Hey everyone,
I've been working for the last few months on a group management tool, that will greatly reduce the effort needed to manage a SG group, by automating as much of it as possible.

Tool current features:

  • UserCheckRules - Check if a user (usually candidate) complies with group rules. Response example: https://imgur.com/a/oCL3N
  • CheckMonthly - Returns a list of all users who didn\'t create a "monthyl" giveaway in a given month (according to defined rules). Response example: https://imgur.com/a/4RsM9
  • UserCheckFirstGiveaway - Check if users comply with first giveaway rules (according to defined rules). Response example: https://imgur.com/a/afSBB
  • UserFullGiveawaysHistory - For a single user, show a detailed list of all giveaways he either created or participated in (Game link, value, score, winners, etc.). Response example: https://imgur.com/a/FQaqz
  • GroupUsersSummary - For a given group, return summary of all giveaways created, entered and won by members. Response example: https://imgur.com/a/WSkt1
  • PopularGiveaways - Get most popular giveaways in a group in a given month. Response example: https://imgur.com/a/jeICUOm
  • CheckGameGiveaways - Shows the number of entries (all users or only group members) every time a game was given away in the group. Response example: https://imgur.com/a/6ZzxQU5

The tool is built to run as a Service, and uses MySql DB to store it's data.
Run time of each command (except UserCheckRules) is less than 1 second.

I'm currently using the tool to manage my own group:https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/jMqJT/quality-games-giveaways-qgg-group-special-gas-life-is-strange-before-the-storm-prey-open
And it's working out well. I have a good overview of what's happening in the group, and a good level of control.
And it takes seconds to check rules compliance, etc.

Source code can be found here
Tool itself can be found here

7 years ago*

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Sounds nice, but I would guess it will run rather slow until caching is implemented.

7 years ago

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Yes, it takes minutes - hours (depending on group size) to run each command.
But when you need unfrequent stuff (like checking monthly GAs, which you only need a couple of times a month), it's not that bad.

7 years ago

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I've made some modifications to the tool.
It now runs as a Service, and keeps all it's data in MySql.
Subsequently, most commands take less than 1 second to execute.
In the near future, I'm planning on deploying it on a remote server (probably in AWS) for easier access.

7 years ago

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Added response examples.

7 years ago

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this tool is great lol

7 years ago

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This looks interesting...

7 years ago

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Have a bump for the good work

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Added new feature: Ability to see most popular giveaways per month

6 years ago

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Wow, I was just thinking about asking you how you were able to run the QGG group, and now I know. :)

6 years ago

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That's impressive

6 years ago

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Tool location has moved to http://www.sgmt.name:8080/SGMT/

Anyone using it - please be advised you need to change your links.

6 years ago

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Added a new feature, this time designed to help group users rather than group admins:
CheckGameGiveaways - Shows the number of entries (of group users ONLY) every time a game was given away in the group. Response example: https://imgur.com/a/6ZzxQU5

The reason for this is:
When you give away a game in the group, you want to know how many entries it got last time it was given away in the group.
A SteamGifts search will give you the number of entries for each giveaway, but from all groups it was given away to.
For example: A game may appear to have 24 entries last time it was given away, but out of those 24, only 2 were from the group I'm giving it away to now. So if I create a GA only for the group - I will only get 2 entries at most (and not 24).

5 years ago*

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Thank you for the tool! :)

5 years ago

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I've taken the first step for my group to be integrated (sent an invite to sgmt.support).
Just a question: would it be possible to enable GroupUsersSummary to return in-group ratios? (total GA value given / total GA value won and total GAs sent / total GAs won)
In any case, thanks a lot for that tool. It will save me a lot of time.

5 years ago

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  1. I've accepted your invitation, and it should sync with SteamGifts within a few days (you will see the user SGMT in your group in SteamGifts)

  2. I don't quite follow your request. Can you please elaborate?
    Are you talking about per-group or per-user?
    How is it different than the data that appears right now?

5 years ago

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Thanks a lot.
Regarding my request, my group allows an in-group ratio of 0.5 for given/won GAs numbers and CV.
At the the moment, I have to do the maths manually using the SG group user page.
AFAIK, the values your tool shows are parsed from SG but the exact ratio calculation is not done (or I missed it).
Ideally, not to clutter already existing functions, you could add a new RatioChecker function. The user would select the group, then the desired ratio for GA numbers and/or CV (in my case 0.5) and the page would then display the list of users who don't meet the criteria (or would display numbers below the desired ratio in red).
I hope I made myself clearer but in any case, I'm already very grateful for the tool you've made.

5 years ago*

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AFAIK, the values your tool shows are parsed from SG but the exact ratio calculation is not done (or I missed it).

Actually no. The values are taken from the tool's internal DB, which is taken by parsing giveaways data from your group.
So as far as I understand they show exactly what you need: number of GAs each user created & won in the group.
But the tool is limited to scraping up to 2 months back at any given time. So if your group is added today, the tool will ONLY get giveaway data starting January 1st. Later this data is preserved, so when new data is added you will not lose data from January.

The reason for this is to conserve memory and DB size.
As otherwise, you could add a group with 100,000 giveaways than span over a period of 5 years, and then tool would die trying to get all this data (because it will run out of memory).
If you need, as soon as user SGMT is added to your group, I can manually run it to get a longer period for your group (from what I see there is only 1000 giveaways there).

5 years ago

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Thanks a lot for your explanations.

If you need, as soon as user SGMT is added to your group, I can manually run it to get a longer period for your group

I would appreciated that very much.Thanks again.

5 years ago

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No problem, please remind me as soon as you see SGMT in your group members list on SteamGifts.

5 years ago

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Hi again. SGMT is not in the group members list yet but I noticed that my group had been added to the tool (thanks for that).
Do I have to wait longer or can you now extend how far back your tool will collect data?
edit: And I'm seeing a lot discrepancies in numbers in the different subtools. But may be that's expected at this point.

5 years ago*

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What is your group called?

5 years ago

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RPG Treasury. Thanks!

5 years ago

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Ok, yeah so it's not synced yet (it takes SteamGifts up to a week to sync users).
So right now the tool can't see giveaway entries/groups, so some data will be incorrect
For example:
GAs user created will be correct.
Percentage if shared GAs will not be correct.
GAs a user entered will not be correct.

5 years ago

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Thanks. I'll be patient then :)

5 years ago

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Apparently I made a mistake and did not accept an invitation to your group up until now.
So user SGMT will be added in a few days to your group on SG.
Sorry about that...

5 years ago

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NP. Thanks for being honest and for letting me know.

5 years ago

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Ok, so user SGMT has been added on SG, and I ran full sync of your group since January 1st 2016.
So the tool should include full data for your group now.

Let me know how it looks...

5 years ago

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Thanks a lot. I'll have a look ASAP.

5 years ago

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Any thoughts? Is it helpful? Is it missing any features which would make it more helpful?

5 years ago

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I'll let you know through the Steam chat.

5 years ago

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Nice! thanks for sharing with the community!

5 years ago

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thanks mate great tool

5 years ago

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This seems to be a valuable tool. Thank you for sharing.

I sent an invite to sgmt.suport on Steam, but I'm not sure if I also need to give you a heads up here – so I do, just in case :)

5 years ago

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I accepted your request now.

I'm planning on changing the way people sign up for it, but just haven't gotten to it yet. Sorry...

5 years ago

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You're the one offering a great tool for free – don't be sorry.

I've added sgmt.suport to Another Bundle Group, so I assume I'll just have to wait for it to show up on the list of users here on SG.

5 years ago

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That's correct.

5 years ago

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The SGMT user is now registered in the group here on SG, and I will begin to explore the possibilities of the tool. If I have any feature requests or bug reports, how would you like to be notified? In this thread? Steam chat? On github?

5 years ago

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You can contact me either here or on Steam.

5 years ago

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I was always amazed that people can create programs like that.

Programming for me is like black magic.

5 years ago

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Tool was recently updated with more efficient behavior.
SteamGifts data is now updated hourly. i.e. All SteamGifts-based info the tool shows will have at most 1 hour delay.

5 years ago

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Have a bump!

5 years ago

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I'm not sure if any other group (except mine) is using the tool at the moment, but just in case, here's an update:
Due to recent limitations added on SteamGifts this tool has been working on and off for the past week.
But it's finally stabilized, and I've added various optimizations to minimize access to SteamGifts.
This can have minor impact on the accuracy of the tool (for example if within 1 hour 1 user will leave a giveaway while another will join - this will not be registered).

4 years ago

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It's been a while since the last update, but I finally got annoyed enough to do some changes in the tool.
So the current changes are as follows:

  • UserCheckRules now has the ability to check if user created a shared free game giveaway (marked ** in SG). This very specific feature is aimed to allow automatic testing of one of the rules in the QGG group.
  • This ability is now based on SteamGifts own list instead of being based on barter VG list (as it was before)
  • This list is scraped using the new-ish json API of SteamGifts

What this basically means, beyond the specific feature mentioned above (which is not very useful for 99% of all cases), is that SGMT tool can now know for every game if it was bundled, given away for free, or neither.
And new features can be developed based on that (if anyone asks me to).

  • Check if all giveaways created are unbundled
  • Check if every group member created at least 1 unbundled giveaway per month
  • Check if any no-value giveaways were created in the group
  • etc.
2 years ago*

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