none where this series fits.
Usually whenever i ask a My Little Pony fan (i refuse to use any other term), whats so special about it, the usual response is "ITS SO LOVELY!!!!!!" or just as the TS said "It sums up all the cuteness and happiness in the world."
Like i said: i'd understand if someone would actually give me a good reason as to why they like it, other than the previous ones posted.
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What made me start watching it was the sense of nostalgia. I kinda missed a cartoon without explicit violence that had a nicely written story and was well-made overall. I don't get all crazy about ponies (no, I don't have toys, posters or anything like that), but I respect those who are like that and I also respect who doesn't like the show. After all, it's just that: a TV show. I'm sure there are other shows that fit into this category, but this one caught my attention, probably because of the weirdness of a pony cartoon gathering so many fans (and so much hate).
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i hadn't seen anything of it until this thread, so i watched a couple minutes of the first episode and i was impressed that it was well produced, not condescending, goofy and fun. I don't know that I'm a "brony" after those few minutes but I could easily and immediately understand why it has gained popularity. That, and the trendy love of cute ponies, ironic or not.
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I don't get the Brony hate, it's a good show, I like it, I can understand why a person might not like it but why hate on those that do?
Also can I guess that part of the reason for the timing of this thread is due to HumbleBrony pushing up the Humble Bundle average so fast, am still glad I donated to it.
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It's like religion. Few people actually hate God, but some people do hate the ***holes standing on the corner screaming that they're going they're going to hell and shoving their religion down their throat.
There's a thread like this in nearly every forum you can go to. A lot of people like The Simpsons, but do you see a thread about that show in every forum? nope. Which is what makes this stuff obnoxious.
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Just because you doesn't have either a girlfriend/wife (or whatever you prefer) and/or a child AND you don't like the show,
doesn't mean others like it and have a happy family and enjoy watching it with their children. And yes, I'm speaking of men and fathers!
If you're just jealous keep it to you and stop flaming others!
Another one: Homosexual Marriages are legal in the States, but not in all of them. 12 States prohibit same-sex marriage via statute and 29 via the state's constitution. If you do your Math you know thats NOT all of them. You're forgetting that many of the laws are on the state and not the national level.
It's a shame if one from Europe knows more of the laws in the States as an American...
Other countries that value the human-rights don't prohibit it.
Edit: And another one: This is not 4chan. Please keep your false claims of pedopheliac furry porn for yourself.
There MAY be some that fall in that category - sure enough perverts out there - but that's no need to offend ALL the people.
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welp fuck im getting irritated now. i cant go to a forum with this referenced or mentioned
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Bronies Rejoice
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is a cartoon, and it's better than Skyrim and arrow in the knee jokes.
It sums up all the cuteness and happiness in the world.
season 1 playlist
I couldn't find a playlist for Season 2. Sorry, bronies.
Start enjoying ponies in thread.
Obligatory Ador{k}able Twilight Sparkle
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