
I just noticed that the Deponia games are on a huge sale right now (85% off) and I've been wondering for a while if I should get them. I really enjoy point-n-click adventures and have played my fair amount of Telltale games, Monkey Island and Grim Fandango when I was younger.

So my real question is if I should start slow going 1 by 1 (since I don't have time to play them all right now anyway) or if I should get the Complete Journey which I've been told is the best bang for your buck (I mean, 3 games for 5€ sounds legit)

8 years ago

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What should I do?

View Results
Buy the first game, then follow through in future sales if you liked it
This games are amazing, get the Complete Journey NOW
Don't waste your money, they are worthless

This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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Yeah but first time I've put my eyes on it is right now when it is on sale on Steam so i have no free copy nearby to try it out :/

8 years ago

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I have a free key if you want it.

8 years ago

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They're definitely different from the lucasarts/ttg stuff you mention. Enjoyable, but less "sparkle" really, hard to describe. I'd definitely recommend Nelly Cootalot: The Fowl Fleet, based on what you've said you like there.

8 years ago

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Noting that down, seems like a nice review.

8 years ago

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Buy the Daedalic Armageddon bundle on Steam when next time it gets a 90% discount.

Deponia is worth it if you like classic style point 'n' click adventure games, because it is one of the best in the past decade; and if you don't mind if your protagonist is a funny, but incredibly self-centric jackass who only looks out for himself with zero empathy.

The Complete Journey is nice, but I'd say the individual deal is better, because the Complete lacks the Drugglejug mode from Deponia 1. And IMO everyone should experience the drugglejug mode. Because drugglejug.

8 years ago

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drugglejug ! (I hate that mode)

8 years ago

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Now I'm puzzled about drugglejug. Really hard.

PS: I don't know how much it was cut off price on sale but JEEZUS ALMIGHTY that bundle is huge. I just wanted to spend a little money on a little game :_D

8 years ago

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In that case, look at the trades section. Hell, even I could trade you Deponia 2 and 3 for 1 EUR/each. And Deponia 1 was a freebie once, so it goes for like 30-50 cents.

8 years ago

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Found someone below who might have a key for the first one from one of the free promotions so if that goes well I might add you to get the second and third one. Sounds like a nice deal to me. I'm currently at work but I will add you and we can talk talk later :D

8 years ago

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Sure. I'm at work as well. We'll talk in the afternoon then.

8 years ago

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Don't listen to him, the Complete Journey has a lot of bonus content that by far outweighs the removed Drogglejug mode which is nothing more than a gimmick that might entertain you for a few seconds. There is absolutely no point in not getting the Complete Journey if the alternative is to buy the first game seperately which will be an extremely unnecessary expense.

8 years ago

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Haha, for sure! Drugglejug ^-^

..I was totally zoned out when I played that mode and said drugglejug to everything the following days afterwards xD

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You just went to the wrong side of the Vicky Mendoza diagonal...

8 years ago

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So too crazy? :( Well, maybe you would be as well if you would play a full game where everything they say, sing, choices, options, everything really is saying "Druggeljug" =]

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Yup. No one forced you to play the game that way, you went through all that just for an achievement...so that doesn't help your case. ;)

8 years ago

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Well true.. But I loved the game, and it wasn't that bad.. + got to get allllll them achievements :)
The best thing was the intro song! :D

8 years ago

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I prefer the english version...

8 years ago

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xD Well sure, but still funny :P!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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"There's no such thing as a woman that isn't at least a 4 in crazy" Hahahaha omg! That made me laugh xD!

.. Unicorn zone & tranny zone LMAO .. Oh God, this dude is funny xD
I think what he said is pretty accurate overall. :P Had to upvote that video!

8 years ago

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I somehow got Deponia, Chaos and Goodbye, should I care about complete journey?

8 years ago

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No, it is this three packed into one program. There is zero difference. And I know that because I literally played the trilogy and the Complete at the same time, in parallel, for the double achievements. :3

Well, okay, not zero. Complete added hidden collectibles to Deponia 1 instead of drugglejug, and there are developer commentaries for all of them. But it is such a repack that you need to do all three tutorials, no matter what.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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To my own surprise I'd say it's better. I'm from Austria and I intentionally played it in english because the original voice acting constantly made me wanna punch Rufus :D I know it's suposed to be charming but if somebody uses the word "Plörre" I'm out.

8 years ago

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I think I have an extra key of the first game from the free promotion. If I find it, it's yours.
(Agrégame, a ver si hay suerte)

8 years ago

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¡Gracias! Ahora mismo estoy en el trabajo pero te mando invitación y por la tarde lo hablamos.

8 years ago

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De nada :)
Te la he dejado en el chat, espero que funcione, no recuerdo haberla usado o dado, pero la verdad es que no tengo muy buena memoria.

8 years ago

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Aunque no funcionase te agradezco de todas formas el gesto, mucha gente no se habría tomado las molestias. Esta tarde la pruebo en casa y te comento qué tal.

8 years ago

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My favourite series. If you like funny Point N Click you must play them all.

8 years ago

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Deponia games are awesome, buy them all D:

8 years ago

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I really loved Deponia, so I bought Chaos and Goodbye immediately after finishing the first one. I can't say why, but Chaos absolutely bored me after a short period, so it landed on the "Games I started and want to finish sometime.. if I have time... maybe... propably not" - stack

8 years ago

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I know that stack better than I would like to admit. Thanks for the insight, will let you know how this ends :D

8 years ago

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I really like them. I bought the first one and decided to get the Complete Journey then :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Oh hey look I actually do have a spare key :o Couldn't find it at first and thought for a second that I just didn't have it ^^" Let me know if yomisma's key doesn't work.

8 years ago

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Thank you! I'm currently at work and she already sent me the key, but I can't test it until I get home in the evening. If by that point it doesn't work, I'll let you know ;D

8 years ago

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They are amazing!! A must to play!! :) Most of Daedalic Entertainment's games are^^'

Let me know as well if the other person can't find the key, I have a spare copy of Deponia from an old bundle =)!

8 years ago

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They are AWESOME! Buy them all. Then buy all the other Daedalic games too. :D

8 years ago

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I played the first one only so far, but it was brilliant. Clever, whimsical - and sometimes takes a quick turn to the serious. It's a really solid point and click :)

8 years ago

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La 1ª y 2ª parte tienen voces en castellano pero la 3ª no. Asi que cuando hicieron el Complete Journey directamente no le pusieron castellano a ningún capítulo. Yo por eso los tengo por separado. De momento me he pasado el 1º y es muy divertido. Y sí que son aventuras gráficas al estilo clásico.

8 years ago

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Realmente el idioma no me supondría problema, además de que dicen que el voice acting en inglés está muy bien hecho. De todas formas parece ser que el consenso general por ahora es que vaya por etapas en vez de pillar el pack.

8 years ago

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El doblaje de las voces en castellano es sorprendentemente bueno.

8 years ago

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if you like this genre of games and played in any other daedalic games and like it so go on and take complete journey. if you see daedalic games first time try on first game. it's great games but with one - for me. puzzles not logical sometimes at the best. but art and story is good. also in complete journey i think you play 1 by 1 anyway and if you like this genre of games you can take complete journey, but now there is one more game in series named doomsday i think and it's not in complete journey so you could just buy 1 game right now.

8 years ago

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Eso sí, ten cuidado, que se empieza por Deponia y se acaba siendo adicto a las aventuras gráficas de Daedalic :P

8 years ago

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If you like point and click, then go for it, the complete journey is the best choice and if you don't enjoy Deponia (very unlikely) you can always refund ;)

8 years ago

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I'm probably biased, but Deponia should be worth it just because Alix Wilton Regan does the voiceover for "Goal". She is the best!

8 years ago

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The first game was really good. The second was a complete and total mess of a game. There is a LOT of superfluous dialog that gets really annoying and more than a few poorly clued puzzles. I just finished it and it will probably be a long time before I'm ready to see if the third game is any better.

IMO, of course. :-)

8 years ago

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Well i was asking for people's opinions so thanks for the insight, I appreciate it. The general opinion, as it seems from all of the responses, is that the first game is waaaay better on every aspect than the second one.

8 years ago

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I won the Complete Journey here and really liked it.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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Played all four of them (in their German original) and they're hilarious! If you love point'n'click adventures, you will definitively enjoy this series. There are a lot of easter eggs and references to other games. I've been playing point'n'click games since 1991 and loved the Deponia series!
The parts (Deponia/Chaos/Goodbye/Doomsday) should be played in order without leaving any one out.

8 years ago

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