hey guys, i cannot believe since the HUMBLE MONTHLY deals that people COMPLAIN for 10 games for around 12 bucks! this is nealy 1 buck per game. even if you only like 1 game it is 12 bucks for 1 game and the rest you can sell/trade!
i come from a time where i paid for a new game 30 - 70 bucks, and now i pay for digital games mostly 20 bucks or so and less. and there are games in the monthly bundle which are sometimes only a few months old and still people say BAD, WACK blabla are gamers like this and customers really still ok in their thinking?
i expect to get flamed here now but i cannot believe what i read on various forums and am just shocked how UNAPPRECIATIVE people got nowadays and dont EVEN respect the work behind the games and especially that a part goes also to charities!

i despise those comments and just think this is a big no no no!

5 years ago

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I find it fine but I still complain when they have shit games.
The biggest problem I had with it was how good the games were and if I wanted to play them. I much prefer the new model because I can see exactly what I'm paying for and simply pause if I don't want them.

People just want to complain about things. I mean you're complaining about people complaining about things. There's nothing inherently wrong with that.

5 years ago

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Is it really so surprising that people dislike price increases?

5 years ago

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I think all people who like price increases should send me $1 a month this year, then $2 a month next year, etc. This way they'll always have price increases even when prices don't increase. I'm happy to help 🙃

5 years ago

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I think there are a few vids on YouTube that say games should not be $60, more $120.
And OF COURSE DLC, Season passes, micro's and lootboxes can be ontop that too.

Hard to say if legit or just trying to get clicks being contrary though.

5 years ago

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I'm still on the classic plan but once HB increases the price for me, I'll probably won't buy it anymore. This is personal, in general I find Choice to be a great improvement over Monthly and the first month were good games.

5 years ago

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how they increase price for you? its still 12$ per month...

5 years ago

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It would not be the first time I miss a monthly because there was something wrong on HB's end.

5 years ago

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They won't be able to increase the price since they advertised the classic plan that way. That would open them up to a false advertisement lawsuit if they raised the price.

5 years ago

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My major complain was the new horrid UI. Havent redemeed this month yet to see if it improved.
And didn't they tell Classic would get "all"? Or is my mind playing tricks?

Having said that it's pretty sad to see so many people go on the hatertrain for legit complaints. Toxic, whiny and vocal minority thrown about. I remember when they said that too with Star Wars after our complaints and look now. I don't understand this level of white knighting. We are the consumers, not the corporate investors. Dismissing all valid complains like this is not the way to spread positivity.
We should (be able to) discuss what troubles afloat, not just discard them all and act like companies do no wrong.

5 years ago

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No, they said Classic will get 10 and since the first Choice had exactly 10 people just assumed it will be that way forever and complained that they have to pick the 10/10 games manually.

5 years ago

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just because people could complaint, they would complain FOR EVERY LITTLE THING

as for me, i fortunately still have "classic" plan. so i wont complain much
either way for those who "miss" it, tough luck lol. it's been around for so long back then before the update. then why complain now?
even if you're really-really "new" paying gamer (ie just found out what's steam about), those new and rather old AAA games are still cost more than 20$

5 years ago

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I remember when people that were new subscribers were getting bonuses like free kingdom come deliverance if you rejoined and the loyal subscriber base were not getting anything for their loyalty and were complaining. Now the loyal subscribers get a nice bonus and the people on the other side are complaining about having to pay more which I can understand. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't. If I was humble, I would have given the loyal subscribers a percentage off the subscription so the new subscribers don't feel like they are almost paying double and getting less but that's my point of view. The difference is too big in my opinion and that's the main problem.

With the content you're getting, there is always going to be a large difference of opinion based on your game preferences and what games you currently own. If people don't like a bundle you can choose what to buy or pause if you don't want the month's games. For me, the humble choice is something I prefer over the monthly as I can get to see exactly what I am paying for and I also get to choose the games I get so if I have any of them, I can pass on those ones. The only thing at the moment I am not liking about the new choice is the UI they incorporated as people above have mentioned but this is not going to stop me from buying it as to me its not a major issue and maybe corrected over time. If you can pick the games you want without revealing the key or link and have them revealed like they currently do with most humble bundles, would be fine for me.

5 years ago

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It's cool to complain

It summons a lot of +1 shallow companionship. The temporary gratification of the whiny hordes - Serves as a placeholder for the unfulfilled solo existence.

Folks just don't realize how fucking good they have it.

View attached image.
5 years ago*

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I think the source is that this is a forum. If you find a shitty deal/ad somewhere, you just ignore it and move on, even forgetting about it. But on a forum, especially about a constantly bumped topic, people just feel the need to chime in.

It's understandable that they don't like/want something, but this behaviour just result in a spam of negative comments about something that is subjective in the vast majority of the cases. Like 100 people yelling they don't like a game because it has too much water won't dissuade a single person who loves sailing, oceans or watery stuff. There are so, so few comments about something actually not working, or having negative experience with - it's upfront "I don't like it".
Maybe this is the result of thinking about the internet as it is talking to us. Trying to sell stuff to us, and verbalizing that we don't want it helps to cope with it being ever-present( I think we can't hide topics on vanilla SG).

It's saddening because this wasn't like this a few years ago. At least I remember more about going to comments to find recommendations of games that I maybe misjudged, but nowadays it's better to avoid comments on deal-topics. It is what it is, but imo it's not good to really get deep into.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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even if you only like 1 game it is 12 bucks for 1 game and the rest you can sell/trade!

So we're supposed to either A) Take part in a notorious money laundering website or B) We just "only" break ToS of the entire site.

Also, why do you have that $12 there that's not actually available to anyone, instead only being used as a tool to grandfather people in for the reduced backlash for a deal that's objectively more expensive and which gives less games (only 0.8 games less thanks to the averages, but still).

Like honestly, personally I was against Choice in a major way, but it's obvious that Classic users are still getting a very good deal. That's fine. I'm taking it back. But they increased their price by literally lying about it, breaking EU's consumer lies through obfuscating the truth and in the end all they did was increase the price, reduce the amount of games given (either you pay 25% more for 70% less or you pay 50% more for 10% less) and then pretend that it was about choice.

It was manipulative, underhanded and it treated people like idiots, coincidentally also being so vague and unclear in their marketing that no one understood what even happened unless they started reading the ToS and QnA's.

I'm fine with my current subscription. The deals have been fine. The issue isn't the Classic deal. The issue is the dishonest marketing.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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Most would shit their pants daily if we returned to PC gaming prior to the digital distribution age.
I still have a hard copy of Daikatana I'm keeping to remind me what it was like.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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They dont, ever since bundles exist and valve decided to open the floodgates, the industry became oversaturated, people can choose the cheapest deal, which means some developers will try anything to get their game out there.
People moan about it, simply because they have that much choice...now hb is ending bundles, asking more money for humble choice, so i expect a lot more criticism coming their way.
People get things for free these days...its hard to beat that, nothing ever gets better than free stuff

5 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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Humble has a long history of ending every one of their bundles. :P

5 years ago

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Humble bundle used to offer great games in the first tier for 1 euro. Im a humble subscriber myself, but there were so much better days.

5 years ago

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The only complaint that should be made is the absurd price if you didn't get it before the change. $180 compared to $142 for a year plan.

5 years ago

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what? why 180?

5 years ago

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That's the new price for a year if you didn't get it before the change.

5 years ago

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if u see higher price of bread or fuel-u complain too?

U got the chance for freeze the price. I dont understand complaining about price increases...

5 years ago

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Good luck finding bread ever going up that much in price. The current business model is stupid since nobody is going to buy the new prices. That's why the classic prices are better and more business oriented.

5 years ago

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How did you find out nobody is going to buy bundles with the new bundles? Because people are crying all over the internet?
Companies dont just increase their prices without knowing the outcome. The monthly bundles are better than ever and if you buy them they encourage you with lowering your price. Thats clever business.

5 years ago

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Common sense. Especially with one with huge price increase. They're also not going to lower the price. Only people who bought the bundles before the change got good prices.

5 years ago

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Bussinesses dont work like that. Same thing could be said about apple and their overpriced products but look at their profits.

5 years ago

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Common sense would also tell you that the price increase is possibly due to fewer developers willing to bundle (thus devaluing) their games at the old price-point. A price increase was inevitable, even if only to maintain the current level of quality. It may also explain why we're seeing such low-quality bundles from other sites in the last year or so. Do people really expect bundles (and games in general) to freeze at a particular price-point forever?

TLDR: HB may have raised the price because they were running out of devs willing to bundle.

5 years ago

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but stil bread is going up slowly. And GAMES are not 1st-need products

+actually the option to freeze price on 12,99 was given to all who want to get it cheaper each month-i got it, paused this month, mb poause next, who knows? but i will pay same price as monthly was

5 years ago

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I much prefer this new model. In the past I would pause when the early reveals didn't interest me only to have 3 games on my wishlist in the latter reveals or I would take a chance on a monthly only to have the end reveals be all disappointing (to me). No more of that nonsense.

5 years ago

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Its definitely a great deal if you have "Humble Classic", but for new subscribers, not sure if it is.
15$ for only 3 games and 20$ for 9 instead 12$ for the old monthly.

5 years ago

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Why not? The historical lows for these three games are
Shadow of War - 8€
Dirt 2 - 15€
Two Point Hospital - 8€
That's more than twice the price the 3 games would cost via Choice.

And naturally Classic is the best option. But it's irrelevant for those who never had it or lost it, they have to compare it with their next best options.

5 years ago

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Shadow of War Definitive goes for that price. Also all 3 games are very different genres, probably not many people are interested in all of them to justify the purchase.

5 years ago

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The historical low for the Definitive Edition is 9€ and all three games have been on my wishlist, so it's probably not as rare you think. Not to mention that it was just an example but certainly not the only one where you'd end up with a better deal than for the individual historical lows. And the point was that even the "bad" 3 game option can represent a good deal for some.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I agree with you. I dont understand. People are just crazy. They calculate everything. Im happy for buying every humble monthly from begining. Lot of good game for little money. Some crap? Shit happens. It is far more better and cheaper than buying games from steam.

5 years ago

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I couldnt agree more with you. No matter what we get so many good games on the lowest price possible. If internet was more mainstream a decade ago i cant image how much people would cry when there were no bundles.

5 years ago

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Feels like G7 summit, rich people complain of poor people's complaints about price raises. 😛

5 years ago

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I think it's just a product of being on the Internet. Like anywhere, the negative comments generally ring louder than the positive ones. I'm sure there are many of us out there (on the classic plan, at least) who are happy enough, but most people don't go to a forum to say "I like these changes and I wanted to let everyone know!" whereas if someone's unhappy, that's when they reach out to complain, post negative reviews, etc.

Since I have the classic plan, I'm happy for the time being. If something changes and they raise the price or get rid of the classic plans I'll probably jump ship but I like the choice. The only suggestion I would make is to let me pay an additional cost ($1?) per additional game if I wanted to have them all or pick up an extra game out of the bundle.

5 years ago

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I'm on the classic plan. I like these changes and I wanted to let everyone know! :D

5 years ago

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This thread needs more gifs

View attached image.
5 years ago

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A good summary of the situation !

5 years ago

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Not disagreeing with you but everyone's entitled to their opinion.
For every topic you'll get some people who love unconditionally, some who hate unconditionally and the in-betweeners. Just like life.

I think a lot of people were using multiple accounts and using referrals to get money back, canceling and resubbing as they went along, which is probably what HB was trying to make harder with the "Classic" plan, and while the Classic plan is a pretty good deal, the other plans are much less so.

So far I've paused because of owned games in the bundles, huge backlog and laptop issues but I like the Classic Plan so i'm sticking with it.

5 years ago

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For me it's $30 for 9 games
Depends a LOT on the games whether it's a bargain or not..
Last month definitely not, was only 1 game i wanted..
this month there's 4-5 games i want so i will probably get it..

5 years ago

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What if there would be no more Humble Monthly at all without the change? What if all devs making decent enough games got fed up by having to sell their games for pennies to greedy bastards who mostly just want all the profit for themselves by reselling the cheap keys.

I still have never understood why most people seem to imagine that it's up to only the bundle sites to decide what games they want in their bundles and the devs have no say if that happens or not.

If you want $1 bundles full of crap, there is IG and other sites for that.

5 years ago

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Devs probably have no say at all, publishers do.

5 years ago

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Point still stands and for many smaller games they might even be the same.

5 years ago

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You only get that deal if you were subscribed prior to the switch and may only keep that deal if you never cancel your subscription. And even then, I could see them upping the price of, or removing access to the Classic Plan within the year.
I rarely ever purchased Humble Monthlies previously and would cancel when the next one did not interest me.
Now I must remain subscribed but pause each month that I'm not particularly interested in the games.
It's fine, but mildly inconvenient.
So far I have paused on the first Choice, and I plan to pause on the current Choice as well, each one has only had one, maybe two games that I would have been interested in.
I'm very glad that we're able to see all of the games in the bundle from the start now though, the mystery aspect they had previously was never something that made me any more likely to purchase.

5 years ago

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Humble misled people on the classic plan to think that they would still receive every game in the bundle. 2 months in and they already prove that they aren't doing that. Sounds like a good reason to be upset with HB to me.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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