.Does it really worth it?
You have 2 hours of playgame to know if it will run decent on your computer and with your connection, else, request a refund.
And... better with friends, I never play alone, is a bit bored for me.
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The only time I asked for a refund, it took 3 days to be in the wallet. It's not a long time. On G2A can take up to a month, as with other stores.
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For me in Argentina it's not available (Brasil, Chile, Colombia, México and Perú), at 56 Reales = US$17,70 which it's cheaper than the US$30 on store. Maybe your Steam Store is cheaper than mine, and that's why you get a similar deal.
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that's not true. the money goes back to where it came from. if you pay with paypal, you will get it back on your paypal account. and if you paid with 10$ wallet and 20$ credit card, you will get 10$ back on your wallet and 20$ on your card.
and while the refund approval is extremely fast (usually 1-4 hours for me), it takes some days to get your money back. wallet money takes 24h, external methods take longer.
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Yes that's true, but that's licensing issue. I don't know who's behind it and who to blame but surely it is related to your country's issue as well. Example, any square enix game costs full (ROW) price in my country, didn't matter if it's 3rd world country or not, the price is still 60usd converted. nothing I can do about that because that's my country's licensing issues.
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wowowow hold on a sec, are you saying that you can refund g2a keys?
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No. You can ask for a refund when the key gets revoked or doesn't work. When it gets revoked, an message will prompt on Steam Client, it's extremely important to screencapture it as they ask for proof, and they'll ask for a few more things that I don't remember atm. They'll tell you to not contact the seller by any means. After a few messages with delay, and you provide proof and didn't tried to scam them and the seller, your money should be heading to your wallet, after approximately 30 days.
Happened me with CSGO and Gunpoint that got revoked and Frozen Synapse that was listed as GLOBAL and a key and I've received a Steam gift from Russia.
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They refund for a revoked key when you didn't buy the 'shield' as well?
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Yeah. What (I think) shield does/did is to put you on a priority queue for support the review your case, among other features.
I think that the reworked shield is better if you sell there.
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PS: If you're gonna buy from sellers that have a really low price and a low amount of games sold, check how old was his first sold item. If it's kinda new seller with less than 30, I'll avoid buying from him. If it has a few months back and at least 20 sold items, I'll buy from him.
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yeah, just like Warframe, Borderlands, Firefall and all these overhyped garbage games!
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no they were not. Borderlands is an overhyped piece of crap. crappy gameplay, crappy story, crappy controls. if you like that game, you are obviously a victim of the hype.
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This is bullshit. And you know why i don't have Overdorkhypewatch? Because is in 75% copy paste from TF2. (Not i care for TF2, i played few years ago when become F2P, and never touched it again) Also i don't play anymore Warframe because i can agree here, it became a crap. Borderlands is good, but just fucked up with developing, because Randy Pitchford is another Bobby Kottick alike asshole.
As for PUBG. Maybe got potential or maybe not, but it is not my kind of game. And on every gaming site, i see shitons of news about PUBG.
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you're really easy to troll. i just took your top played games and said they are overhyped, just like you did with PUBG (the game you never played).
And you know why i don't have Overdorkhypewatch?
what does that have to do with anything? we never talked about that game. also, stop calling names. that always looks to childish.
As for PUBG. Maybe got potential or maybe not, but it is not my kind of game.
oh, now it has potential. 5 minutes ago it was overhyped. and it's not even your kind of game. i see. so you just like to post shit on forums and play the "bad kid". why even talk shit about what other people like? why not just let them have fun, just like you have fun with your games? neither are you interested in PUBG, nor can you judge it since you never played it. you are not in a position to judge whether the game is overhyped or not.
And on every gaming site, i see shitons of news about PUBG.
you know what that is? it's not overhype, it's hype. there is nothing exaggerated about all those news. the game is more popular than anything right now. of course there are news left and right for it. the amount of news coverage is actually appropriate for the amount of readers interested in the game. and people actually seem to have a lot of fun with the game. it's not overhyped (which would imply it's not that good).
P.S.: i don't play PUBG, so you don't need to try to call me fanboy or anything now.
P.P.S.: i actually had to laugh that you blacklisted me. that really won't have any impact. you barely make any giveaways anyway. with the new system it's way more a loss for you than for me, lol.
P.P.P.S.: i usually don't troll people. actually i almost never do that. i try to be nice to everyone (you should try it!). but you think it's cool to be an asshole. you really deserved it. nobody likes assholes. maybe you should rethink how you present yourself on the internet. are you behaving like that in RL as well? hope not, for your sake.
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are you sure the word you want to use is spelled like that?
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actually i cannot. sorry. what if instead of trying to play the asshole to hard you read what i wrote above and actually think about it? might help you.
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Okay you know let me explain and then seriously fuck off.
1: I blacklisted you, because i guess you forget where you are. On this site everyone can blacklist you without any good reason why? because admin is a shithead who don't fixed it.
2: I act like an asshole because i have reasons, what you and no one else cannot understand.
So fuck off and enjoy your hype.
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wrong, it is deliberate that everyone can blacklist for whatever reason. and i am fine with that. what you don't seem to understand is that is has no negative effect for me, but definitely a negative effect for you (because you can't enter my giveaways now).
then your reasons are wrong. it's really that simple. you can not have any good reason to behave like that. doesn't matter what you think about that. it's wrong. doesn't matter if life was unfair to you or whatever. that is not a good reason to act like an asshole. in fact it makes your life even worse, so if anything that would be a reason to try to be a better person.
i don't take part in the hype. as i said, i don't play the game.
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You realize as you blacklist people, this also prevents you from entering their giveaways, correct? I would recommend not acting like an ass in a forum full of people you want to win giveaways from, regardless of what your reasons are.
Just a suggestion.
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^ this.
First one was okay ish, then things just got worse.
I have tried starting the presequel twice now, and both times i couldnt make it past 1hour
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i actually have nothing against borderlands. i don't like it personally, but i think they all are good games. i just wanted to show Deso how wrong his behaviour is by giving him some of his own medicine. so i looked up some of his most played games and bashed them.
i think "overhyped" is a stupid and misused word in almost all cases.
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its only hype when it last for a short period of time. If it were hype, the number of players would reach a peak very fast and steadily go down over time (just like with no man sky). But what is happening is quite the opposite, it started with a few hundred thousand copies and it has grown since then.
I suppose this game will stay for a while, just like cod4. And if it manages to establish itself as an esport (gotta fix those random deaths by crash), ill grow even more.
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i didn't mean this post seriously. if you look at what followed after that, you will see what i mean.:)
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1 > im using some i7 from the 7th gen + rx480.
2 > I agree with that too from what I've seen.
3 > I think I might play with 2 other people maybe even 3. I always make tons of friends buy the games and vice versa.
This time is then trying to bring me to the dark side.
4 > I honestly dont care about it, its even better because it gives some people the opportunittie to make some $$$
but yes I understand the behind the scenes of that poor choice on its currently state (EARLY ACESS GRAB CASH ASF)
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Some might argue about the CSGO scandals on betting websites which tons of youtubers get a cut here and there for some sorta advertasing, and with that comes the ideia that micro transactions are bad for the game scene.
If they argue about that I can understand, other than that I dont really get whats wrong with that sorta method
dont get me wrong but I find it alot better than loads of DLC.
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I had my fun playing alone but with friends can be funnier even if you day at minute 2.
Game is poorly optimized, I can run it decently but still someone with stable (more or less) 60fps can kill me faster and watch me better. I watch more or less everything blurry with 30fps (thank god they are stable)
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I feel you. I was very hesitant to buy this game since I never bought a single game at full price. I finally still got it because we're a group of four people who like to play shooters together.
And I do enjoy it quite a lot. Just be aware that probably there's a way higher percentage of people voicing out their negative experience than there are talking about themselves just enjoying the game.
This said there are quite a few pros and cons to this decision and while I don't know if you like the game mode itself there are quite a few CS:GO-players who enjoy this game and from the looks you enjoyed that too. I don't know about you but I have played other survival games before like Day-Z (the mod) and Miscreated and while those games have a few similarities, due to the game mode in PUBG there's a lot of more action and it's not so grindy. But still PUBG allows for very different play-styles and I believe that is a main reason what makes this game successful. So I do think you would enjoy the game itself.
So it merely boils down to the state the game is in right now and if you would play it now or would abandon it straight away because your not satisfied with the experience.
You certainly need a decent rig to run it. If you want to run it in 21:9 on ultra I guess you should have a GTX 1080 or sth equivalent. And also a decent processor since processing power seems to be a bit of a bottleneck right now. Also a SSD is highly recommended cause loading the game from HDD can result in quite a few problems.
From your profile I took that you're from SA so you should be aware that there are not all play-modes accessible for SA-servers. Especially the first-person servers are not all running there (yet) since the player-base is yet too small.
If you decide to buy it now (and play it), you will encounter bugs. That's very certain. If that's a complete game-breaker you shouldn't buy it. If you can live with them though I believe you will have many good fun hours of gaming time. and some very intense moments. Especially if you have one or two friends (or even three) that team up with you this game is tremendous fun.
So for me the question back then boiled down to will I enjoy it enough to justify a 30 Euro expenditure and what kind of entertainment would I get otherwise form this money. From this point of view the 30 Euro were worth it - every single cent.
I hope this helps you a little bit to come to a decision and if you decide to get it - see you on the battlefield :) Probably not though, since I stick to EU-servers :(
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Now that's exacly the kind reading I was looking for, thats a pretty good feedback. Honestly tho my experience with "survival's" game genre is basically minecraft, dont starve together (HAHAHAHAHA [I know you laughed hard with this one.])
I agree with you, there's plenty ways to win the game and I have to admit it that it caught my eyes and thats probally the reason
behind the sucess of this game.
Regarding the ssd wasnt expecting it lol, I mean I heard the game isnt even around 10gb but yes it makes senses.
Yes I do live on brazil, had no ideia about the 1st person servers situation but thats explains why I dont see Tecnosh
playing on 1st person mode.
I guess I will have it on 1st october, thanks btw for your review :D
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There are certain games which are simply a lot more fun with other players, 7 days to die is one of them, although it can be great fun even on your own, Borderlands 2 is another...
I dont play PUBG, and I dont plan on buying it or playing it, but I would enjoy it for a while if I decided to. Seems like a cool idea, but I dont generally play PVP only games.
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game was so freakin' unstable and may crashes randomly
also server-side glitches with impossible way to finish battle with taking your points after match
well, i did refund till better times
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game can ba unstable with different hardware
saying it's stable just because of you non-sence. you can check the forums and list a lot of bugs of game
well, it's still EA, so whatever ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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You can try "Last Man Standing" first, see if you like it.
You have to keep in mind that there's only 1 person who win the match, that means you will have only few percent of chance to win.
It's really frustrating to die again and again. (loot items for 10+ mins just to die in 5 secs)
It's only fun to play in party where you can laugh at each other.
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As far as I know it does the whole battle royale thingy very well, seems to be very good in what it does. Which means if you like the promise of getting loot and likely be murdered in any moment, while trying to avoid/kill the other players, then you should get it I think. If you're not into FPS / TPS (both modes are live) then you really shouldn't bother with it. For example I'm not too good in competitive FPS games, so I would very likely have a miserable time with the game :)
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For me? No, not in the slightest.
For you? Well, only you can answer that question.
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Honestly, I'm not buying games at the moment, I'm only getting games through winning because its only socially acceptable to play won games. But if I was I would either buy this or Elder Scrolls Online.
Anybody whos been playing this seem to enjoy it.
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The way the devs misbehave no. I was close to trying too but they got such an insane god complex already, it will end badly (for the players, not their bank account, sadly). Like claiming to have invented the idea while H1Z1 is already 3 years on the market (and it is based on a freaking movie in the first place). Or not fixing lag/server-issues, also not releasing a new map, only a new vehicle (wow) and instead fully focusing on microtransactions and microgambling.
Witnessing that I'd immensely regret it if I had bought it before. And while the game looks reasonably fun watching some pro players stream, it has also some longer boring parts of walking & waiting esp. when one isn't all too experienced.
I'd suggest Fortnite instead which is F2P now for the same game-mode and also has destructible environment and building capabilities.
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The dev of PUBG worked on H1Z1.. also , it's an early access game , there are gonna be errors inside of it and stuff they're gonna need to add.... they will add more than 1 vehicle next and a new map in the really near future,it's not a finished game so yeah,the games doesn't have all this stuff cause it's still in development.
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To me the microtransaction part is completely irrelevant.. it's just a bunch of clothing that gives you no advantages in game... if anything,it gives you money when selling dem cases,so who cares really? You can buy them for free after playing a bunch of games,so it's not even that bad
EDIT: That being said,the cases that they offer are the same 2 as always , and they're free after playing a bunch of games... thing is , they should optimize the game BEFORE adding new stuff to it.
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CSGO 2.0 if you ask me, game won't die but will go downhill if it keeps going like this,they'll likely fix the bugs once they'll lose playerbase. Anyways , the fact that it loads a .html page every flippin' time you finish a game and go back to the main menu pisses me off lmao but that might just be me
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Both of you have goods points, that yes I noticed that too, but still even tho all that poor and ugly choices they made
somehow it stills somewhat look pretty fun.
Would love to see someone that has the game to talk how they comunicate with the community on reddit, If they're like Psyonix from Rocket League (I wish) that would be pretty nice. Because if they follow the same example as VALVE with CSGO
you guys know the story, its pretty much "meh" after every single update.
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it stills somewhat look pretty fun.
never said it doesn't, that's exactly why all the bad points piling up makes the situation so disappointing. Looking at DayZ and other such games that never got finished I'd just not risk it before some more is done and working.
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He was actually the one who implemented it to H1Z1, but he did the same game as a mod even before that. Neither were completed and were either abandoned half-finished or stuck in beta.
The idea is still not his, of course, FFA DMs have been done in other games before, and the idea of a battle royale itself is ancient as hell, even without the Japanese book's popularity.
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Yes,especially with friends... but even solo is good. Anyways the game tends to perform badly even on good pcs, so turn everything down in the settings but keep texture quality to low or medium if you can. Also don't modify .ini files,it MIGHT result in a ban
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aside from the incident that went through media, is there proof that this is a regular thing?
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Only what the reviews state. Whether they are telling the truth or not is only known by the game developers. Then again, when this many people complain of bans, there has to be something in it. Usually review bombs do not come up with non-existing things, just magnify some other issue.
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They just recently stated that that never happened and I believe it. Playerunknown's statement
Reports (form the "report" button within the game) for now don't do anything than pile up. If you want someone banned you need to file a report in the official forums with enough proof (meaning a captured video that unmistakably shows the breach of the rules).
I get that streamsniping is a controversial topic and I think it's silly to have this rule especially since the streamers themselves could do almost everything to evade streamsnipers. I also understand that Bluehole clearly profited from people streaming this game and that those streams were a big part of the huge success.
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It's extremely exaggerated. It's not like that. They made a few mistakes a couple of weeks ago about some bans. Some were justified others were not.
They officially stated that they're gonna do better and investigate more before they ban someone.
The bans were temp bans btw.
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You can get some of your money back with crates you can sell on the market. I bought the game at the beginning of the Gamescom event and have already made 60€ back. I don't know how it will happen in the future but until now it's a very profitable investment.
About the game ? I'm sorry, I can't tell, my computer can barely run it on super low.
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How is it that on top of the influences the movie gave to.the genre, it is also able to be named Battle Royale?
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Absolutely no, if you didn't have any friends to play with it.
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+1 to try Fortnite: Battle Royale. It just went free yesterday and from the gameplay videos I have seen, it looks like a great game.
I currently only own and have only played H1Z1: KOTK and I like it a lot. The competitive nature of the game is addicting which keeps me coming back. I have wanted to play PUBG for a while, but haven't for a few reasons, money, I don't want to invest the time in another competitive game right now, and I don't have the best PC so I am probably going to wait for a GPU upgrade.
Here's a couple good videos of Fortnite: Battle Royale
Video 1
Video 2
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I know what you mean. I was turned off by the visual style of the game when I first saw it and thought I wouldn't like it, but after watching some gameplay videos, it looks like they did a really good job with the game mechanics and making it enjoyable as a competitive game. As long as they get the weapon damage, accuracy, and hit registration correct and don't add too many features that can interfere with it being a competitive game, I think it will be very enjoyable and popular.
Edit: I have always been a Counter Strike player and have never even considered trying Team Fortress, mainly because of it's art style. This seems like a similar comparison between Fortnite and PUBG. I also have never considered playing Overwatch for the same reason.
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its not even due to the graphics, is how the mechanical, physics works for example you can see the way the gun action works, its pretty weird, on h1z1 guys jump and shoot, fortnite comparison against pugb is just like paladins x overwatch for me.
They can be on the same genre, they even share similarities here and there but what really matters is the physics and that you can see and tell it works alot different lol.
About CS It was basically my first experience on some serious pvp stuff lol when I was a kid.
it used to be pretty popular here where I live, used to play it from 1.3 version to 1.6, condition zero and skipped cs source.
Had tons of fun on csgo but my friends barely play it together anymore.
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Its been years that I dont pay full price into a game on the 30 bucks range lol
Im skeptical about grabbing it due to early acess stage and Im not exacly totally happy with the currently state it is (I've been watching alot of streams of this game). From what I've seen theres huge delays into interactions here and there
and I dont have a decent connection... my ping stable on csgo is around 50-80 for example...
but yeah Im kinda anxious too see it running on 21:9 (maybe on ultra [hope with 60 fps atleast])
Why I keep getting interested on early acess stuff right?
Edit: I bought the game, played a few matches to understand how few stuff works, my first impression is that the animations are pretty terrible
opening doors, clicking to use the scope, jumping, crouching idk feels weird and terrible.
But yea I decided to keep it on my library, now that I have over 8 friends to play with.
Even more on my "crew" discord channel lol.
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