I wonder. How that can be, that games, which was given as prizes in online social contest from Make War Not Love 4 event, count by moderators as "free games"? They are not free, they are prizes. It's totally different things. Free games are CAYNE or We Were Here or Everlasting Summer. Or it means "was given for free"? But it is not clear from the rules:

Beta keys, guest passes, coupons, and free games should not be given away.

So I suggest to clarify this matter.

8 years ago

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If you haven't paid for it, you got it for free ---> free game.

8 years ago

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Yes but also if you paid for it and the game is considered to be free on SG --> free game

8 years ago

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Yes and if you didn't pay for it and the game isn't free on SG -> free CV

8 years ago

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So, if I am gifting the game, which I recive for free, but it's not listed as "free game" on SG, --> I'm still violating the rules, but noone can cath me. It's not so clear as it seems. It's confusing.

8 years ago

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it's not really that confusing. i mean unless you are confused if you got it for free or not... it's rather simple. if you know you got it for free, don't give it away. ignore what stopstalking said, that will likely get you in trouble and certainly will land you blacklists.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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It's confusing, because "free games" and "games given for free" - are not the same

8 years ago

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It's not confusing. There are absolutely no games on the giveaway list that are free to play on Steam, so it's obvious that the rules doesn't mean those.

8 years ago

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semantics on sg

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Simantics on sg

View attached image.
8 years ago

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I had the same misconception when I first joined the site, which probably landed me on a couple blacklists :D

It should be stated exactly what the "no free games" means, as not everyone here has mastered the English language.

8 years ago

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You literally can not give away Steam's free to play games. It just takes a very little logic that in that case there has to be some kind of free games - and oh look, 100k copies of free anything.

8 years ago

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Personally I didnt try this, but I've seen some "free on Steam" games here. But it must be some cases when games become free.

8 years ago

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yes, that happens frequently actually. and when that happens all those copies that were given are instantly worth 0cv as well, even though they were not free2play at the time they were given.

i've got at least 6-8 copies of games like that.

8 years ago

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I do know that, yet not everyone will understand that. It's not that hard to just explain it for those who don't.

Just write it down and most of people will stop asking, won't they?

8 years ago

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Big amount of keys for a game given away publicly = game is getting on the free list.
Doesn't matter if you just have to sign your e-mail adress, vote for sth., join any groups etc.

8 years ago

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It is some blacklist(freelist)? So it must be a link to that list from the rules.

8 years ago

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the easiest way is to just start the creation process and see if it is in the list currently, and obviously if you know it was free then don't try and create a giveaway for it anyways. the odds of you buying something that went free the exact same day is astronomically small, but if it happened it happened.

there is an unofficial list however. -human maintained though, so not 100% accurate

8 years ago

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Thats the issue - they was in the creation list, but I didn't know, that the games, massively given for free as prizes are restricted. That was not clear from the rules. So I suggest to clarify that point.

8 years ago

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you can't typically give away something that's freetoplay, so it clearly means massively given for free. i don't see the need to clarify it any better really, especially since there are plans to allow it eventually (unless those plans have changed).

8 years ago

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There is no official free games list (contrary to the bundle list at https://www.steamgifts.com/bundle-games), but it is also maintained by one person only. And this person can only react and remove the game from the list, when the information is spread. So there's always a delay.

8 years ago

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Money, bub. If you want the CV, you've gotta be willing to part with some of those rubles....

8 years ago

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No, it turns out, that exists a blacklist of "free games" of SG. Even if I buy the game from that list with my shiny gorgeous rubles, I won't be able to get the CV on SG from it.

8 years ago

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Exactly what I meant. Always check the list before you buy...

8 years ago

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You did not have to exchange any money, items, or even effort to obtain those keys. By definition, they were free. They may also be a prize, but that is not mutually exclusive.

8 years ago

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True. But I might invest some time in it. And there are plenty of prizes in the Internet all over the world, and there is huge amount of games gifting every day over there. So, rules are not entirely clear at this point.

8 years ago

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Then that perhaps is an issue with the rule not being applied evenly in every case, not a case of unclear meaning. You may "get away with" giving away a game you got for free, and nobody noticed, nor did it go on the list, but it would still be against the rules.

8 years ago

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it is a free "prize", and given massively away, so it seems dumb to allow giveaways at the moment

8 years ago

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Have you been introduced to the concept of the bundle list yet?

8 years ago

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Bundle List - yes, Free Games Blacklist - no (until this thread, offcource)

8 years ago

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If it's a prize then it's a freebie? =s

8 years ago

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Yep. Prize implies participation in some event, e.g. - time investment. And, if it goes to technical point of view, someone might buy games which now blacklisted on SG as "free". And the other person could get for free game, that not in that list. It is disparity.

8 years ago

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A game is considered "free" when a lot of copies are given away somewhere. Thus you gifting a Fallout 4 key you were given by a friend (for free) doesn't make Fallout 4 a free game, and winning 1 of 5 copies of Skyrim on gleam and giving it away here doesn't make the game free either.

But any contest with lots of free keys or prizes (say >1000, there is probably no fixed threshold, it is decided case by case by the people who run SG) will mostly get the game flagged as "free" and removed from SG.

In other words, a small number of players can give away games they technically didn't pay for (there is no certain way to check), but that works on a small scale only.

8 years ago

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