Yes he did, but then he saw what happened to WarZ and they didnt want to make the same mistake. Also it gave them more time because they didnt have to rush because of competition. They got a new engine and redid everything. That said he did say it was close one month ago and everyone went ape shit over that saying it's going to release at the end of november. XD I told them not to have hopes XD.
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Just forget about this comment and wait for someone who's actually played it.
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I will laugh at people who will buy this bugZ and then will cry on the forums how they can't play this game. Just looks at rocket, he's not making the game better, bug free or that it would run better, he's making a damned clothes for the characters. And wait for the best feature, rocket worked hard on this - jumping. Yes you can jump in this game, this is the next-gen feature.
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Then you are probably too young to get into this or you simply cant stand the high level of realism it delivers (CoD and BF should be more interesting for you).
Also you don't understand how this mod was converted and what efforts it was and still is to amend a game rather than creating a completely new engine.
ArmA was never designed to be a MMO-like game therefore it took tons of hours just to get the netcode working.
So if you played the mod intensively you wouldn't call it the way you do.
Everyone preferes different playstyles but calling DayZ "crap" is simply childish.
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I'm not really siding with Remis here, but to call DayZ "realistic" is kinda laughable. It may be more "realistic" than the majority of FPS/zombie/noobkill/whatever simulators out there, but the Real Virtuality engine doesn't lend itself well to a game that is trying to emulate player survival in an open-world sandbox.
Realism in DayZ loses out to constant server resets, clunky shooting mechanics and melee combat, horrible pathfinding, shitty enemy AI, limited environments, and atrocious network code. It's not "realistic" by any liberal definition of the word.
Maybe Standalone will be different with the transition to the new(ish) engine, but what I've seen of it so far isn't getting my hopes up. Rocket seems to be in way over his head.
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I don't know why you are thinking the network code is atrocious, I've never had problems with it, unless you are talking about its weakness to attacks by hackers. Anyway, you forgot the third-person enabled servers, they make really less realistic the game; almost nobody plays on first person only servers. And looks as this isn't going to be discouraged.
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And if i like arma, bf and cs, so how old does it make me? You sound like a teenager yourself. And realistic? lol You can't hit the zombie with an axe, you can't hit them by shooting, constant lag, server resets, glithces, hackers, zombies teleporting near you, can't go through the door normally, you brake the leg by jumping from 3 meters height on the pile of hay. If this is realism, then even counter strike is more realistic.
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Runs better and looks better? I side w/ the the guy that said "You people don't know what 'Still in development' means." I don't like kids that think CoD is the mother of all games, because everything "New" in CoD is maps. I could care less if the game didn't look BF4 great, or if I have 6-8 frames per second, I care if the game play is good. So far the only thing new in the game play of CoD is that new game mode were you collect dog tags after killing a guy. Btw, BF4 is a HOLE lot better than CoD multiplayer in my veiw. Fur Das Metro! Weidersehen volts.
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rocket said on Monday they'd talk with Steam and figure if it is in a state to launch. Too many people forget that the head programmer was in Jail last year and that the alpha has only been in the works for about a year. ARMA 3 has just finished up and so we could see Dayz in the next few weeks. None the less the work done has been great and everyone just has to chill. It is going to be what it is but all the madness is a bunch of children who don't give a shit that Dean wants to put out a great game instead of crap.
The late date is from love instead of poor money grabbing greed. I wish more people would use common sense and see it is good we don't have a set release date anymore yet a promise of a broken release that is somewhat up to the standards of the people who loved the game from the beginning. That being said very soon, after watching the stream yesterday . . . honestly means very soon.
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could be wrong(correct me if i am) but im pretty sure that was A) a port from an ipad game. B) made by different devs.
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forgot that most of the people around here are retarded ?
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It was going to be, but they have a new engine that will fix a lot of things that couldnt be fixed in the Arma 2 engine and the hackers. and they added a lot of things ( one of my favorites is that we can now enter about 90% or more of the buildings and on final we will be able to enter 100% of buildings ). So no the Standalone is not going to be like the mod :D, it's going to be a lot better, hopefully ( from what i've seen so far ).
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I only noticed maybe on guy praising it at the time of post. I have nothing against people's enthusiasm and optimistic expectations, since spreading positive energy around is never a bad thing (within reason). It is all the people that says the game is going to be horrible because they saw youtube videos or played the mod that bother me because that kind of negativity is just.... negative!
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I played a decent bit of DayZ, and liked it a lot. When the standalone was announced I was planning on buying it immediately to support it. However, its been over a year and it isn't out, and even Rocket has said the initial release is going to be extremely rough and bare bones. From the videos they've shown its got some major improvements in some areas, but still has some major problems.
Its nice to have some new zombie animations, but they look really janky like they used to, just different. Player running animation looked worse, the hurdle is a bit weird but better. Graphically its better, though sun flare was pretty excessive. UI was a bit improved, but still not perfect. The loot system seems much improved, which is nice.
Overall though it isn't looking like what I was hoping a real game version of the DayZ mod would. I'd prefer more, slower zombies, that you can relatively easily out maneuver or use headshots to take down, but could easily trap you or force you to burn ammo to get through if you weren't careful--not unlike the zombies in the Walking Dead honestly, or killing floor sort of. They're still really fast, and while the path finding is better, they're still spastic enough that you have to wait for them to stop or get caught on something to reliably get a headshot in from the look of it. It would be nice for melee to be a really viable option too, instead of the mess it currently is.
I'd also like more randomness--zombies wandering through the wilds, on their own and in migrating hordes. Less set locations like firehouses and military bases for loot, more randomly placed military camps, or trucks on the side of the road. Still often covered in zombies, so its risky, but making it harder to camp the same set locations.
Overall, I'll wait and see how it progresses. If after 6 or 8 months from the initial release it's looking better, maybe I'll grab it.
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At the moment, there hasn't been a release date, but there was news that the game is either going into alpha or has already started in alpha.
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I think they missed their window.
I don't think people care about DayZ as much as they used to.
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No, when it will be released, people still gonna buy it, cos there are no good new zombie games.
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People will buy it. But it isn't as popular and as talked about as it was before. But maybe when they announce a release date people will care again.
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But it already is:
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Seen Videos, talked to some players, not impressed. I play alot of dayZ and this looks like it's just plain polished(it's not all about graphics) and it gets on my nerves that rocket is adding stuff that he can add later in game developement and not sticking to stuff that matters, like AI pathfinding and optimization so it runs smoothly in cities as an example. As for new loot tables(yes under the bed loot), enterable buildings, base building,crafting,economy,traders,etc. U got all that in dayZ EPOCH mod wich in my opinion when dayZ Standalone gets out(with this pace never)will have much much more features.
Also dayZ has become shoot on sight/spawn camp for newbs game wich in my opinion is retarded for this type of game.
Just my 2 cents, hope i'm wrong, be a Hero.
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umm he has done lots of work on path finding. . . it put the team back a few weeks working on zombie pathing alone. . . the sole reason it hasn't launch yet is because optimization isn't up to standard.After beta he wants to make Zombies a threat so that players cannot just camp and be pure bandits. . . also the loot is setup so that people can't just camp where the good loot is from launch. I hope that helps with your concerns.
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So i heard from a friend that there is going to be a DayZ standalone, i tried googleing it but i found year old stuff only. Does anyone have any news about it like a release date or a page/group what i should follow to find out about it
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