So my boyfriend and I have been looking at "must see movie" lists and randomly picking off them in order to discover some great movies we've never seen. Problem is that most of those lists contain mostly older films, and he is not used to old films like I am. We are trying to make a list of old and newer films that are considered great.

I know the question is a bit subjective, but we trust normal people (you guys) over critics. :P

TL:DR We would love to hear what your favorite movies are. Or movies you think everyone should see. Hopefully we'll get a good mix of older and modern films. :)

GA: The Sequel

7 years ago*

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Favorite Genre?

View Results

I had to choose other because I don't have one particular genre in particular that I like over another. I've been known to watch them all. But if you want a few recommendations....
The Divide if you want a good sci-fi/horror/psychological thriller
Morons From Outer Space for an obscure comedy
Bloodsucking Redneck Vampires for the 'So bad it's actually good' category (and yes I HAVE seen this)
Lovers of the Arctic Circle if you like obscure foreign chick flicks, and I also found this to be rather good.
The White Dragon for an action/comedy mashup
Cockneys vs Zombies God I LOVE this movie
Big Money Rustlas For when you have to stop saying 'WTF' after the first 20 minutes. And yes this is real and yes I HAVE seen it.
Yor, the Hunter from the Future A true Reb Brown classic, if that can be said of Reb Brown
Dollman vs. Demonic Toys I love this little gem
In the Valley of Elah Wow. This one was just... Wow. Fantastic drama
The Kentucky Fried Movie This one can not be explained. It must be experienced.
The Seventh Seal I forgot about this true classic. This is one that should be seen by everyone. A truly profound film.

I could go on, but I'd rather see what other people put down as well.

7 years ago*

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lol there are some interesting suggestions in there. I've definetely never heard of any of them. I'm mostly excited for "bloodsucking redneck vampires" :P

Thanks for the suggestions :)

7 years ago

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No problem. I consider myself to be a slight movie buff. With the exception of the last 5 years or so, I'm one of those people that's probably seem more than most have. Obscure movies are what I live for.
I wanted to put in another set, but they are adult themed cartoons (not pron if that's what you are thinking) and didn't want to get into trouble.

7 years ago

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Don't miss this one then:


7 years ago

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Kung-Fu Action / Comedy / Horror / Musical about the second coming.


7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Damn. I forgot to add that one in, Thanks.

7 years ago

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Wow, 5.2 rating, I expected less with that title. :P

7 years ago

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Have you seen baby driver? Its pretty new but I strongly recommend it.
If you did, what do you think about it?
Actually i dont like films at all, but when it comes to rhythm baby driver is the masterpiece of the masterpieces
Will be adding more if I remember

Coco, is not a film just for children at all, even my parents liked the film.

Lady bird (Not in cinemas in spanish yet, but will be for his great production)

la la land (cant tell much about this cause i dont like musicals, but strongly recommended by ALL my friends)

IT ( I strongly recommend to see the original one first "even if you dont like it" lul)

The Alien films( Alien covenant, prometheus,the 8th passenger...) Those are not horror films, maybe a little scary as the name suggest but very enjoyable.

7 years ago*

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Yes, I saw it in theaters and absolutely loved it! I've been trying to get people to watch it, but it's been hard after that Kevin Spacey debacle

7 years ago

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just tell them what happend to that character(on the film) and maybe they agree to go :P

7 years ago

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haha true

7 years ago

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I also strongly recommend Edgar Wright's other movies if you haven't seen them, especially Scott Pilgrim vs The World

7 years ago

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I love Edgar Wright, especially Scott Pilgrim :)

7 years ago

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Wow, wait. Are you serious? People don't want to watch it, because Kevin Spacey is in it?

7 years ago

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I have seen Coco, La La Land and IT and loved them all. I've also seen the Alien films. I haven't seen Lady Bird though so I'll check that out. Thanks!

7 years ago

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just do a Leslie Nielsen marathon , should be the last thing you watch cause you are gonna die from laughing.

7 years ago

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Good idea. I have to put some of his movies on the list

7 years ago

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thank you!

7 years ago

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Requiem for a Dream...

Dunno, don't think that everyone would really enjoy this one xD

7 years ago

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I've heard it's a very heavy film. Is that why?

7 years ago

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It's not exactly uplifting. Don't watch it if you're feeling fragile. Definitely worth watching, though.

7 years ago

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It's not exactly uplifting.

That's an understatement... :P

7 years ago

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don't forget Trainspotting then

7 years ago

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I don't understand why Trainspotting is so popular. I thought it was kind of boring the first time I saw it. Decided to give it another chance after about 10 years and still don't understand what people see in it.

I feel the same about A Clockwork Orange, I don't understand why people like it. They are just odd movies that stand out and I guess they had some shock value for their times, but I don't find anything interesting about them.

7 years ago

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Well, then just ask me, as a huge fan of A Clockwork Orange :)
You are certainly right about the shock value here, and I assume the controversy around that film back then helped with the fame, thus making its place in the history of cinema a safe bet, but I still love that film and think it is really awesome.
But I also had to read Anthony Burgess's novel in school, maybe this helped a great deal here ;)

For me it's also Kubrick in general, he's da man, definitely. There is not a single one of his films I didn't like. Even Eyes Wide Shut. But on the other hand, I was also forced to read the book before in this case, so this might contribute to the fact ;)

7 years ago

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I like Full Metal Jacket and The Shining. For some reason I haven't got around to watching Eyes Wide Shut. It has been on my list of movies to watch for many years and it is the type of movie I will probably like.

Another very popular movie of his that I don't really like is 2001: A Space Odyssey. It's alright at first and has some nice visuals, but overall, I just find it boring and kind of pointless. To be honest, I like the sequel 2010: The Year We Make Contact better even though it is rated much worse and a lot of people probably don't even know it exists.

7 years ago

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next time you're gonna ask what so good about bible. Trainspotting talked about consumerism before Fight club went out. It's zeitgeist movie; was very interesting to see Scotland of these days, not to mention how beautifully filmed the whole story.
Clockwork orange (book) is kinda like Lord of the flies in the sense of destroying idyllic perceptions of that time (proving that cruelty can be combined with high intellectual civilized society and not limited to only animalistic part of the world)

7 years ago

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Full Metal Jacket and especially The Shining are really great too, I agree here. I also recommend Eyes Wide Shut but it's pretty different to other Kubrick films and I understand when some complain about a lack of "flair" here. But I really liked it..

We have to agree to disagree when it comes to 2001, though. I think it's a Sci-Fi masterpiece. But I understand that it might feel a bit unrelatable if you are not into Sci-Fi, though. I've heard about 2010, but I've never seen it so far. I will put it onto my list :)

Oh, and I'm absolutely with you regarding Trainspotting. I don't get it either. Dull, boring, and only aiming for effect.. xD

7 years ago

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Requiem for a Dream is amazing, and really depressing. It's a great movie, and well worth watching, but it's also pretty depressing. Kind of like 12 Years a Slave or Schindler's List.

7 years ago

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Yes for Schindler's List, especially if you know a bit about the history. That got me really good.
Can't say this for 12 Years a Slave, I found it pretty boring and too predictable.

7 years ago

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Yeah, depends. I wouldn't really describe it as heavy or something, but many people consider this film as pretty dark and depressing.
I mean, they are not exactly wrong, but I don't really get the fuss. I've watched some documentaries, that can be depressing. Wouldn't get too twisted about a fictional work.

7 years ago

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that's a nice list. I might add more, but that covers the must watches for me.

7 years ago

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Do you two like slow paced, tough dramas that can literally and metaphorically break you for days?

7 years ago

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I'm up for anything. Bring on the pain!

7 years ago

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Thanks. I added them.

7 years ago

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Add the rest of the films by Satoshi Kon, not only Perfect Blue.

7 years ago

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Wow, I'm genuinely surprised that somebody outsite of Austria has actually watched the White Ribbon. Guess I maybe should give that movie a chance... Don't get me wrong. Haneke is a good director and I know it was even Oscar nominated but in general Austrian cinema has this terrible habit of making movies for critics and not for audiences and I always thought this movie would be a prime example for that.

7 years ago

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Well, Haneke isn't very commercial, but when I came out was praised by critics, etc. I remember when the 'road to the oscar's' begun that film already won Cannes and was praised everywhere. In here (Spain) even nobody thought 'El Secreto de sus ojos' could win, even if some critics wanted it.

7 years ago

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That is a pretty good list, Mr. Film Expert, I have to say. Really good choice, seriously.
I see that I'm not the only one who really liked The Tree of Life. I mean, many critics seemed pretty disappointed. But, on the other hand, screw those movie critics, seriously. They are all dumb and incompetent.

And 2001, oh yes, if I was forced to pick an all-time favorite, I would really have to think long and hard here. Love it.

But I'm not so sure about Das weiße Band. I personally really liked that one, don't get me wrong, but this is about a very specific part of German history, and the movie draws heavily from history. I don't know if you can really enjoy it without knowing about this. But it's still made very well, true.

And just because you mentioned The Act of Killing, oh my, I just had to write a reply. This is so very special. I mean, technically it's a documentary, so I don't know if it really belongs to the rest of that list, but it is a recommendation I can only support nonetheless.
If a film can be life changing, I think this one is a good example. If they still show children movies in school, this should be the one.

Now I have to ask: What do you think of Rashomon? :)

7 years ago

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  • It's true what you say about das weisse band, however even if it's closer to germany, whatever we liked or not, it's also about european history. Maybe in here there is predominat another type of christianism, but what this films tells is very relatable in my country too.

  • The act of killing should be watched (like some of those films) at least once. On high schools or something, for those students who are entering into adulthood. Maybe 16-17 years old. Even if you feel like shit afterwards. I should watch the 2nd part.

  • About The Tree of Life it has not only one of the most beautiful OSTs I've ever listened to, it's also very 'deep'. But deep in a good way. I remember talking about it in class and different people had very different opinion about it. For one classmate (in his 50s), it was related to his childhood, something pretty. For me it was darker and very sad, nothing posititive. I remember some cinemas in here gave an extra ticket, so you could go out of the movie within 30 minutes and they'll give you back the money.

I thought reviews were good. Won cannes festival and everyone praised it. After this film every work from Malick has been quite poor too. Maybe he'll never make something as good as this film. I'm still shocked with the dinosaur's scene, when the hunter finds a sick prey and leaves him alone to die... yet the human father is unable to show affection to his own sons.

  • I've watched Rashomon.Could be perfectly in any list on this thread. I watched it one random night because I was bored and suddenly there was a shot of a girl's feet (not that I'm a foot fetishits, but the scene is magical) while the guy is waking up. I don't even think that's the first scene, but my memory won't forget it. Was my first Kurosawa film and one of his bests. A little bit slow, maybe, but that's a 50s film.

I also forgot to say. Someone else reccomended Perfect Blue. It's from Satoshi Kon, who died very young :/ He was one of the best japanese directors at his time. He worked with anime because he liked it and thought it could be a good way to express feelings/what he wanted, etc. (or I remember I was told that). He was a pupil of Katsuhiro Otomo (the Akira dude) and Black Swan is a free adaptation of Perfect Blue. You should watch anything he made, including the TV series Paranoia Agent

Edit: I'm not a film expert, lol xD

7 years ago

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Thanks for your answers, appreciated.
I can only agree with everything you said here.

And thanks for reminding me of Perfect Blue, I should finally watch it some day, lol. I've heard so many things about it, but have never seen it so far. And also for Paranoia Agent, I will keep that in mind.

I don't know what a "real" expert is, granted. Is there even something like an official certification, lol?
But I think you're very knowledgeable, and that is what counts ultimately. :)

7 years ago

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Wow, I’m impressed by your taste in movies. I’ll definitely try to carve put time to see some of those movies. I actually saw The Act of Klling at a film festival a couple of years back - besides the fact that it’s deeply disturbing and gut-wrenching, it’s an amazing insight into the nature of human violence. It really changes your whole outlook.

7 years ago

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Sorry I didn't send a reply because I didn't know what to say about it. I also think that sometimes I try to make the conversation last longer but in reality it's not really that necessary. But anyway, you are right and I spent some days physicially and psychologically feeling disturbed. I haven't had the guts to see the second part.

I should have recommended Nocturnal Animals too. Have you seen it?

7 years ago

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Don't worry about it, I know what you mean. I certainly didn't take offence.

I haven't seen Nocturnal Animals, but it's on my watchlist. Now I'll definitely try to watch it sooner rather than later. Thanks!

7 years ago

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Watched "A Serbian Film" yet?

7 years ago

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No, I don't know if I want to. I was told it was 'cheap' and a 'snuff wannabe'. Does it has real content or it's violence and that?

Oh, this was for her. Lol

7 years ago*

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Yep.. :)

I'm up for anything. Bring on the pain!

7 years ago

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Btw, I’m Serbian. Watched it recently out of curiousity. My opinion is that it’s really bad and if you removed the pornographic parts you would be left with a disastrous mess of a film. The acting, writing, dialogue, all of it is amateur level. I watched and read interviews with the author and I still don’t buy his suggestion that it’s a deep socio-political allegory. I think someone with real talent could make a better one without the need to include ridiculous amounts of violence. I’m still wondering what his motives are. Is it just a matter of taste/esthetics, a way to become famous or something else?

7 years ago

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Btw, I’m Serbian.

Nice, hello :)
Although I don't know if that is really very relevant. Because the title of the film does not make any sense to me. I mean it's a Serbian production made by some Serbian guys in Serbia, but that's all. As if the title is a meta description, and not related to the content itself, like basically any other film title ever. The content or the story, or whatever else, is not particularly Serbian, from what I can tell. The film could have taken place in any other part of the world as far as I am concerned.

Or were you just trying to say that you watched it in the original language, without the need for subtitles? That would be beneficial, I think, and maybe makes a small difference when it comes to understanding details or something like that.
There is also the problem with different cuts/edits/versions of the film. I mean it has been on sale in different countries, and I'm fairly certain that a friend of a friend of mine, who is quite a film fan and collector, had this one on DVD (or Blu-ray?). Because I think I remember that I once had the case in my hands. But the version that got published in Germany, for example, was cut, the same for Great Britain, and I think it's the same in most other places. I don't know how or where you can find the original, uncut version. Somewhere on the Internet, probably :)

You are right about the amateur level, I think that is a fair description. But this is a true independent film, and a low-budget production, so this should be taken into account. As far as I know, the director and writer paid for the whole production with his own money and no external funding. So this might explain the production quality aspect, and I was actually a bit surprised, because I maybe expected even worse for the budget. At least I have seen films that were made even worse in that regard, by far..

I have never read any interview by the makers, so I can't really say anything about this. I don't know if it can be considered as a commentary on sociological issues. I mean yes, to some extent, but probably not very "deep" :)
But I disagree about the talent and violence part. I mean you could have definitely made it with less violence, but the depiction of violence is actually the whole point of the film, according to my understanding.
I'm not sure about any motives, but this would be speculation anyway. Maybe it's just for the fame. But I think a more nuanced and tamer approach would have worked better here. So I guess it is primarily just some statement. And maybe he wanted to proof that even now, in the 21st century, censorship is still real and alive, even in the so-called "enlightened" West. If that is the case, I would say: A huge success.

7 years ago

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I don't exactly know why I had to stress the fact that I'm Serbian, I think most of us simply have that reflex whenever someone brings up our country. It is slightly relevant for the film, though. The actors are very well known to me, and I know a bit more about the movie's background. Serbia has a complicated and violent political history, which affected several generations and many people are still miserable today as a consequence of some political choices our country's leaders have been making for decades. The Serbian film's author has claimed the movie to be a strong metaphor for the victimhood of Serbian people. I also think one of the points he wanted to make is how exploited we are in the current capitalist system, because the story tells about foreign rich people's money being offered to economically ruined people in exchange for their human dignity and decency.

I still don't know what to make of all that. Violence as an end in itself is in fact something I could understand. It kinda also works as an allegory, but it hasn't achieved anything constructive artistically speaking, and I don't know what to say about the censorhip aspect, don't know much about the topic. This is one of the few films I don't have a clear opinion on.

7 years ago

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Unless you weren't really that serious about "bring on the pain" :)

7 years ago

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I'm dead serious... although I will probably regret it later ;)

7 years ago

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Hard to tell without knowing you.. :)

But probably not. It's still just a movie. I mean you can find stuff that's much worse - and real - on the Internet and such..

7 years ago

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I had a list with some more obscure movies you probably haven't seen, but where that might be I'm not sure.
From the top of my head, although these movies are popular, here goes:

Inception, just getting this out of the way...
V for Vendetta, I assume everyone has seen this as well.
The Prestige, another amazing movie.
Forrest Gump. I don't know how to describe it, but it's good.
Hachi: A Dog's Tale. Now I haven't seen this in years, so I'm not even sure what I'm recommending, but it made younger me cry.
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, a tale about hard-boiled manly men (at least one of them).
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, a non-cheesy romance movie, sort of.
The Lion King, a great Disney movie, if you're into animation.
Perfect Blue, if you're into anime that's not shit.


7 years ago*

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Thank you!

I've seen and loved the first 5 movies on your list (plus Lion King) but I haven't seen the rest :) How dare you bring up Hachi, I still haven't stopped weeping

7 years ago

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Aww 😄, you're welcome. Somehow it's sad to hear you've seen most of these, but I'm also very happy to know you enjoyed them. ^^

7 years ago

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I'm a big Chris Nolan fan so Inception and The Prestige are two of my favorites. Plus I watch V for Vendetta every fifth of November :). Great list

7 years ago

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Thank you! :)
I haven't thought about it that way, I mean watching movies depending on their director. I absolutely love those movies too (V for Vendetta as well), I'll check out some of Christopher Nolan's other stuff. Interstellar, maybe. :)

7 years ago

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Give Memento a try too if you get the chance :)

7 years ago

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Oh, yes, of course. Thanks for reminding me.
I tried watching it when I was younger, but I think I was a bit too young, I didn't understand anything and fell asleep in the first 20 minutes of the movie. 😄
The premise sounds great, I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy it much more now.

7 years ago

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Funny, I think V for Vendetta is almost ridiculously bad..

7 years ago

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Seriously? :P

7 years ago

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I think enjoyment of the V for Vendetta movie largely depends on if you've read the graphic novel or not. I really liked the movie when I watched it, but after reading the graphic novel I can understand how everyone that read it would be annoyed. The movie goes in a very different direction for the last 1/4, and really goes against the whole point of the graphic novel.

7 years ago

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Yes, seriously :)

Other commentators here already gave good explanations, so imma just gonna quote them real quick :)

  • I really liked the movie when I watched it, but after reading the graphic novel I can understand how everyone that read it would be annoyed. The movie goes in a very different direction for the last 1/4, and really goes against the whole point of the graphic novel.

  • Saw it years back and thought it was utterly "meh", and fairly juvenile in an edgy teenager sort of way.

7 years ago

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It's fine, everything is garbage if you look at it from a certain angle. I hold some unpopular opinions myself...
I'm not saying it's an amazing movie objectively, only that I had a really great experience watching it. ^^

7 years ago

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I would not necessarily go that far, but you are absolutely right. If you want, you can find always something to criticize. There is always a flaw or weakness to be found, if you look from a certain angle, very true. So, if you want to, you can basically trash everything. Literally everything.

But you apparently had a great experience watching it, and at the end of the day, that is all that really matters. :)

7 years ago

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Yeah, exactly.
I'll check out V for Vendetta's graphic novel, now that you've mentioned that in a comment above.
Hopefully I won't come out of it hating the movie adaptation, but if I do it will probably be because I've experienced a better version of the story, so there's nothing to lose either way. 😋

7 years ago

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I took a double take when I first saw its IMDB score. Saw it years back and thought it was utterly "meh", and fairly juvenile in an edgy teenager sort of way, been meaning to give it another go sometime but never got round to it. Plus I could just re-watch something I actually enjoyed instead.

7 years ago*

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Maybe you are my secret twin or something, because that is pretty much exactly what I've been thinking about it :)

I did actually watch it a second time some years ago (so plenty of years between, still), and it irked me in the same way. The flaws were all the same, and too predictable, but the excitement part was gone (Not knowing what's happening next, how it is going to end, etc.). And if you already know the end and the twists (Natalie Portman's character not actually kidnapped/caught by the bad guys, e.g.) there is no enjoyment left in this film.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Young Frankenstein
or any other Mel Brooks' film :D

7 years ago

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Red Dog
Will hit you in the feels. I've only seen it once, don't think I can watch it again.

7 years ago

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Oh no....

regretfully adding it to the list

7 years ago

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Some of my favorite movies are
The Man From Nowhere
I Saw The Devil
Oldboy (The original, not the shitty American remake.)
The Housemaid
^ They're all Korean movies but I think there's an English dubbed version for all of them but the original Oldboy.

Doctor Strange (2016)
Fantastic Beast And Where To Find Them
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
Wonder Woman (2017)
Jumanji (1995)
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
The Imitation Game (I just love Benedict Cumberbatch. Great actor.)
Sucker Punch
Kill Bill (Vol.1 & Vol. 2)
The World's End (Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are awesome and super funny.)
Shaun of the Dead (Simon Pegg and Nick Frost again.)
Hot Fuzz (And once more, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost.)

I think I'll stop here because otherwise, the list would go on forever. I wanted to add more horror movies but I can't really recommend any of the ones that have been released in the past couple of years because I don't find any of them good or even remotely creepy/scary.

7 years ago

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Thank you! I have seen a good majority of those, but not all of them. I also really like Benedict Cumberbatch.

7 years ago

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about Asian movies, there's also Kim Ki-duk and Wong Kar-wai, Takeshi Kitano and I also like trash Korean detectives/action like Memories of Murder (2003) and I Saw the Devil (2010) already mentioned, "Snowpiercer" is fine too

7 years ago*

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Oh, Snowpiercer is quite good. Been a while since I've seen it. That just reminded me that I've recently watched Murder on the Orient Express and really enjoyed it. Not Asian but an interesting detective movie based on the novel by Agatha Christie. =)

7 years ago

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Also Hong-jin Na, who is lesser known but makes extraordinary gritty noirish movies (and there's none of the obligatory crying scenes that often bring down some otherwise excellent Korean movies just a notch for me). While we're at it, Jee-woon Kim's The Quiet Family is a terrific, HItchcockian black comedy and A Bittersweet Life an amazingly stylish and entertaining gangster flick.

Tbh, i don't find anything trashy about Memories of Murder - it's a beautifully crafted movie about a real event with a big helping of social criticism.

7 years ago

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big helping of social criticism.

that I mean - policemen stupidity, their mediaeval approach is way to exaggerated

7 years ago

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I was referring to the system in which the detectives operate. Additionally, only the local, country cop is backwards in his methods, which is credible and supplies the point of contention between the two. I had no problem with that.

7 years ago

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Any Tarantino, Monty Python's or Cheech & Chong movie (+ Kentucky Fried Movie, as mentioned before)

7 years ago

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I've seen a lot of Tarantino and Monty Python. I'll add Kentucky Fried Movie :)

7 years ago

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Nice list. Thank you!

7 years ago

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Aww, no Black Hawk Down in the war section? It's one of my favorite war related movies. =)

7 years ago

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Only saw it once a long time ago. Cant really remember if I found it good or not. But I think I will give it a re-visit :)

7 years ago

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I added Black Hawk Down, so now it's complete :D

7 years ago

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Yay, awesome. =D

7 years ago

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I am really bad at remembering movies and their names, even those that I enjoyed. The only movie that I remember and it's always the first movie that comes to my mind when someone asks me my favorite movies however is The Man from Earth. It's not a movie for everyone though, the entire movie revolves around (gripping and thought provoking) dialogue between characters in one room. So those who are into movies with action and a lot of things happening might not enjoy it, but those who are open minded and enjoy intellectual discussions are likely going to enjoy it. I consider it a masterpiece.

7 years ago

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Sounds interesting. I don't mind dialogue heavy films. Thanks for suggesting it!

7 years ago

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I second that. Wasn't sure if I should recommend it, since I figured not everyone would like a movie like this, though I didn't think either I would be so entertained only by people talking in a room for a hour and a half. It was awesome. :)

...they apparently made a... sequel?
I'm afraid to even look that way...

7 years ago

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I watched with it friends. The friend whose house we were at wanted to watch it, I thought it'll be boring after reading the movie description but other friends all agreed to watch it so I decided I'll watch the first couple of minutes to see will it catch my interest. And boy it did.

I've heard about the sequel but haven't watched it yet. Apparently it's a different type of movie than the first as it's not about debates but mostly about students investigating about the main character.

It could still be a good movie, but I'm too busy with anime and games to watch it.

7 years ago

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I third that.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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A couple that come to mind, Van Helsing (2004) and Cinderella (2015).

7 years ago

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Mad Max: Fury Road
Blade Runner 2049 and the original Blade runner if you haven't watched that yet ^^
Beyond the Black Rainbow (super weird and slow paced, though)
Black Swan
Train to Busan (best zombie movie ever, maybe?)

7 years ago

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Thanks. I've seen Fury Road and Train to Busan. Really liked both of them. I hate zombie flicks and still highly enjoyed Train to Busan.

7 years ago

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I'm not much into movies, but if i were you, I would probably just go through the Oscar winners/ nominations from the past 5-10 years.

7 years ago

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Thanks for the suggestions. Especially for the dark comedy ones!

7 years ago

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I heartily second Seven Psychopaths and The Truman Show. The Wedding Singer is also great, a little lighter fare, though. And I have been wanting to watch Eternal Sunshine and In Bruges forever, and have also been wanting to watch The Nice Guys and Punch-Drunk Love. We have rather similar taste, I think. :)

Also heard of The Lobster sometime not too long ago, and it is intriguing.

7 years ago

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Seven Psychopaths was awesome. =)

7 years ago

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I really like mystery movies. Here are some of my favorite:

Shutter Island (2010)
Donnie Darko (2001)
Best Offer (2013)
Se7en (1995)
Get Out (2017)
El Orfanato (2007)
10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)

7 years ago

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Thank you!

7 years ago

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Oh, I have one more interesting idea if you specifically want opinions of SG people. Just go to Official last movie you saw thread and put something like "10/10" in the search bar ;)

7 years ago

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lol good idea :P

7 years ago

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That's an awesome idea. =)
Why don't we have a similar thread for games?

7 years ago

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If you want just go and create "Official last game you finished thread". Maybe it will became a new ongoing thing on SG :D
I already have my own great idea for a gaming related thread which I wanted to do recently, but didn't have time to write the post yet. My exam session just finished yesterday, so I'll try to make it happen very soon ;)

7 years ago

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Apparently the "last game you finished" actually exists, but I made one for played games in general.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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To be honest, I have no particular favorite genre of movies. Basically, I like everything and watch everything. But recently I've been watching drama and romantic movies with my boo. 😅 I warmly recommend you to watch Me Before You movie. To be honest, I was pretty sceptical and I really didn't want to watch this movie but my girlfriend wanted to, so I was there. After watching the movie it truly surprised me at how good it was. Shook me to my core. This movie moved me like very few do. It's a very cutesy romcom that is bound to make you smile and weep! ❤️

7 years ago

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Romcoms are our guilty pleasure so we'll definitely be adding it to the list :)

7 years ago

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Yup 😄😊❤️

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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Non english is okay as long as we are able to find english subtitles.

As long as it's not a silent film then it's okay to suggest. (I like my Charlie Chaplin.. but that's a bit much for him :P)

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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There is modern silent film called "Blancanieves" (2012), a kind of Snow White tale which set in 1920s and around the matador life. I think you should check it out :)

7 years ago

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Bridge on the River Kwai

7 years ago

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love it

7 years ago

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Oh yes, that whistling tune is something I’ll never forget.

7 years ago

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