Basically all my thoughts are now work and I hate it, please save me.

Poll please.

(Also, I've got some Final Fantasy giveaways going on right now but I'm not going to link them because they're already public and doing that's frowned upon or something.)

5 years ago

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Do you ever get that fright then instant relief when you realize you don't have work tomorrow?

View Results
Oh yeah. (Ooooooooh, yeeeeeah...)
People are weird.
Potatoes are people too, ya know!?

Yeah. I sometimes get anxiety all day over having work in the evening. But to be fair, anxiety is just my general state, so not just related to work. I hate myself for getting stressed over pretty much fucking everything, but I guess that's life.

5 years ago

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imagine you are a spider and your coworkers are flies

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I'm similar, I just have developed rather solid coping mechanisms. Hang in there, baby. You can do it!

But seriously, find something, anything that can alleviate that stress. Sometimes you just have to acknowledge that you're stressed and claw and scrape at anything that can take even a smidge of that off of you. Sometimes sleep isn't an option. :T

5 years ago

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That's what alcohol is for. It both makes you forget any work and then have a great excuse to call in sick next day.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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That it is if you're prone to alcoholism, so better to just smoke some weed instead in the evening and wake up refreshed and sober to work. :)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I tend to avoid alcohol, mostly because my tatebuds hate it.

5 years ago

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Working hard is nothing to make fun of, but pay attention to yourself!
So if you get stressed out just from (the thought of) work, you might need to take a step back and look at all the options.

Hang in there!
One of my favorite quotes is "work never stops by working"

5 years ago

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I'm an animal of stress and I do my best to keep myself content and under control for the most part. The worst of it is passive aggressive comments that may offend my co-workers and then I have to deal with that damage control. Not worth.

But I've got a good bunch of people around me in a stable enough, functional kitchen.

5 years ago

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Whats that saying ? If you find a job you love, you'll never have to work a day in your life

If you are not happy - do something else. I understand its harder said then done. But it's something to strive for

5 years ago

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If you find a job you love, you'll never have to work a day in your life

I can already tell you it's not enterily true :P I have a job I love and I work harder than I ever did. And I mean it still feels like work. It is very satisfying when things go in the right direction though.

I would also be careful in turning your passion into your job – once you start getting money for your passion it will not be the same joy you used to feel. It'll be completely different kind of satisfaction. Not saying it's worse or better. It's just different. Just ask yourself if you want to feel different about it :)

Sounds like I'm talking to you specifically but in reality I was just sharing my experience with whoever thought about these kind of things.

5 years ago

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Good point, I agree totally

Life isnt just black&white and there are no definite truths. And same applies to my comment

I personally finished a degree in engineering. I like fixing cars and tinkering around them. But I cant stand working on them professionally. Working on clients car always feels forced and just ruins my day.. Same goes for photography - Its a hobby of mine for many many years. But when I get hired to do professional photography for money - its no enjoyment again. And Im still looking for a way that I can make my hobbies and stuff I love into something that can be of profit to me but not limit my "creative" persona in the way.

But I know guys who just love fixing cars no matter who owns them and I know photographers who have opened their own studios and are happy as can be when hired to do professional photoshoots.. Its all relative to the person

5 years ago

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Its all relative to the person

Absolutely agree! By the way, maybe you want your passion to stay a passion and there's no reason to force it? It's totally fine. Or maybe you need to find new way of enjoying it. Hard to tell. As we already estabilished, it's very subjective!

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Yes, exactly! Fortunately, it doesn't last long in my case.

I might have ask you this already but what do you do for a living?

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Wow, I admire you, I have no skill whatsoever in these kind of things! I'm a comedy performer and teacher :)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Actually I do improv mostly :) I work on my stand-up material recently too though. My plan is to be excellent in improv, stand-up and writing sketches.

You have a nice improv theatre in Austria as far as I know. One of my favorite improvisers, Jacob Banigan, lives there! If you'll have a chance, watch his solo show Game of Death! What is GM? :) And comedy skills are something you can learn! For example I was very shy and anxious when I started improv.

Funny thing is, I thought I got 2 messages from the same person and responded only to the last one. And I was like 'Why do they say it's cool in both messages? Oh well, I guess it doesn't really matter!' xD

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Thats pretty cool
What kind of comedy do you do ?

Friends always tell me I like to talk a lot and I that I get too much into details for some topics, so I should go and lecture at Uni.. I actually have thought about trying that out as a guest lecturer while working daily job..

5 years ago

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Actually I do improv mostly :) I work on my stand-up material recently too though. My plan is to be excellent in improv, stand-up and writing sketches.

You have a nice improv theatre in Austria as far as I know. One of my favorite improvisers, Jacob Banigan, lives there! If you'll have a chance, watch his solo show Game of Death! What is GM? :) And comedy skills are something you can learn! For example I was very shy and anxious when I started improv.

By the way, I get too much into details as well :D If you like teaching other people it is a great experience! Especially when they come to you and say they've learned a lot and enjoyed time spent with you.

5 years ago*

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When I studied I contemplated going to student theatre. But I remember that we were warned that the head actor there was a bit crazy and overenthusiastic and took all the acting a bit too far and it usually got in the way of studies so somehow I just dropped the idea..

But Ive been interested in entertainment for a while now. I love standup and I think I might try to write some material (as Im already into writing). Maybe start out with some youtube videos with movie or game reviews. Or what Ive wanted the most as I am automotive industry already - do some vehicle reviews.. But time will tell what will happen :D

Btw, you should redirect the question part about GM and Austria to TheCthuluKid :D

5 years ago

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Btw, you should redirect the question part about GM and Austria to TheCthuluKid :D

And I was wondering why I got 2 messages fromt he same person, lol :P Thanks for the heads up!

The best advice I was given about starting in stand-up: sign up to open mic, and then write a material :P Once you have no choice, you'll do it. It really worked for me :)

I think vehilce reviews might work too! There are a lot of people who are into cars and I think you might grab their attention :)

5 years ago

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thanks so much for sharing the best series ever =P and yeah I relate with the few answers here so far Γ§_Γ§

5 years ago

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Dragon Warrior/Quest and Final Fantasy are the staples of turn based JRPGs of the early days after the founding text adventures and RPGs of the 70's. More folks need to see where the ARPGs evolved from.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Thank you, I wouldn't go that far. ;T

I just need to get the hell out of the store on time and maybe get some reduced hours. (Which I did so we'll see how that goes.)

...And play some damn video games.

5 years ago

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The relief when you remember its a rest day and not a work day is amazing. :)

5 years ago

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Sooooooooooooooo gooooooooooooooooooood.

Slept far too long/just the right amount if you know what I mean which I know you dooooooooooo.

5 years ago

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Do you ever get that fright then instant relief when you realize you don't have work tomorrow

only 4% of sg can answer this since the rest idle cards πŸ‘

5 years ago

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I've been idling with ASF over night but it's only when I get a new game that I'm not ready for yet. Too many games to play and less time than ever for me right now.

I remember the days of old when I could 100% a game in a day or two...

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Forget about how many games you have, and just pick one.
I learnt too much time was wasted buying games, collecting games, idling games, and then complaining I don't have time to play them or not knowing what to play.
You actually have a lot of time to play games ;-)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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