Hello SG! Slayer Bundle GA -> here, Lv 2+ sgtools basic
Sorry for my BlueHearts for not making more GAs.

It has been around 4 months since i have been active here. As some of my close friends here know i have moved to Singapore for my Masters in Financial Engineering(NTU) amongst other stuff, I have not been myself lately.
A big chip off my shoulder was the successful liver transplant for my father after a streak of bad health since 2008. He is thankfully doing well and will be back home the day my giveaways end.
Not to sound selfish, his illness had been a part of my life and now that he is better, I can get back to my life, but honestly it is not really easy. Most of my friends have moved on in career, married, settled down or just in a good place. I seem to just start and that fact is really bothering me. Almost all the time!

My social life has withered, physique is not looking too good as well and I just feel left out. In my under graduate years it was just the stark opposite and maybe that's why it hurts more. So frustrated that I uninstalled Steam and all of the 20 odd games i had installed. (Withdrawal symptoms, much?)

I used to be the guy who would read such posts like this and think why do people need to write this here. Now I truly understand one needs to just vent it out somewhere.
I used to think how can people not pull their pants up and face life head on. Now I realize it sure is difficult if you are inside the bubble.

I really wished some sort of a partner to be around for emotional support, and how conveniently that would translate into a girlfriend. But good things don't really happen around bad aura. So on a regular day I wake up , be anxious about having to complete a ridiculously difficult masters course which i am close to flunking; be anxious about having to put my own health back on track; be anxious about having no one to talk to; and be very very anxious about finding a job/internship since i really need one right now.

How do i currently deal with it? Binge on Netflix(Black Mirror or something) , cook instant noodles and eggs, and when out of eggs, I order McD. A younger me would be happy at this arrangement. But now it surely seems depressing.

UPDATE: My parents moved back to our home today after the long stay at hospital (medical conditions all good for now) , and it was in a not so great condition. A few busted water pipes, out of action kitchen, the works. Doing my best to help by ordering cleanup services etc.
I am overwhelmed and thankful to the response of fellow SG'ters.
I know everyone has shit hurled at them in life, but it truly sucks to be at the receiving end. As for my routine, I hope the withdrawal phase is over, and am looking forward to start painting this week.
For what it's worth, I just wanna gulp down the anger/disappointment/? and move on. :-)
Appropriately named GA for the feels

Thanks for the read if you actually did. Means something.

6 years ago*

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6 years ago

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Thanks Lugum!
And I think I didn't win the evolvation game. Hope things there get sorted out soon.

6 years ago

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First of all, I'd like to say that it sure sounds good hearing that your dad is getting better, and also that you are now having a higher chance at getting your life back on track. I know the feeling of thinking you're being left out, as well as having little to no money while others seem to be doing well, or at least better than you. It does get better... With time, effort, and most importantly - no surrender. :) Keep us updated on the situation and best of luck! ;)

6 years ago

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Thank you for your concern InquisitorDruss! No surrender for sure!

6 years ago

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No problem, mate, it's the least anyone can do. And, sometimes, that's all we need...

6 years ago

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Honestly, while my advice probably sounds bad, I know that if you want to change something, you change it - simple as that! :/ If you're unhappy doing something, stop doing it. If you want to do something, then do it. You just need the proper motivation. Just do NOT let life sort itself out, because it won't. Sorry, but a harsh truth is better than a beautiful lie. You're your own master, so start motivating yourself. Working out and going out with the other students, will do just fine for now. You can then try going out for a "girlfriend hunt". Don't worry, we've all been through harsh times and, believe me, you can overcome these obstacles. Good luck!

6 years ago

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I can relate to the go-getter aura.
Thanks for your support!

6 years ago

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That sounds pretty stressful. At least your father is doing better, that must be a huge relief. Hopefully with that worry gone, you can focus more on yourself and what you need. And don't feel too bad about feeling "left behind" by your peers. I've actually found that those that take longer to get married, settle down, etc, often end up being more successful in those regards. I'm sure you're still young, with plenty of time to accomplish all those life goals.

Also, I find it amusing that you like to unwind from all that stress and anxiety by watching Black Mirror - one of the most depressing shows I've ever seen. :)

Anyway, I think you've stumbled onto one piece, that a positive attitude will help everything else. You have to be confident and believe in yourself before others will, and that positive outlook will help reduce the anxieties. Easier said than done, I know, but you just gotta take small steps. Good luck!

6 years ago

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Thank you for your kind words!
I literally laughed when you pointed out Black Mirror's nature. Now it does feel kinda weird xD
One day at a time for now. Cheers!

6 years ago

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Hey, if it works for you, it works. Like you said, just gotta keep taking it one day at a time.

Speaking of days, hope you have a great one!

6 years ago

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I finished Black Mirror and weirdly felt that its the drama equivalent of Rick N Morty in terms of darkness. And its called Black mirror since as the episode starts, the Phone/Tablet is essentially a black mirror in your hand. :P
Good night for me, but if i get to sleep i.e!

6 years ago

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I'm glad your father is doing well.
It's true, life is hard. But you've got the strength needed, even if it doesn't always feel like it.
Good luck to you <3

6 years ago

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Thanks! :D
Life sure is a ride for us all! <3

6 years ago

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sorry to say it like that, but finding a partner sound to me like the easy way out.
Usually stories don't go much further when one needs the othe in their existence to make it work, it should be more like "Hey, I'm doing good on my own, but you know what? Life is so much better with you in it."

You have plenty of time to focus on yourself from now own, and all the strenght needed! And most important, you have the will.
Good luck, be strong and drop Black Mirror.

6 years ago*

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I appreciate how you view relationships. And it truly makes more sense that way!

Thanks a lot! :D <3

6 years ago

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Maybe that's the reason why I'm still single. Lol.

6 years ago

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So you saved the trouble of being with the wrong ones i would say!
Boy it sure is hell to be with the wrong one at the wrong time.

6 years ago

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I think so.
Actually I know I'm a difficult person to be with. I like to travel without spending much, I love to do many unconventional things, and sometimes, where I live, men are a bit narrow minded.
And that's something I can't accept in a partner, at all.

6 years ago*

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Travelbug check!
Weirdo check!
You seem to be alike in some aspects!

Yeah narrow mindedness is a big no-no.. To think of it my last (oh so tragic) breakup was coz of the same reason, so I can totally relate! :-|

6 years ago

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Well, at least we're not an endangered specie :D

Also, I dream big. I studied a lot, I spent 5 years of my life working for my future, so there is no way I can give up career development and professional achievement. That's usually when narrow mindedness comes in.
Who said that a man career is more important than a woman's?

6 years ago

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Thankfully we aren't. Or are we? :-|

Whoever is being narrow minded around you , keep them close,at an arm's length, so they feed your drive further! :D
Afterall they say rage(hate) is a better motivator than love is.

6 years ago

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I know your pain all too well. I'm also stuck in a bubble of my own. Hope you get to pop yours soon.

6 years ago

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Thanks and best wishes to you too Loket!
We will pull it through.. Its just a matter of time I guess.. Stay Strong!

6 years ago

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ik its hard, believe me ik

try to work out instead of watching netflix?
do something with someone, go to a movie.
Dont sit in ya appartment bingewatching stuff cause it wont get better then.

if these things arent things you can manage atm, try and speak to a proffesional.Might be you have a burnout ...you been trough hell and that is bound to leave some marks.

happy to hear your father is doing better, and gl on your stuff.

6 years ago

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I will definitely try to move out more.. Need to break the inertia.
Thanks for your support!

6 years ago

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I don't know what useful to advise in such situation, sometimes it's really hard to change habitual way of life. Just wish your father a speedy recovery and for you positive change in your life.

6 years ago

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Thank you for your wishes! I do am trying to change bit by bit..

6 years ago

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well, that's easy to say 'get your shit toegether and...' . as you wrote, sometimes it is hard, so maybe the solution is baby steps.

6 years ago

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Very true. Bit by bit, day by day! Cheers and thanks!

6 years ago

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Hey, Welcome to Singapore. ;)
Can I say I envy you to be studying in NTU? I am neither smart enough nor financial sufficient when I am at the age of university exams. Doing your Masters is Great!

From what I read about you, you are just having a hard time adjusting here and a series of issues popped out. Were you a student here before? From my understanding, master studies don't involve groups like when you are a grad. You have to do it individually most of the time preparing your papers and thesis, etc. That is one point of miscommunication.

I do not know if Master students are able to join the school club if you are able to, join one. :) Or even be involved in a student body so there are more interaction. Singapore has a great society and we have great racial harmony, I am sure you won't find it hard to find friends around the campus. Go to the gym, go workout, jog, etc. You'll meet new friends and new people along the way. Its way too stuffy to stay in the hostel or your accommodation anyway.

I understand about your father's condition. Recently I am busy accompanying my parents to clinics due to old age ailments. My father is a heavy smoker, his lungs was diagnosed to had shrunk drastically due to smoking. From few years back he had been having these period of long coughs and normally he coughs in the morning which I call it smokers' cough. To get better, he had to stop smoking but his lungs will never bloat back to its original shape. What worries me is he might eventually contract lung cancer, hopefully not. The most worrying is he does not take care of himself nor does he listen to my plea nor advice to be more healthy or take more care of his health.

When you are the son, your words fall on deaf ears. I even got into a quarrel with him, which is common. Of course even though I am still frustrated among other things he has done at the end of the day I am still worried about him. Therefore I can understand your sense of relieve and your father had seek correct treatment.

Its not easy for you to study, and on your mind tend to someone whom is ill. Also leaving your country to a place where your friends weren't here. I am pretty sure NTU has some kind of club or counseling for foreign students. Now, I am not trying to preach at you but I feel its unfair to get a gf if the purpose is of comfort. Fall in love not for the sake of company. You can always do it with your friends or someone you met here and become close with. Have an open heart.

Focus at bringing your health back, I am sure you do not want your parents to worry about you either. Go out, ditch that netflix, while fixing your body, meet someone. Focus on your internship, who knows, you may find the special one, and best wishes on that. When that morning sun hit you in the morning, smile, greet your day! And go grow fat on the hawker foods, lol, kidding.

At the end of the day, the SG community is here for you. ;)
Cheerios, Cruse~

6 years ago

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Thanks Cruse for the hearty welcome!
I do wish and pray for your parents health and can totally understand the small quarrels etc you mentioned. Totally relatable.

I am new Singapore , yes, but would not say I have a problem adjusting here. The place is great for all I know!

I have tried moving out more, the room is definitely like a hell hole.

And I am not looking to get a girlfriend for a companion. Truth is, when all the above was going through, I was dumped by the girl with which things were steady and serious. So in a nutshell its more the void that was troubling rather than the need to fill it.

If there is a SG Singapore community, do let me know, we can grab a couple of drinks or go bowling some time! :D

Cheers! <3

6 years ago

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You are welcomed.
I just wish they listen to what I say more, they probably think the same too, wishing I listen to them more. hahaha
I guess, you are just finding it hard to adjust to the new environment with noone around. This place is great in many terms but its expensive and the weather is hot so take care.

Think of your room as a place to lay/rest, try not to be too negative about it. I've been in the army which is mandatory here. I have lived away from my parents to a new environment but I guess I have not lived away long enough, alone. Although I am confident I can totally live alone as I do enjoy cooking now and then making simple food. That doesn't mean I won't feel lonely. :)

Sorry to hear about your previous relationship. I am also not against getting with a companion just the prefix of it has to be positive. Do not let her be someone to fill your void, even if she might think the same. I am no relationship expert but it just not fair, imho. If you are negative, its hard to attract others and as others in the thread mentioned if you attract like for like, it might end up being negative. I'll say keep your option open, be positive and you may meet someone during your internship. You never know. :)

I do not know about any SG Singapore community. I am pretty new to the site myself. As I mentioned before, look into the campus about clubs, etc. That is a great place to start as that is the environment, community and people you'll be seeing everyday/often.

Best wishes on your stay on the Sunny Island. :D

6 years ago

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Binge on Netflix is always a good idea and Black Mirror is one of their best show, go for it.

6 years ago

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I finished it and it sure was nice. I would appreciate any more mind numbing series/movies! Thanks!

6 years ago

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That's a good news, you're welcome! ^^

6 years ago

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First of all, you do not sound selfish because you are eager to focus on your life again now that your Dad is better. It's only natural. It's a good thing and as a stark contrast to what you went through, it may seem selfish to you but there's no guilt in needing to move on from all the tension and stress.

And believe it or not, the depressive state you're in right now is also part of what you experienced. Coming out on the other side of a traumatic period in your life, your body and your mind are going through a lot of adjustments and as eager as you are to get "back to normal", you shouldn't rush into things.

Your studies come first, I get that, because they are on their own timetable, and sure a clear head and a healthy body would help but don't do everything at once. Try to get back to a healthier routine, do a little exercise, it'll also help you relax, but don't make yourself crazy about it. Try to get enough sleep even if you feel you need to study more than sleep, you'll be more efficient if you're rested. Don't worry about eating junk food too much, if you exercise, you'll get better when you have more time.

All in all, though it comes to this: see a doctor and talk about how you feel. I know you are thinking doctors are for sick people and that you're fine, and I know it's hard to see when you're in it but you may need some help for a while to help you get your life back together. You went through traumatic times and maybe you need to talk about it to put it in your past for good or maybe you need to try some anti-depressants for a while. Only a doctor will be able to tell you.

Speaking from personal experience, it's a big adjustment to go back to "normal life" and it may feel both emotionally underwhelming and physically overwhelming after such an upheaval over a months. So ease into it and don't put any more pressure on yourself than you already have. You'll get the hang of it again, you'll see.

6 years ago

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Thank you so much Fluffster for taking the time to write at length and honestly it means a lot.
Much appreciated, and advice being taken, one day at a time!
Cheers! <3
Also , Happy Cakeday!

6 years ago

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You're welcome and I hope you feel better soon. Feel free to add me on Steam if you ever want to chat.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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Thanks a lot for your good wishes! :D

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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You can do it, stay strongg

6 years ago

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Thanks a lot!
btw, have you changed your Steam Profile picture? I remember something different..

6 years ago

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Changed it a while back, but no worriess, it's still Yellowwwwwwww

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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Thanks for your kind words and the funny video!
Yes i have been unconsciously trying forced laughter, definitely helped a bit!

6 years ago

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If youโ€™re Caucasian itโ€™s not that hard to find a girlfriend in Singapore

6 years ago

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Haha, I am not, but not looking to rush into anything right now, have been through a bad breakup in addition to the other stuff.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

6 years ago

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You word my thoughts so precisely!
The confusion, the frustration , the anger!

I have added you on steam, but dont mind if I dont talk much, because I am still figuring out what to do..
And I am sorry for Puck being taken too soon, but hope his memory will always make you smile!
Cheers ! <3

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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Mood music set right!
Thanks for the playlist veebles!
Also did you change your profile picture?

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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That is great news about your dad's successful liver transplant!:)

As for venting, I think that we all need to do that at one point in our lives or another. Only negative things happen if one keeps bad kinds of feelings bottled up. It is only a matter of time before the pressure reaches the boiling point, and it explodes in a horrible mess!!

And we are all different. What one person goes through is never the same even if circumstances are almost identical! We all handle life (and all of its curveballs) differently. It can help having people there (either online or offline) to talk to and who can listen to what you're saying.

Maybe there is a club or something that you can join there? A place that has similar interests to you (whether that be tennis, chess, stamp collecting, comics, or anything, really)?

Take care!

6 years ago

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Thanks for the kind word shadowshiv!
I have taken up painting and Table Tennis to take my mind off for now. Hope to sail through all of it soon!

6 years ago

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You're welcome.:)

If you feel like it, perhaps you can post a picture (or pictures) of your paintings?:)

Table Tennis (or Ping Pong as it is also known) is a LOT of fun. I enjoy playing it, but haven't in a number of years...

6 years ago

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Will do! :D

6 years ago

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Looking forward to it!:)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I can very much relate. It's easy to just tell you to get up and do something with it but once a person settles for this kind of life it is very hard to actually get something started. It's very comfortable to just sit at home and keep oneself entertained with Netflix and Steam. At the end of the day though, I am not happy and I ponder what I could have done to make things better, promising myself to actually do it the next day, yet next morning I fall right back into the old routine.

I hope you have stronger will than I do and can actually break the cycle. :)

6 years ago

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Ah bro you get the routine and the inertia! I have quit steam for now, and soon Netflix(hopefully). Will get back to these platforms when i am all better! :D
Thanks and Cheers! You will break the cycle as well!

6 years ago

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I can see myself in your post too! You are not alone here, remember that =)
Take care of yourself pal !

6 years ago

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Thanks and cheers mate.
Take care! :D

6 years ago

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"I used to be the guy who would read such posts like this and think why do people need to write this here. Now I truly understand one needs to just vent it out somewhere.
I used to think how can people not pull their pants up and face life head on. Now I realize it sure is difficult if you are inside the bubble."

People don't truly understand what it's like to face something, until you or a close loved one faces the exact same situation.
I'm aware that it can be really tough sometimes. But chin up, you're almost there. And at the very least, I'm glad that your father's health is okay.

I am also in Singapore. If you need someone to poke to talk to, let me know. I'm not exactly doing the best myself, but at least I can lend a listening ear. I hope things will look up for you.

6 years ago

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Thank you so much for your kind words!
I appreciate the offer to help me but i hope i can fix it without being a bother to anyone else.
Having said that its great to know you are in singapore as well.. so maybe we can catch a beer or go bowling sometime :)

6 years ago

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