1.Before Origin Humble Bundle almost nobody know this site and it was better just for few reasons that people who knows HB only from HOriginB saying there is very bad games in every next weekly or normal bundle just because there is not a something like BF3! or anything epic like that.

2.Okey another reason is games... I will ask you how many time you bought game before it was in humble bundle? Last time when I bought Dead Island from steam summer sales (5 euro but I buying 2 copies...) and then? what did you expect it gonna happen? Yeah the humble deep silver bundle why not? :D I just buy something and they put it in next bundle and there is my problem! When you want to buy some game you worried if will not be in next HB.

3.And the last small problem is there is soo many of this sites like HB and nobody bilieve them. Why? I didn´t know. Maybe it looks like fake or something? So leave a comment below and thanks for reading.

11 years ago*

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None of them are really reasons to hate Humble Bundle.

11 years ago

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#1 has been true for a long time, long before Humble origin bundle was around :p

11 years ago

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YEAH! Screw them for making us pay almost nothing for loads of games and helping charity! Who the heck do they think they are?!!


11 years ago

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It's ok with people sharing their opinion, but this thread isn't even a joke thread.I don't want to be mean, but if you don't really have something good to say, better don'y say it ;)
I want to say that those aren't even reasons why you 'should' hate HB.

11 years ago

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wtf did I just read?

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

11 years ago

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Huh? some proper english, please?

11 years ago

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okey thanks for comments :)

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by The55GHOST55CZ.