Hi! I usually make GAs and try to use the description space to insert some general life advice that has been useful to me so far. So I wanted to make it into a post along some private GAs for all of you.

Also, if you have some personal wisdom that you find it could be useful, I encourage you to post it here and/or in your future GAs! Without any further delay, here it is.

General Life Advice

Stoicism / CBT

Psychotherapy, like CBT, is often used when treating depression. Modern CBT has its roots in ancient stoicism, from which it borrows many ideas and exercises.

Some links of interest.

A tiny handbook compiling stoic exercises. Perfect for impatient and/or pragmatical people.

Not in the mood for reading? Hit play and get comfortable.
The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius

More general links.

Frugality / Investing

Money and happiness have a direct relationship, but this is not proportional, due to the law of diminishing returns. Moreover, sudden changes in your happiness level will be eventually absorbed and you will return to your baseline level of satisfaction, due to hedonic adaptation.

What to do then with our disposable income? You can invest it, so you can earn more money in the future. If you decide so, the best possible way you can invest is through low-cost index funds. If you go far enough with the whole frugality + investing combo, you can become financially independent. This means your passive income is higher than your expenses, so you don't actually need additional income. i.e. You can quit your job, effectively trading money for time.

For specific, heads one advice on investing:

If you're from the US
If you're in a hurry, read first:

If you're European:

Links of interest.

Linux / OS freedom

We spend a lot of our waking time interacting with computers, so picking OS is not a trivial decision. There are many reasons to pick Linux over Windows for your daily use, even without taking into account the spying efforts from Microsoft. Granted, there's still room for improvement when it comes to game availability: you can dual-boot for the time being if you are not ready for such a commitment.

My former partner introduced me to Linux when we started dating. Maybe that's why I was so motivated to dive in. Or maybe was all the Blue Screens of Death Windows had gifted me over the years.

If you want to learn from a cute girl, like I did, you can browse Nixie's youtube channels.


If you prefer to learn from anonymous Linux users, go to


and blame me for pointing you there if they are rude.

Or you can just google every question about Linux that comes up to your mind. If there's no answer to be found you're free to come after me and slaughter my cattle. i.e. You WILL find the answer.

I hope this covered it well enough.

Cheers and good luck in the GA and overall!

8 years ago

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Who would you vote for Galactic Senate's Chancellor

View Results
Palpatine. How is this even a question?
Jack Bogle will lead us forth with his indexing powers.
Ghandi. The xenos won't settle near us as long as we have uranium.
A vote for Pepe the depressed amphibian is a vote for smugness and ancient egyptian black magic! Reeeee!
Palpatine is too soft on the trade federation separatists. We need a dark lord of the sith to make the emp... ahem... the Republic great again!
Woody, from Toy Story. He's recovered from his meth addiction and, despite lacking a backbone, is prepared for the position.
The Zodiac Killer.
Chancellor Valorum. (Warning! The plot might not advance if he is reelected)
The Dev/s from my favourite game! They couldn't fix that bug in months, but... what could possibly go wrong?! :D
Kane, from the Brotherhood of Nod. Free Tiberium for everyone!!
Other (Specify below)
How come Mr. Potato is NOT on the ballot but Woody is?!!1!? >:(

Thanks and bump!

8 years ago

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My vote goes to Admiral Adama!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Bump. Thanks :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I use Linux for many years now and am very satisfied. So often I recommend and install on friends computers mainly Ubuntu.
Thank you kuroimago:)

8 years ago

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My pleasure!

8 years ago

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Which distribution are you using?

8 years ago

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I've been using Fedora for almost a year. I ran Debian until then. No complaints so far. :D Are you running Ubuntu or something else?

8 years ago

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Fedora is very good in the last few editions, they definitely do very well.
I run Ubuntu 14.04 based distro (Elementary), unfortunately Unity started to become slightly heavy for my already rather outdated laptop.

8 years ago

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Yes. It seems to have become the go-to distro lately. Hopefully it will last!

If I was running Elementary OS I would definitely try the Pantheon DE. I've heard good things about it. No clue if it's less resource intensive than Unity, though.

8 years ago

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Most likely. :)

But I do not think that will soon give up Ubuntu universe, especially from what Canonical is trying to achieve. I'm talking about convergence. And I do not know why, but I just do not like new Gnome, sorry.

Yes Pantheon is definitely lighter than Unity, but the team is small and the bugs are not removed quickly, and some stay for some time. But in general I have only one problem - the fact that I can not have different languages in different windows and constant switching is a little annoying.

8 years ago

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Any chance this cute girl is your former partner ? xD

Anyhow, even though i use windows 10 but i partially dislike it, i have to agree with linux. Im not ready yet but i will soon put windows 10 OS in trashcan and get linux ;D

8 years ago

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I was introduced to Linux before W8 became the norm, and I was very glad I dodged that bullet (I didn't lear about "Classic Shell" until much later). If I hadn't switched yet I definitely would, considering what Windows 10 has become.

And no. I have no relationship with that youtuber. If she was, I would try to recommend someone else, as I would be biased. I can't even imagine my ex uploading videos.

I hope you consider trying it sooner than later. It's much easier than expected!

8 years ago

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ah seeing that many user are switching to linux, i might as well soon :D

8 years ago

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Um excuse me? Where is the option for Darth Jar Jar?¿?

8 years ago

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I can't imagine a more evil Jar Jar than the vanilla one.

8 years ago

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Well you have a point there

8 years ago

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Saw what you posted on one of your GA's before, seems like a lot of thought and effort has gone into that, nice job :)!

... and of course:

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Yeah! But it was a one time effort and I can reuse it for every GA I make, so I'd say it was worth it.

How can someone see him and not give him their vote? He transmits wisdom, confidence and.... peace. <smiles sithly>

8 years ago

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linux thump!

8 years ago

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3 tips of Personal Wisdom from my own experiences...
1) Never piss into the wind.
2) When driving late a night down the freeway make sure the window is open before you hoc a lugie.
3) When the wife asks if you want to change the baby's nappy, and you say you will do the next one, And then an hour later the baby needs changing again, you stating that you meant the next baby - is NOT going to win you any points.

8 years ago

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Linux is great for work arround, but games uncompatibility sux T.T

8 years ago

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General life advice.
If you have two tasks, one tedious and the other you are pretty much excited about, do the boring one first and the intresting one would be a real treat.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Bump and meow. thanks!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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