I have a suggestion for steamtrades:


What do you think about that?

11 years ago*

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11 years ago

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Seems unneeded to me. If there are people impersonating you, I think it's fine to make a note of that in your trade page and leave it be. If you're really worried, make a note on your steam profile.

11 years ago

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people dont check steam profile. if they would check they would see it's not same profile. impersonators gave them steamtrades profile and they just look at rep and they scammed and then they leave negative rep. this happened to me multiple times and i tried to convince them that was not me. and making a note to trade page useless because how they find my trade threads? they just look to steamtrades profile page that impersonator gave them.

11 years ago

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I can't use a normal profile picture. When I started to use a normal profile picture someone immediately starts to impersonate me.

When I use a warning for profile picture nobody impersonetes me. I'm trapped to this profile picture.

11 years ago

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Deja vu.

11 years ago

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Your warning picture is so good :) Mine is lame :)

11 years ago

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that feel when you are not that important so that you need a warning picture

11 years ago

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Should feel similar to this: :D

11 years ago

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actually nope

my feel:im not that popular nobody wants to impersonate me

your feel:im so popular everybody wants to be me

11 years ago

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It really seems like SteamTrades is just an afterthough.
There's no moderation, and it seems like there isn't any intent to introduce any (or to implement minor improvements like this.) :(

11 years ago

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It will look EXTREMELY difficult to moderate Steam Trades. Especially since all the moderators are doing this on their free time, I find many of the people on SteamTrades unreasonable. Most of the mods leave it alone, but handle scammers because it's all they can really do. Do you really expect someone who doesn't get paid to sit there for hours just trying to handle all the crap on ST?

11 years ago

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Why not, isnt that what the guys over at steamrep, tf2outpost and so on do?

11 years ago

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I think most of the people on those sites get paid.

11 years ago

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Q: What is SteamRep?
A: SteamRep is a website created by Diego to keep track of his own transactions, who later opened it to the rest of the TF2 community to keep track of scammers. Many others have contributed with their time in making this website a better place.

Unpaid as far as I can tell.

11 years ago

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Many people contribute to a lot of things and get paid.

11 years ago

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And many contribute w/o pay which is what we are talking about. Id also like to know who gets paid for what and how much. I admittedly dont know the entire structure of either site beyond what Ive personally used, but I highly doubt everyone there gets paid some amount for their time.

11 years ago

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Neither of those sites are even close to what SteamTrades is.

SteamRep is a forum where you report people who have scammed you. There are no trades and as such, no need for active moderation. TF2Outpost is a trading site for TF2 items which require you to use Steam's trade feature. They do not allow you to advertise keys or anything that is not able to be traded through Steam.

This is a slow time for SteamTrades right now and the first 97 threads were active within the last 17 minutes. Care to volunteer your entire day to a job that doesn't pay? I hope pointing out how

11 years ago

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A lot of people volunteer. The mods here volunteer their time. Middlemen for trading volunteer. People physically volunteer to build things and feed people and so on. Loads of people volunteer their time to moderate websites, chatrooms, trades groups and so on. Just because the thought of YOU volunteering your time is disgusting doesnt mean people dont do it.

Ive played mod for a gaming website before, so yes, Ive volunteered my time w/o payment to help a completely digital community. Ive and do at times physically volunteer too.

So yes, I dont see why Steamtrades needs paid mods when Im sure many people would like to step up and weed out the abusers because again, many people already contribute their time in other areas of the net. I also dont think it needs mods to dig through every post and gauge its authenticity, thats the job of the user. Dont trade if you dont know how to protect yourself. Just because steamtrades is different from tf2outpost or steamrep doesnt discount that fact. But if you insist on needing a more 1:1 comparison, what about reddit's steamgameswap or gamesell?

11 years ago

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I'd kill for a way to see all my posts so I don't have to blind search the forum all the time. But maybe I'm just too blind to notice.

11 years ago

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This would be a good feature, not only for Steamtrades, but also for Steamgifts.

Also the ability to list other users' previous posts might be good too.

Would draw the line at Twitter style "following" though... It takes all the challenge out of stalking.

11 years ago

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People need to be smart and make sure that the profile link in Steamtrades matches that of the person they are dealing with in Steam (and ideally check out their profile on Steamrep for good measure).

It really doesn't take that much intelligence to spot an impersonator. Besides, an impersonator note would only warn users AFTER someone has been scammed. Use your wits, folks...

11 years ago

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I agree but truth is THEY DON'T CHECK. A note or more distinct "View Steam Profile" link would be really good.

11 years ago

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Then when they get scammed, we get blamed - and the negative rep (which is virtually impossible to get removed due to the lack of support/moderation) and abuse that goes along with it.

11 years ago

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I'd suggest that there is some sort of natural selection going on here, and it would be better for humanity if things were allowed to run their course?

People who resolutely refuse to use their brains don't deserve others to step in and expend valuable cerebral cycles creating systems which encourage their intellectual torpor...

Flame me now, bleeding hearts :D

11 years ago

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I think you completely misunderstood the situtation here. Your words make no sense to me. It's ironic when you talking about brains and understand nothing about situation.

11 years ago

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Decent flame.



11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by thoth.