As some may have found out by themselves, months ago the localization version for New Vegas has been changed on Steam for Baltic/Central Europe/Eastern Europe countries from ROW for multiple users, even those who already bought the game prior to these changes.

I have always shown an interest into buying the game, but this raises many issues, mainly mod compatibility, language packs, workshop and community hub restrictions.

Is there any way to bypass this by using a ROW key? Has anyone tried any methods or have any information to share? It's a real damn shame because it's such a good game, but this course of action was completely uncalled for.

P.S.: I am looking to get the Ultimate Edition of the game, with all DLC included.

7 years ago*

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Your link has an extra slash at the end.

7 years ago

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Thanks. Fixed.

7 years ago

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First: All those claims are bullshit. Only the 1C Russian-only edition had compatibility issues with NVSE. And even that stopped happening like in 2014. As fast as the internet is devising new memes and stuff for the kids, it is astounding how long obsolete information can just hang around for years and keep misleading people.
Second: The only actual difference between New Vegas and New Vegas RU is the offered languages, with English being the only common one.
Third: You can have either (or both) versions on your account as they have no actual regional restrictions. This is also why you can find the RU version around half the world, everyone who bought it from G2A almost surely got the RU edition without noticing it until the store name change.
Fourth: All non-Russian digital stores outside Steam carry keys for the ROW version. Except for GOG, which has a patched ROW version in general.
Edit: Since your Romanian, a fifth: Never buy the game from a local store on a disk. The Romanian distributor is selling the base game as the Ultimate edition.

7 years ago

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I mean, calling all claims of mod incompatibility bullshit is a bit far-fetched, but I understand that not everyone had those problems. The claims, however, are out there and numerous, coming from mostly Polish users. I heard others say their mods work just fine.

Still, my main interest is getting my hands on the non-RU version of the game, given Steam Store locks me out of viewing it or even visiting the game hub for it. Even more absurd is how I have problems seeing a friend from the US be in-game in his version of New Vegas, as the community hubs are completely different and separate entities.

The worry I have is that I buy a ROW key from someone and that it later gets converted to RU. At least now I know G2A keys aren't really 100% safe. I just want to know if this could work or if anyone else tried it.

7 years ago

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As someone who has been playing the now-called RU version and tried most any popular mods on it in the past 5+ years, I can say that no, it is not far-fetched. The Eastern European version never had any mod incompatibility, nor will ever have.

7 years ago

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Talgaby and what about the hub? One simply doesn't want to see almost all in Russian. It's very annoying.

View attached image.
7 years ago

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I enjoy checking out the memes on different game hubs, but I guess I have to learn how to read cyrilik.
Oddly enough, I can still see the ROW page on google, but when I click it, it redirects me to the front page.

7 years ago

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You can still access the international Hub. Valve just linked the actual proper one to the RU edition. Simply change 22490 to 22380 in the address bar, and it is there.

7 years ago

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I didn't know about it. But there is not a direct link to it anywhere, is it? I doubt I will remember that. :(

I have the English version and the link from the store page leads to the RU version hub. It's quite strange. It seems they generate the link according to the state I live instead of the version of the game I own.

7 years ago

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You can search for New Vegas in the community main tab and it will find the international hub there. Beyond that, no. The game does not have a "hidden" community group you could join and keep on your groups list.

7 years ago

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I cannot find it. Where exactly do you mean to look for the New Vegas?

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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Yeah, it works. Thanks for the info.

7 years ago

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As fast as the internet is devising new memes and stuff for the kids, it is astounding how long obsolete information can just hang around for years and keep misleading people.

“A lie can run round the world before the truth has got its boots on” - T. Pratchett

Too bad his other quote (about truth kicking arses after finally getting those boots on) doesn't really work in our world... (or maybe truth still didn't put the shoes on?)

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

7 years ago

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Did you have more than 2 hours on it/purchased it more than 2 weeks ago? Curious.
I would've been pissed off by it as well, given a product I bought changed to something else in the meanwhile, with features like the hub being gutted.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

7 years ago

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Fair enough. It should not have been any other way, quite frankly.

Thank you for the info.

7 years ago

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It is still a bit of a luck. Quite a lot of us tried to get a refund, but it depends on which of the two Valve support people get it. One understood the concept of changing the product without changing the receipt is actually illegal around here, the other did not. So this request bounces for some owners, goes through for others.

7 years ago

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The community hub never changed. The default link target to it did. The hub for the RU version existed since 2011 and was our actual community hub for New Vegas, but ever since the name change, it has a bit more English topics and not just 99.9% Russian. The only thing that actually changed was in the store, we cannot see the ROW version (appID 22380) any more there. Its community is still there and accessible, I am still answering mostly the same 4-5 questions there these days I did over three years ago. :)

7 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by Soulitaire.