On Reddit, you can find a cum box. On 4chan, you can find full liter bottles of cum saved over years of fapping.
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Not really. Just watched the video, saw the donations skyrocket, thats it. Sure I felt bad for her, but the money given could go for better cause. Either way, its their money, so whatever.
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I saw a pretty cool quote, here's part of it:
"We’re donating to start a discussion about a new way of thinking about giving. We’re donating to start a discussion of a new focus on efficiency and administrative costs in an era of DIY. We’re donating to the nation’s discussion about Karen."
I guess it's a neat way to think about the whole thing. Sure, the money could go to better things, but this oversimplified version of "sharing is caring" is pretty notable, as well.
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I agree. I just said the same thing in a small wall of text lol.
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"Sure I felt bad for her, but the money given could go for better cause"
That's a great idea, we should all get together and decide which is objectively the best cause and only donate money to that. Or come up with a top 10 list and divide all donations between them weighted by their position on the list. It's a bit beyond me, but you seem to have your shit together.
As a starter, let's decide which cause is better, Pro-life or Pro-choice? Which is better: cure for Cancer or cure for AIDS? Cure for MS or cure for Alzheimers? QUICKLY! We need to work out where this cause fits on the list so we can tell people which causes are more deserving of their money!!!
"Either way, its their money, so whatever."
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An example of a better cause. Also, you didn't have to be a dickhead.
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Yes, yes I did. You're saying that all those people are wrong for caring about an old lady. You're saying the feelings that they had which motivated them to donate money to that old lady are wrong. We should let them know so they can give to the "better" cause, as decided by you. People are moved to donate to any number of charities that could be considered "lesser" than e.g. mycharitywater, Oxfam, Red Cross, Amnesty etc. i.e. animal charities like RSPCA or PETA, or homeless charities like Shelter. Are they wrong too?
Anyway, the lady's email address has been published online now so you can email her and tell her how undeserving she is and give her guidance on where best to donate her money. ;)
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It's over $400,000 now. That money means that she can retire, buy herself a new house or pay off her current one, or cut back on her hours if she still wants to work for the Greece school system... which is more likely than one might assume, given her obvious love for the students who aren't complete punks. I think the money is well spent as it is. She deserves it after the torment she has endured from those "children." And as others have said, it would be nearly impossible for people to collectively decide how to spend money on "more worthwhile" endeavors.
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A lot of 4channers have weird morals and rally behind lots of causes, especially when it comes to naming and shaming people who hide behind cameras
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Let me guess you thought everybody on 4chan was full pedophiles that stay in their basements 24/7 with WE R LEGION thing?
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I really want to know, how do the people of 4chan always find people's identities out? They always seem to be able to obtain the address and other personal information of their "targets"
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The school board (district?) can't act until the new school year starts, apparently. No idea what the parents or their peers have done to them.
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Raised of $5,000 Goal
29 days left
I hate to be that guy but what makes her so special? This shit happens to many people daily. So anyone who is insulted deserves money thrown at them? Has she done anything that made her an amazing person and deserves all this money? The page doesn't have much info. Hell for all we know this could be karma maybe she was a B**ch cheerleader. Even if she wasn't I still don't get it. (Also I'm a broke ass student in a broke ass town before anyone says "WELL YOU HAVE ANY EASY LIFE1!!" Not even close. )
P.S. F**k those kids, they need to go to juvie. Not sure if it's the internet/tv that has made kids like this or retarded parents.
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I'm leaning toward the parents as far as reasoning.
As far as why she is having money thrown at her? She was fortunate enough to become a big story that pulls at the heart.
She is 72, she is a school bus monitor for a bunch of moronic kids that make fun of her (an elder, mind you, which is something my generation would have never thought to do), she makes around $15k/year, and she took the criticisms as a better person.
Just as well, her comments in the video added to the feeling. While they were making fun of her being poor, carrying a purse a poor person would, she said "I try to live by some of these words" (referring to words on the purse: integrity, etc). They also told her that her kids should "kill themselves because you're so fat." A very immature and insincere thing to say, but an added mixture because, as her interview states, she did have a child kill themselves ten years before.
My point is, all the right mixtures and elements of human emotion are in this story, and that has led to the successful fund-raiser on which she will most likely retire from having to look over a bunch of futureless brats.
Oh, and the people of the internet having buttloads of money. That helps, as well.
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Yea, I watched the whole thing (watching part 2 as we speak) But just because she got made fun of and is old she should get a fund raiser for money? I'm sure there are tons of worse stories out there then this woman. Here's someone in my opinion who would be more deserving of the more money
And of course there are many homeless people out there who lost their job/can't get a job. But meh who cares about them I guess!
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The difference is, Karen had nothing to do with her publicity or with the fundraiser. She didn't video the incident, she didn't even turn the kids in. The community did everything. She wasn't asking for a penny-- it just happened. You can't reason with pure human emotion.
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I know she didn't but too me it's still pretty dumb. "This girl was made fun of, she needs money to feel better!" I just think the whole point of the indiegogo is stupid. But I think the video was good to get those brats in trouble.
But that's just my opinion really.
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Well of course they all aren't. They need 300k to prove that?
I just find it kinda pointless. Stuff like this comes up all the time and more importantly nothing ever changes really.
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Yes it is nice she gets one and we agree about the large amount of money isn't necessary.
But everyone feels compelled to give to the fund because they're sick of seeing things like this How does giving her money solve anything though?
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Well when you have responses in this very thread like "Today's kids are tomorrow's adults.
Entire world is out of track. Respect is officially dead."
I'd say they haven't proven it yet. A lot of people are reacting the kids and forecasting doom and gloom for the human race, while in the meantime 100 thousand strangers have given her a few bucks to change her life.
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But they are strangers? For all we know they could be people in their 30s+
No proof of any young people donating. ;p
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I think you're just a bit jealous. I know I am. If I got a quarter million for getting cursed at and insulted... well...
But? I don't begrudge her the money either. If she's 72 and still working, she either really loves her job or needs the money. I would be more inclined to lean towards the latter. So hopefully this money will do her and her family a lot of good.
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I won't lie. I am a little. If this were to happen to me I'd be pretty confused that'd I was getting money for no reason but like most people, also very happy.
It's most likely the money thing, but doesn't everyone? -insert 99% thing here- I hope she at least donates some to other causes... (or would that be weird donating donated money?)
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Because "fuck you", that's why. The internet doesn't owe anybody an explanation, least of all people who question why good things happen to nice people.
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I find it funny, Their schools going to get alot shit for this and those stupid little fucks can wave goodbye to their friends at that school, This is huge negative publicity for that school and the school is more than likely going to get rid of the problem. That means parents might need to move away or find new schools, Meaning this kids are going to wave goodbye to their internets and their consoles and their social lifes for the next year :D
Jeez, theres certain things you should freaking follow no matter who you think you are such as when fighting never hit somebody thats on the floor and respect your elders, I've been taught to respect my elders and I have no problem doing so, Why not? Old people are freaking awesome (No joke)
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wait why is donation being given out for this? Hopefully to take the lady out of that situation?
I agree its pretty dumb how all this is, but thats just how kids are & in the recent generations are more outspoken then ever. Don't blame them, blame society, the parents would be a good start too.
The poor lady became passive and accepted it so of course they egg it on further, by the time she tryed to mingle it was too late. These kids minds wander and cling to a thread, this situation could have been much different.
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"The poor lady became passive and accepted it so of course they egg it on further by the time she tryed to mingle it was too late."
I guess from your name and sentence structure that you're not from America; if a child is harassing an adult and they hit the child they'd get in trouble, if they even raise their voice, the child makes a complaint and it's the adult who gets in trouble. I can totally understand her reluctance to do anything but accept their abuse.
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Hi, Im from NY actually. We can be pretty rude here BTW.
I have no clue with what your implying with sentence structure or location as if it mattered. And where do you get hitting the child from? wow man.
There are better ways to solve things then with violence my friend.
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Well yes, the lady tried to mingle (joke around, play along) but it was too late I feel.
She became passive from the start and accepted it. The kids then think its acceptable, allowing it to go on.
P.S. A English Major just told me my sentence is fine.
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Ask him if that p.s. sentence is also fine; if he says it is, we now know he's not really an English major.
My real intention, though, is to point out that this lady is 72 years old. Yes, 72. It's a general rule to respect someone that elderly. They usually do not have the manpower to discipline by now.
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Really? were going to keep attacking my typing style when its so readable that you guys are replying?
Respect for the elderly is of course a notion always passed on. Yes, I respect my elders & so should all.
This is a belief though and you can't expect all to follow it blindly. Especially young impressionable kids growing up in this society.
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Firstly, I didn't mean any offence. I inferred, wrongly as it turns out, from your sentence structure that you were a non-native English-speaker, it wasn't meant as an insult. My point was that, more and more, in western society, children are placed on a pedestal and that attempts to discipline them by anyone other than their parents are often met with disapproval, harsh criticism and official complaints, if not legal action.
Secondly, she did nothing wrong. That kind of behaviour is not acceptable, ever. You really think joking with them, or trying to talk to them would have made them stop? They calculatedly tried to make her cry so they could video it and show it to their friends. She was a victim and they were horrible little cunts who deserve to be transferred directly from the school system to the penal system.
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Thanks adam, you seem like a level headed person(←I take that back,see below why) I can partially agree with, The response was a little odd so I wasn't sure what to think.
I do believe actually a compromise could have been made in this situation. Some people can just talk with kids very easily, setting and situation of course is heavily dependent on this. She would have a tough job as an authoritative figure because they would of course resent her for this alone.
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An English major told you it was okay to spell tried as "tryed?"
The sentence itself makes sense out of context, but not within this one. I don't think anyone else on the planet would describe what she did as attempting to mingle with the kids. The strange choice of words tends to happen with non-native speakers a lot and is likely why he (and I) assumed you were speaking a secondary language.
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"Spare the rod, spoil the child."
I'm so grateful now that my dad whipped me growing up. Better yet, I'm glad they didn't give into the political correctness of the age, the thought that children should definitely not be physically punished by other elders. They didn't care if those watching over me whipped me if I acted up around them. I would like to think I turned out more respectable and understanding because of the kind of punishment I received. I know for a fact that if someone simply told me "that is wrong," with no consequence, I would not have gone about fixing it. That is the problem with this generation of parents: physical punishment is "politically incorrect." I absolutely loathe the parent that will not whip his kid, because that kid has complete control over that parent.
EDIT: By whip, I mean a "physical disciplinary action." Regional slang probs.
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Pretty sure I'd never "whip" a child, and my personal preference would leave any form of corporal punishment as an absolute last resort; whenever I did something really bad as a child, I'd get an open-handed smack on the ass and I like to think I'm relatively well-adjusted. When I got caught throwing a satsuma at someone at school (I threw it back at him actually), the teacher dragged me outside by the ear and told me off. When I told my dad what the teacher had done, my dad said, "So, what did you do wrong?" Too many parents these days would storm into school and demand that the teacher be suspended, sacked or prosecuted.
That said...I think it's perfectly possible to punish children and raise them well without hitting them. I remember losing my video-game privileges for a week, and I would certainly have rather had a couple of really hard smacks and got it out of the way. So which was really the harsher punishment?
As another example, I have two friends, one who shouts at their children whenever they do something even remotely wrong (which seems to be almost all the time); the other always speaks quietly, never raising her voice and she has two of the most adorable, well-behaved children I have ever met (they ask permission to go and read their books quietly in their room).
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I think I looked far too right-wing in that post, if you will. My point is lined up almost exactly as your teacher example: too many people take offense if their child is punished by anyone but them, even the people they trust to "bring them up" or teach them when they're not around.
Also, I'm from the South, so my "whip" is exactly that smack you mentioned. It's referred to as a "whipping"--not a literal whipping, but a physical disciplinary action.
And of course, there's a balance. You cannot blindly yell at your child and expect him to learn anything. As a parent, you have to figure out what method your child responds to at the highest level. Sadly, most parents assume one level, and the child dominates that relationship. But I agree with you wholeheartedly.
Anyway, we digress.
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This is a prime example of why it should be proper to beat your children when they act like this.
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Reddit exaggerates all situations
There is more people in need and yet they want to spend money on a lady that chose poor life choices in her younger age that brought her to this age without retirement.
These people need to get real and live in actuality and give this money to a way better cause, like improving the economy.
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Im with you, don't worry. That school the kids attend is likely going through major budget cuts and loss of programs too. I'm hoping the bus monitor will feel the need to help improve the school so it can in return help the children. Guess we will see what she does with it..
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I was satirizing your attitude smart guy. I don't care how you spend your money, but you care how others do, yet these people are awful for giving 10 bucks to some little old lady, while clearly those 10 bucks are better off so they can play Day-Z with you.
It's also just an enourmously shitty attitude to take on this website. Almost all of the gifts given out on this website, the funds could have gone to worthier sources. Yet here you are.
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10 bucks each. Did I really have to spell that out?
To reiterate, how can you reconcile being a member of this website with your attitude? The very nature of this community is in direct opposition to your stance. How is buying and giving away games to strangers any better?
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THIS IS SERIOUS! MidnightRave is RIGHT! I have just started an indiegogo account for "The Economy". Rest assured, any and all money donated will most definitely find it's way into "The Economy". I'm hoping that enough people donate so I can pump money into "The Economy" where it's needed most; the worst-suffering industry right now is the luxury car market. If I receive enough money, I will pump the money into "The Economy" via "The Ferrari Dealership". WHO'S WITH ME??!!1
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Sure it could, but all those thousands of people spending just might not want to spend there money on some charity but exactly HERE!
Why not? It´s something good. People always have to rant about something. Even if something good is done, people like you aren´t happy. Geez... jealous?!
She "chose" to be poor, now that is just one selfish, irrational and extremly stupid and fucked up statement you made there! Congrats on failing iRL!
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lrn2economics dumbkopf. They have improved the economy. That lady will retire on that money and another person can now take her old job. Man I hope it's a violent ex-Marine... Anyway...the things she buys with that money will also boost the economy and create more jobs. Or she'll put it in the bank and the government tells us that that's a sure-fire way to boost the economy...right?
So anyway...tell me: How do you feel about people donating games to other people on sites like SteamGifts? Stupid really, right? They should "get real and live in actuality and give this money to a way better cause", right? Right?
P.S. I just donated another $10 as an extra "fuck you" to you and any other asshole who says I shouldn't. Ta ta.. x
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Him (**member and donator of games on SteamGifts): People should "get real" and stop donating money to her and spend it on "a better cause, like **improving the economy" IMPROVING THE ECONOMY!!!
Me: 1) It will improve the economy. 2) You're a massive hypocrite. 3) I don't like you because you're a massive hypocrite so I'm going to give even more to this nice old lady.
I didn't "bully" him, by any stretch of the imagination. I merely pointed out why I thought his comments were incredibly, **hilariously, ridiculously, wrong and massively** hypocritical.
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"I didn't "bully" him, by any stretch of the imagination."
"lrn2economics dumbkopf"
"P.S. I just donated another $10 as an extra "fuck you" to you and any other asshole who says I shouldn't. Ta ta.. x"
"THIS IS SERIOUS! MidnightRave is RIGHT! I have just started an indiegogo account for "The Economy". Rest assured, any and all money donated will most definitely find it's way into "The Economy". I'm hoping that enough people donate so I can pump money into "The Economy" where it's needed most; the worst-suffering industry right now is the luxury car market. If I receive enough money, I will pump the money into "The Economy" via "The Ferrari Dealership". WHO'S WITH ME??!!1"
Basically you're going "LOLOLOL look at the idiot, let's all make fun of him because we are all so much smarter than him."
I'm not saying he's right but to say you aren't in anyway being a bully is complete bullshit.
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He said a better cause than improving the life of a victimised old lady was "improving the economy". He has continued to argue that point despite the fact that he has given and received games on this site where neither he, nor the recipients of his gifted games are necessarily "deserving".
So why is he arguing that point? Because he is jealous and resentful that people are being nice to an old lady? Why? And why does he blame the old lady and by extension her victimisation, on her and her "poor life choices"? What kind of a prick does that?
Is it wrong to call him out on that? No. Is it wrong to do it in a way that insults his intelligence? Maybe, but then he's insulting the judgement and intelligence of people who gifted her money. Isn't that just as bad? Why should I pander to someone who's criticising an act of charity to a nice old lady? If using a couple of throwaway insults like "dumbkopf" and "asshole" while mocking someone's ideas is all it takes to "bully" someone these days then I guess I must have been subjected to "torture" at school.
If someone thinks that "improving the economy" is a better cause than improving the lives of individuals, then they are wrong. Should we all stop donating to homeless charities or soup kitchens or habitat for humanity until all the car manufacturers and investment banks and mortgage companies are back on their feet? Do I just put a cheque payable to "CASH" in an envelope to Bank of America or GM? How does that work?
Also, I apologise for underestimating your imagination. Kudos.
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You can respond to pricks without being a prick. I've been guilty of that (being an asshole) myself, but to claim you are in now way being a dbag is ridiculous. Dude might not know what he is talking about but you and others don't need to attack him for it. Why even bother responding to him, if you think he is a moron?
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A wise man once said: "Profanity is the crutch of the ignorant, but every now and again you have to talk to one of those ignorant motherfuckers".
I didn't need to do anything. Neither did he. Neither did you. And yet here we are.
"Why even bother responding to him, if you think he is a moron?"
If I disagree with someone in real life, I don't sit there, mute, like a gargoyle, I speak my mind, like a talking gargoyle. Why shouldn't I do the same here? There are enough wrong ideas in the world without yet another gaining traction.
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once again the contents of your post bewilder me:
"Him (member and donator of games on SteamGifts): People should "get real" and stop donating money to her and spend it on "a better cause, like improving the economy" IMPROVING THE ECONOMY!!! Me: 1) It will improve the economy. 2) You're a massive hypocrite. 3) I don't like you because you're a massive hypocrite so I'm going to give even more to this nice old lady."
What the heck are you ranting about? You don't have to like me at all, does it matter?!
That post you made says to me your on the verge of meltdown. You did mean to reply that to me rite?
& when can you learn to respect opinions?
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Hang on, I deconstructed his faulty logic (he criticised someone's motivations for giving to a charitable cause rather than "improving the economy"); I wrapped it in sarcasm, sprinkled a couple of snarks into the mix and threw it onto the internet.
Then I was accused, by you, of "bullying".
I responded to that by pointing out the chain of events since you obviously couldn't follow them yourself. No meltdown here.
I respect others' opinions when they are deserving of respect.
If your opinion is that women shouldn't have the vote, I will not respect your opinion.
If your opinion is that a well-meaning dictator should determine how we spend our disposable income, I will not respect your opinion.
If your opinion is that people should try and "improve the economy" instead of giving it to an old lady, I will not respect your opinion.(Ignoring the fact that the donation will probably "improve the economy").
People are entitled to their opinions, but if they share them they should be prepared to have them subjected to scrutiny and criticism. His criticising others' motivations for giving to charity rather than "improving the economy" is inviting ridicule. I'm yet to see someone defend it as a valid position but please try, I need a good laugh.
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I see no bullying.
1) People donate money to nice old lady
2) Other people criticise them for donating money to nice old lady
3) First group of people say, "fuck you" I'll give my money to whomever I want.
That's not bullying. If people are jealous that this lady gets a lot of money, well that just goes to show their character doesn't it?
I'm also more than a little stunned as to why people are questioning people's reasons for donating money to a nice old lady who had been the victim of bullying and who is stuggling to get by when *they are doing so on SteamGifts, a site which is dedicated to people gifting games to one another*, apropos of nothing.
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Ignoring your rants on MidnightRaver, you're generally being dick to everyone reasonable who says that this money could go to a better cause. Your responses to BloodEmblem and IgotElbows for example. And it definitely wasn't you in the response to Nikolai but the other 2 guys responding to him were just dicks, nitpicking his grammar and word choice for no reason.
Everyone who's asking why this lady is getting so much money is getting shitted on for no real reason.
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Ok. If they really are asking "Why is she getting so much money?", fair enough. The answer, which is very, very, obvious, is: someone wanted to do something nice for a bullied old lady, lots of people agreed and gave her, on average, $31 each. Nobody set a target of $400k or even $300k, or even $20k. It's just a lot of individuals who want to make her life a little better.
Now, since that answer is so obvious, it makes me think that maybe that's not what they're asking. People regularly give away >$30 games on SteamGifts and yet I've never seen any of these concerned individuals posting a comment under the giveaway saying "Why are you giving this game away?" or "Get real and join actuality" or "Why does the winner of this giveaway deserve this game?", which makes me ponder, makes me think, makes me want to read between the lines.
What they're really saying is, "She doesn't deserve that much money." which is something quite different. And yeah, I'm a bit of a dick sometimes, but sometimes, this time, I think it's with good reason.
Again, no-one seems to want to answer this question: Why are people so eager to question others' motives for donating ~$30 a piece to a bullied old lady and yet so eager to accept, as natural, others' motives for gifting $30 games to a community of strangers? Perhaps, because if they did try and answer that question they'd be forced to accept what I and others are pointing out, that they're merely jealous.
The point I was making with my response to BloodEmblem was veiled in sarcasm, tongue-in-cheek and I hope, funny, even to BloodEmblem (I don't think I was that mean was I?). The point stands, firstly, people will spend their money however the hell they like, and donate it any way they like.
Secondly, why criticise a charitable gift to one charity because you think another is more deserving? Are people who donate money to the RSPCA monsters because they didn't donate money to Amnesty International? Are people who donate to the Salvation Army monsters because they didn't donate money to the Cancer Society? Are people who donate to Anti-Bullying charities monsters because they didn't donate to Habitats for Humanity? No, they're all well-meaning people who are trying to make a difference in a cause that is close to their heart.
By criticising their gift you are saying "the recipient is undeserving and you are wrong for thinking that they are deserving". By criticising their gift you're saying that any feelings that motivated their decision to donate to that charity are wrong. So, I really don't see why their criticism is somehow valid, and my lambasting/lampooning of their logic is invalid and/or constitutes bullying.
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Here's what I think the thought process is.
Why give one individual all this money, when there are tons of people dealing with the emotional trauma of being bullied? You're coming off as a really bad, douchey, sarcastic insult comic.
They aren't really saying give this money to Cancer research but rather maybe give it to various Anti-bully foundations so we can help out more people. Why help out one person when you can help out a bunch sort of thing.
And as for your responses constituting bullying: stop trying to be an insult comic. Your response to BloodEmblem especially is just overly sarcastic and douchey. Just say why you think the person is wrong without adding loads of sarcastic douchebaggery.
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"Coming off as"? "Trying to be"? I am a bad, douchey, sarcastic insult comic, you insensitive clod! My experience is that if I was boring and stated my opinion emotionlessly like a robot no fucker'd listen. ;)
The thing is, it's not one person giving "all this money", it's many people giving small amounts. They could have got together and donated the money to an anti-bully foundation but they didn't. I think this is about helping out an old lady who people felt sorry for, not giving to a faceless corporation who may or may not achieve their goals of stamping out bullying (and they probably won't). It also sends a clear message to those bullies, and bullies everywhere that people who bully others have the world shit right back on them and nice people get big cash money sent to them via internets, whether they like it or not.
"Your response to BloodEmblem especially is just overly sarcastic and douchey. Just say why you think the person is wrong without adding loads of sarcastic douchebaggery."
Was it Jean-Paul Sartre or Popeye who said "I is what I is"? Anyway...that.
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I see, you have no idea what bullying is. Lucky you.
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Don't give me that shit, I've been bullied and have been a bully myself at times. I just recognize that my dickery is mean spirited and nasty, and is in fact bullying from time to time.
I've been beat on by kids at school and been called a Nazi just for being German to give a few examples. So don't assume anything asshole.
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Oh ok, because a second ago you were calling me a bully for calling someone a couple of mean names (that wouldn't make most adults bat an eyelid) and criticising their ideas. On the internet.
That's what made me think you had no idea what bullying was. To me, calling something as triflingly insignificant as that "bullying" is to completely devalue the word.
Oh, and you called me an "asshole"!!11! BULLY! BULLY! Give me a break. So you're allowed to call me an asshole when I'm being an asshole, but I'm not allowed to call someone stupid when they're being stupid? Sweet double standards you have there.
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Yeah its pretty obvious there is select people here with special interest for this situation that want complete control in how its to be thought of from others.
I made an initial post questioning it and because I wasn't on the bandwagon and offered a different path, I was immediately singled out by adam who tried using a seperatist tactic to disassociate my opinion from others (O He's not from america he doesn't understand)
Still wondering why he brought up hitting the child in his initial reply to me also..scary, Can you imagine being on this bus and just seeing some adult start swinging on these kids? just wow.
Trying to think of how to classify people who agree or would like to engage with hitting random children...hmmm
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Errr...no, hang on. You said: "The poor lady became passive and accepted it so of course they egg it on further, by the time she tryed to mingle it was too late. These kids minds wander and cling to a thread, this situation could have been much different."
I felt you were implying that she was at fault for being "passive" and I had no idea what you meant by "tryed to mingle" (nor did anyone else, it seems). I thought you were suggesting that she should hit them. So, what I did was try to summarise the climate that surrounds non-parental authority figures in the US, and that in the US, corporal punishment by a non-parental figure would be absolutely unacceptable.
Again, I apologise for assuming that you were a non-native English-speaker but I wasn't the only one. It certainly wasn't a "tactic".
Oh and what you seemed to be saying was that her behaviour in the situation made it worse and that she could have avoided it if she'd talked to the kids from the beginning, which I disagree with, but I didn't make a massive deal out of it. Perhaps she could have, but I very much doubt it. I also doubt it was the first time it'd happened.
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Dat parenting. Oh well she's got ~400k so far, jokes on them.
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Good thing I'm not one of those douche bags who uses muscle to be cocky.
I actually have never been in a full on fist fight, I'm more of a nerd, except I do sports and shit and wrestling so I'm a little big.
I'm a pacifist though.
If I were there, I would punch every fucking one of those kids in the face till they bled and be happy with the consequences.
I would seriously make THEM cry like the little bitches they are. This shit makes me angry.
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this is that one case where I would, in other cases, I try to avoid fights
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The only necessary thing to do, in my opinion, is to let the public opinion drown those little pricks in a sea of insults. Soon after that same public opinion should force the school to either suspend, expel or make those kids do community service (for the following school year, of course) and then make an open discussion about school discipline and disciplinary actions.
As much as it might be good for Karen to recieve a "lifetime vacation", it won't solve the true problems; kids verbally assaulting an elder and lack of discipline in schools. Today they made Karen cry... but how many "Karens" are there in the United States?
How many pricks are there that deserve a good serving of whoopass on their table?
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Chance, and a video by the culprits that went viral, brought her to the attention of a community of people who wanted to show the world that they love and care for Karen and everyone like her. They did it by sending her money. It won't solve the "true" problems, but it made them feel better, and I hope if made her feel better. There are so many people in the world who deserve to have gifts showered on them for putting up with all kinds of abuse and facing it with grace and civility; it just happened by chance that the internet chose her to make an example of.
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Was watching the news this morning and Karen said that she is not going to press charges.
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So... an adult gets made fun of by kids, then gets upset like a kid, then everybody else reacts like a kid... over words.
Those kids need to be punished for disrespecting their elders. They don't need to become part of some PC media frenzy for saying bad things to a grown assed woman who should be mature enough to not get all butthurt (over words).
My granddaddy is fat and drives a schoolbus. Do you think those kids call him 'fatass'? No, they call him 'sir'. What's the difference? He's an adult and knows it, and instead of crying over what a child says, he demands to be treated like one.
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If you have no idea what I'm talking about, check this out.
I cannot express how angry I was when I first viewed the youtube video, and how redeemed I felt humanity was when I saw her indiegogo donation page. This story is crazy, and if you're just seeing it, to get the most out of it, look at things in this order:
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