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2 years ago

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Image links not working. Proof enough for me!

It is dead!

2 years ago

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All hail the self-fulfilling prophecy!

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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queue chanting for Konrad

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Unban and move them to SG mirror world that is the same except only previously banned users are there. No rules, no moderation. Wonder how many GAs they would make for others, and how engaged their discussions would be.

Last man standing would be allowed to go back to normal SG server.

2 years ago

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I'm pretty sure Rockstar did something like that for GTA V Online. They would put all the cheaters in the same lobby and let them go wild on each other

2 years ago

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I think it happened in a few games actually, each time to the great entertainment of everyone else. So it's not my invention, I just re-purposed it :D

2 years ago

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it's not that SG is dying - just the world needs money for things other than giveaways plus humble choice's went from 12 games to 8 would also be a big factor

also people have a lot of games already so they buy less and therefore have less to giveaway - i giveaway a lot but mine are not the quality that i'd like - and some people would rather not give those sort of games/dlc away rather than do poor/less value giveaways
also i don't:
have a mortgage
a wife/girlfriend/husband/boyfriend
car payments (work pays for that)

also with the bundles we no longer get bundles for like $1 (outside of some software ones) also:
no bundles from gogo bundles/outaku bundles
no bundles from groupees

also since the "loop hole" of those cheaper but pricier games mostly come to 0CV they are not given as much either

2 years ago*

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also i don't:
have a mortgage
a wife/girlfriend
car payments (work pays for that)

Bwuhahaha! Didn't you say you were someone's mother, and that you had a son here on SG

2 years ago

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Haha, good memory. I remember that too, now that you mentioned it.

2 years ago

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Yeah.. you are right... huh.

2 years ago

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sorry i missed putting boyfriend and husband down and yes i do have a son but he pays for himself and has his own house and job

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Are you implying that it's NOT typical for a mother to buy NSFW hentai games to her son? :3 uwu

2 years ago

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Or that, you know, you kind of forget that you are a parent and have a son (even though you both share the same style of writing and grammar mistakes). Really, it's a mistake anyone could make. Just how sometimes I have trouble telling the difference between SG and Tinder

swipes right

2 years ago

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Again.. You are a mod.. Yet you are witch hunting and "bullying"/chasing a user (dunno how to write this better). You should stop

I don't care for the details of this and nobody should either. It's an active and not a banned user, they aren't breaking any rules as far as I'm aware and they are still here so I'm guessing they are perfectly fine by rules. Yet you are going out of your way to make a user feel uncomfortable. Why? This isn't how mods should be. You're supposed to STOP fights.. Not start them or fuel them..

2 years ago

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It's not only that you are fundamentally wrong on everything you wrote so far but you are the only one here who is trying to start something and it will not work, so this will be the first and final exchange from me to you regarding this matter


Haha, and it just happens that you have both of these users on your friend list ("mother" and her "son"). I'm sure it's just a lovely coincidence, nothing more

2 years ago*

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I have the majority of traders from barter in my friendlist and?
You are missing a lot of things about this but honestly I don't care..

What I do care about is how mods act. Not just here.. Everywhere. What I'm saying is that you are making someone feel uncomfortable on purpose and I don't care why. If there is an actual problem, ban them. If not, as a mod and not a simple member, you should drop it.

Now, there is absolutely nothing else I can add to this to make my point clear. You wanna try and turn and twist this into something else, I can't stop you. But what I wrote multiple times and why is very very clear and needs no further justification. And I won't be playing "games". It's not like I can "force" something shrugs emoticon

2 years ago

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Just take a look at the ratio and difference in value of gifted and won games between 'jr mod' xarabas and wigglenose, and it's clear to anyone who is more of a drain on other users. Sadly there is no rule against mods being bullies and leaches, but it'd be nice if there was.

2 years ago

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I prefer leeches (your word) to liars, but to each his own cherry-picked ethics.

And how the fuck does the number of giveaways have any bearing on someone's ability to moderate? Or ability to even be a decent person, for that matter? I don't much care for Xarabas, but that's a ridiculous argument from every angle. Personally speaking, I wouldn't want someone who uses the word "leech" as a moderator, either.

Some of you use the word "bully" way too liberally. if someone is lying and gets caught, and you point out their lies, it's not "bullying." It's called "truth." Apparently some people could use more of it. But hey, feel free to tell me how I'm bullying you now by disagreeing with you, and I'll feel free to laugh at your double standards.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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lol, got blacklisted for that image, so you probably did too. ^^

2 years ago

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Nah, you were bl'd before you posted that - and Tzaar's been bl for more than a year. There may be no rules against (and even mod support for) your dogpiling and general arsehollery, but I can at least black list you and keep a wee tag against your name to ignore you for ever more. I love having the ability to stick little tags next to cunts that point out that they are cunts. Saves so much time in future :)

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Misuses "bullying", misuses "dogpiling", and then goes on to personal attacks and insults rather than debate or discussion.

Go figure. You should re-think using the word "Smart" to describe yourself, bud.

2 years ago

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I'd blacklisted him ages ago for his behavior, and his response is a perfect example why.

Ethics > giveaways.

2 years ago

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I didn't even have any kind of personal interaction with them before. Or if I did it wasn't memorable enough. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2 years ago

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Even i seem to be blacklisted, he talks about arsehollery and being cunts, but something about calling the kettle black (it's a nicer way then actually using his words back at him).

2 years ago

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Pftt. Mods are human. If the mod did something really bad, I'd agree with you. But he didn't. And "ratio" has nothing to do with anything. It's mathematically impossible for everyone on the site to have a positive ratio. Anyway, If this was real life, wigglenose couldn't even bring a libel case against xarabas because what he said is true.

At this point, I don't actually think the mods care, or would bother banning wigglenose. If they were going to, they'd have done it already. Second chances are good. I don't even know what he did previously. At the end of the day, the sibling/friend excuse (in this case mother) is the oldest trick in the book. He hasn't done anything banworthy since his return, so they've left him alone. And we all know the account is run by a man. It's pretty obvious from the way it behaves and the odd slip up. Xarabas was only saying what we already knew. I was making a little joke of my own by quoting him in the first place.

2 years ago*

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i have never bought him any games - thank you and you can't say i have (well you can and you'd be wrong)

2 years ago

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yes it was pretty good from what he said

2 years ago

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Glad more folks are catching on to this, haha. Actually, the person you are replying to is a former SG member under a new account - who is pretending to be the mother of that previous account. So he is his own son (now that's a sentence I never thought I'd type out)

2 years ago*

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Thanks for confirming the suspicion I had ever since I met "her" pretty much in my first days here. ^^

2 years ago*

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I've had this suspicion for a long time. Haha!

That's hilarious. =)

2 years ago

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no i'm not but whatever - you always say what you want and do what you do

2 years ago

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Ah, it's pretty obvious that's why I chose to poke a little fun at you. I've known this for a long time.
I don't condemn you for it, just find it funny.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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that's really funny fact :D

2 years ago

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I can understand members doing and saying random stuff but you are staff. Shouldn't you be a bit more professional? Or.. A lot? For real................

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Fitting.. A jester posting a "joke" :)))

2 years ago

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Can you clarify something for me? That former member still has his account but it's perma-suspended or was it deleted or is still active?

2 years ago

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Deleted - since it is against the rules to have more than one account on SG. They accumulated enough suspensions so they assumed the next one might be a permanent one so to avoid that, they deleted the account and made a new one later as sort of a clean slate.

And honestly, that's all fine by me. We're all humans and we all make mistakes. I know I did and said some stupid stuff before my support days and during that I now regret it. But the thing is - what's the point of starting a clean slate if you're gonna behave exactly as the last time

2 years ago

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That's interesting.
Let's break some rules, then delete account and create new one :) Repeat for profitz.

Introducing ability to delete accounts created new problems that should be addressed in rules I suppose xD

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2 years ago

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I had the same reaction as you.
The whole thing looks justshady...

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Humble Choice may have gone to 8 games from 12 but you should mention that it got cheaper too. (For me it's €10 now (with -2 / -4 coupons usually) and it was €18 for quite a while, and I never got a €6 for 6 months offer.)

2 years ago

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it may have but some people only buy choices and therefore have less keys

2 years ago

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Well, define "dying". Number of giveaways declined, that's for sure, and it was happening for quite some time. But then again, there are multiple external reasons for that, like multiple nefring of steam gifts, rise and fall of trash "games", non-obvious region locks, etc. Also, over time more and more games being given away for free, resulting in permanent "no-CV" status on SG. And don't forget global financial crisis, people spend less money of games. So, I can't say if SG is "dying" or just following the overall trend, and will just remain on a lower lever for quite a long time.

2 years ago

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Also, I don't want you to think that I'm arguing just to oppose you, so here is another proof that SG is dying, to support your claim. I've already spent some, it was over 3000

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2 years ago

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Been a long time I wanted to see that, ty.

2 years ago

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Out of curiosity, why you hoard so much points ? It costs time to enter, leave, enter etc..
I never come into trouble with "only" max. 400p and max. 4 pages of GAs.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Or right click > inspect element for even easier shenanigans

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Just a heads up that others are saying that your title is showing up incorrectly at the moment.
They're all saying it's showing up as "Super Moderator" or something like that?
Really weird that it only shows up correctly for xarabas and me..

You should get cg to look into that HUGE bug for you, just to make sure your actual posts and title are being shown properly to everyone on sg!

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2 years ago

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Well, it's not a trick, that's my actual points.

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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But it won't be so much fun if it isn't real!

2 years ago

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Well, when I started hoarding points it seemed useful - because, you know, ever since SGv1, where points depended on total created giveaways, I was often in one of two situations:

  1. A lot of points, nothing to enter
  2. A lot of giveaways, no points

So, having some reserve seemed like a good idea.
But as you rightly showed in your post - number of giveaways decreased significantly, so nowadays I rarely in a situation when I lack points to enter everything I'm interested in (maybe it's also because of blacklists, but I think decrease in total giveaways is more important). But I still was hoarding, more because of force of habit than because of some real reason. What you see on my image is a result of community train - I put a lot of points there, because gibs lasted for a whole month, but when it ended I was too tired to store those points in new giveaways, and hence they are all available now. Maybe I will start hoarding again later, because it's some kind of meta-game for me now, and it sooth me a little, even if it makes no sense. Maybe not.

2 years ago*

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wait, that's illegal!

2 years ago

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The site has definitely slowed down from it's peak, but if you look at the giveaway stats, we have been fairly steady around 25k to 35k GAs per month since Jan 2019. That's almost 4 years. I think I have more points that I don't spend now because I already own most of the games I am interested in playing and there are very few good bundles anymore, so I personally just don't enter as many giveaways.

Here's my points. I took the screenshot on Sep 26 when I removed all my points from the community train before it ended. I don't use anything automated, so it took a long time to copy and paste 407 GA links to manually remove all my entries. I'm hoping there will be something I am interested in next week in the Humble monthly.

I could have easily had over 10,000, but I left my account sitting at 400 points for a while a few times. It's a lot of work to try and spend all the points that I don't know what to do with, but the community train made it much easier having a huge supply of month long GAs to store points in :)

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2 years ago*

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I wouldn't say the site is dying. There is bound to be some decline in membership after a certain point. People have enough games and can't be bothered anymore and stuff like that.

Also there's the growing 0 CV list. A lot of people don't want to give those away here because they feel like it tarnishes their account somehow. I get them in bundles constantly and just give them away anyway since they're very rarely trash games that you'll get from Humble or Fanatical.

2 years ago

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I wouldn't say the site is dying. There is bound to be some decline in membership after a certain point.

A decline in active membership anyway.

2 years ago

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The 0 CV list should actually increase the number of giveaway. Those games used to be completely banned from giveaways prior to the addition of 0 CV giveaways.

2 years ago

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Aye, but I've seen comments from people saying they won't give away games that are 0 CV.

2 years ago

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So be part of the solution and create more giveaways?

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Imagine if everyone who commented in this thread made a single gib each? We could solve everything!

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2 years ago

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It's past its prime for sure, but itsn't dying as of yet, the same goes for bundles as a business model, the best days are behind us.

2 years ago

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Can confirm. I am now dead

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Hi dead, I'm dead

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Maybe the stream of giveaways is drying up as fast as the Colorado River, but I don't think the site itself is dying. I think we'll see a transition from being primarily general giveaway based to primarily forum and event based. I still see some threads with very active participation, and events like the September Community Train had great participation both from entries and created quality giveaways.

We'll definitely see the transition away from extensive giveaways, but I think the community will continue to thrive long after the gifts have dried up. It's like the transition from kids/teens to adults. Kids get lots of gifts and enjoy receiving things for holidays/birthdays/whenever, but as they get older and mature, they cherish time and community more. I think we're getting to those more mature times as a community, where we give some token as a tradition, but focus more on the interactions with community members.

That's my two cents on the topic. Feel free to pick it apart :D

2 years ago

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Everything dies (enter sad Type 0 Negative music).

2 years ago

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Damn, the last time when i heard Type O Negative songs is, for sure, 10 years+ ago. I still have it... somewhere.

2 years ago*

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Type O Negative

2 years ago

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This is a function from the influx of new users. Most of the old users have spent enough time in this game and are now less active. Plus restrictions on direct gifting in Steam played a role.

2 years ago

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Restrictions of direct gifting, not storeable gifts etc. have be minimized from me with picking only the last 5 years.

2 years ago

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The drop at 2018 looks dramatic. But honestly I can't recall when exactly the major changes happened in Steam gifting, probably before it, in early 2017

2 years ago

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By 2016, Steam had removed flash sales. This caused an initial decline in giveaways (relative to individual members) due to users no longer having the motivation to stockpile discounted games in their inventory. 2016 also saw the first wave of exodus of long-term, high-profile members, in part due to certain unpleasant site circumstances of that time; Perhaps most visible of those who made their departure, we saw the leavetaking of RachelLove (who was succeded in her role in tracking bundles and posting detailed informative threads on them by SensualShakti, who has impressively been keeping up with her volunteer efforts ever since).

2017 had far more substantial changes to Steam: Namely, no more storing gifts in inventory and a 10% currency restriction on gifting. [Read More]. This caused a lot of problems for SG- not only did it firmly decrease interest in gifting unbundled games, but the changes were, in part (along with staff policies of the time continuing to fail to handle site toxicity properly, along with other site issues), what led to a far more substantial exodus of long term, high-profile members.

This loss of members and loss of readily available "big name" gifts to top off events with caused a fairly substantial shift not only in the loss of many generous gifters, but also in the frequency and energy behind community-oriented posts (ie, leading to an early decline in non-major community puzzles, games, and events, which would continue and escalate through the next few years). This exodus of high-profile users would continue through 2018, only slowing to a more normal trickle later in that year.

2018 saw the final death throes [as they related to the bundling of games] of most remaining non-Humble, non-Fanatical bundle sites- perhaps most notably, bundle forerunner Groupees (which had already been in massive decline since around 2016). IIRC, during this period Steam introduced further restrictions on purchasing (eg, introducing new regions for restricted purchase locking), furthering the lack of interest in Steam Store purchases.

Moreover, broadly speaking, Steam Sales from this period onward were largely considered to be less interesting than in previous years, based on the fact that a shift in industry standards had led to <best sales> occuring in off-periods, with less desirable sales occuring during major Steam sales, with the implication that such a shift was occuring so as to take advantage of the purchasing impulse that such sales reliably put into customers (ie, a mindset of "previous stats show that they're probably going to buy during this period anyway, so why make the sale too good?").

Finally, this was the last year of many of the key promotional resources that had previously been available to us. Humble had weekly (ie, non-Monthly/Choice) bundles begin to cease during this period, the steady- and finally, dramatic- decline of which led to the most substantial lack of resources for regular bundled giveways.

This, added on to the lack of ready availability of unbundled games for giveaway and declining energy behind huge promotions in general (for example, in 2018 EA ceased their "On the House" program for Origin [not relevant to SG, just noting it for establishing trend], ceased their promotional activities, TremorGames shut down, supplementary sites like OpiumPulses and GameHag started going off the rails, etc) led to a dramatic decline in consumer (and SG) interest in dedicatedly following sale promotions, and led to a severe shortage in available resources for giveaways.

[As an abberant point of note, Lootboy was actually established in 2018, though their contributions to keys have admittedly been fairly minimal, outside of specific Daedalic published games, as non-Daedalic, non-free, non-trashware games are exceptionally rare returns from Lootboy.]

At this point, the availabiliy of free and discounted games became comparatively miniscule, with Humble Monthly being our only real remaining resource for games, barring the rare Fanatical bundle, or the rare decent sale on various ever-less-stimulating storefronts. The only sites that really didn't decline on promotions during this period were GOG and the Humble Store, which both continued offering seasonal freebies to drum up interest in seasonal sales, with there even being an increase in the quantity of such offerings. Though, flip side, both storefronts substantially declined on offering historic lows on actual sales starting from this period, making it more a give-and-take than a true improvement.

2019 saw the introduction of Choice (in place of Monthly), which introduced a higher price tag for Monthly, along with blabberghasting, consumer-unfriendly, estoeric plan differences and promotional approaches. This saw a decline in those who used Monthly/Choice regularly (ie, avoiding on-the-fence bundles and long-term plan subscriptions that they had previously been open towards), due to the unreliable, less pleasant purchasing experience.

While consumer interest in bundles had been declining over several years, leading to smaller quantities of purchasers per any given bundle (in large part due to much of the consumer base now having overflowing libraries, with those most eager for additional games being those most likely to impulse buy games when they were still new), this period saw a sort of added disillusionment with bundles due to IGN's mismanagement of promotions and poor treatment of customers.

To absolutely hammer in the declining circumstances starting in 2018 that Humble's escalating mismanagement had peaked, December of 2018 saw the introduction of the Epic store. While this didn't have immediate negative impact during the month of its introduction, 2019 saw an ever increasing frequency of promoed Steam content being introduced free or at better discount on Epic within minimal timeframes- sometimes even only a month or two after they had been in a Humble promotion!

While Choice had been intended to take away from the general consumer disillusionment in promotions that the previous, surprise post-purchase reveal Monthly bundles were further pushing, this benefit was quickly overshadowed by Epic's freebie spam. This near-guarantee of being screwed over on a bundle purchase thanks to Epic following up with something better right after, took the disillusionment consumers had with bundles and other sales for Steam games, and pushed it into overdrive.

Now, disgusted with being ripped off on a regular basis, consumers began to be far more careful and less impulsive on game purchase. In the context of SG, this led to many gifters no longer purchasing Monthly->Choice bundles for the sake of gifting or sharing, with the sentiment that their efforts would too likely be undermined shortly thereafter, substantially lessening the benefit they were trying to pass on to others.

Unless a Choice bundle massively appealed to the individual themself (at which point leftovers could be justified for gifting on the fact that they were leftovers) they- with their increased price, increased uncertainty, dramatic shift in expectations towards Humble support, and declining amount of giftable [ie, Steam-based] games- simply weren't an appealing thing to purchase for any but those who could easily justify $15 a month without concern, either to the cost or to the value of the purchase.

(Which is to say, some users who had higher incomes did still find Choice appealing based on the mindset of "for $15 I can get a lot of good games to gift and whatever comes, comes, it's only $15" [this as stated by certain users], a mindset that certainly came across quite foreign to those with more strict budgets and more inflated considerations towards the value of $15.) (Though with Humble Bundles being more consistently around $8 after discounts for a long time now, that consideration has since admittedly become a bit more broadly accessible.)

As the final step on our highlight tour of declining gifting circumstances, 2020 saw the introduction of Covid- and anyone who relates purchasing patterns from before covid to those following covid without making proper accountance for the shift in purchasing patterns is a raging incompetent of the highest order, full stop.

2 years ago*

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Wow, thank you for such a detailed review of events!

2 years ago

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Youngling, the first exodus of long-term known members was with JadeFalcon, Loconopa, Rinarin and other (mods) back in 2013. ;)

For those who don't get it, youngling is a joke. It's just interesting people think one member leaving is a reason for some exodus, while many similar events happened through the history of the website and it always moved on. That said, a good review.

2 years ago*

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Thanks Sooth for the detailed description of events. You should be given the honorary title of Residing Game Industry Historian.

2 years ago

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Nice listing but two or three things need to be added.

Lootboy gave over the last 4 years a lot of free keys out with their boosters. Or some people would not use up to 300 multiaccounts to grab their stuff -that find in a good bunch of cases the way to sg....

You not named IG Feudalife Challenge, that brought and still bring a lot of keys to sg (the last thing i read were that they give again 1.4 M keys...). People get up to 15 keys DAILY with one account. Time that is needed for 3 games = 5 min.. People demonstrated it to me (because i don't use it). So a high ammount that is much more as the lower amount of keys from HB and other official stores. And it give a lot that use, much, more as only 1 account. IG Multiaccounter examples are very easy to spot in the GAs on sg.

The shady ru stores get used much more in the last 4 years (i can only speak from the time since i know them and have experience with them -i assume the real timeframe were longer-) and that lead to a lot of GAs.

I would say, nowadays are, at least, 50% of the GAs from this sources (i don't want to invest more time to calculate or dig deeper to give a more exact percentage).

And last but not least, for the destroying of chrono are a part of the sg users, that used multiple accounts, responsible.

2 years ago

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Wow. Well said Sooth. I agree that Steam's change in gifts, regions, and inventory all contributed to the downfall of bundle sites. Steamgifts peaked at the same time bundle sites peaked. People forget that there was a new bundle site with decent bundles ever month...and they were cheap. It was a race to the bottom and only Humble and Fanatical survived (with IndieGala someone how still hanging around). I think Steam has pushed to keep prices higher, where a cheap game is $3-$8 instead of 10 for $2. There used to be multiple bundles a week, where the all-in cost was $1 to $3. Now there may be a couple decent bundle a month and they runs more in the $5-$15 range. This has also led to fewer repeats to giveaway.

One other program that Steam removed that impacted giveaways was Steam Greenlight. Devs dumped cheap or free keys if you committed to voting to get their game on Steam. These keys often found their way to Steamgifts.

2 years ago

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Only a Flesh Wound...

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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quality over quantity? :)

2 years ago

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If only this was the case... (个_个)

2 years ago

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Because of the smiley i am not sure if you are serious.

If you are serious....
The quality dropped too :D

2 years ago

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I was not serious. I see that it's dropping but we're the community and it depend on us what happen to SG. I'm a part of the problem, didn't make any giveway for more than 2 years and most of my games was bundle leftovers.

2 years ago

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When i look into your comment and your stats i see that you aren't a part of the problem.
You can communicate and read + use the discussions, you don't use a autojoiner, you made GAs.

So don't think much about that.

2 years ago

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Quality of bundles dropped in last two years, that might affect it? Tbh, economics isn't the best and I believe I am not only one who stopped buy games for strangers, who wouldn't play them anyway.

2 years ago

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Mhm. I used to do "big" giveaways, realized the hard way bots/leechers tend to get them. Setting the public giveaway up to level 3/4 helped, though.

But even with that, like you said, inflation is hitting really hard recently. I used to cut part of my budget out to buy a $20-50 game to give away, then had to instead save that money (mostly for gas). It sucks!

2 years ago

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Dying? Not yet. Declining yes. If this decline of SG translates into less revenue maybe the site owner will be compelled to take countermeasures.

2 years ago

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If this decline of SG translates into less revenue maybe the site owner will be compelled to take countermeasures.

Yes, that was my hope too.

But to be honest, lately i give a fuck if it happens or not.

2 years ago

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I would blame changes in how CV is counted. People are less likelly to buy 1$ - 20 shitty games bundles nowadays.
Also weren't there a lot of contributors banned for voicing their opinion? SG stuff cares more about proper behavior on forum then having more giveaways :)

2 years ago

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The "cv change", sadly, happened first lately and can't be the reason for years ago stuff.
I don't seen contributors banned for voicing their opinion, if they don't decorated it with some sentences about "mods are nazis" or stuff like that. Of course i don't know or seen all so maybe happened but can't be a high number of cases.

The sg staff can't do much and enforcing good behavior is nearly impossible with rules that allow insults like idiot, asshole and so on.
I reported people for such stuff and nothing happened (one wrote 6 insults daily...).

So let's bring it down to .... cg should put work into the guidlines for the mods (to give them more power and less crap rules from him) and measures against the black sheep hordes (autojoiners, multiaccounters, wins resellers).
But because that will not happen, the site die. Sooner or later. I would bet on sooner

2 years ago

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I - on the other hand would like environment where I could tell somebody to kill himself or use heavy insults instead of punctuation.
That would get me permabanned in seconds though - so behavior on sg forum it's still closer to one you would prefer :)
Clear rules would be great though.
It's hard to see two different ways of treating two persons doing the same thing in one thread. And only difference was that one of them was in bad terms with certain mod.

There was golden (pete) era where reroll tickets were solved in less than one day. Then were days where you had to wait more than week for a re-roll but in the same time you could be suspended for some minor thing on forum. And it's getting worse... Like mass suspensions for even little bit of zalgo font during last winter (except for support member - I mean - if support member writes in zalgo - it's ok, but you will be suspended - and it all was not in forum but in fucking private giveaway).

Honestly - with that kind of moderation - I'm less and less interested in "discussions". I'm afraid to write anything actually - because it might backfire and cut me off from giveaways part of the site.

I believe that some people stopped doing events thanks to that. and some were permabanned during events they hosted

No more buying games or bundles to make giveaways. Now this site is just a place where I can dump leftover keys from bundles. Because I'm too lazy for trading. People like me will keep this site alive in the long run I suppose. Even if it would be state close to terminal xD

2 years ago

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Strangely I agree.. (except the backfire and bored to trade part xD)

2 years ago

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You wrote something....
-ratatatatatata- (MG fire) :D

2 years ago

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Did you just.. gif me? xDDD
Now I can't make that gif leave my head -.- xDDD

2 years ago

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Head/Mind cinema :-D

2 years ago

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I see asshole etc. insults as not something that lead to something positive, for the people and for the site. And sg is the only site that allow/don't care for such stuff, so i am surprised because the members that they educate, over time, with this will be, for sure, not better/easier/less(er) stressfull ones. I don't see the advantage of allowing such stuff (but sometimes it is better not to think about cgs rules...).

It's hard to see two different ways of treating two persons doing the same thing in one thread. And only difference was that one of them was in bad terms with certain mod.

Yes, thats bad and shouldn't happen.

There was golden (pete) era where reroll tickets were solved in less than one day. Then were days where you had to wait more than week for a re-roll

Yes, a few mods (i would say 3) have and/or had a much bigger impact as other ones.

The, a bit, funny thing is that i see in this thread now more mods as i seen on sg in the last half year (community train excluded).
And only one of the ones that work(ed) a lot.
Which reminds me a bit on my thread where i wanted reactions of the mods and only one Junior Mod reacted and the rest avoided it. Let's say now, where i give a fuck, it is funny :-D ... but before i would have seen it very different (= the mods that do nothing for 6 months+ should step back).

I'm less and less interested in "discussions". I'm afraid to write anything actually.

Same for me but with a other reason.
I realize each day more how many time are wasted with reading stuff from idiots (and sg have a lot of them).
I focused the last months more and more on work and other reallife stuff and it is great. The ""bad"" side of it is the fact that i see clearer how bad it is here (a part of the mods are great, a part of the users are great but the majority isn't and cg is a absolute zero as only admin and programmer -he have skills but use it for the site each blue moon 1x [+ when his income get lower and need a boost...]-)

If sgtools would close the gates, then would be sg fucked because the longtime, friendly, generous gifters couldn't check their winners and would create, much, lower amounts of GAs (at least the public ones). Would be a Domino Effect.

Like mass suspensions for even little bit of zalgo font during last winter

I am not 100% sure it were the same time but i seen in the forum, not in "hidden" invite only GAs, the use of zalgo and it was extremely annoying because 20 people done it -in different threads (or GA comments?)- and it were difficult and partly impossible to read the description from the OP (or gifter?) + the comments from other ones that don't used zalgo.
So i were fully ok with that the people got punished at some point where a "stop" sentence wasn't followed.
They got a 2 days suspension, which wasn't ultra hard or something like that.

Maybe i don't seen all or not the thing you mean and it gave more times with zalgo, i am not sure.

If a mod done it and not got reminded on the rules (intern in the mod area), it wouldn't be fair ... but that they not openly sacrifice a other mod shouldn't be suprise someone.

I believe that some people stopped doing events thanks to that.

I reduced my activity as example because creating a Cakeday Thread brought me always 15 - 25 BL (and much lesser WL).
As "thanks" for all the work and spend money.
Wasn't motivating and i regreted it direct this year as i done one after 2 years without.
Not only because of the BL but because of 3 of 5 winners were black sheeps (BL material).

And you see the aggressive reactions on my thread here. Some people can't handle a opinion that isn't theirs and this weaklings (i try not to use the word snowflakes because it gets used in combination of political stuff and i don't want to mix politic stuff in it) are overpresent (over the normal = average amount).

No more buying games or bundles to make giveaways.

I bought complete bundles to give them away on sg but i stopped with this 2 or 3 years ago after realizing that the most of the winners only idled the games to sell cards for maybe 5 - 10 cents and not touched the games for the next 3 years+.

And when i do nowadays GAs i prefer to give to my group and WL where i have the control if there are black sheeps and where i can set it to level 0 without the risk to get trillions of abusive users as winners.
The feeling in the gifting process is complete different and the workload besides that much lower too (no hunting of the winner that he please please please take the win, no making and waiting on reroll requests etc.).

2 years ago

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I don't see the advantage of allowing such stuff

For me it's a matter of freedom, fun and some sort of anarchy. Do you remember mocking threads? I wanted myself to do something in this style: "Negative thread!" instead of "Positive thread!" but decided to not after fight between certain vicious poultry and her bf and another female user. What discouraged me was not the fight itself but the way that support handled it and how they decided to shoot down any mocking discussion afterwards.

So i were fully ok with that the people got punished at some point where a "stop" sentence wasn't followed.
They got a 2 days suspension, which wasn't ultra hard or something like that.

In my case it was inside christmas box. Some user was pasting this long lines made by diacritical marks, and another user asked how to do that. And I answered how + posted example. No warning or message to stop. Just suspension. Maybe 2 days is not much - but it was during christmas event - and I hold a grudge to this day for that xD It was like a punishment for passing forbidden knowledge.

creating a Cakeday Thread brought me always 15 - 25 BL

And I care about being blacklisted less and less. Since blacklists started to work in two directions (finally) I noticed decrease of new blacklists after posting. Generally - people are more careful when using this feature xD not to mention that also I was removed from some blacklists when it started to work in two ways

only idled the games to sell cards for maybe 5 - 10 cents and not touched the games for the next 3 years+

Hate that as well but I'm the last one to point at other users, since I'm guilty as well. Especially when I entered everything I could in the beginning. And when my backlog grown this big - with not much time to play games - some have to wait quite a long time for their turn. I just finished game (Devills hunt) and was browsing already installed games that I could finish... And it was kind of depressing. Kholat - almost finished... but last played in 2016 xD Creeping terror - half hour of playing... last time launched - 2019, murdered: soul suspect 2018 and so on...

What pisses me off is when I see that somebody actually have time to play games - with couple of thousand hours in CS or PD2 or similar game. In that case it's clear that only purpose for winning anything else was for farming cards and buying some skins/boxes/keys or whatever gambling bullshit they are selling nowadays xD

2 years ago

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fight between certain vicious poultry and her bf and another female user.

Don't seen that and/or being not informed enough about gf/bf constellaions.

In general i would assume that a "negative thread" would be allowed and only lead to the normal (for sg) BL reactions.

In my case it was inside christmas box

Hm, i can only assume that it was then one of the places where it happens and after a mod (or 2?) said stop in a other GA/thread.

If it was not at the same time and not after the post that zalgo is now forbidden/falls into inappropriate behavior or spam (if i remember correct a thread got opend to share this info), then it would be, of course, not cool.
And yes, in the christmas box time hit it much harder as at other dates.

I noticed decrease of new blacklists after posting.

My BL know only one direction :-D -giggling- but i not really care for the 480, mostly because 90% of them never done a GA or only tiny amounts. I see it as positive because people that can't accept a other opinion wouldn't be someone that i want to have contact with.
And because my WL is nearly on 700 i would say i do something right and it fits.

Hate that as well but I'm the last one to point at other users, since I'm guilty as well.

Don't get me wrong, i started to idle games 1 month ago BUT i plan to play the games too.
I finished yesterday a won game from 4 years ago, but the gifter isn't anymore active on sg since 1 year and not played something on steam for 1,5 years, so not possible to write "hey i played game X, it was X" (i like such reactions from winners).

It feels different if i give leftovers away OR if i buy a complete bundle only for sg.

I am poor (for german standards) and after i hunted black sheeps for years, and seen because of that a lot of accounts and checked them, i know how many cheat, exploit, multiaccount on freebie sites, trade all their leftovers, buy themself very expensive games and give nothing on sg etc.. So i see, in nearly all cases, very fast if a winner is the "usual" idler that will never touch the game and enter each GA or if it is someone that maybe will play the game at some point in the future and use a hide list on sg and maybe not enter each GA.
(Of course i don't expect that someone play bad games or each game that he win from me but the good ones should get at least a chance)

And as more GA winners with 800 wins and 2 own made GAs i had, as lower was my motivation to spend money for such people. That they have 10 cents win after i paid 5€.

I had winners that wrote at some point that they don't like games from genre X (the one that they won) and will never play such ones or questioned if they loose the farmed cards if they delete the game (20€ games) from their account etc.. Such stuff don't motivated me to give more big games in public GAs or in groups that let each bottom of the barrel people in.

I leave the last weeks groups and the last cleaning is still running... maybe in a week i am done with it.
It is great for me to throw some "ballast" (weight without real use) away.

2 years ago*

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Checking winners and some random users forced me to use PA group for certain games :)
Since then I try to not look too deeply into winner profiles - that would give me depression xD
I still check winners for infractions though

That being said - I still create public gas for games that I don't care too much.
Or when there are fun events (like christmas or community train).

So at least imo sg is not dead yet and quite far from dying tbh.
It would help if cg took some measures preferably drastic against autojoiners and multiaccounters.

And when it comes to forum... well - ruler were changed couple of times, but imho in wrong direction. Now SPAM in guideliness says nothing about automatically generated content - so multiple the same "thank you" messages under your every single giveaway, posted in the same second are not a spam considering new rules guideliness xD
Edit: missed that it's still: the Content is not spam, is not machine or randomly-generated ----> but you have to scroll down to the botom of the site and read ToS... FaQ, Guideliness and TOS - why we have rules to follow in 3 different places ffs

I was once suspended for spam because I responded to my own comment - now there is a separate category for this: "Unreasonable bumping".
It looks like a wet dream of mod that want to abuse his power rather than something actually useful.

2 years ago*

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I can understand adjusting a rule but constantly making new ones? For over 10 years?.. And things are still like THIS? xD

Btw, since there is no reward for posting count why it matters if one bumps a lot, replies to his own comment and so on? Spam is classified as something very different from this. And it's not just the "needless post" part (which is highly debatable).

2 years ago

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My bad about removing machine generated content - it's still there, but in ToS - missed it because we have rules in 3 different places xD Edited post above xD

2 years ago

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PA allowed that someone enter the group that cheated with 8+ accounts on discord, were banned on 30+ servers and a GA bot that is used in over 1k servers because "he don't done something wrong on sg".
So don't be too sure that the picked winner is a good pick or really play the win and not fake it with SAM and idling.

I checked my winners mostly only for infractions but that were in many cases "too much" to have a good mood. At least in the public and open group GAs.
To raise the min. level was the only solution and later to use my own group where i can control that multiaccounters on freebie sites or other cheaters etc. can't join and can't win the GAs. Both aren't perfect solutions or something that make me totally happy so it was a constantly combined with thoughts like "it could be, so much better if...".

Now SPAM says nothing about automatically generated content - so multiple the same "thank you" messages under your every single giveaway, posted in the same second are not a spam considering new rules xD I was once suspended for spam because I responded to my own comment - now there is a separate category for this: "Unreasonable bumping".
It looks like a wet dream of mod that want to abuse his power rather than something actually useful.

I don't seen a change in the SPAM clarification, maybe because i never read the new rules. I read the old ones and that was more as the most users done (which means more as enough).
That all the autojoiner thanks spam don't get punished with the spam rule is stupid and i made it very clear. But no higher mod want to say, public, the reason for it or state that they are lazy or whatever else.
No reaction = you can't do something as member = you lose the motivation to help them. At least that is one of the reasons in my case. Why i should spend time when a good bunch of the mods avoid to do work since years. I could name exactly 3 mods that do the most work of the last 3 years, thats it. 2 or 3 other ones do lately something, maybe because enough members were vocal in the discussions about exploiting games with extreme high prices etc..
But the 200 autojoiner tickets, that would be solved very quickly because the work were, nearly complete, done from one of my group members and me and only need to be "approved" (or in 1-5% declined) from a mod, are still untouched since months.
I absolutely understand why the 3 active mods don't want to do all work, so it isn't something against this ones (only to be very clear with this)

Responding to your own comment brought you a suspension ? Sounds very extreme.

Give it somewhere a explanation of "Unreasonable bumping" ?

I seen bumping of GA threads, that were combined with group recruitment infos, discord etc., 3x/daily from the same members. After reports nothing happened.
So it is unclear for me what the "Unreasonable" means exactly.

2 years ago

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My bad about removing machine generated content - it's still there, but in ToS - missed it because we have rules in 3 different places xD Edited post above xD

From personal experience "Unreasonable" means that if you bump thread that mods want to kill. If I remember correctly I earned my suspension for bumping Lyme awareness thread, but luckily it was closed by mods after perma-suspending it's creator , so all is fine :D

Actual definition:
Guideliness/User Content/11
Unreasonable bumping. When bumping a discussion you should try to ensure it is in the best interest of the community. If you notice our community is not engaging with the content after it has been bumped a couple of times, then you need to stop bumping the discussion unless important new information or updates would make it appropriate to do so.

But no higher mod want to say, public, the reason for it or state that they are lazy or whatever else.

No reaction = you can't do something as member = you lose the motivation to help them

They are busy reading every single post in attempt to punish any zalgo user out there.

So don't be too sure that the picked winner is a good pick or really play the win and not fake it with SAM and idling.

Stop telling me things like that! I want to believe!

Heh - we are turning it into general complaining thread xD To sum up - SG is still alive and far from dying... but it needs improvements. Like a lot of them xD

View attached image.
2 years ago*

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we are turning it into general complaining thread xD

Nope, the XX people before.
Nearly none focused on the provided stats without personal attacks, public shaming tries etc.

2 years ago

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That guideline you posted.. Wtffff?
This is THE most subjective thing I have seen so far in here.. It's laughable xD

I'm sorry I'm going off topic -again- but I just.. W-T-F??!!

Atm I have no energy for this.. Maybe later..

2 years ago

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i got to get off my lazy ass and do some of my backlog of gives.

2 years ago

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I'm not sure why I even care to respond... I guess I'm just pissed tired of threads created with the sole purpose of crying for attention and complaining for how everything is "worse than the best times".

So here goes.

Am I the only one who remembers the most marvelous Dollar Bundles from Bundle Stars? Over here you can find the reason why there was the greatest spike of giveaways in September 2017. For 1$ you could buy yourself 50 CV. Buy 5 of those and you can jump from new user to Level 5 in a day. That's 165 giveaways from one person to get 250 CV. How does it influence the number of giveaways? Compare it to the last 4 years. Why the last 4? Because for the past 4 years the number of monthly giveaways has greatly stabilized. It averaged at about 28000-30000 giveaways, but for arguments sake lets take the LOWEST number.
February 2022 had around 23000 giveaways.
September 2017 had 134000 giveaways.
Divide the difference (111000) by the number of games from 5 Dollar Viva Bundles (165).
111000/165 = 672.(72)
If that bundle came out today you would need less than 700 people to get tempted for that CV to bridge the gap and break that giveaway record of Sep 2017. That hard to imagine it happening?
Damn it, I know I am guilty of it as well. I remember giving a bunch of those. I'm not one to point fingers at people. Not proud of trying to game the system. But you want answers. Here they are.

Here is what's responsible for the giveaway spike in March of 2018. Get 40 CV for 1$. And there were more. If your argument was that sheer number of 134000 giveaways and the subsequent decline is an argument for Steam Gifts dying, then that is a weak-ass argument. Want it to go back to that? Make a petition to Fanatical to bring back those cheap as shit bundles. Oh the glory to look forward to...

Now, I don't care enough to look through the whole history of cheap deals to figure out what happened on Steam Gifts through Feb 2015 to Dec 2018. What I do like to look at is the last 4 years. Since Jan 2019 the number of giveaways has stabilized. Maybe due to Fanatical not supplying anymore CV farming bundles. Maybe it was the updated list of all those No Value giveaways. I don't care. What I do care is that I don't see this perceived looming death on SG. I don't notice a great decline in giveaways. Not the number, nor their quality. Hell in March of this year we had the greatest number since Dec 2018! Remember that Support Ukraine Bundle? A lot of people bought it up and just gave away most of it. And it was a whole lot of great games. We also have the Christmas events now, a yearly Community Train, last year we had a 10 year anniversary Special Event, and many more puzzles and events from the community... And you still find room to complain? Really?

So if you want to point at a graph and choose some arbitrary numbers that fit your narrative to get some attention, then knock yourself out. I'm done and I hope none will pay you any attention. Although...

Might I present something better to examine? Over here you find a user who for the past two years years and 500 giveaways (I didn't want to waste time looking further) has made:

  • 42 Invite Only giveaways
  • 458 Group Only giveaways (a few with an additional whitelist)
  • NO public giveaways

All the while taking advantage of a clear access to the public section. It's easy to see. So why is someone who contributes NOTHING to the general community is complaining about the general community not contributing further?

2 years ago*

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You write too much, so i read only a part.

...giveaway spike in March of 2018

I don't care enough to look through the whole history of cheap deals to figure out what happened on Steam Gifts through Feb 2015 to Dec 2018

I started in the screenshot with 2017 and only September to take a strong month.

If you don't want to see the declining numbers, do it how it flows your boat.

I hear all the time only how stuff gone, sites with bundles X etc., but none come up with sites that brought new stuff as the Indiegala Feudalife challenge that give/gave out 1 M+ keys (and a lot keys from there found their way to sg).

The "community" you speak of are maybe 200 - 300 people (and declining).

If you try to public shaming me then you failed because:

  • I done much more GAs but yeah, cut a timeframe X to cut all that you don't want to see/present in my GAs, as example the ~150 public GAs that i done (good luck that the average sg user do so many GAs -and on top public ones-).
  • Besides that are a high amount of my invite only GAs stuff like Cakeday GAs etc. that were public in the discussions and not "hidden somewhere and only shared with 10 buddies of group X to farm cv"

You made your last public GA nearly 1.5 year ago.
So very stupid to speak about other ones (with 1,4k GAs) as "contributing NOTHING to the general community".

And the best one is "is complaining about the general community not contributing further" because it shows that you weren't capable to understand my post that have no text besides the title.
Where did i wrote that i complain about the numbers ? Or what the "general community contribute" ?

-Shacking my head- I should not really be surprised that some sg users show me why i am not more really connected and give a fuck....

2 years ago

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You write too much, so i read only a part.

Okay, let's see what you focused on.

"giveaway spike in March of 2018
I don't care enough to look through the whole history of cheap deals to figure out what happened on Steam Gifts through Feb 2015 to Dec 2018"
I started in the screenshot with 2017 and only September to take a strong month.

So you couldn't be bothered to read the part where I answered that? The paragraph right before? With the link?

Over here you can find the reason why there was the greatest spike of giveaways in September 2017.

Couldn't read this?

If you don't want to see the declining numbers, do it how it flows your boat.

Oh I see the numbers. My point is that it is ONLY numbers. The period of Feb 2015 to Dec 2018, where you could find the greatest growth and decline, was influenced greatly by a increase of cheap 1$ bundles. You can find the links to them above. Your data is skewed.
You have no other metric to measure. I see nothing there to suggest that during that time the quality of any of those giveaways is better than in the past 4 years. You have not posted in that screenshot or in any of your comments that would suggest so.

If you try to public shaming me then you failed because... bla, bla, bla...

Ugh, dude... I'm not trying to shame you. You're doing a bang up job of it yourself. No room for me.

You made your last public GA nearly 1.5 year ago.

And I don't presume to showcase others how the number of giveaways is smaller then ever. Nor suggest that the site is dying. I don't see myself as a great contributor. Nor as exemplary. There are far better people on this site to look up to. I tend to stay quiet and out of the public discourse. And most of all I don't expect for others to give more than they deem appropriate.
YOU do though. And that invites scrutiny. Under YOUR OWN metric you fall short.
So, me? I'm not ashamed of my contributions. Not particularly proud either. I know them big and small. And I don't judge others. I'm perfectly happy with how this site is. It's great. I spent a lot of time here and I appreciate it.

Where did i wrote that i complain about the numbers ? Or what the "general community contribute" ?

Seriously? "Someone tell me that SG isn't dying"? That plus pointing on an arbitrary numbers of declining giveaways over the years? What is that if not crying? Please tell me in simple words: What is your point here? What were you trying to draw attention to?

2 years ago*

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YOU do though. And that invites scrutiny. Under YOUR OWN metric you fall short.

It is what you see.

But of course, for yourself you see the positivest possibility and for others (in this case me) you see the negativest possibility.

I can say it short, you read bullshit into my intentions, what i expect etc. but i will not educate you, as i said before, i give a fuck and i am not more so connected with this site since i stopped the hunt on the black sheeps and stopped with the reports to help the site to make it more fair for all and lower the amount of cheaters, exploited games etc..

What is your point here? What were you trying to draw attention to?

Maybe you aren't the brightest candle on the cake or you are sleepy.... there is really not much text in the OP message and the header (so i don't expected that someone don't get it).
I repeat: "The site is dying"
That was my message. No discussions needed about it.

2 years ago*

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I repeat: "The site is dying"
That was my message. No discussions needed about it.

Yes, absolutely no discussions are necessary especially when you start with "and now someone tell me...". That's also my go to phrase when I expect people to ignore me. :D You are my new favorite comedian. :D

But of course, for yourself you see the positivest possibility and for others (in this case me) you see the negativest possibility.

I'll return your words to you. "It is what you see". In this case you could look and see that I'm not trying to paint myself in the greatest ("positivest" - really?) light. Maybe you aren't the brightest candle on the cake, or you would have noticed that before. Or was that still too much text for you to go through? Why? For someone who values the right to having an opinion so strongly I would expect you to give proper respect for the opinions of others. Right?

You write too much, so i read only a part.

Then again maybe you don't...

Here's the thing. I am very sorry to report, that you have a persecution complex. Nobody is trying to shut you up. People posting their opinions contrary to yours is NOT them disrespecting your right to have an opinion. It's not them having problems with other peoples opinions.
Let me say this in no uncertain terms: You have absolute right to have your own opinion on any matter.
You have absolute right to have your own opinion.
You have a right to have your own opinion.
You have a right to an opinion.
You have a RIGHT to an opinion.
You have a RIGHT.

And that is what I respect. Your RIGHT to it. Doesn't mean that I have to respect YOU, or your opinion. Just your right to it. Your right to express it. And if it's stupid... well that's MY opinion. :) Don't I have a right to one as well?

If you want you can have an opinion on whether gravity exists. It won't make you float. Other people disagreeing with you is not what's keeping you on the ground.

2 years ago*

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"and now someone tell me..."

Isn't what i wrote...
I wrote "and-now-someone-should-try-to-tell-me-that-sg-isnt-dying" and it was based on the fact that, in the past, a bunch of people told me the site is healthy, all fine, nothing decline etc..

I accept that other people have opinions that aren't the same as mine but when someone try to public shame me (partly with focusing only on a part of something to pimp the stats in the negative way) then it have nothing to do with a "opinion".

You don't want to understand me and my lifetime is to worthy + i am too sleepy to write more (special in english).

2 years ago*

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I wrote "and-now-someone-should-try-to-tell-me-that-sg-isnt-dying"

Oh, sure. I got it wrong. No doubt about it. I also missed "should" and "to". Inexcusable. I totally see now how that whole complete sentence doesn't invite discourse. How you expected no one to follow. No one to disagree. This was meant to be a full stop. <Takes another look> Waaaait... that still carries the same meaning! You almost had me! :D Good one!

...and it was based on the fact that, in the past, a bunch of people told me the site is healthy, all fine, nothing decline etc..

Oh, finally some context. Couldn't share it before, could you? Or even better! Don't share it and leave out that screenshot entirely. Be Mysterious! Just post the title "Steam Gifts is Dying!" and nothing else. No text, no screenshot, no explanation. Let people ponder the Enigma!
Tell me when you spoke with that bunch of people did you give them just as much attention as you've given me? "You write too much, so i read only a part." - You read that part yet? The one where I actually tried to provide you with an explanation for your weird numbers?

but when someone try to public shame me (partly with focusing only on a part of something to pimp the stats in the negative way)

Pimp the stats... pimp the stats in a negative way... why does that sound familiar? OH I GOT IT! It reminds me of this. I guess we all learned a lesson today.

You don't want to understand me and my lifetime is to worthy

Dude, I only understand that you need help only a professional can provide. Also have some respect for the time of others too. It's not just your "lifetime" that has worth. Imagine what it would be like if you took some effort to write a concise explanation and I responded with "You write too much, so i read only a part.". And then I proceed to disregard you further. Doesn't seem nice does it? I pay attention. I try at least, with your tendency to loose focus and pick what to read at random.

Mockery aside (you make it too easy), if you want to take this a little more serious then ignore the above, and lets take a step back.

I repeat: "The site is dying"
That was my message. No discussions needed about it.

So the message is clear. Consider it received. Now tell me: does that screenshot below it have ANYTHING to do with said message? Was it supposed to corroborate it? Did those different months with their declining numbers have ANY meaning at all?

2 years ago*

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2 years ago*

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Almost always someone can find 5' to enter a few ga's every couple of days

2 years ago

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The real number = active members are around 15k.
The 1 M+ user stats are bullshit. I assume, cg don't kick inactive users that he get, with the boosted "members count", better deals offered for the ads.

Even I almost deleted my account last week but yeah, im still here. (For seeing my blacklists number go up every time I engage in certain discussions like I was at fault, I was getting rather sick of that aspect of the site rules, feeling frustrated that my points were not getting across and being punished for good intentions and I was quite hard on myself for that)

That someone have after 3 months the feeling to delete his account is hard.

Better not think much about the BL.
A lot of people here can't handle that other people have other opinions. I am always curious how they can survive in the reallife :-D

It means you collect BL alone for writing a opinion, not important which. Of course is the risk bigger when you write a opinion that isn't the one that the (shitstorm) masses write. So if you aren't a (a)social media zombie you have lost :-D

After that people BL for really everything on sg.
You can't avoid it, as soon as you get "visible" with a comment, a created GA or a won GA.
And yes, it is annoying till you have a thick enough skin to not care anymore.
My BL counter is on 480 (i think with this thread it will raise 6 - 10 but some of my group members believe that it will not raise or raise in a lower amount [we will see which one is the closest with his bet]), which is very high and for me it is always stupid and funny that it is much higher as from all the cheater (autojoiners, multiaccounters, win resellers) users. The most BL are from users that don't do GAs or very low amounts, so the amount of GAs that i can't enter are low. In the community train were the GAs of 6 users blocked to give a actual example. But to be fair, i am a guy that is very direct, write his opinion to a lot of things and is sometimes not diplomatic (i say it often blunt) ... so the one or other have a problem with that and intrepret something bad in it (like aggression etc.) -i am ok with it because if people want to intrepret a sentence of a stranger in a negative way (if it give more possibilities) and if that make them happy, they can do it... i don't loose something because such people would not be persons that i want to have around me :o)-.
On the other side i am on nearly 700 WL. Which tells me that the majority can handle me and maybe like me too. That fits for me.

A few more stats, that help you maybe:
One of my members and i catched in the last weeks 45 autojoiners.
The catched ones are/were 31x level 0-1 (16 perma suspended), 14x level 2-7 (9 perma suspended).

200 autojoiner tickets are still open.

Besides that got 26 multiaccounters and regifters catched in the last few weeks.

You can check accounts/your winners with:

If someone have red marks there request a reroll and put the link(s) into the support ticket.

Infos and tests, made from other users: (The interesting stats) (public GA, Entries: 2,038) (invite only GA that was posted in the description of the public one, Entries: 63)

Have a great weekend

2 years ago

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6/167 xD Note that it was for lvl 4. I wonder how would stats look if it was lvl1 or 0 xD

2 years ago

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Ah you made the same experience :D

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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allowing game developers to create unlimited giveaways for keys that they create for free

Some mods would be happy to change this...
But cg must do the change and good luck that this happen..

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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From which clique did you speak ?

You, and everyone else, know that i would see it as correct to set the games from Lootboy, the feudalife ones, the tremor games etc. to the free list.
A part of the mods see it the same way but the majority (or only the higher ones?) don't support that handling.

So nothing/not more happens in this cases. At least not now.
Maybe in the future.

But not my problem anymore...

I can sit back and "watch how the house burns down" :-D

2 years ago*

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I don't know what they guy talks about but since everyone is dropping eveey random comment imaginable here is mine...

A minimum CV would be better than 0 CV in the current system.

There. My random moment! Hooray to me? No.. Ok.. I'm out xD

2 years ago

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Write a suggestion that cg can react on it :-DDDDDDDDDD

2 years ago

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To infinity and beyooooond buzz lightyear

Never gonna happen xD I'm not THAT much of a dreamer xD

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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Are you serious or make a bad joke ?

If so then check my GAs a bit closer and you see that 99% of the not free ones are from Fanatical and HB and the free ones old stuff from, as example, Gamehag -leftovers from years ago freebies-.
On Lootboy i get 1-3 gems/daily and the 10-14/weekly login bonus, which means all few months one booster (i don't use the app, don't watch ads etc. -i don't care and don't want to waste my mobile phone for it-). And over the years i gave maybe 30 games from Lootboy away, lets assume all aren't free and still set to bundled and lets assume each of them cost $20 on steam (yes we go wild and pick a high price, to show how absurd your accusation are), that would mean i got for each one 3cv which adds up to 90cv. WOW. And what you want to show now with that 0.0X% (or 0.00X%) of my complete cv ?

Your 'friends' claim so privately.
they tell me that most of your CV is from free games.

For sure not friends from me and each blind one can check the sources of my GAs. So only a idiot or someone that don't checked it trust such comments (if they ever existed).

How many of those were for free Lootboy keys that you also gave away?

I reported games too that i got for free or in a bundle if they weren't set correct to free or bundled on sg.
I could send a lot of screenshots from my tickets to proof that but in the end, think what you want, i don't care.

EDIT: LOL, you edited your message after i responded, that it looks more dramatic :-DDDDDD

while they tell me that most of your CV is from free games. Not all your friends appreciate that.

Now you use "free games" and not more alone keys from lootboy.
Check my GAs and try to find "free games" that aren't listed as free on sg..... if you find one (good luck, i hope you have a lot of time :-D ) then write a ticket as anyone else do it.

And you again talk from some "friends", that you, of course will never name because they don't exist :-D

PS.: I know now which person are behind the boloxer account or to be fair i only, strongly, assume it .

2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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I gained the same as anyone else when creating a GA for a game.

Different mods (Pete, Eefrit, Gaffi....) could say that i want that all games from lootboy get set to 0 cv. Maybe i would have it written in different tickets too but i will not search for it to proof anything.
The power to set the games to 0 cv have only the mods and not i. So if you aren't happy with a games status, then report it to the mods.

You can try to fabricate whatever you want .... you will have no success with your story about "the cv system abusing/exploiting Masafor" because it is, after "the multiaccounting Masafor", the dumbest accusation that someone can make in my case :-DDDD

2 years ago*

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2 years ago*

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but claim that you can't get any free Lootboy keys set to zero.

Reporting something is different to the power to do something.
I done the first, the mods do the second.
Maybe hard for you to see the different.... so i tell you, "i don't decide which games get set to free or bundled" :-D

I gave you 3 names of mods... question them (or write a ticket) about Lootboy....
They will answer your question if keys get set to 0 cv at the moment. (sadly not)
And i allow them to tell you what i think about and wrote with them about that fact (you can link to this discussion comment, that the mods see it -but of course i don't know if they will do it...-).

And that is my last answer to you with your fabricated story or, maybe, you are only crazy.
In both cases.


PS.: You were the only one, of the ones that lost a good bunch of cv and that i checked from time to time, that i talked good about because you (as only one) changed your gifting behavior. Sad to see that other problems exist on your end that have nothing to do with your giveaway behavior.

2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I am being told by your friends that you are asking them to target me to specifically report my giveaways as tickets to set to reduced CV

One small answer to your fake story about my friends and the asking that they report your giveaway:
LOL, you really think that people believe this fake stuff ? :-D

Look in the screenshot and you see what i wrote somewhere else... (the black bar is there because of the calling out that is active on sg, that prevent me from showing something that could be taken as negative for you)
I don't think someone would write this way if he have a personal vendetta with the one he write about.

View attached image.
2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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Are these giveaways from lootboy keys? They are all fairly recent so it contradicts any idea that you received these slowly over months with one account.

The Suicide of Rachel FosterThrough the Woods
The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia
Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark
Driftland: The Magic Revival
Men of War: Vietnam

The majority, yes or maybe all.
Search in the Lootboy thread for my comment about the drops and you will find the answer from what i got them.
I listed all my drops in that thread. Feel free to search on each page since that thread existed and you will know exactly how many games i got from Lootboy. And then check if i gave this game, after the booster drop, away on sg because then it is possible that the key was from lootboy (but maybe the key were from fanatical or HB).

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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I see you cut a part and still haven't searched in the Lootboy Thread.
I help you with the info that i bought 10 boosters with tickets = i spend money for the games.
And i don't care if they are free or not on sg. the winner will have the same fun with the games and my level will not drop.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Uh, it looks as you have a really bad day.

You say earlier you only idle cards now and plan to play the game later but your SteamDB stats that is available here shows you are addicted to idling

I wrote that i idle since 1 month my owned games. And that i don't play much games lately (in the summer, because of work and reallife stuff like my health), i always play more in the colder months.
So my addiction of idling must be very strong when i don't idled games for years :-DDDDD

You mix a lot other stuff together too but it is a) too much work to answer properly and b) i don't care enough to spend my lifetime for it.
So believe what you want, if it is complete wrong or not.

I am really impressed what one headline and one screenshot can achieve :-DDDDDDDD

2 years ago

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Aaand a personal vendetta matters to us because?..

What I read is YOUR opinion on games.. Which doesn't matter whatsoever :D But somehow YOUR view has something to do with the "rules"? Huhhh??!

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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Talk to me again when you make some sense. I don't have the time for this and especially "riddles"

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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It means absolutely nothing. What I read is a personal attack over seemingly nothing. The fact remains.. He has sent tickets for every game that he knows is a ga key of some form and has no control over which gets selected. He also doesn't care if those games hit 0, he just ga'ed a game. Why is this wrong is beyond me
And above all why we care what he ga's generally in a thread such as this? It just climbed to the most off topic comment on the entire thread.. And that's difficult xD

2 years ago

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It seems inconsistent that by your own account you were actively involved in setting thousands of keys to zero, but claim that you can't get any free Lootboy keys set to zero.

Majority of lootboy keys from some kind of booster packs that are random, and as Masafor said, with daily logins you need about 2 months to get a booster. Roughly one if you catch promotional codes.
In my view getting keys in a tedious and random way is not exactly the same category as a mass giveaway, or buying 40€ games for 0.10-1.05€ in bulk. We don't know the mods standpoint on lootboy other than what we see about the classification of the games.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Yet Masafor submitted over 2,000 tickets that were processed in a short period.

Nearly 1k add game tickets (for free/bundled games), over 2,1k with user reports and all other ones.
And the "short period" you speak of are 4 YEARS :-DDDDDD

There are suggestions that many of these tickets and facts reported were manipulated.

More crazy stuff.
You should contact a psych.

The mods check after they see a ticket, sites like ITAD, barter, internet searches, the involved shop sites etc..
So good luck to manipulate each of this sites to show the mods some fake facts, that they go and add a game to the free/bundled list that don't were free/bundled before.

And i don't see a gain that someone would have from manipulating all this sites and (a) reduced cv for X games.

2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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In your bragging thread you claimed exhaustion for the amount of work you did in a short period of time.

From there:
"Hundreds of reduce/free tickets = 550 were from me and all in all were 800(?) open" which shows exactly that around 800 (550 from me) add game tickets got handled in a short period of time but not 1k from me + more from other ones.

You want people to believe your word but you have written that you would stop responding 3 or 4 times now but have continued to respond.

Yeah, i see you don't like when i show you facts and proofs that throw a spotlight on your lies and faked story.

And i know that i am sometimes too nice.... you don't need to remind me on it.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Unless we are reading a different text, no, it isn't intimidating..

But after reading aaaaall the nonsense above I'd strongly suggest to go for a walk.. This obsession is unhealthy.
And to put it simply: even if they are lootboy keys and might or might not be set to 0 CV why it's bad for someone to gift them? Regardless of CV?

And every single "complaint" you have is vs the system. I doubt Masafor can do anything about it unless he is somehow a mind-bender and can plant ideas in people's heads so they'll do his will xD

Why not many lootboy keys aren't set to 0 CV is also known but given the rime and effort to dig up every post someone ever did I doubt you don't know why. So I'm not spending my last energy of the night to explain to you something you already know amd try and twist

Bottom line: "complain to the mods over CV"

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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What third man?

To me it looks like someone cares for the rules. More than I would ever care and most of us alike.. But he can't make a game go 0 just because he wishes it xD lol
That's actually offensive to every member and mod in this place..

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Interesting.. Huh

So in this expression you mean I'm trying to get in the middle of the 2 of you "fighting"? xD
I butt in in whatever conversation I find interesting or insane.. In this case it's the later. I do not care who the participants are but only of their opinions/arguments welp.. that's me

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Depends how one sees this.. I don't care to comment if it's a fight or no or if it's 2 people or 100 :P But this also is becoming off topic af xD

I did learn a new reference though so yay :D

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Going for a walk is advised.. And no, this is too much paranoia even for me.. Good luck

2 years ago

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You're trying to argue with someone who 1) Focuses on finding people who don't give games away often enough, have a bad ratio, or don't play their games while 2) Idling desired games with the reason that their PC cant run them

2 years ago

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imagine winning games and then idling them, and not playing them smh

2 years ago

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I like how many here partially read OR pick only the 1 line (and out of context) that suits them

2 years ago

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I didn't bother reading anything. Just noticed boloxer was trying to use logic to aruge/discuss topics. Was providing a reason why they shouldn't.

2 years ago

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"I like how many here partially read OR pick only the 1 line (and out of context) that suits them" nuff said

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Yeah............. I can see........... You just read everything and keep tabs..... Makes soooo much sense... Regardless, this has become boring. Next time try to find something that makes actual sense and not just for you

2 years ago

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I'm reading the comments and I'm amazed.. So much bickering over what exactly?
SG imo has a very bad system and it semi functions. On the other hand people are happy..
I don't like it as much as I would like buuuut what are you all talking about? xD
Each to their own and everyone remembers whatever random thing..

2 years ago

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So much bickering over what exactly?

Wish that I knew... Not that OP themself was good at explaining their point. The big idea must've been to slap together a screenshot of some numbers and pretend they have meaning. It must be trolling, because it's hard to find someone with so little self awareness.

Each to their own and everyone remembers whatever random thing..

That's what I'd too want it to be like. Take what you can and appreciate it. Give what you can and don't expect for others to always find value in it.
Could SG be better? - Sure.
With how much effort will it take and will that effort be worth it? - Who knows...

2 years ago

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"With how much effort will it take and will that effort be worth it? - Who knows..."

I don't know.. What I do know is that "people don't change"; not deep down anyway.. What does change is circumstances
My best "hope" here is a more active site developer and staff aaaand that won't be happening any time soon -if ever-

So let's do what we can while we can with whatever we can. Realistically, there is nothing to be done anyway

2 years ago

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So much bickering over what exactly?

That i were so evil to post a screenshot.... to the next wall with me :D

2 years ago

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At least you made a single observation.. Others have done the same over time and the reasons behind this have been posted by many (bundles, economy, blah blah blah). My opinion still stands.. "Things are the same just show more".
I don't believe that the site is dying, not in the way of we'll ever reach 0 ga's anyway. But it's definitelly changing and it will keep changing as circumstances change. My "wish" is to see a change for the better and not the opposite buuuuut nobody can truly predict the future :P

And like I said the amount of random comments here is too damn high xD Most just post whatever random thing they don't like.. Including a feud by a mod vs a member that nobody gives a fuck about.. To me this shows a lot more than your graph does.. And the comments in general

2 years ago

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I don't believe that the site is dying, not in the way of we'll ever reach 0 ga's anyway.

Oh i never said it will reach 0 GAs.
But the direction is very visible with the stats.

To me this shows a lot more than your graph does.. And the comments in general

As you seen and see by yourself...
The direction is clear in that part too.

nobody can truly predict the future :P

Lower quantity and quality of GAs, higher quantity of accounts that are autojoiners and multiaccounters, lower quality of real people.
A Admin and only programmer that don't care for anything besides the income.
I don't think that it needs much to see the chances for a bad or a good future. And which chance is, much, higher.

2 years ago

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After the nearly 2200 car community train we put together in the past month, I feel SG is pretty lively for those who are active in the forum.

2 years ago

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View attached image.
2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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After many months of work within my group, checking and verifying with users level 0-4, and even some above that level (as high as level 10!), along with inspecting over 65% of 85,634 giveaways to weed out the black sheep, leeches and useless loudmouths who need to touch grass, my esteemed colleagues and I have come to the following conclusion:

You need to get laid.

2 years ago

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haha good one lol

2 years ago

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Are you offering?
If not, how much are you willing to contribute to the charity?

2 years ago

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He could sell trading cards from his idled wins and get a hooker.
Dude bitches way too much, and should be watching his own stats instead of everyone else's.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago

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