L1 is basically the bundle level. You are approaching level 2, currently listed at L1.78, but I'm not sure if you can enter L2 with just bundle titles.
Truthfully, with the free games you exploited, I don't know why you complain.
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How do you tell/where can you see if you're Lx.xx?
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You aren't exactly giving away brand new AAA titles yourself, genius, but hey whatever makes you feel superior to others, huh? You see the type of entitled jerks your system creates. He's given away nothing but steeply discounted games and thinks he's giving away more than someone who buys 5 dollar bundle star games. No, if you're going to talk smack try giving away some brand new AAA titles. Some of you take this way too seriously.
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I mention this below. The difference is, I never expected a lot of value for those games. I just buy a lot of bundles and gave them away for mass giveaways despite the fact I would get nothing.
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Yeah, I'm really curious to see exactly how this level system works. Someone posted IRC logs from CG in one of the other threads that indicated levels were based on 0, 0.01, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000 CV… but I'm Level 1 as well, where by that logic I should either be 2 or 3 depending on how bundle CV is being considered.
Hopefully we'll be hearing more about how the levels work soon.
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Bundle stuff has basically devalued further IIRC, though my info was from the testing. Can't really tell you the maths though.
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Free and bundled stuff will be limited, just like it always was. Not our problem if you can't afford to spend money on games, we aren't required to improve your level when you exploit a free offer to get multiple copies. Pretty sure that is normally a suspension worthy offence anyway.
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before discriminate against people who do not have money to buy games, Might taking the time to check how many games I have in my steam acc, one thing to have money to buy games, and quite another thing to have money to give away games, and you talk to everyone as if you were moderator.
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My collection for the first 100 - 150 games was all gifts, mostly bundle titles, from online friends and GameFAQs forum giveaways, I couldn't even buy online until several months after I found this site myself.
I'm unemployed at this time, with most of my recent purchases (and giveaways) being bundle titles I had a few dollars for, or cheaper games bought with Steam wallet (earned by selling cards from all those bundle games).
However, despite that, I'm not expecting all my bundle games to give me high value. You are. Several of your titles were completely free. And you exploited a deal to get three of them. Do not complain that you get nothing for something you got free.
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Delta has been active for a long time and has thorough knowledge of the rules. He's most likely one of the top choices for addition to support at this point.
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Maybe not, with how grumpy I've been getting lately. I'd be like an evil version of Overlord Jade.
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It's hard to imagine you being more crass than him :P.
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So, basically you want as much credit for giving away a heap of freebies and bundle cast-offs as someone would get for spending significant amounts of real cash on non-bundled games. This is no more discrimination than paying a doctor more than a burger flipper.
Can you see how rewarding everyone equally for an unequal contribution might be considered far more unfair than the situation you are carping about? It's not discrimination. It's a "reward". I'm sure that in time you will become familiar with the concept, and it will serve you well in the real world...
Delta is also absolutely right. Abusing freebies is widely considered to be a ballbag move, and IMHO in a perfect world would be "rewarded" with things much less savoury than a level boost or an all-expenses-paid night out for two at a restaurant of your choosing...
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Wait until the complains about level dropping start popping up. :P
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no, there will be a new kind of thread. like "Burn those LV10 or high contributor like Delta , because they lower our LV by do more GA"
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Because you feel like gaining CV/levels, not actual contributing for the contributing itself.
The site is called steamgifts, and not steamwins, or steamgiftlevel, or steamcontributorlevel, or whatever you want to make of it for a reason. The main incentive for giving, should be the act of giving. Not the act of receiving some level (which in turn might give you a higher chance of winning) based on what you give.
Why complain about it? You know that someone might have a blast playing that bubdled that game, isn't that what it is all about? Like you said yourself, not everyone has that much money, well, you are giving people who don't have that money a chance by giving away games. Shouldn't THAT be what it is about, instead of some level?
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People never change, always complain for tiny matters :P
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While talking about fairness, what would you think about someone who'd win Ratz Instagib on WGN, and give it away for CV profit here against the rules ?
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"Why am I still level 1?" is the new "Why is my CV stuck at $30.00?"
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Ithink i will not get affected by your missing contributions
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Yep, this new level system is even more discouraging than the CV system we had before. And once again, it's not the good intention to give away a game that matters, it's all about money... /sigh/
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he did? and he have the nerves to go here crying about his CV?
wow, just wow..
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what's the VALUE of those 9 gifts? in other words, how much anyone else would have spent to get those same games? You've almost made it to lev2 with just a bunch of bundled/free games without even being suspended for the spoiled ones.
I don't see any reason to complain
Also, the new system encourages everyone to gift bundled games past the '$30' hard-ceiling of the old system, so you should see it as an improvement if bundled games is what you're ready to give
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so do not feel like doing more contributions ...
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