Not exactly related to steam I know but I also know a lot of people here also play on other platforms so thought I would ask. I tried the overwatch beta and liked it a lot. I decided to buy the game but have some questions hope good people here can answer.

1) Its $60 for origins edition and $40 for normal edition on I dont think some skins are worth $20 more so I decided to buy the normal one. But later I saw the origins edition on g2a is $41.6 and I think its worth just for the d3 mercy wings (she is my fav char so far). I never bought anything from g2a, is it safe?

2) Open beta ends on 9th May and game starts on 24th. If I pre-purchase it can I play between 9-24 or do I have to wait 2 weeks?

8 years ago

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Buy from instant-gaming, they're more reliable.
But to answer your question - yes it's ok if you buy from a seller with lots of feedback.

8 years ago

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Instant gaming is good.

8 years ago

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I would stay as far away as I can from G2A. So many people have had issues with duplicate keys, revoked keys and so on... You shouldn't trust any unauthorized resellers.

8 years ago

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You'll be probably fine.
But they are unauthorized resellers (basically it's like trading with another user), it's up to you.

8 years ago

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Thanks for all the answers, those issues made me really nervous I'll try to stay away. I dont care much about the skins but I was ready to shell out 1 more $ for that sweet d3 wing :D I guess I'll choose the non-risky no-skinny way :D

8 years ago

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I am really sad I didnt try the open beta because I didnt get my pc upgrade yet :( do you guys know if blizzard does something like a free-weekend some time? Will there be other open betas?

8 years ago

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Game is optimized really well, I have 3 gb ram, 2.7ghz dual core processor and a 7 years old graphics card and (ofc playing on lowest settings) game looks great.

Also there wont be any more open betas, game is releasing on 24th of May.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

8 years ago

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Thanks! really hope so.

8 years ago

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The trial/demo probably won't be out when the game is released, just like other games on it will be a while before we see any kind of demo for overwatch so just try it now, you have 1 more day left.

8 years ago

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Tried it and it doesnt work on my current pc. Bad luck for me I guess.

8 years ago

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Blizzard is notorious for using engines older than some of their players (StarCraft II excluded, of course.) because they develop them for that long. :) (although the king is Bethesda of how long they used that archaic version of GameBryo they bought the license for once and were apparently too stingy to ever buy a new version after 1998.) The upside is that they run on anything. And with the visual style they went with Owerwatch (very TF2-like), it is not exactly resource-heavy.

8 years ago

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Don't pay more to greedy publishers just because you heard something on the internet. Buy from trustworthy seller and you'll be fine.

8 years ago

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Oh, shucks. I forgot to try it out in the open beta. Not knowing if my PC can handle it I won't buy it. :S

8 years ago

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you can play the game right now in open beta til the 9th!

8 years ago

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Ah, awesome! Thanks for the heads up!

8 years ago

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open beta hasn't ended. You still have 2 days and it's a really tiny download compared to their other games.

8 years ago

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Thanks a bunch! Will download it right away

8 years ago

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i dont think 6.5 gigs is really tiny, but its not huge either

8 years ago

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SC2 30GB, D3 25GB, WoW 35 GB...Even Heroes, a moba, is 10 gigs. Not counting Hearthstone because it's also a mobile game, 6.5 gigs is fairly small for a blizzard game.

8 years ago

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Agreed, I had some fun with it too

8 years ago

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I wonder how big the final one will be. The beta has like half dozen maps and two modes.

8 years ago

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you need to wait may 24th

8 years ago

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I've been playing a bit in the last 4 or 5 days, got a beta code from a friend who bought it. It's fun, but I don't see myself buying it for that much money. That's like, fifty bundle games. The game simply cannot be worth that much in entertainment hours per dollar. :D

That said, why the hell is it so much more expensive on Origin? Are they trying to con themselves out of sales or is Blizzard really trying to avoid people buying it there?

8 years ago

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Mmm I think you understood it wrong. Overwatch: Origins Edition is NOT Overwatch sold on Origin. It's the name of the deluxe edition and it's sold via as usual.
Here you can see the two versions of the game. Origins Edition contains the game plus some exclusive skins for other Blizzard games.

8 years ago*

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Personally I'm trying to play so much that I get tired of it and don't need to buy the game. lol

8 years ago

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Little off topic: Overwatch not gonna be f2p like TF2?

8 years ago

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I dont see that happening anytime soon. They might go with d3 approach and forsake it and do some half assed updates every year or so.

8 years ago

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Damn, I was hope for this >.< Ok, now need save money to buy it, because my 8 years old PC can run it without any problem (its something unbelievable, I cant even remember, when I run new AAA game last time, awesome optimisation!) and I really like the game

8 years ago

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As I wrote above yeah optimization is amazing and our pc's are almost the same age. I dont think its worth 40 usd though maybe 20 or so is more fair if you ask me. But until that discount comes I fear player base would leave playing the game or sth.

8 years ago

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Yeah, you are totally right. Thats why f2p model is much better for Overwatch. I dont think so its very hard to do it for Blizzard

8 years ago

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I dont think it should be f2p because I hate f2p games whose only aim is to sell some shitty skins and ingame stuff etc. I think it should be about the half price and blizz can get additional revenue selling credits for the loot chests. Thats fair for me.

8 years ago

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Same here! I was stoked when I was able to run it at solid 30 FPS at least, but after playing an hour or so I had serious FPS drops. Don't know why tho.

8 years ago

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I played for around 3 hours and all work really good, no drops, most of time I have stable 30 fps (only when many people in one place, then my fps goes down)

8 years ago

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TF2 isn't Blizzard game =D

8 years ago

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I know it, of course. Blizzard have already 2 f2p games, so why not do hat-trick xD

8 years ago

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They don't have 90% sales, bundles, game giveaways like Steam did with Left4Dead or Borderlands =d
True cashsuckers tho =P

8 years ago

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True :(

8 years ago

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I don't think the word "free" was ever associated with Blizzard in regards to… anything. Even the "free" WoW is actually a short demo version, nothing more.

8 years ago

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I understand it, but how about Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm? They are free

8 years ago

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Isn't HS free as in you get a starter deck and buy the rest? I know it has microtransactions, and those games usually tend to be more expensive than a 100-dollar Deluxe Pack.

8 years ago

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If you have diablo 3 on ps4 or xbox one you get the wings for free.

8 years ago

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Last I heard, there was a sale on Greenman for UK people where the edition with the skins and bonus swag was available for something on the order of about 3 pounds more than the regular version. It's a bit more than the price you quoted, obviously, but it's better than going through a grey market reseller.

8 years ago

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Hmm I couldnt see overwatch on gmg maybe because I'm from turkey its restricted to me. Everything is better than some risky shady site I agree. But if it was revoked etc couldnt I fill a dispute from paypal and get my money back or sth?

8 years ago

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Maybe. I've never had to hassle with something like that. If you have a friend in the UK, they might be able to help you, though. Ultimately, it's up to your judgement.

8 years ago

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GreenManGaming is not authorized to sell Activision or Ubisoft titles, it's the same as buying a game from G2A in that case.

8 years ago

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so where you got that info? on those /r/gamedeals mod?
Cause if you did, those dumbasses contacted tier 1 support, which doesn't know that answer.

8 years ago

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Blizzard only sells digital games on & The info is from GreenManGaming themselves, you can make a ticket asking them for the source or look at the Game Store page.

If it says "Source: Authorised Distributor" then they are reselling it without being authorised by the Publisher. On the other hand it will mention the Publisher for official partners.
For e.g. Battleborn 'Source:2K Games' v/s Overwatch 'Source:Authorised Distributor'

Blizzard doesn't have 'Tiers' of support by the way, just Game Masters, Engineers and Community Moderators.
Game Masters like to RP ^__^

8 years ago

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I know about blizzard, was talking about Ubi and acti though which you replied to that guy.

8 years ago

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You can make a ticket on GMG as well, I'm not an official spokesperson =)

8 years ago

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If you're not their official spokesperson then maybe stop spouting unconfirmed information since the source of this was from the /r/gamedeals mod where they only contacted tier 1 supports or acti and ubi.

8 years ago

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Sorry about that, I tend to spout all over sometimes! =/

View attached image.
8 years ago

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just trying to correct this notion where GMG is not authorized on those 2 publishers since those were picked up by gaming news sites

8 years ago

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But, the notion is correct; GMG is not authorised to sell Activision-Blizzard, Ubisoft, EA games =P

8 years ago

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Why are you now adding EA games when I only argued about your comment which is ubisoft and activision? Also now bundling activision and blizzard together rofl

Also seriously who fucking cares, they will replace your keys or refund your money if it gets revoked. G2A will not, maybe after 1 month with their support

8 years ago

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Here I thought we were just having a discussion about GMG not being authorised to sell Activision, Blizzard, Ubisoft, EA, Namco Bandai, CD Project Red games, not G2A support. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Isn't that a different thread? =o

8 years ago

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GreenManGaming is not authorized to sell Activision or Ubisoft titles, it's the same as buying a game from G2A in that case.

This is what I'm replying to, not EA or Blizzard, Namco, CD Project Red. Also on that comment, you just compared GMG to G2A. Do you even know what you typed before?

8 years ago

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I typed a factual sentence based on information from GMG themselves, and compared them to another Reseller of games not authorised by the publishers in question.

Did that just break the Internet?

View attached image.
8 years ago

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If it is a fact, then I asked, where did you get that information to prove it? You just said you're not an "official spokesperson". Also I was only trying to argue about Activision and Ubisoft, not those other companies that now you are adding

8 years ago

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Like I said, you can ask GMG support yourself or look at the Store page =) And we weren't arguing, just having a discussion IMO

8 years ago

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I have had key which I got from G2A sellers with high ratings revoked so I wouldn't recommend that at all

8 years ago

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Thanks for this post. I was under the assumption the base game itself was $60. Call me crazy I don't think it's worth $40 either.

8 years ago

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Yeah 40 bucks is a lot, although what I've played so far is pretty good.

8 years ago

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People are always complaining about Blizz's high price products, but they're all worth it.

I sent Blizzard 100 USD for Diablo 3 + RoS and I have played it for 3000 hours.

5 USD for HotS' starter pack and I have 300 hours already.

8 years ago

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3k hours on Dota 2, the fact it's f2p, doesn't mean it's worth nothing, you can spend years playing Windows Pinball, which doesn't make it a great game for everyone =D

8 years ago

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Please tell me why is it relevant bringing up my 3k hours Dota 2 when we talk about Blizzard game?

The fact that a game isn't meant for everyone doesn't mean it's not a great game. People have different taste, it's fine, but a great game is a great game.

8 years ago

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1) If it's available on GreenManGaming in Your region, it's 20% off with the code "MAY20".

2) If I pre-purchase it can I play between 9-24?
Nope, the game will be released on the 24th.

8 years ago*

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This is what burned me when I pre-ordered Battlefront via GMG. Nowhere on their page did it have that disclaimer then. Ended up getting it refunded, and I'm not the only one.

8 years ago

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Grab the g2a shield and its fine. All those people crying don't get the shield and get butthurt since they don't care to take safety precautions

8 years ago

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You know, fraud protection at an online store, even a flea market type, is a mandatory thing by law. Not something you need to buy as an extra monthly subscription service. Just saying.

8 years ago

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Be sure to buy with g2a shield, it's an extra euro but it's worth it for not getting scammed.

8 years ago

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well i bought origin editions around 45$

8 years ago

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I tried the open beta too and like it si much!
The problem is the price, i dont know bout you, but thats pretty big money in my country.
By the way, did our progress in this free trial will be erased by may 24th?

8 years ago

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wait wait wait, if you already paid the 40 for the base game why are you paying 40 again? just upgrade to the origins edition for 20$

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Do you even read OP? He is not asking for if you like this game or not" he asking for advice about G2A and when game will be released.

8 years ago*

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Then why the hell are on this thread?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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i was so hyped i barely managed to wait 5 minutes after pre-order was up to pre order the origins edition, so don't take ur advise from me ._.

8 years ago

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1) Don't buy from g2a, I got the origins edition for 48€ on gmg (coupon code: 20off or toms20)
2) Beta ends on may 10 (extra day) and you'll receive the key on May 24 ^^

8 years ago*

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1) G2A is safe as long as you use that shield protection. Also make use the seller has good reviews.
2) No, you'll have to wait until the 24th

8 years ago

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