Why a relation ends ?
Feels to me like a 17 year relationship without any attempt to formalise it or think of a family is precarious as is. It's like the participants know they want an easy way out. It's nice that it lasted so long, but didn't you at any point think of making it more formal or having kids?
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True, I don't know the particular circumstances. It's just that in my experience with people I know, it seems easier to dissolve a relationship when there's no official commitment. Which is good and bad. (It's good in that when it does happen it's both technically easier and I think also less hurtful.)
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This music is too good to pass up on. It is not meant to be a cheerful music though, at least it always manages to tear me up even when I try so hard to not cry a river because of it (a certain sad scene in the game accompanied by this music also plays a part but not 100%). I fully believe in the theraputic effects of music so hopefully this will help you feel tiny bit better after everything you experienced.
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This is really great music. I especially like the choral section starting about halfway through. Not surprising as I'm a choral music dork. :p
But the whole thing's great.
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Any suggestions/experience to share (for me and others in the same situation) ?
Try to avoid resenting the person you've been in a relationship with. It's just going to make you feel worse. You got together for a reason, there was something about your ex that you liked. Don't forget that.
Also, ending a relationship is not an inherently bad thing. If you're happier with someone else, or just alone, then that's a good reason to end the relationship.
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It's complicated, sorry for you having to go through all this. If it's really over with your ex don't jump into another relationship so soon, take some time to yourself, enjoy the company of your friends and meet new people. No need to rush things.
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huh, so this is what it looks like when a steamgifter gets heart broken. They make a thread about relationship and post hundreds of unnecessary and unrelated sad music. My finger had to scroll for an hour just to pass through the sad musics.
My advise is calm the fuck down and stop posting threads when you get dump.
To stay on topic.. relationship ends because we hoomans always wants something better and when we think we can do better, we try to do better, but in the end, we hoomans just end up being in the same spot, if not worst.
so there if I get suspended, its not because i was not on topic.. its because im an asshole.
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Ooooh Noir Désir! Une autre!
For feeling better... well I make myself more depressed and sad, listened to sad music, watched sad movies like a grief period kinda, and then I storm everything, new clothes, haircut, shoes, games whatever... create brand new things that are just about you without memories attached to it.
Also, throw away stuff!
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i have thrown away lots of things =) :
I have only keep a nice photo of "Iggy Pop" she gave me for one of my birthday.
Thank you for the music one of my favorite band
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Wow, 17 years is a really long time. I'm sorry it ended though. That's quite impressive. Well, for me atleast because my longest relationship lasted 1 year.
I ended it because I found out that he lied to me about things and he was so restrictive. And I feel stupid now having a relationship with him because when I think about it he didn't even made me feel loved. I don't know I think maybe he was just one of the boys that ''just dates'' with girls.
My first relationship lasted 1 month and I ended it because he wasn't trying anything for 'us'. Well, I'm not the type of girl who wants everything from the boy. But he didn't even bother coming to me at school or when he saw me he didn't even talked to me. And after school he was so busy with drinking and smoking with his friends he didn't have time to talk to me or meet up with me. He only called me when he was drunk. And I didn't wanted to have this kind of relationship so I broke up with him.
And now I have a relationship with a boy that was my closest friend for 4 years. We really love eachother. And who knows maybe I end up marrying him.
It's best when you already know the person you're going to have a relationship with.
I think you shouldn't try to find a new relationship that early. You should give yourself a little bit time to think what you really want in a relationship or what you want in your partner. These things might get really complicated sometimes. I'm sure you'll do great ^^
I really like this song and it makes me feel good about myself.
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Some guys or girls make you feel like you are in a desert like in the GA of the post ;-) they give you so little in front of what you do
and you are constantly in a situation of "hunger"
That does not mean you must have the exact same amount of attention, love and all but there is a limit to an unbalanced situation
Sometimes what you except is not what he/she can/want to give.
You did good . I am happy for you and i wish the best for you both =)
She is so opposite in many ways to my ex, we will see how things go =)
She already have "a good contact" with the friends of my band (she went to a recent small concert we made)
Who knows fo now we do each other some good so "Carpe diem" ... =)
Thank you for the music =)
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Yeah, you're right. That's why I wanted them (and myself) to move on... maybe to a new person. I'm sure they can find someone better for them and get along better than we were getting along.
Thank you ^^ I'm happy for you, too.
Yeah, only time will tell.
Good luck with your band, by the way! :)
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Often times woman fall for a new guy when they feel there relationship loses its spark/passion (usually the couple just gets to know each other to well and does not feel as exciting) woman usually will look for that feeling elsewhere usually in the work place/gym through flirting,makes them feel wanted and special or whatever and sometimes goes to far and they fall for the "new guy",for most woman they can only "love" one guy and if they cheat they will usually leave there spouses and make up excuses to themselves as to why they cheated or want to to make themselves feel better about it.
For men i would say its usually as simple as them not being as excited for there wifes and or missing the game and having desire for every hot woman they see walk by...usually when a man falls for another woman he will attempt to hide it from his wife and stick with her as he can still love her after cheating and usually ends with getting caught.
Other times its just a matter of two people not getting along or just not being compatible and its just easier to split then to work on it for one or both of them but there is usually someone else ion the picture for one or both of them as most people wont move in or marry to someone they have nothing in common with.
Not saying this is all cases but im guessing its a majority,im sorry to hear about your marriage its a shame and i wish the best to you and hope you find someone that will fulfill you.
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Why posting this ? i wanted to discuss/understand/know the different reasons that explain the end of a relation of course and talk about the end of the 17 years relation i had with my ex.
Fisrt of all, now i feel better and i am in a platonic romance with a nice girl that does have many more connections with me than my ex. (yeah i know but sometimes a relation ends to a blind or coward attitude guess my ex find it more quickly than me)
It is about 2 months now and i want to leave behind me this story more with this post.
The explained reasons for me :
Any more reasons you believe can be for someone a good reason ?
The ways of feeling better for me are
Any suggestions/experience to share (for me and others in the same situation) ?
Thank you all for the nice in this community =)
and please no sex war (i found girls fascinating the way that they find us and love us, yeah believe me you dont seduce a girl she let you.
The "usual" GA : https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/7TOKV/desert-law
The music i have heard this last days it was the expression of my mood, it is chronologicaly ordered from the beginning of the "i leave you" announce.
Music is a part of me for years and made me recover form different "hard" losses
Please leave links i will listen to them =)
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