So yea, I am currently (or more like I was) planning to buy Oculus Rift consumer version when it will be out

The thing is...I realized that using it is all about PC specs

As for now devs dont gave us any detailed recommended specs. Basically I dont want to get uber expensive toy when it can turn out that I wont be able to enjoy it with my current PC

So, my PC is:

-AMD Phenom II X4 965 BE
-Radeon HD 7750 1GB

As far as I know its all about GPU. My CPU wont be really a problem, neither the RAM (additional 2GB of DDR2 isnt that expensive even If I will need to buy it).

I can run perfectly any game in either 1920x1080 or 1600x900, mid to high details. But that doesnt mean that playing games with Oculus will be smooth or even possible

So, anyone here got the Oculus Dev Kit 2 ? Will I be able to enjoy this toy on my PC ?
I cant afford to buy any high end GPU along with the Oculus, they are extremly expensive here in Poland (well, basically every electronic things are expensive...GTX 770 costs here +/- 1200 pln = +/- 400 USD...and 400 USD is my monthly salary if the work goes well...Radeons R9 270X are cheaper, 750 pln = 250 usd).

On the other hand its quite possible that when the consumer version will be out, current GPU prices will go down and I will be afford both Oculus and newer GPU

10 years ago*

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Wut, I have GTX 650 1 GB and Intel Core 2 Duo E7500 2.93 Ghz, with 8 GB RAM.
Now I have fear

10 years ago

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At least you can use it for Facebook.

10 years ago

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That's something to look forward to!

10 years ago

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Thats exactly what I thought. I hope that it wont stress the system that much :(

10 years ago

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yout intel core dou is bottle necking upgrade it.then your computer will gain more perfotmance

10 years ago

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I know, I will buy a new cpu this summer. :)

10 years ago

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I don't have one, but I know that right now the resolution on OR is low, they haven't implemented HD resolutions yet, but I don't think there will be any problem.

10 years ago

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Yea I've read various opinions on the net but I dont what to think about it. Maybe in final consumer version the OR wont stress the PC much so it will be possible to smoothly play with PC specs like mine. But I just thought that I will ask here, maybe sm1 has the DK2 and he/she will be able to give an advice

10 years ago

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Think of it as a screen, not too demanding, otherwise the devs would post their own requirements.
Anyway, you wouldn't lose anything by asking.

10 years ago

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It has stereoscopic 3D and it's own filters to add, so it's more demanding than a screen. Plus, you need 75-90 fps for immersion, and it will be 1440p or more. All of this stated officially by Oculus VR.

10 years ago

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What are you talking about?
Have you even bothered to do some fact checking before typing away?
from their own site: "Resolution 960 x 1080 per eye".
(EDIT: Specifications are from the 2nd dev kit - not the 1st)

10 years ago

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Probably talking about the 1st dev kit, I tried it myself, and yes, the resolution was very low

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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Yea I know that but still the memory is not a problem :) And my MOBO supports dueal channel but I got 4 slots.

10 years ago

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Hmm, just curious... if I have a MB with dual channel DDR3, using 2x4GB instead of 1x8GB would be better in terms of memory performance ?

Also, what about if I decide to add another 1x8GB later on, would that enable dual channel or do they have to specifically support that ?

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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Thanks for the info :P

10 years ago

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Fuck the Oculus now Facebook owns it but not too much of an issue as many other good companies are now working on better VR than oculus

10 years ago

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TBH I thought the same when they revelaed that FB bought OR. But still, I will buy it as long as it wont be uber uber expensive, it will work on my PC and well...its still about opinions. When they will release CV I'll wait for peoples opinion and see if FB screwed OR

10 years ago

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Valve are making one too, might be better off waiting a little bit unless your really eager to get one although I don't think it will be out anytime soon. I hope Carmack leaves Oculus to work with Valve, I feel kind of bad for him, he can't be happy with what happened to Oculus. He's stated in the past he does not like working for large companies/publishers, I know valve are big but you never know.

10 years ago

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Sorry to disappoint you, but Valve isn't making a VR kit.
They did some research on the matter and shared the findings with Oculus and the VR community.
As to why, it's because they want to bring VR to pc (Steam).
But, hey, who knows? maybe in the future they'll change there minds.

10 years ago

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VR googles is more than decade old yet reached nowhere but enthusiasts...

Even Sony driven 3D TV Business is dying, simply put consumers prefer comfort...

10 years ago

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On the Oculus web page, it says something along the lines of "Recommended: Being able to play Current Gen 3D games at a 1080p resolution and 75 FPS or more." not detailed in the slightest, but hope it helps

10 years ago

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LOL, nice benchmark considering the majority of gamers have displays only capable of max 60hz.

10 years ago

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Like you can't reach 75 fps on a 60 hz display. Sure, they won't be shown, but you can reach them

10 years ago

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Some games don't have capped fps, so just disabling v-sync should let you get past 60 fps.

10 years ago

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What? Oculus Rift is just like... a monitor. It just displays the image and tracks the motion. Everything depends on the game. The only thing is your GPU has to render an additional image (for each eye).

I had no problem running new games in 3D mode. I have Radeon HD4890.

10 years ago

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It is like monitor but it has to render as you said additional image - so basically its smth like running a game on 2 monitors. And because of that I'm afraid that I wont be able to enjoy smooth gameplay with Oculus on my current PC GPU (HD7750)

And by running in 3D mode you mean that you tried Oculus on your PC ? If yes that its nice, but still, HD4890 looks like better GPU than mine 7750

10 years ago

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I have Radeon HD 5700 series, and I never had ANY gaming programs at all.... EVER. Therefore, I really don't see why do you have so many issues. I can run pretty much everything except Battlefield 4 on high detail.

p.s. i have two screens O_O not that it matters, just pointing it out D:

10 years ago

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Um, I didnt said I have any issues, I said that I'm afraid that playing with Oculus wont be comfortable with my GPU :P And I dont want to buy it blindly just to find out that I cant play games with it cus my GPU is not powerful enough to handle Oculus display

10 years ago

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I have a 3D monitor. It's basically the same thing as playing on Oculus Rift.

And it's not like playing on 2 monitors. 2 monitors have to render 2 1920Γ—1080 images (if they are full HD). But Oculus Rift and the 3D monitor have to render 2 960x1080 images (1 1920x1080 in total). So it has to render THE SAME amount of pixels as a normal display. But the GPU has to calculate shadows and other fancy things twice. That's the only difference.

10 years ago

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I forget how it works, its two 1080p screens right? So if you run a game at 60fps on a 1080p screen that means it will be 30fps on the rift? Since its times by two? Do I have this wrong, I might be very wrong.

If so I need to upgrade....O_o.

10 years ago

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Yea most ppl says that. But you know, I still want to ask around, maybe sm1 has similar PC to mine and OR is running fine. Even tho games run smoothly on my PC, I'm sure I cant reach 60 FPS on full HD

10 years ago

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Ahh I see, thats a bit better, glad to hear it.

10 years ago

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Most people doesn't understand how Oculus Rift works. It has one 1920x1080 screen but it splits it in half so it is basically 2 960x1080 screens. So any gpu that can run current games at 1920x1080 resolution and 60 fps or higher should be sufficient for a good experience with Oculus Rift

10 years ago

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Ahh I see, thats a bit better, glad to hear it.

10 years ago

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Oculus Rift dev kit 2
Specifications at the bottom and that's it.

10 years ago

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Um...I did not asked for Oculus specs :P

10 years ago

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I'm aware of that, but you can make of an educated guess of the Rift's needed compute power based on them (as opposed to what is needed from a particular game).

10 years ago

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Ah kay, I get it :)

10 years ago

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For a good gaming experience and achieving presence, you will need 75 to 90 fps on the games you want to play. Also, the 3D has an impact on performance, between 10 and 30%. Do the math.
The resolution for CV1 will be 1440p or more, but that's something you can turn down. But for playing a good game @1440p, 3D and ultra settings at 75 fps you'll need a beast of a computer.

10 years ago

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Huh so it seems that to play new games with Oculus one will need GeForce Titan or smth o.O

10 years ago

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It will not work because facebook bought oculus so it is as good as dead now

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Kafar.