Then again it doesn't really matter if there is a legal way to get a product.
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Why no poll? :)
I used to pirate until I started to work. That was also around the time when I found a fun youtuber's channel that was strongly against piracy and also about a time that I found this website, and various discounts on Steam and bundles :)
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I didn't quite understand the poll system, I'm sorry :|
That's what I want to do tho, get a job as soon as possible and pay for all the games I play.
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Sure, their games are really good. However, I tend to lose my enthusiasm about franchises which get a new installment each year (yeah, Assassin's Creed. I'm talkin' to you) for buttloads of money with Gold, Deluxe, Gold and Deluxe and some other editions. Look at For Honor, Far Cry, Watch Dogs, and most importantly, Steep. I wanted to get Steep since the day I first saw it. But ever since, packs after packs, and now there's a Winter Games edition. And both Winter games and regular edition have their own Gold edition. I even remember seeing some other editions that are no longer available.
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Or EA ...
Joking, EA doesn't have games worth pirating.
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I still play the real NFS from #1 to P.U., the original sims wasn't too bad, loved wing commander (kinda EA via origin) ... Basically up until Y2k EA still had a soul. Then they started to buy good companies and close them.
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Yeah, they do good games and they do great games, but they don't know how to not bother users with activation locks. This is for Campcom and this is for Bethesda. Sadly.
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Bethesda still believe in single-player projects like WOlfenstein 2 and Evil within 2, so....
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but are the bad things a reason to boycott the good things as well? do you think this is fair to the developers who make those good games for Bethesda? isn't that rather a punishment for stuff they have nothing to do with? Machine Games made the new Wolfenstein. what do they have to do with Bethesda's shortcomings?
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it really doesn't matter if you personally enjoy Wolfenstein or Doom or whatever. the question is, do you seriously want to boycott developers that produce singleplayer AAA games without any microtransactions or lootboxes, just because some other developers published games with that crap with the same publisher? to me that doesn't make sense at all.
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alright, then you do in fact punish a good game studio and a good product for signing up to what you think is the wrong publisher. i personally think that's the absolute wrong way. and it sends the wrong signal. this is not voting with your wallet for good games. this is boycotting a publisher no matter what and thus boycotting good and bad games equally. sorry, everyone can do what they want. it just doesn't make sense to me personally. i prefer to support what i would like to see more of in this industry. indepenent of the publisher. i want to say "hey, Bethesda, you did some bad shit, but this one is good and i want more like that". i just don't see the point in an unconditional boycott.
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I don't know as I cannot activate the row version of Wolfenstein without vpn.
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capcom is generous with their game (alot of bundle, even rebundle)
now bethesda is quite the opposite, there's NOT even "bundle" option in steam, which mean i need to REBUY their game again in steam (collection)
back to topic, for me pirating games is for "demo", video is not cutting (my pc, control, no annoying comment etc)
how many times i buy games which i think is good but turns out bad
i dont like refund because it's a hassle and if i buy using key, there's no way to refund
only drawback is i need to get those pirated one, if it's AAA plenty of sites offer them, but if it's not then....
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Here's a thread from a while ago tackling the same topic. You may be interested in having a look.
Also see these:
What can I say, I'm an eternal forum lurker.
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It's never okay, really. Especially with Steam and its partners offering extremely cheap games and people having hundreds of games.
Video games are luxury items and it takes a lot of effort and resources to create them so if we want more we have to support them.
Also I can't really feel empathy for online pirates since you can literally make $1-5 a day doing stuff like online surveys or freelance work.
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Online surveys are a ridiculous waste of time. You'd make far more money per hour shovelling people's walkways/ weeding/whatever your environment needs.
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So, you're telling I am a criminal for torrenting Tropico 5 after the devs repeatedly ignored my plea for help (on the Steam bug discussion, their own forums and throufgh e-mail) after an update broke my game...
I still can't play my Steam version of the game although the cracked version plays flawless...
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Imagine this way. A guy hates Apple but he kinda likes the new Iphone. Would it be OK if he steals the Iphone just because he doesn't like Apple but enjoys the phone? The best way is boycott Apple and go get another good phone.
I am doing this right now with EA and the Battlefront II situation.
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Digital copy of something does not equal a physical something. Please restrain from using such an ignorant analogy again. Thank you :)
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Sure. If you are are photographer and people just print your work for free it's totally fair and fine. It's only a real work if the outcome is not digital right? There is no time and money invested anyway.
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I played pirated games for years, when I couldn't afford - I had no good internet connection - or even there was no steam etc. But now I feel responsible for those days and I tend to buy the games I played back in the day. I don't even install most of them. They're like childhood memories I want to keep in my library. Now I almost never play pirated games. Sometimes I want to play games that is not on sale anymore, like the battle for middle-earth. I either go to a local internet cafe, or... :) Have good one people.
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I buy games to support the developers, so that the people that made the game can continue making more games. If you think a game is worth playing, than the people who made it are worth supporting by buying the game.
So when is piracy okay? When a game is not available for sale, such that there's no way to buy a new copy of the game (No One Lives Forever, Richard Burns Rally).
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+1 I'm still looking legal buy for The Movies, until that, I'm still playing the pirated one.
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as I'm becoming a software developer, it would be pretty hypocrite to pirate others work and expect others to pay me for mine
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I don't care if other people pirate games - it's their own choice. But I'd never pirate a really good game, since that would be unfair towards the developer.
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Edit: Would like to add that it's not stealing, copying never has and never will be stealing
You would be kicked out of any academic institution before you could say that.
There are also things called copyright laws.
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I'll download a game if I'm not sure whether I'll like it or not and there's no demo available. A lot of people will say "just watch a video of someone playing it" but that isn't always a good indication, I've bought games before that looked like a lot of fun from others playing them but then I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would, if at all. Dead Island being a prime example, looked like fun from watching videos but I ended up hating it.
If I like a game after playing it I'll buy it, if not I delete it and move on.
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This (also mostly because that was when I was a teen with no money). That's also why there are a bunch of games on my library with less playtime than I've actually played it. I eventually buy all the games that I somewhat enjoyed when they go on sale or in a bundle. With all the ones I bought that I know I'll enjoy and have had no time to play I think it balances out.
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Well, I'm from Brazil too and we are hypocrites.
I mean, I keep saying to myself and to everyone that pyracy is wrong.
I use Spotify, I use Netflix, I have thousands of games on steam.
But everytime a movie or serie launchs, I go for my torrents and watch them.
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I personally don't pirate games, mostly because I already have 99% of my library to work through across multiple platforms, but some of my less scrupulous friends torrent things (not just games) every other day. They tend to refer to it as "sampling" instead of "pirating" though, as they believe 60 dollars per AAA game is simply not feasible, especially when they won't even be fully playing through most of the games, as the time investment really adds up + there are so many full priced games being released that buying and experiencing them all would be super duper expensive.
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as long as you buy the games you like - sure, then it's fine. and i mean buy for full price right after testing it. not a year later on a big sale. if you do that, you didn't use the pirated copy as a demo. you used it as a pirated copy.
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If the game is not available to you (japan only games), if the developers would not get any money from you buying the game (used games), or if you have already purchased a license for the game (You have a physical copy and lost it, or just want to play it on your computer).
The third one is a legal defense. Though you would be required to show that you bought the license, as well as prove that your pirated copy is identical. So you wouldn't be able to beat a lawsuit if you lost it, or if your pirated copy was, for example, skyrim SE if you only bought the old skyrim. But I could legally download, own, and use a pokemon ruby rom because I own the physical copy which is identical to the rom, but I couldn't legally distribute it.
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I bought Fallout 3 years ago and really enjoyed it but never finished it. Then a few years later I got into Steam and bought it again and it was fine on my old PC but once I got a new computer it wouldn't run. I still never finished the game and in the end the only version I could get to run was a pirated copy which ran on an really old windows XP machine! I had already bought it twice though lol!
I actually used to pirate a lot many years ago but since Steam came out, I now only play Steam games and I've even re-bought old DVD-based games on Steam!
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When do you think piracy is okay?
Even though I don't have that much money to invest on gaming (I'm from Brazil, gaming here is like raising twins) I always try to buy the games I'm interested on, or that I once played a pirate copy of. But as I'm taking a look at my steam wishlist I realize that not every game (or dev) there deserves my money, but I still wanna play them. Should I download the pirate version and only buy the game if I really enjoy it or should I buy the game, no matter what, because someone invested money and time on developing it? (I would never do that to a indie dev)
What about you, what's your relation with piracy? When do you think it's reasonable to do it? Is it ever?
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