2 years ago

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Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Probably watched it ~25 times in a row while running a garage sale.

2 years ago

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The summer after Men in Black was released, it was on HBO at the same time every morning, and I watched it every. Single. Day. And I laughed every time.

2 years ago

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Hmm... when I was a teen, I was kinda obsessed with Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles books (well, up until Tales of the Body Thief). I must have watched Interview With A Vampire around 50 times between it's release in 1994 and 2001. I think Tom Cruise did a good job at portraying Lestat. also, Bras Pitt was absolutely gorgeous in that flick

What about you?

2 years ago

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Waking Life, probably 5 times or so.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Any excuse to re-watch LotR is fine by me

Excuses like birthdays and special anniversaries or like Sunday or a day that ends with a Y?

It's a Wonderful Life is on my Christmas schedule like Nightmare Before Christmas. I don't even care how many times I have seen them. They feel new and they move me every time.

2 years ago

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Trollhunter was such a fun surprise. Hoping to recapture a bit of that experience, we watched Trolls (2022) tonight - sad to say, that didn't work out well.
I'm one of those people who is allergic to It's A Wonderful Life, but I do really love that other Jimmy Stewart Christmas classic, The Shop Around the Corner - lost count of how many times I've seen that one.

2 years ago

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Maybe Blade Runner, why?... well, this movie makes me a bit nostalgic, and this is weird because it's a science fiction movie, another reason is because of the multiple cuts it's had, and how many times I've seen this movie I think more than ten times...

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2 years ago

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Frankenstein Jr
Ghostbusters 1-2
Indiana Jones 1-2-3

don't know how many times, but every time they are broadcasted I can't resist from watching them again :D

ps: these are just a few popping into mind at the moment, there are many others though ;)

2 years ago

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The screenshot shows some of my most-seen movies since 2016.
Mostly MCU stuff and Guardians of the Galaxy tops the list. I simply never can say no whenever these weirdos are on any screen.

The Family Man (with Nicolas Cage and Tea Leoni) is my personal Christmas movie tradition.
The Martian, Tomorrowland, Bridge of Spies, The Batman trilogy, V for Vendetta, Collateral, Constantine, WALL·E, Interstellar are just great movies and got 3+ views each.

Usually I'm not someone to rewatch many movies though, there are too many I haven't seen yet.

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2 years ago*

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Guardians of the Galaxy is just brilliant on so many levels. I haven't seen the Christmas special yet, was it good?

Very glad to see someone has Constantine in their list. I've seen it many times and yes I know it's not faithful to the comics but it's good so I don't really care. I am looking forward to Constantine 2 and crossing my fingers it's going to be just as good.

2 years ago

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I haven't seen the special yet, that's something I keep for closer to Christmas.

Yeah, Constantine was great. And one reason for my Rachel Weisz crush. 😁
Being faithful to some original is not unimportant but generally overrated imho. If the result is good entertainment it certainly isn't worth any of the common online riots these days.

2 years ago

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And one reason for my Rachel Weisz crush

As if we needed a reason :D
Too bad she probably won't be in the sequel.

Being faithful to some original is not unimportant but generally overrated imho

In this case it was even better that it wasn't really. Because that left room for other adaptations that were so we got twice the fun.
Sometimes it also keeps things fresh not to know everything in advance when you already know the source material. If that means deviating from it, while staying true to the spirit of it, I'm fine with that.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Independence Day, saw it six times in theaters. Loved that movie.
Sequel was terrible though.

2 years ago

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American Psycho. It's so funny and quotable and the acting from Bale is both over the top and yet so good. I don't watch the whole movie all the time but I like to frequently watch scenes from it.

2 years ago

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007 movies. Recently I rewatched Timothy Dalton films. They are solid, IMHO.

Cornetto Trilogy: Shaun of the Dead (2004), Hot Fuzz (2007), and The World's End (2013).

Lord of the Rings trilogy. I also re-read the books from time to time (read them 7 times so far).

Bourne trilogy. They are not perfect, but the Moscow car chase in Bourne Supremacy is one of best car chases ever.

2 years ago

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As teens, we watched First Blood (the first Rambo movie) soooo many times.
Terminator, too.

2 years ago

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Big Trouble in Little China
atleast twice a year since release :)
dunno why just love it but wife hates it haha

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I really love It's a Wonderful Life and Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, and I've watched each several times a year. I've lost count of how many times I've watched them. They're just really good, and they're my comfort movies. I also really like National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. I watch that with my mom and aunt each Christmas.

2 years ago

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Capra's movies are the definition of comfort movies in general but these two certainly top my go-to list when I'm looking for something sweet and cozy.

2 years ago

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I watched Titanic again this week... I don't know why. Even the first time I knew it was going to sink

2 years ago

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100% diz i seen it like 563x and still laugh like first time

2 years ago

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Groundhog Day, on Feb 2nd, every year since I-don't-remember.
Strange Days, on New Year's Eve, trying to sync the midnight with the movie's end of year. For personal reasons, I don't do this anymore.
Lawrence of Arabia, every year's most hot day. With cool soda and whatnot, of course.
Probably many more, I've watched Gran Torino and The Accountant more times than I can remember.

2 years ago

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Dune (the old one not the new crap movie)
Star Wars 1-3 (the old parts count as 1-3 [they aren't 4-6!!!!]). So yes, i mean the really old triology.

I watch each of them 1x/year.

Why ?
Because they are great movies, with good stories, good actors and i like both universes.

Not like the stuff that is produced nowadays with really bad actors (in many cases i could do the job as good or better as them and then is something very wrong...) and generic stories.

2 years ago

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Inglourious Basterds.

I do watch either the entire movie or some clips from it almost every year, just because the acting of Christoph Waltz and Diane Kruger is absolutely out of this world

2 years ago

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