For Valhalla: there seems to be a promotion directly at the Ubisoft store (€10/$10 off when spending €19,99/$19.99), so Valhalla for €12 and its season pass for another €10 should qualify for that, giving you both for €12. I've checked that here in EU/Germany ... I can't see the US prices, because their store always redirects back to Germany, but the promotion should be available over there as well. Bonus when buying directly from Ubisoft, you avoid getting your games with double DRM (Steam+UPlay). You'd have to deal with their store, though.
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I really liked Odyssey, but I just can't get into Valhalla. Not much has changed but it's just rather dull by comparison.
Caveats being:
1) I don't think I played more than 10 hours after getting to Britain (there's quite a lengthy prologue); and
2) I'm kinda bored with this style of open world game, particularly since Elden Ring.
... he says, then rebuys Odyssey so he can finish the expansion and side content with Steam achievements.
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I loved Oddysey, but I couldn't stand Valhalla. I finished, so I gave it as much of a chance that I could.
I guess I couldn't stand the main character. Too much acting holier-than-thou for a character that is basically a foreign invader enabling all the pillaging and torturing slaughtering a whole island of people just trying to defend their homes and places of worship.
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I liked Valhalla way more than Odyssey. Play it as a viking game as the real world Creed story is extremely little, but sets up for Mirage.
Real world story = dumb, legit felt like kids reasoning. The Viking stories, lands, mythology were great.
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the reason why i've called the game trash is due to its sound design, it's still really messy and feels like you're playing a game in 1990s. in a viking themed game with great soundtracks where you can raid shit, having a sound quality this bad just ruins the overall experience.
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It should work - depending on your regional prices. Just be aware that the season pass doesn't contain all DLC as was pointed out here. Also: that Ubisoft store is a pain to deal with, I can't even change the store language to English here in Germany. I've wrote them a ticket for that before, they said they'll look into it. Now, years later, it's still the same, it really makes me not wanna buy anything from them.
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You have to click the little white text under "Shop now" to see the details.
Legendary Sale
Get up to 85% off on select video games titles from May 7 1PM UTC until May 21 1PM UTC. Discounts vary from title to title; please see product pages for specific discounts.
From May 7 1PM UTC until May 21 1PM UTC, get $10 off on your cart with a minimum purchase of $19,99 with the coupon code "LEGEND24" on the Ubisoft Store. No partial refund, not applicable on Pre-Orders, virtual currency, Ubisoft+, Rocksmith+, in-game content nor Wallet top-ups and cannot be combined with Win in Shop. Local currency requirements are listed in the table below;
Minimum Purchase Coupon
EURO ZONE EUR 19,99 10
UK GBP 17 9
SWEDEN SEK 219 110
NORWAY NOK 209 110
IE USD 20 10
TURKEY TRY 500 250
JAPAN JPY 2800 1400
SOUTH KOREA KRW 23000 11200
CHINA CNY 100 50
TAIWAN TWD 570 285
INDONESIA IDR 230000 120000
USA USD 19.99 10
MEXICO MXN 398 199
ARGENTINA ARS 17000 8600
CHILE CLP 17000 8600
COLOMBIA COP 80000 40000
PERU PEN 76,99 37,99
COSTA RICA CRC 12500 6300
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Ah, I had suspected that the season pass doesn't actually contain all DLC - even though that should be the very definition of a season pass. Thanks for confirming that. Complete Edition is €28 here, meaning it'd be €18 with that deal. That deal for Brazil sounds much better, around $10 for the complete edition might actually be worth it.
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$18 for the complete edition seems like a decent deal.
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Much cheaper than on Steam anyhow:
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Your second link doesn't work in half the world. This one does.
That said, this is still way too much money. Ubi continues to screw people over in regional pricing.
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This is the one that works in my slice of the world :)
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I've been wanting to replay odyssey kinda badly ever since i lost my xbox account basically losing access to the game, definitely not an assassins creed by heart but it was fun for what it was
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After 10 years, Ubisoft shut down The Crew servers without even making a patch to play the single-player game offline.
Now, those of us who have the game show up as 'inactive game' and with the message: “You no longer have access to this game. Why not check the Store to pursue your adventures?".
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I only knew about The Crew because I saw it on my account.
It's very bad news if we don't do something to stop them.
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What DarthLonginus said.
They also disabled the servers for Might & Magic X after seven years and by doing so, prevented players from accessing bought and paid for DLC (and due to being incompetent, fucked up the vanilla game so that you could no longer progress the main storyline).
They also ended support for Assassin's Creed 2 after ten years and by doing so, prevented players from accessing bought and paid for DLC because the DLCs have to contact the servers to verify that the content can be accessed. No servers, no verification, so no access to your paid product.
Their reasoning was: Well, you had several years to play the game. If you didn't, joke's on you. They completely lost any sense what buying a product really means.
And more things I am forgetting now...
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Simply unconscionable. Taking a server down, I can understand if it no longer pays for itself. But that should be accompanied by an update/patch that allows the game (and all purchased DLC) to remain accessible. What would be the cost of simply having a single server for these games that does nothing more than verify licensing?
As more of a collector due to very limited free time for playing games, it is very possible, perhaps probable even, that my Assassin game collection will deactivate before I ever have a chance to play any of them.
ETA: In case someone from Ubi see this: not another cent from my wallet shall you have.
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This tweet seems to suggest M&M works again now?
But rather not rely on them 'fixing' each game 1 by 1 🤣
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It's kinda working, yes.
The community found a workaround to continue playing the vanilla main game as well as accessing the DLCs. Ubisoft got word of it and after several months (could be several weeks, I don't remember precisely) fixed the vanilla game based on the community workaround. They did not re-instate the DLCs, since those were tied to the authentication server.
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After a maximum time of ten years they will steal your game and revoke access to it for your account.
So... does that mean when you pay €13 for Origins you can only access it for the next 3 years, as it's already 7 years old? 🥲
I suppose it makes sense then why they have these steep discounts, if they become unplayable in just a couple of years time 💀
Thanks for the warning!
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It was mentioned DLCs not being accessible anymore. And some posts I've read from UC mods also mentioned DLC for certain games only working if you've already installed them and you don't switch devices afterwards. That suggests to me that you won't be able to use the DLC due to authentication servers being down.
With AC: O GOLD containing DLC as well, I assume it too should be affected at some point; asuming all games get the shaft after a certain period of time. Which seems likely, considering their history and this sussy discount.
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That suggests to me that you won't be able to use the DLC due to authentication servers being down.
True. Other customers replied that the DLCs can't even be downloaded anymore due to no authentication servers, but I haven't tested that and don't know if it's true. I have dowloaded and backuped everything before servers went poof.
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Yep, the whole thing with The Crew has certainly left a bitter taste, and I'm now inclined to not spend any money on Ubi games anymore.
Almost all of their games have some online component or store integration now. Hopefully someone will take the effort to hack some of the games already in my library when the time inevitably comes that they will stop connecting or are not allowed to get an active license anymore.
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Well, the only way is to
Put on eyepatch
Ahoy mate!
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Yep. Ubisoft account requirement = limited shelf life. If you want Ubisoft games get the ones that're available DRM-free on GOG, or stick to console releases. The Steam versions are poisoned.
Here's a list of Ubisoft games on GOG:
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I rank these three as follows:
Origins is an all around excellent game. I probably spent 90ish hours in that world. And the development of the game led to a real life archeological find.
Odyssey was my favorite of the three. According to Steam, I logged over 190 hours. Just an all around great time.
Valhalla was a lot of fun although I didn't love the Midgard parts. Courtesy of the base game ending, I predicted that Basim would be the next protagonist, and that did end up being true. The ending kinda blew my mind in a way, with all the possibilities it presented. I think I logged 160ish hours in this one.
One thing I do wonder is how Ubisoft got around the Nemesis system patent and was able to incorporate their version into the series.
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Are you sure about AC Liberation Remastered? I only see Assassin's Creed III Remastered on SteamDB 🤔
EDIT: Thanks for the heads up! I was also interested in AC3 Remastered so being included makes the purchase more appealing (it's already 8€ on its own).
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According to AC Odyssey Season Pass description on Steam ("Also included in the SEASON PASS:- The Games: Assassin's Creed III REMASTERED and Assassin's Creed Liberation REMASTERED"), however it didn't unlock Liberation in my library, so not sure what that's all about.
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Oh, thanks, I didn't read the season pass description. However, according to SteamDB AC Liberation Remastered is not included (it is in the Assassin's Creed Bundle, though).
Just did a bit of research and it's included inside AC3 Remastered but it won't be added to your library as the standalone game/product.
EDIT: Ninja'd by Zalore 😔
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Actually, Origins and Odyssey have Steam achievements.
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I mean, if that works for you, that's all good. I think that's the smartest way to play it. I love gaming through Steam. I don't mind third party programs. I just want to have it all connected with Steam and achievements available to be able to display it on my profile. That's it!
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Knowing Ubisoft they probably won't get much cheaper than they are already.
They are 6 and 7 year old games.
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are you caring about if it will be even cheaper? feel lucky if they don't revoke what you bought from your library
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Why would you feel lucky? They've revoked one game. That is to this point an anomaly.
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That's what I said. Feel lucky if they DON'T revoke more games because of their anti-consumer policy.
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That's pretty silly and incredibly hyperbolic.
The Crew isn't even close to being the first online only video game to close its doors, and it had a longer life than most. And it was long dead when they announced its closure.
It is factually still in my UbiConnect library however. It's just not playable.
Whats kind of funny is The Crew 2 has been out for like six years now itself.
Ubisoft is shitty for a lot of reasons, but this doesn't even make that list.
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There's nothing silly or hyperbolic on that.
First, The Crew had a singleplayer mode they could just patch so who owned the game could play it again whenever they want. If I PAID for a game, it doesn't matter if it had a lifetime of 10 years or if no one plays the online mode anymore. If I want to play the damn singleplayer mode from the game again tomorrow or in 30 years, I want to play it simply because I paid for the it.
This also says a lot about the preservation of games in history. Imagine if no one could play Super Mario Bros again because the cartridges would ask for an internet connection and Nintendo simply took down the game's servers?
Second, "It is factually still in my UbiConnect library however. It's just not playable". Really? Imagine having an original Shadow of the Colossus PS2 disc and not being able to play it because it's all scratched. It's rubbish, it's useless.
Third, a lot of games have sequels. So I may not play its predecessors anymore because there's a new game around?
Fourty, the suspicion of the person above is that the game can be even cheaper when Shadows is released. These games are 6~7 years old. I myself bought The Crew in the last Steam Sale and couldn't play it because they shut down and revoked the game 3 months after that sale, when they discounted it really cheap. I won't see the news of every game I had because there's a possibility that I won't be able to play it anymore some time in the future, so I need to rush and play it as quick as possible.
Ubisoft is a shitty company for a lot of reasons and this is one of them. Letting this go by and normalizing it as something acceptable is letting those executives shit on your head while you look up, open your mouth quietly and say nothing.
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And more hyperbole.
You're kinda into fecal fantasies I see. Kinda weird, but you do you.
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Still not low enough. Maybe if its 95%
I got all up to Oddysey on Uplay years ago, but the only Ubisoft games I will buy on Steam are those without their drm so I can't be locked out.
If I am going to buy a singleplayer game knowing they can remove it from my library at anytime and then change the eula to state I never owned it, then it has to be dirt cheap or free.
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I've been waiting for a while to catch them at lower than 80% and it finally happened.
Assassin's Creed Origins -
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - or
Valhalla is also at historical low but only the base game. -
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