well, i hope you finished it. If yes then, okay it's your opinion. But if not, you really should finish it. And don't play with your music, you should play it with the game music.
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I'd have to say no, but only because I'm biased. I've been a fan of dannyB ever since he came on the scene.
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It's top 3 if not the best indie game. That's for sure.
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Over-rated: Anything with the words Call of Duty in the title. Well, anything since about CoD 4. I enjoy Black Ops but none of the CoD games are anything near to what the pre-release hype or massive fan base would lead you to think.
Under-rated: LEMMINGS!
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Yea, I haven't owned any of the CoD series 'cept BO, played a few of the others at friends houses. And I don't intend to buy any more CoD games either xD I only got BO cos I had 50% off voucher from Christmas sale.
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Overrated = All CoD games
Underrated = Fairie Solitaire
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Underrated indeed.
While at first glance, "Secret of the Magic Crystals" appears to be a simplistic, repetitive game designed to entertain young children with little more than pictures of virtual ponies, it is, in fact, a brilliant critique of the socio-economic climates of the European Union.
At the beginning of the game, the player is informed that "[a] special meteor hit the atmosphere of the Earth a long time ago.", resulting in the main character's grandfather collecting 'magic crystals' from it. During this introduction, it is revealed that "[the] crystals give special abilities to horses..." This satirical critique of the oft-espoused claims of religious Fascist groups across Europe; that God has chosen some to benefit from the work of others through divine intervention, sets the tone for a thoughtful, hilarious and revelatory piece about the state of affairs in the European Union today. If you are studying the effects of the debt crisis on the people of Europe, this game is a must-play.
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OMG, I loved Getting Up, wish they made a sequel, because the first game ended on the very interesting note. I still believe that it's one of the best action/platformer games of past 10 years, definately worth trying, even if it's not on Steam.
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ME1 was a very good game, spiritual sequel to KotOR, one of Bioware's finest (Think of it was classic Star Wars movies)
ME2 was a dumb action sci-fi (Think of it as prequel Star Wars movies)
ME3 was crap (Think of it as the Star Wars dummy cartoon)
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Overrated: Skyrim
Underrated: Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
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(Gotta regret this)
To me, Half Life 2 is overrated. STOP. READ THIS FIRST BEFORE RAGING.
I really liked the game, weapons are really good and balanced, physics-based puzzles are amazing and the gravity gun is useful and fun to use. But...
What the hell is that plot? ZOMG MR FREEMAN, GORDON, FREEMAN, GO GO, FREEMAN, GORDON, FREEMAN HURR DURR, KILL EVERYBODY, BLA BLA BLA END. Some people told me "Play HL2 for its amazing story", but the story itself was really stupid and inconsistent. I think that everybody should play it, though.
On the other side i think that Nfs: The Run was pretty underrated: ok, those stupid QTE are really useless and the story is fairly weak, but it is fun, it has cool cars (Audi R8 <3) and some nice moments full of adrenaline, like the race against the attack helicopter, under an endless stream of bullets.
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I stopped reading this before raging, thanks for the warning(I loved HL, and I will LOVE HL2)
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True. Story of HL2 is getting interesting only at the end. Episodes are much more fun. But still it's a quite good FPS.
Another overrated game imo is Bioshock. I heard so many times how amazing it is (especially the story), that was very disappointed when finally finished it. Sure, good graphics and music, quite nice atmosphere but horribly boooring gameplay.
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Bioshock is actually pretty awesome
i feel sorry for you if you didnt enjoy it ;[
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Really, it's one of the worst shooters I ever played. The second one is Gears of War. Also so boring that I even didn't finish first act. Take cover, short series, hide, wait for health regen, short series, move forward, take another cover, short series, hide etc. NOPE!
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OH MY GOD, YES. Bioshock was HORRIBLE. Gears of War was also very simple through the entire game so I won't be buying any of those.
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I must say that I have to agree on Bioshock. The ambiance, the story and the overall design are pretty neat, but as a FPS, the game fails quite hard in my opinion. You always have to empty half of your magazine even to kill the weakest of your enemies, and that becomes annoying pretty fast, especially because the munitions are rare if I recall correctly. You can also add the tedious hacking phases and the vita chambers to the cons.
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(For those who haven't played/finished the HL series as of now(Why the hell haven't you?) stop reading because of SPOILERS)It continues off of HL1: You get teleported off Xen into some other alternate dimension on a train with the ever-so-mysterious "G-Man" who puts you in some weird coma thing for years and then pulls you out of it for you to meet up with some people from Black Mesa, and story short, you're supposed to bring down a global dictatorship.
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I don't think Dwarf Fortress is underrated as much as it is ignored. Its difficulty is the barrier here. A lot of people know about it, just a fraction knows how to play.
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Overrated: Superbrothers: Sword &Sorcery EP
ok, maybe on iphone or whatever it's good, but on pc? I finished all of it in 4 hours, and I didn't enjoy pretty much half of those.
Underrated: I can't think of a specific underrated game as of now, but maybe "to the moon"- not exactly underrated, just not enough known, I think. and it's got the best story I ever experienced in a video game.
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superbrothers overrated. yea sure go play cod or some other shit
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Cool story bro. Needs more dragons.
Oh, wait, there is more dragons in Skyrim!
(TES series are all fantastic games :D :D)
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so true skyrim is a oblivion with better graphics lol
Well, Oblivion is a simple copy of Morrowind with only better graphics. It's too boring for me. I didn't play Skyrim, but gameplay looks far more interesting than Oblivion with it's ghost cities.
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Overrated - Final Fantasy games after VII.. I is still my fav FF
Underrated - Dungeons of Dredmor! Love this Indie RPG.
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DoD is more roguelike than anything else (but a very very engaging one), and personally I wouldn't say that all FFs post VII were overrated. VIII and IX weren't really, X definitely was, XII was definitely not, XIII totally was. might just be me.
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Overrated: All games
Underrated: All games
Both cancel each others, so the games become neutral.
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Overrated Any COD Beyond MW2
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Overrated: Mass Effect, all of it. It's an emotionless, unimmersive shooter with RPG elements and a great story told in the shittiest of ways.
Underrated: Anachronox. Just search "The Emergency Parole Button" on youtube, and try resisting not buying it on GOG.
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I dont belive you insulted mass effect this way ;[
you are EVIL
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Well, to each his own, I don't judge anyone for liking it (I mean, I LOVE Advent Rising...), but that game brought me no joy, and neither did its sequel which I didn't even finish.
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If you didn't feel anything during spectre initiation, you are not human. Even robots get emotional in that scene.
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...what was so special in that? The revelations of the Reapers was the only interesting part of that game, but then again the execution was horrible. The initiation was something I've seen coming from the beginning, and it was very anti-climactic for me.
And of course I'm not human, can't you see I'm a fairy? >:(
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It's funny though how pretty much everybody has it.
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I find Bioshock to be good, but I do agree it is overrated.
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Overrated: WoW, CoD series, Halo series, Gears of War series.
Underrated: F.E.A.R, Mirror’s Edge, Lead and Gold, Pain Killer Black.
Far Cry 2 seems fun to me so far, only a couple hours in though...
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I never liked Gears, not saying its bad(Not my thing I guess), just overrated a bit, was fine with Halo, also just overrated, it was an alright game series but now I feel they are milking it, the 2nd one being my favorite out of them.
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I would agree with overrated lists minus the first game in each series. For me, halo 1 had and awesome story and your first encounter with the flood was awesome, not to mention system linking xboxs and playing blood gulch with a bunch of friends. Same goes with the original gears of war which I felt had an awesome story.
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Overated: Halo series, CoD:MW
Underrated: Grim Fandango and Final Fantasy ix
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Diablo 3 if anything, it's UNDERRATED. People like to bitch about it regardless if they played it or not.
"Heard bad things hurp durp, shitty DRM durp hurp, 2005 graphix durpity hurp" When in reality it's a genuinely fun and lasting game.
Underrated, hmmm... Dreamfall - The Longest Journey. It's shadowed by the original which is sad.
Prince of Persia 2008 is also way too underrated. Might not play the same as the ones with the Free-Form fighting system, but the platforming is great, the visuals are incredible.
Overrated, let's see. The Criterion kind of Hot Pursuit. It's a damned driftfest from corner to corner, and shitty gadgets. Nothing to do with the original HP which was pretty awesome.
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It's the only game I've fallen asleep playing, but I only played the beta.
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i played the beta, no clue how i bought the full game after that, havent been on in 2 weeks and cannot wait for torchlight 2, it definitely isn't UNDERRATED, it sold the most copies in the first week than any video game ever has. this is definitely your opinion.
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Since when does commercial success equals a game being appreciated? Sure it did sell as the best PC game of all time, but the internetZ are still loud because of all the whine and meme generation haters are doing. It was bound to happen though with pretty much every people stuck with nostalgia glasses on. (Not necessarily you)
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I purchased Diablo 3 the day it was released and played it for about 26 hours worth of time on my Witch Doctor. I enjoyed my first playthrough regardless of the connection issues. That said, I have not had the desire to finish the last act of my nightmare playthrough. It is good but with a game like torchlight 2 on the horizon and it only costing $20 for Both 1 and 2 on steam I felt that Diablo 3 brought nothing revolutionary to the table to justify its cost. I am also not particularly fond of the real world item shop.
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for me the most underated is far cry 2 i think its a very good game but for some reason people dont like it and the overated is diablo 3
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