I created a GA thinking they would reduce the cointribution points like when the games are bundled, but ZERO contribution........ why?...

6 days ago*

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98% off is probably considered close enough to free to be zero CV.

6 days ago

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So what was it for bundled games? 15% CV? Is so, that is 7.5 EUR.

Why would you receive 7.5 EUR to your CV if you spent only 1 EUR? At this point its almost free, so that's normal.

6 days ago

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with that logic your contributor lvl would decrease a lot...
Everyone has bought bundles for 1€ and give away all the keys earning more CV with those keys than 7,5...

6 days ago

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Sure. I've bought 1eur bundles previously. If the overall discount is 98-99% then that's pretty logical to take away CV for that. I've had mine reduced previously. So? If you take a look at my GAs the average CV per game is just 2.6 EUR or something like that. For you its even lower at 1.4 EUR par game. Pretty sure not "everyone" has gotten more then 7.5 EUR CV out of them. Its the case pretty much only for those who give away unbundled games and they rarely care for CV anyway.

Most of the 1 EUR bundles have low value games in them anyway. Rarely you have 50EUR "AAA" game in them to push it above the 98% discount. I mean don't get me wrong - sure, if you spend that 1 EUR it would be great to get CV at least for the 1 EUR and not have it as 0 CV.. if that is important for someone. But you know this site is run only from volunteer work and its really not feasible to go case by case in assigning CV now.

6 days ago

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Dude, get over yourself.
You wanted some phat CV for something Ubi clearly wants to rake in some last money before it gets killed off.

6 days ago

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it wont get killed
offline mode announced

6 days ago

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offline mode announced

I'll believe it when I see it.

6 days ago

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For me the 1€ price is acceptable to make that bet, but it's understandable if one would want to wait for the actual patch.

6 days ago

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Don’t get me wrong - I bought it as well.
I think it’s just ridiculous that the OP is complaining about spending ~$1

6 days ago

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"wasted his money for nothing"

5 days ago

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5 days ago

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AFAIK, it's only in discussion...

3 days ago

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its > 99% discount in comparison to USD in some currencies.

this has also happened to some cheap bundles where the CV was disproportionate to the cost so some parts of the bundle went 0(although this is less likely to happen than the highly discounted games going 0)

this isn't the first case of this and it won't be the last either.

6 days ago

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It does have two Asterix next to it when you create a giveaway for it.

6 days ago

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Their GA was created 13 hours ago, and the CV change is dated to the start of the discount

6 days ago

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Fair point. I guess the expectation of getting the cv from a $1 game wouldn't be misplaced. However much that would be for him.

5 days ago

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Put down the wine barrel, Obelix, you're seeing double.

6 days ago

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View attached image.
5 days ago

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You gave game to someone who may enjoy it, how are these wasted money?

6 days ago

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6 days ago

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6 days ago

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The best answer there could be. I won several games that were already with 0CV at that time, so it didn't make sense to give them away for points, but I am infinitely grateful to those people who did it and gave me the opportunity to enjoy those games.

6 days ago

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True. So many great games that were given away for free at one point or another (or by some Twitch guy and his 50 followers) never get a GA again and it's really a shame.

5 days ago

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Perfect answer

6 days ago

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You would not have earned any points. But you have accumulated virtue.
I would like to appreciate your dedication.

6 days ago

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Even if it did still give you CV it hasn't even been marked received yet

6 days ago

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OP is probably going to try and get the giveaway removed so he doesn't "waste" his 1€ "for nothing".

5 days ago

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Heul leiser Chantal

6 days ago

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Haha, ich hab das verstanden! <3

5 days ago

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Waaa waaa, that's all i hear when i read your post.

6 days ago

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He's right tho. Why put it on the "free" list when it wasn't free...?

5 days ago

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It isn't a "free" list.

5 days ago

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No? What is it then?
I remember this being introduced to be able to gift games that were given for free. Before they were just not available to gift anymore. I also checked the FAQ and Guidelines. Two asteriks' mean No Value, as in Free. This here might have been very cheap, but it was not free. We used to get 3 games for the same amount of money from Humble on a regular basis and none of them ever landed on the free list unless they were actually given for free en masse, meaning more than 1000 copies.

5 days ago

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I don't know what it was initially but it's been used for notorious asset flips and steep discounts with regions in mind for a long time now. It isn't named "free games list." Reduced CV list doesn't consist of games at exactly 15% value either. Mods also take into account how much exploitation is taking place, as well as whether it's single purchases or bundles, and if the latter, how much the bundle costs.

5 days ago

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No Value list

What are "No Value", "Reduced Value", and "Full Value" giveaways? How do they affect my overall contributor value?
When creating a giveaway and selecting a game, you'll notice "No Value" games are marked with a double asterisk (*), and "Reduced Value" games with a single asterisk ().
Games typically receive no value or reduced value when they're featured in bundles, heavily discounted, or available for free in online promotions. Their values are adjusted this way to better represent their true value. Keep in mind, the asterisk icons are just for reference, and the value of a game can be backdated if we need to make retroactive changes.

5 days ago

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3 days ago

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Because of the 98% discount and region differences and the fact that some people started making giveaways with multiple copies to get big CV

5 days ago

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98% =/= 100%

5 days ago

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98% =/= 85% either
2% of price rewarded with 15% CV is easily exploitable
you'd pay 1€ and get 7.5€ worth of CV

just noticed someone already wrote this, oh well

5 days ago

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Nothing bad in repeating. The only solution is if sg sometime will make more levels of cv, like 2% and 50% as example.

3 days ago

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Agreed. But the reduced value was still enough to motivate a lot of CV abuse

5 days ago

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98%, with regional pricing 99%, are handled as 100% = "FREE" because people abuse/exploit such high discounts with multiple copies for such games.

It don't give a "let them have 1% cv" option.

From my point of view:
In the most cases it hits the right ones.

5 days ago

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You're on the wrong website. You're never going to come out ahead if you use it honestly, and with your attitude it's just going to keep making you all itchy, angry and filled with sadness.

5 days ago

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Every once in a while, I wish I could 💙 someone twice.

5 days ago

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I'll agree with others in saying that we're supposed to give games for its own sake and not to farm CV, because that's true. But on the other hand, OP's kinda right, aren't they? 98% off isn't exactly the same as free, and I do remember how back in the day we could get a $1 bundle with like 5 games in it that added up to the same or more than this game's full price, and those never got marked as no CV as far as I can remember. So it doesn't feel quite right to lower it all the way to 0CV.
It's an exploit, but it's far from being the worst one we've seen, and it is technically legit.

5 days ago

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It could have worked as a bundled price, but even considering the 7.5 CV / € spent (and much, MUCH better with regional pricing) it's still the equivalent of a 87% discount - it most certainly pushes past the double-bundled (at 15% CV value, it still gives 10 times the CV for the money spent) territory in multiple regions.

Ukraine seems to be the cheapest one, with the equivalent of 0.33€ - that giving 7+ CV means that even after the 15% bundled reduction, it would still give 21 times (!!) the CV. There are 4-5 currencies skirting around the 50% relative price (so ~14fold return). It's unmanageable.

5 days ago

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Yes, here in Ukraine, the game costs incredibly little, even the old games from the 2000s from Ubisoft are not so cheap in sales, to be honest. But as far as I understand, with our regional price, we can't give it to anyone? I myself have seen several speedsters manage to create Ukraine-locked giveaways (what are they counting on if it has been known for a long time that such cases are changed in retrospect?), but it turns out that only because of ours everyone was cut off from the opportunity to get a shortened CV?

5 days ago

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You can make Ukraine-locked giveaway and get all the "international", full CV. There is no such limitation that region locked giveaways are reduced in value

5 days ago

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well, not all, but reduced. but you're right, yes I didn't think of that, it will give a bonus to all site giveaways as a result.

5 days ago

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I must admit that I had neglected to look at all the regional prices for this one, I paid $0.8 so I assumed that the cheapest regions couldn't by too much cheaper than that, but it seems like I was VERY wrong in that assumption.
$0.36 for a 50P game is definitely a bit too broken to balance.

Now I'm wondering if we should have an in-between 15% CV and 0% CV, something like 1% CV for games that haven't been free but extremely cheap.

5 days ago

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it seems to me that there should be some small CV as a result, at least come up with something with those games that are no longer possible to buy. on the one hand, this is a great opportunity to get them - to win, on the other hand - owners of extra keys have no reason to do giveaways.

5 days ago

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It would be an exploit... if the website didn't have the anti-exploit solution to reduce it to a "no value" game to prevent exploitation.
I think it's fair in the end, because as you've pointed out... it is an attempt to exploit the CV system, which was prevented. Seems fair.

If people wouldn't immediately try to abuse the CV system, this likely would be as needed.

5 days ago

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I feel like need an ultra reduced CV category for things like this(say... 5-10% of value as CV)... so no CV is reserved for things that were free and the overpriced asset flip garbage.

the ** kind of discourages users from giving some games away, especially unbundled things that were never free that people out there might actually want to play.

5 days ago

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I agree with that, probably at 5% or even less, but I don't think CG will implement something like that sadly, it kinda over-complicates the system. We can always make the suggestion tho.

5 days ago

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Bwahahahahaha :')
Reading the FAQ would have revealed this:

Games typically receive no value or reduced value when they're featured in bundles, heavily discounted, or available for free in online promotions. Their values are adjusted this way to better represent their true value. Keep in mind, the asterisk icons are just for reference, and the value of a game can be backdated if we need to make retroactive changes.

5 days ago

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You are saying OP was supposed to read the FAQ before complaining?? Unacceptable!! >:(
(sarcasm, in case it wasn't obvious enough)

5 days ago

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I know. RTFM is soooo 90s.
My laughing hard is really more the entitlement though. I remember when this place didn't give squat diddly over 30$ contribution value if it wasn't considered full price.

5 days ago

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Yeah... ._.

5 days ago

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I suppose it'll be profitable for all to make something like 2% CV, or even adjustable one. So gifters will be motivated to gift bundled games and they will not worry too receive corresponding CV, maybe not right away, but after some dialogue with admins.

3 days ago

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