Too bad I was away from home for most of the month and only had my laptop, couldn't play this game for quite some time. I did finish it, but around 11 hours too late (if we go by the international date line), so this became a February finish instead of a January one. At least I played a good portion of the game in January :D
Time to do the end of the month update for this thread, I'll start checking the comments!
Here are some bonus screenshots:
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I'm game. I won Chroma Squad recently. Up to the final season of it now, and will hopefully finish today.
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Yesterday I was lucky and won "Grim Fandango". And since it is an "old style adventure" I've never had the chance to play when I was younger, I plan playing it as soon as possible :)
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Perfect timing, as I was working on a post on BLAEO and it's gonna be part of my plan this year totally thanks to you, you inspired me to attempt what you did last year with no SG win unplayed.
I'll try not to limit myself to one, but for your challenge i'll go with Kathy Rain :)
Thanks again for the perpetual inspiration ;)
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Finished Kathy Rain and it was really good! (and gorgeous). Since it's still early in the month, I'll probably add at least another game to the challenge.
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Completed FF. A good game (and story) marred by a poor port (had to play windowed on low graphics settings so as not to crash)
Kholat finished. Enjoyable as a "walking sim" but not what I was expecting. Seemed like random deaths occurred but probably just my playstyle
Offowrld started. Tutorial and some skirmish maps and campaign done. Relaxing Sunday afternoon game, gonna pick up the DLC when cheap so I get the "complete" experience before I continue.
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I intend to finish braid, but that's cheating since I already started that one. The same goes for The Cave which I didn't win here but was given to me directly by a kind SG-user.
So for this challenge I choose Beyond Eyes, a game I won recently and looks pretty :)
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Finished Braid and Beyond Eyes. Both interesting games which I enjoyed a lot. After a good run on The Cave I'm now focussing on a game I didn't win but started playing because of a win. I won Deus Ex The Fall and decided to start the series with the first one, which I bought.
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Batman beaten. Sorry, no screenshots for this one, it would be hard to find a good one near the end that was not some form of spoiler.
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Not that it really matters but Imgur changed the way it works to hotlink images. You no longer take the url of the album but instead you have to mouse over the image itself and click copy and use that url. You're also missing the .jpg at the end ;)
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Nice idea!
I'm going to finish Antichamber but since I've started it already I will also try to beat either The Bureau: XCOM Declassified or Call of Juarez if I won't be able to launch the first one on my laptop :)
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I've won Cities Skyline recently (thanks, Mike! <3), so that's gonna be my priority to play. I don't think this game is beatable though...
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It doesn't have any "credits roll" ending, and the gameplay is open ended. If you don't have any other good option, you could count achievement percentage and gameplay and set a goal for when to consider the game "beaten". I did the same with Cities: Skylines and aimed for 50% achievements (before there was any DLC though), took about 40 hours. It's a great game.
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That's a pretty good idea. I'll try to set an achievement goal like that or maybe getting around building a somewhat functioning city :p I wonder how much does the DLCs change the game though?
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I don't own any of the DLC, so I can't comment on that, but my achievement percentage shrinks every time a DLC pack is added :D
The 100 000 inhabitant achievement is a pretty good goal, by then you have a well functioning city.
Just remember that achievements are disabled if you add any workshop mods.
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Man, it's gonna be PAYDAY 2 all over again... When you thought you're near to 100% cheevos, BAM they added another 200 new ones smh =.=
Really? That sucks though. I was pretty excited to try out some of the mods. Oh well, guess I'm going in vanilla for my first playthrough.
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A lot. I don't have the latest DLC, so I can't comment on that one, but the other DLC change it quite a lot. One of them adds the option to play on a winter map, which adds a few challenges (frozen roads, heating etc). I'm not sure what After Dark adds exactly, but I'm pretty sure it was a nice amount of content.
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Oh, that much? I thought it was only like a change in skin or something like that. Guess I'll keep my eyes on them in the future.
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finished The Wolf Among Us and Pony Island from my wins with 100% both <- this place got me I can't lie
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It's time for me to finish LEGO® Batman™ 3: Beyond Gotham, maybe Chaos on Deponia if there's spare time!
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Finished the main story, fun gameplay but too much cheesy lines I guess, gonna push for the achievements, so much work to do :p
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I aim to beat at least To the Moon and/or Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons
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I still have real life Lego stuff I want to build but maybe that can wait while I try finishing The Turing Test. I seems interesting and not that long :)
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I will finish BATMAN TELLTALE!
I pretty much promised to the gifter that I will play each episode as they came out and I did that for the first 2 episodes but I couldn't do it with the last 3... I blame Phantom Pain and Pokemon Sun mainly, but anyway, I will finish it this month to (sortof) honor that promise the best I can!
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I got a -really- limited amount of time to play but gonna try to finish Mafia 3 :3
I just need to try not getting destracted by sidequests too much to do so.
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I'll try to start and finish " Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor"
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Progress Report.
Well I've beaten Forward to the Sky so far(missed one achievement somewhere but not going back for it :P)
I've also started on Ryse(halfway through now), L.A.Noire(on I think my last Traffic case) and still struggling with Phantom Breaker(it's so not my style of game but looked like it had many anime references and cameos and like the weeaboo I am I had to snatch it :P)
Details and all in a few days in the blaeo update :P
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Sounds like a great idea. I'll be finishing Alum for a start. ^^
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Done and dusted.
The game started off with some religious undertones I didn't mind, they even added something to the story. But the last chapters got so preachy I was put off by it. Thankfully the pleasant sierra style visuals and posting my intentions in this thread helped me through it. All in all a distinctly average point and click that I'm not sorry I played.
Next up, 12 is Better Than 6.
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Had the morning off and figured that cleaning up around the house can wait.
12 is Better Than 6 was a fun little top-down shooter that seemed to borrow a page or two from Hotline Miami. Both the visuals and the mechanics were good and most importantly, the ai felt challenging enough without feeling cheap. The dialogue/story wasn't quite up to snuff. Seems the developers knew that as well since there was an achievement for skipping it.
I think I'll go for Traverser next. I played it some right after winning it but got stuck on a glitch and never finished it.
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I've 100% Traverser.
It hadn't magically turned into a well polished game but, even with the jankiness, I had a fun enough time. Though the puzzles were hard only in execution and it had a pointless walk 15 km chevo that took an hour of running in a circle after playing through the game and getting all other achievements.
I'll go for Zenge next, how long to beat pegs it as short enough to finish today. ^^
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It really did. They added game mechanics but took away choices in the final levels. One of the later levels seemed to have only two, go towards the start or the finish.
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Zenge looked pleasant enough and the ambient music was nice but it wasn't really puzzling, a bit of a flaw in a puzzle game.
Started on Impossible Creatures.
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Finished with Impossible Creatures and a few others to boot.
Still really enjoyed the gameplay options afforded by the creature creator. But, having played the game before, the campaign was rather trivialized by knowing to add a regenerating animal to every splice. The story I didn't get too invested in. There was some lighthearted humor that got a few chuckles, but all in all I was in it for the average strategy game and the creature creator. The game didn't have achievements so a screenshot of the end will do.
Went on to complete Fable Anniversary. It was basically just a re-release of Fable tlc. Played on heroic mode, apparently it is a bit harder than the original but I really couldn't tell. The entire graphics engine has been upgraded and you can really see the difference (after looking at comparison shots). Old Fable looked good enough though, I would've been just as happy playing that.
Next up was Time Mysteries 3: The Final Enigma. Jumped in a bit late in the story but I got the gist of it. What can you say? It was a HOG by Artifex Mundi, good looking and on the easy side.
Then I went through Dispatcher, purely to say I've done it. Most everything about the game was bad. The RPG elements might as well not have been there. Didn't notice a difference between starting and maxed skills and some of the perks just straight up didn't work. There were questionable visual choices (no differences between a working door and a "wall" door among others). The horror element was a bit lacking as well. As far as I can tell the log files you find while playing can only be read on the start menu, so there's no suspense being built while playing and the monsters weren't really scary either.
After that I played through Mystik Belle. A short and sweet metroidvania game with some light inventory puzzles on top. Beautiful pixel art backgrounds with sprites that don't fall short either. Played through SotN recently and the gameplay here wasn't quite up to those standards but definitively sufficient enough. Had a blast all the way through.
Then I finished off LEGO® Jurassic World. Nothing really to say about the gameplay, you break stuff and rebuild it into other stuff. I think they captured the movies reasonably well. I don't think I've seen the first two since the 90s but the game helped bring back all the salient points and I could see the original scenes in my head. They couldn't salvage the audio though, the switch between new and old dialogue is really jarring to me.
Was thinking of going for LEGO® Batman™ 3: Beyond Gotham next, but I don't know if I have two back to back LEGO® games in me. We'll see what'll happen.
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Had the time to complete a few more.
Moorhuhn Invasion (Crazy Chicken Invasion) turned out to be a rather bland gallery shooter. Not bad as such but I felt the half an hour or so it took me to rewrite the (local) leaderboard showed me all the game had.
Moved on to Spaceport Hope, a 2-D platform shooter made to fit into the 16-bit era. The shooting was simple and solid and it had more than enough weapons to chose from, in fact I didn't even try half of them. A small negative was the amount of enemies that turtled into an invincible state, stopping the action and forcing you to wait until they turned vulnerable again. The end boss turned out to suffer from invincibility as well and I had to apply a beta patch to be able to beat it. Ending on a positive note, the music was a good fit for the game.
Having just won INFRA I knew that had to be next. This turned out to be one of my top picks for goty 2016. There's a lack of final polish and some bugs one needs to overlook. But behind that is one of the most detailed and unique gaming experiences I've had. Some examples of the level of detail this game delves into that really struck me were the difference in day to day objects between locations. Whoever worked at the the hydro plant smoked Lucky Strikes, while the person living in the sewers left behind Marlboro packs. The office had a stainless steel Moccamaster where as the logging hut was outfitted with a white, plastic, store brand coffee maker. The one bug I encountered myself was easy to overlook because of the dev response, a patch was live the morning after I'd reported it along with a comment on why it'd been broken and what the patch did. The puzzles were reasonably easy with a few tougher ones strewed in. The game absolutely isn't for everyone but the narrative and atmosphere drew me in like very few have. I'll definitively be returning for part 3.
I'll start on LEGO® Batman™ 3: Beyond Gotham but there's no way that's getting completed tomorrow. ^^
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I didn't have a lot of time this month (university) so it seems I was too ambitious. I did finish Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series and progressed much in The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav though. Almost got all the achievements in another SG win (Fine Sweeper). They'll definitely all be completed by the end of February!
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Just noticed this comment!
I intend to finish
Dishonored 2
Master Reboot
Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders
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let see, Pillar of enternity, i close to finish it for real after 2 year
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I'm in. I won the Bioshock Triple Pack, already finished the first 2, and I intend on finishing Bioshock Infinite. Along with that Call of Duty: Ghosts and To The Moon.
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I just won Slayaway Camp and I hope to 100%
EDIT to summarize progress (7 games done):
Slayaway Camp: Completed
Neon Space 2: Unfinished :(
Montague's Mount: Completed
Spin Rush: Completed
Major Mayhem: Beat
Chroma Squad: Beat
Goetia: Completed
Hacknet Completed
XCOM: Enemy Unknown: In Progress
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I will try and finish these games:
Chroma Squad (Done)
Christmas Adventure: Candy Storm (Done)
Adventures of Pip (Done)
Puppy Dog: Jigsaw Puzzles (Done)
Sea Legends: Phantasmal Light Collector's Edition (Done)
Table Top Racing: World Tour (Done)
Victor Vran (Done)
Ember Kaboom
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Chroma Squad - Complete!
Christmas Adventure: Candy Storm - 100% Complete!
Adventures of Pip - 100% Complete!
Puppy Dog: Jigsaw Puzzles - Complete!
Sea Legends: Phantasmal Light Collector's Edition - Complete!
Table Top Racing: World Tour - Complete!
Victor Vran - Complete!
I think that will be my lot for the month. Seven games finished was a pretty good result, if I do say so myself. I'll probably work towards getting closer to 100% in Table Top Racing and Victor Vran for the last few days of January. I'm at about 50/104 won games finished overall (some I've started and not finished yet). I'll aim to get closer to 75-80 by the end of the year.
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challenge... meh, more like, fun accepted! gonna try Bit.Trip Runner2, Grim Fandango and Cladun X2 (which doesn't have achievements, so will be posting screenshots instead :b)
thanks for instigating this~
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done with Grim Fandango! was curious about the game only because of some flash videos referencing it and it looked cool... and the game is HELLA cool! especially the main character, found him to be just, well, a perfect fit for the story of a point&click! he's unbelievably crafty, makes the sketchiest plans yet, they work, all because of his perseverance to make them work, all to accomplish a good deed.
logical and satisfying all the while, glad to have been there.
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Wow, that was fast!! Congrats :3
And yes this is a hidden bump :p
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okay, Cladun X2 is super dangerous. it seems it doesn't have an end, as the characters tell you there's no escape, and there's just an endless list of dungeons to explore and defeat. the gameplay is fluid as hell, and that feels really good, but want something better?
something better is creating your own team of characters, being able to play them all, switching battle-styles when you feel like it, them helping each other with their perks and classes. thanks to the magic circle system, you can make crazy combinations to cover your weaknesses and make your perks even more insanely strong. but the best part?
ᵏᵉʳᵒ only started the game, and cleared 4 dungeons in 4 hours. now, the dungeons weren't long at all. ᵏᵉʳᵒ did replay the last one with all characters to level them up and try their battle-styles a bit, but no, what took the longest... was editing the equipment and admiring how badass it looks. not done editing it all, but just the spear and shields edit made the thing infinitely cooler. you can create edits for literally everything. characters body parts. weapons. armors. shields. EVERYTHING.
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finished Bit.Trip Runner2 earlier (still playing to get that sweet sweet 100%), and it added some cool mechanics, especially the dance: dancing gives you additional score affected by the multipliers but takes time to complete, so ᵏᵉʳᵒ is trying to squeeze dances everywhere to get closer to the top scores (there are no achievements for that, but.... MUST. GET. SCORE.)
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Alright this is a good excuse to begin playing Duke Nukem Forever
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I'm never going to finish this, glad I didn't bought it when it came out.
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Alien: Isolation Collection my only win I haven't played yet. I'm looking forward to this game since I'm a big fan of the movies.
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Happy new year dude! As a part of blaeo I totally support the initiative!
So this month ill be completing The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries. It has been at the top of my list of next games i was going to start. But wasn't able to do as much as i hoped in december, due too RL troubles. But am looking forward to some gaming now!!! <3 <3
I loved seasons 1 and 2 of walking dead telltale games. Played threw wolf among us and game of thrones telltale games as well not too long ago.
So have no doubts ill enjoy it even if a bit shorter (4-6 hours). So after completing i may have to pick another ^ ^
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I've got three wins left in my current batch on BLAEO:
The last two are pretty short.
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I'm really busy this month with moving out of my apartment but I want to finish The Grandfather and maybe Russian Horror Story.
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Just a few days ago I won Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen. I am playing it right now and I have all the intention to finish it :)
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I liked the idea and as I posted on BLAEO, my top priority this year are my SG wins :D so, this is perfect \o/
So, I have plans to finish Ichi - I'm in middle of the game now - is taking more time because I'm aiming to complete it ;p
I also want to play/finish Back to Bed and hopefully finish Tomb Raider I
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Replying earlier because I know won't finish any won games this month :p
Managed to 100% complete two out of the three games I wanted to play.
Loved both games. Both are puzzle games, and have a nice art style :D My next won game I'll finish is still Tomb Raider, btw :D
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Alright, let's see.. Since I don't wanna "cheat" by playing games I've already started... and that list is very small :p
Will I finish all 3? Not sure, haven't had much time for gaming lately but eh.. should be able to do it regardless.
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Okay, let's see. Started Karmaflow so far - finished world 1 & I'm guessing I'm close to finishing world 2 as well but I might actually give up on this one. Horrible performance, sound tied to framerate (really....? maybe if I wouldn't have 25-40 fps on a gtx 960 it wouldn't matter much), fixed camera on this one thing that made me die about 15 times just now before quitting... The concept is good, the music is good (when you don't hear a robotic voice because of the framerate), but the execution leaves A LOT to be desired... I might try it once again before the end of the month, but I'm pretty disappointed :/
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Okay, disregard this comment. I did manage to finish Karmaflow after all.
Pros: Music, Concept
Cons: Controls, Camera (in certain sections), Sound tied to framerate (come on..), Poor optimization.
Did I enjoy it? Yes, but it was really frustrating at times. Considering the amazing cast for this game, I really wish the gameplay would manage to keep up with the soundtrack
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Okay, finished the entire list now by beating Her Story as well, though I will most likely get back to this to 100% it (not because I care about achievements, but because I want to hear the entire story :p )
Also, adding Toren & Ninja Pizza Girl to the list :3
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Ninja Pizza Grill beaten as well. I guess not reading much about it beforehand was pretty helpful, since I didn't really expect the game to be based around a serious topic even though it literally mentions it in the game description :v
Edit: And Toren 100%'d ^^ Gonna think about the next game tomorrow - for now, I'm taking a break :p
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Adding Hotline Miami 2 & fault - milestone one to the mix, though they might have to wait until I finish campaign + event in diablo 3 so I can get my anniversary pet :v
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Games finished: 8
Her Story: 100%'d - Quite interesting concept, I'd say the awards this game received are well deserved.
Karmaflow: The Rock Opera: Beaten - Would've been nice for it to be optimized properly, but it was still an enjoyable experience due to the music (well, duh)
Homefront: The Revolution: Perhaps a bit repetitive after a while (the first couple of hours were the best part of the game in my opinion - it truly felt like you were entirely overwhelmed) - not sure why it still has mixed reviews on steam after they fixed the performance issue and many of the bugs present at launch, but I guess people just gave up on it.
Ninja Pizza Girl: I'm not a fan of speedrunning games in general, but this one was simple enough with a good message behind it, so I've enjoyed my time in it.
Toren: 100%'d - Pretty basic adventure game with several things being "mysterious" just for the sake of it, but since it was a relatively short game, it was still decent enough.
Hotline Miami 2: A completely different experience compared to the first one while also keeping what made the original one so successful - Maybe slightly easier due to certain characters being relatively powerful, but I'd say it's a worthy sequel.
fault - milestone one: 100%'d - all I can say is: WHY'D YOU PUT SUCH A CLIFFHANGER AT THE END? ;_; Now reading the next ones is an absolute must
Nidhogg: The forever alone experience - Playing this singleplayer might've been a bit silly but with multiplayer dead and nobody I could co-op with, I guess I "finished" it (I did finish the singleplayer "campaign" after all)
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I'm always trying to play as many of my wins as I can, but I can certainly commit to finishing That Dragon, Cancer in January
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I just checked - I finished exacly 20 games from my 56, so I don't think its the worst ratio. I installed Goetia yesterday so thats my next shot. And if that game would be too scared ( I'm easily scared), my backup plan is Frederic: Evil Strikes Back.
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I'll try to finish Yesterday Origins asap (in for another challenge, until the 8th of January, slghtly started), and possibly a few other, shorter games from my old wins - there were another times when I didn't only join games I really wanted to play, but just was even slightly interested in, without paying too much mind to their quality.
Possible other games:
Pineview Drive
Blood Knights
Red Johnson's Chronicles
Leisure Suit Larry...
maybe Limbo 100%, which requires one-sitting play with 5 or less deaths (and I haven't even finished the game yet)
We'll see, plan is at least 1-2 extra wins but Yesterday, maybe Christmas gifts :)
editing here before I'd forget:
Yesterday Origins done, I'll likely re-return for achievements
Zeno Clash story done
Residue 100% done
Please Don't Touch Anything done
F.E.A.R. Extraction Point done
F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate done
F.E.A.R. 2 done
Alum 100%
(got the 1 achievement for staring Voxelized, it's a mess. done and buried? Same-ish with Grass simulator... not my proudest wins)
Namariel Legends: Iron Lord Premium Edition done
Leo's Fortune done
Jack Lumber done
LiEat 100%
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I know about Limbo, it's just a friendly competition with a friend, who'll first 100% it (we haven't even played it in a year)
Pineview Drive... I had the feeling like that, it would just be good to hate it ticked off from my won list and never ever return to it.
Zeno Clash was a little trippy with a dash of "WTF is going on" but the design and combat is really nice :)
I regret most of my first 100 wins, but that won't make them go away :\
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Started recently playing my most recent win Satellite Reign. Progressed to the second area in previous session.
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I worked way too much last month so not much of progress made on games, I hope I'll have a bit more time this month.
I wanted to pick one of the ones I haven't started yet and probably one of the horror games that I have won (if I have time I'll try to beat all of them). I'll see how far I can get on the list.
DreadOut: Keepers of The Dark, main goal.
(Runner ups, Room 404, Barrow Hill: Curse of the Ancient Circle, Decay: The Mare, You Deserve, The Final Take)
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Managed to finish:
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glad it didn't took me whole month ;)
I was on my journey to make attonements for my missbehaviour and not be eaten by dragon for some time when i noticed i forgot about camera.
But hell it was too dangerous to go back. Considering everything wanted to hurt me, includin demon cat and jelous wifes. Damn even ceilings were against me. I really don't know why I'm just poor little goblin.
I overcome ecery obstacles and said. Well, I shouldn't tell that but all in all everything ended well.
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I think it's about time I play Lego Batman 3, I played the second one not that long ago as a bit of preparation and I wasn't too impressed with it, however the third one does have better reviews so I'm still hopeful I'll enjoy it as much as the other Lego games! I've also bought a bit of DLC for it as well seeing as they've rather sneakily started making achievements to require the DLC, not just the base game or season pass...
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Finished everything yesterday night! While I don't think it's my favourite Lego game, I found it more fun than the second game and still wanted to fully complete it. I've taken a few screenshots of which I posted some of the better ones on my steam page, here's the stud fountain for beating the game - it reminded me of playing the old windows Solitaire and that crazy card animation you got for winning lol :)
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GemCraft: Chasing Shadows. I've recently unlocked Glaring and I'm going back and leveling before moving on with the storyline. But we also recently got a few new board games (as did most of my friends) so on the flip side I've finished many many board game games?
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I'll try to finish the main story in Fallout 4 - that should be fairly doable, even though I get sidetracked a lot...
I'll also finish Adventures of Bertram Fiddle: Episode 1: A Dreadly Business it doesn't have achievements and my time isn't logged properly, because I play it a mainly in offline on my laptop. But I guess it shouldn't take too long to finish.
But to be up to the challenge I want to beat a game I didn't start yet.I'll go with Trauma with no achievements. And maybe I even manage to start and beat Morningstar: Descent to Deadrock
Anything more than that would be terrible nice but not realistic :(
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Played and beaten Trauma. Best thing to compare it to would probably be a HOG but that wouldn't do it justice. It's somewhat weird and many probably wouldn't even call it a game. I'm not very sure about what it wants to tell me and everything is quite vague. For people looking into alternative concepts for games, this might be quite interesting =)
Next in line is Morningstar: Descent to Deadrock. I guess I might not be able to get enough playtime to finish Fallout 4 - I'm at a point now where I have to make a decision - and I don't want to... just yet...
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I managed to brake my savegame for Bertram Fiddle when I suddenly decided to play it while being online and not disconnected like before...
I actually was very close to the end but I started fresh cause I want to finish it for real. Skipping all dialogs should advance me well. We'll see how I do...
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for a long time i wanted to start Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic because many friends told me its one of the best Star Wars games ever but i haven't played it at all.
so i'm gonna try finishing that one for this month and maybe play the second one at a later date.
i'm currently at 0 hours as of January the 3nd.
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i've been playing Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic for 40h now,i didn't expect it to be that big.
i love the game but it takes long to do every side quest possible so i don't know if i'll finish it until the end of the month but i'll try.
meanwhile i finished Beyond Eyes,another game i won here.the game is short,easy to 100% complete and has nice visuals.the cons are the slow movement of your character and the bitter ending (the cat you are looking for is dead)
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Well, not to be redundant with my BLAEO Attack Plan, but I'll go with Black Sails. Once I've finished that nice little point-and-click game, I'll have played and finished 18/21 of my SG wins since 12/12/2015.
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So, I kind of forgot about this-- I was so focused on the QUIPS/Beardtopia Play or Pay challenge. I finished Face Noir and Papo & Yo from that challenge, which continues until 12-Feb.
Face Noir, however, was an SG win.
So for the purposes of your tally, I think I am a "did not complete." But I did complete a different SG win in January.
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The Darkness II
In February it's going to be two years since I won the game and I'm ashamed I haven't played it yet. It just always got pushed back because of the lack of progress in playing the first one.
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I made this plan at the start of January and installed the game at the same time. Still I didn't start playing it due to couple reasons; time constraints and computer issues. But finally I was able to solve both of these issues, and remarkably beat the game! I'm rather proud of myself, finally I don't have to be ashamed of neglecting such a lucky and good win! It was a really good game too, I'm thinking about creating a giveaway for it so others could enjoy it as well. I've only beat the game now and unlocked New Game + so there's still much playing to be done in this one, but at least I'm going the right way.
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I just finished Papo & Yo myself this week! Great game. I played it with my 5-year-old kids-- who fortunately didn't realize it was about an abusive, alcoholic father...
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I tend to stray away from single player games these days, but I will try to make sure I beat Lost Planet 3
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Well I'm gonna finish the best game I won here which is Dishonored 2. Actually started palying it yesterday as I got my new PC recently :) Also I plan on beating Ori and the Blind Forest but I'm not sure if this month though .
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Yep finished Dishonored 2 :D Loved it as the first one. Didn't occur any problems with it now after few patches. Everything played smoothly on max settings 60 fps. I'm putting here my 3 favorite screens that I made playing it :) If someone wants to see I got like 10 more "kind of cinematic" screenshots from it ^^
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Won it week ago, but still no time to even start it.:) But well, I will take my shot for it and for this idea.:)
Gnomes Garden
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Finished it just now.:) Nice game and here is small giveaway for it - (level 2+ and ends in 45 minutes).:)
Here is screen with in-game trophies:
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Having a blast after winning fallout 4 in December. already up to 90+ hours :P. Fallout and Civ 5 i have played the most from my wins. finished stealth bastard too. would love to play broken age and half life 2 sometime. Maybe i could make time for them this month!
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Going to work on Wolfenstein: The Old Blood. A shame that when I first won this game, my computer refused to even start the game. But no longer! :D
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Just Finished the game, Kings bounty: dark side, won in SG. I liked it a lot and thus bought the other King's bounty during winter break. Since dark side too me 100 hours, I guess I won't be able to finish by the end of the January.
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Outland, and maybe Broken Age, if i have the time:)
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Armello - First game I won this year Last game I won last year. I started it yesterday, plan on playing much more this weekend. I'll count it as done when I've unlocked all cards (not sure if there's an achievement for that) and won at least once with every character (there definitely are achievements for that)
Forgot, I already finished Bird Story this month, but before I saw this post, so I guess it doesn't quite count ^^
Edit: Okay, so according to HLTB I'm already done, since the tutorial was the "main story" in Armello ... well, I'll keep playing and trying to reach the goals I mentioned, but seems like I need to add another game to the list. I did start Zenge a little while ago, so I'll add that to my list :3
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Reply instead of edit, for the extra bump ;)
Played some more Armello, and I don't think I'll manage to get wins with all 8 characters - only managed to finish one MP round in 3 hours (first one crashed or something after about 90 mins, couldn't do anything anymore, like a round or two before the king died and someone would've won even without attacking) - so even if I play every free second I get, it's highly unlikely I win 7 more times this month :(
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Finished Zenge! :D
Fun little puzzle game with really nice graphics in between, very calming overall as well. I needed a guide for some in between puzzles (mostly to see where to start), but the last 20 or so were actually quite easy, not unlike Hook or klocki difficulty-wise.
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I think I'll go with Life is Strange: won ep1 last year, finally bought the complete season during winter sales, already installed and ready to go :D
what next? maybe Darksiders 2 or Deus Ex Human Revolution, since they've taken enough dust in my library.. so ashamed... >_>
but first of all, I need to fix my pc a bit (and maybe upgrade my vga :D)
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No, cioè, ancora ? Non c'è più religione :C
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Just finished Child of Light (I took a few screenshots toward the end [too lazy to post them here {so here's a link to all my screenshots}]), and I've finished TWD - A New Frontier. So now I'll probably play ABZU, and then take a break from my wins.
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Going to download and finish Demon Hunter: Chronicles from Beyond this weekend... :)
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January was a "busy" month for me.
I beat Witness (first ending, two more to go) and Soma, both were totally amazing and joined my top10 of favorite games.
I doubt I would beat anything else from my latest wins, cause I need to "work on" games my friends gift me on Christmas first (Inside, Abzu, Hitman).
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I've started Life is Strange since I'm super lucky to have won it after watching the play through of it, intended to finish it after my finals this week. :P
And plan on playing and finishing Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons this month also since I've bought a controller way back when I won it just for the game, and should really put it to good use. x3
Edit: Well, I failed the challenge. :P Totally underestimated the finish time of Life is Strange and my play style of touching everything in the game didn't help. Only finished it today. It's still a really good game tho. I'm surprised that at the end I have quite some emotional feelings since I've already watched all of the gameplay, and didn't like Chloe a bit. I still don't like her, but she's pretty brave sacrificing herself.
Spoiler screenshots so beware:
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I doubt I'll finish but I started playing project cars, I won it like 2 days ago
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I eventually encountered the issue most negative reviews stated they had. The game is too repetitive. It becomes tedious and boring because you do the same thing over and over again with no variety and a difficulty scale that doesn't make much sense. (It wasn't too hard for me, but the jumps were very strange).
I did not finish it, I quit after 20 hours, but I wouldn't want to finish it honestly. Maybe if the game had voice acting...or better graphics...or something different than Avernum/Geneforge/Exile since I've already played and beaten every last one of those games.
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I'm going to complete The Vanishing of Ethan Carter. Started a little bit before, got some beautiful screenshots, but distracted by other games. It's about time.
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I'm in. I don't know if it's a good idea, but I'm gonna play Kick-Ass 2.
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just finished it
probably will try to get some achievements now
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I started to play Eventide 2: The Sorcerers Mirror yesterday and I intend to finish it soon. Btw does "finishing it" mean 100%ing it or just play through till the end of the game? Asking because this particular game has an achievement which requires you to play the game a second time with different decisions. I don't think that I'll do that.
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I just finished the game I picked:
I might even go ahead and pick another one to play through. Quite nice, I like your incentive :)
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I'm going to try to finish The Cave this month (with 2 characters since apparently you need 3 or 4 playthroughs to see all of them.)
Update: It's 02:35 on February 1st and I officially didn't make it. I guess too much time spent on the SteamGifts forums, too little playing games. Well what else is new :D I picked the Scientist, the Hillbilly and the Knight for my first playthrough and judging by the Cavepaintings im roughly 5 / 8 into the game. I've already played the origin levels of the Knight and the Hillbilly (I'm mentioning this because I assume the origin levels of each character take place at different points of the game) and I just did the the minecart puzzle.
So far I can say that the graphics are beautiful and very atmospheric, the controlls are a little off but since the focus is mostly on puzzling and not on platforming that's not a huge problem and the humor of the game is great. Below are a few of my favourite screenshots up until where I am right now.
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Screenshots (SPOILERS)
edit: I've also finished this month:
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Just started playing Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers that I won from Jiseru earlier this month. And damn, what a gem this is, I'm very happy and thankful that I won, because if I wouldn't have won I would've probably never played it and missed out on such a great game. If you guys like physics puzzles and jump'n'run games I can definitely recommend this!
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finished world of goo (not 100% because not a fan of dooin a puzzle over and over and over again)
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Finished Time Mysteries 2 and 3.
Dark Arcana: The Carnival - finished the main story, bonus one left to do.
Tried to play Luxor 5th Passage but it crashes at startup :(
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I'm going to start and finish The Journey Down: Chapter Two.
It should be quite short, but considering that I'm joining this challenge at half month, I think it's fair. :)
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Oh, I almost forgot to write that I finished my January game some days ago.
I obviously also forgot to take a screenshot about it :/ but I suppose it's quite believable that I finished a game of that length in around 10 days.
The game was great, can't wait for chapter 3.
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I thought of this thread before reading it, I finished Tales Across Time on Sunday. I am going back and getting the few achievements I missed on 8 bit Adventures Forgotten Journeys now too.
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Here are the Tales Across Time achievements
I still have one more to get in 8-bit
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I didn't even notice this thread before, but I'm currently playing a game I won here, Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed.
Actually, I started it last month, shortly after winning it, then I put it on halt during the holidays.
I intend to finish the story mode soon, then I'll work towards 100% achievements (there's one which requires a lot of grinding).
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TEMBO THE BADASS ELEPHANT. I was going to start it earlier, but I forgot about it :p I think I will be able to 100% it by the end of the month (apparently there's a grindy achievement, so it might take a while)
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Cool idea! I'm a little bit late, but since there are still a few days left, I'll try to finish Gunpoint
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Aaand done! ^_^ The game is great, funny and very much replayable - I've made a two runs already, gonna try workshop missions later.
40/42 achievements (will get the last two later) and the end game screenshot (no spoilers).
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Didn't think I would have time to finish any this month, but I end up finishing this a few hours ago.
Edit: Also this HOG, this HOG, Epistory and fault - milestone one. Not going to 100% Epistory any time soon as the few remaining achievements are just "kill X enemies" and "type X words". Oh and I've decided that I hate HOGs.
Well that's a few of the shorter games getting off my backlog earlier than expected :D
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wohoo, able to finish another game in the last day of month, I just complete Xcom 2
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Hm. Since i was gonna beat some wins in this month i've thought to myself - i've post my "achievements" here after i do so. So...
In the end i didnt have enough time to beat a lot of games but in January i've beaten few of those from SG.
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If time allots, I will probably dive into Fez and maybe Trillion.
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Fez is a masterpiece, play it as soon as possible))
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Should be worth a go, I'll look in the morning when I'm at my PC (though also have some recent gifts to play).
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Couldn't sleep, got up to correct someone who was utterly wrong on the internet (which is a never ending quest by itself), took a look at wins. Possible titles if anyone wants to narrow it down.
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You're one of the few users with 20+ wins and everything "beatable" finished, congrats :) Quite a bit above the Steamgifts average.
I was happy about having about 70% of my won games played and 60% finished, but I was a part of an event that added another 8 wins, so now I'm down below 60% again. I'm guessing I'll end the year with around 70-80% of my wins finished, maybe more.
Those are some nice games to play! Good luck in future giveaways, you could use a couple more wins ;)
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What a coincidence! I've been thinking about beating Metro. A shame I haven't picked it up by now, probably one of the most valuable giveaways I've won. First I gotta conquer some christmas gofts and dive into some of my traded games, which I'm incredibly lucky to have.
Meaning my priorities are set to beating the following games: Firewatch, Bunker Punks, Walking Dead: Michonne, Shovel Knight, Metro Redux, Clustertruck, Butcher.
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I'm sure Tso would be fine with you joining even if you're not very active. And recruitment is open
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There are no girls here worth getting ;3
Happy Fry Day!
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Punch Club is a grindhell, I spent so much playing it, but with no satisfaction
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Well You can say it Replay because I've done it before I had it, I might just waiting for the DLC first before really play it
You mean that Kuranado?
I've done both first and after story long before it goes to steam
if you see my wishlist You'll know what kind of person I am
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worst game in my library along with Digital Homocide games
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Hm, I wanted to write "You're late, I've already beaten a win yesterday", but apparently that was 2 days ago. In December.
Oh well, I won a couple of new stuff around the holidays, so I guess I'll find something else.
On the other hand... I bought Witcher 3 for Christmas... so.... I'm a bit occupied.
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I played Spec ops the line and couldnt finish it dunno why ;)
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I've finished quite a few games ( few even to 100% ) i've won here. Still as a working person i do not have enough time so my backlog keeps increasing :(
Currently i'm playing Fallout 4 which i won a week or so ago and have all intentions of finishing it. :)
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Actually i find game to be really easy and i'm playing on Hard . Maybe because i do all the side quests and scavenge a lot so i have level and supplies to cut throu it relatively easy.
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Am that one is quite hard if you just try to follow throu it non-stop. I think i had problems there as well so just stopped and did something else. Later then i got some levels and weapons it was cake-walk. So i suggest to just wonder into to some other direction ,you fill find yourself in some crazy story before long ;)
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This is one thing i really see as superior to others in Fallout 4. Its 'notsobig' map is packed with content. Just point your cursor into some direction and few minutes later you will in middle of some interesting story or mystery to solve:)
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Yeah i've played it for 20 hours or sountil i started to get some other games a bit of time again :D
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34 hours by now but i had satellite reign just bought so now i'm trying to give them both some love :O + all the indie poop i've won here. Trying to play those as well..
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I'm going to finish Dishonored 2 and Master Reboot :D
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if you plan to play it on pc, shouldn't you wait a bit more, maybe a few more patch for Dishonored 2 , wait until they iron a bit more technical issue first before play it
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I've actually had no issues on my PC. I did on my laptop but that doesn't really matter. I run it at 50-60fps consistently with it dropping when its super demanding! I've played through 60% of the game so far :)
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December has already been this month for me. I played four games that I won here, two of which I finished, the other two I didn't like so much so decided to skip about mid-way. The games are (links are to my short reviews): Please, Don’t Touch Anything (thank you m139), Journal (thank you planetoide), Fire (thank you Vee79) and Castle of Illusion (thank you ertitoagus).
For January I plan to play Nation Red (gifted to me by Nightshifty) and Never Alone (gifted by entropia). Other candidates: House of Caravan (gifted by Pesmerga) and Shank (gifted by Sisyphus17). Then, if all goes according to plan I'll start plaiying games that are bigger commitment in terms of time, and if I get to 50% wins played I'll start joining GAs with good odds again (I currently only join public GAs of wishlisted games, and these typically have thousands of entries).
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Sounds like a good plan, and it seems you are quite a popular person too ;)
It felt great reaching 50% of my Steamgifts wins finished. For a while I was at around 70% played and 60% finished, but then I took part in the Simultaneous Giveaways event, and now I have a few more games to play through to get back to 60% again. Since I'm playing the games at a faster pace than I'm winning them, it's looking good for the future :D
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So much to clear, and so little time to play, hope that i can finish at least 1-2 game before lunar new year. I currently try to clear Pillar of enternity, and after that, get me win+achivement for Attila totalwar that i just buy this sale
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I started and finished several games! I think I wouldn't be able to do that so soon but I quite enjoyed use my free time to beat them.
Now I'm looking for to achieve 100% of its achievement. At least some (now that I figured out that some are actually broken).
I'm currently playing Batman Arkham Asylum and I'm about to play Shank 2. :)
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That's nice!
I peeked at your wins and saw Transformers: Devastation there. That's a game I would move to the front of the backlog if I would have won it, I had so much fun with Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance from the same studio. Also not that long, I've seen those who have finished it in 5 hours, but it takes longer time if you go for more of the achievements.
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I like to go through my entire list of games and play the game I feel best fits the mood I am currently in to give the game the best chance of enjoying it. I may be in the mood for a difficult, action filled, first person shooter or I may just be in the mood to play a relaxing, childish, cartoonish, point and click. Being that I have over 6 times as many games that I bought myself compared to what I won here, I often end up playing games that I bought. I noticed this and felt bad about neglecting the games I have won, so I started picking games to play from what I have won.
I am currently playing 2 games, one being Qbeh-1: The Atlas Cube, which was a win and I will definitely finish that this month. Also, the last 6 games I have played and completed have been games that I won here. They were: The Beginners Guide, Super Win The Game, 35MM, Papo & Yo, Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, and The Banner Saga.
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I do about the same thing, but I have enough won games to have at least one at the time that I'm in the mood for. Nice to hear that you're playing and finishing several of your wins!
One thing I tried last year was to not buy any games for myself, only for giveaways, and focus on playing my won games. Turned out to be a great way to fight the backlog :)
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There are 2 situations where I will buy games for myself. If it is something I really want and it is discounted around 75% or higher while being about $3 or less. Or if it is a game I have any interest in that is a fairly cheap bundle. I don't like passing up on a bundle game that I want because the price is so good and I know that it may never show up in a bundle again. I have bought so many great games from bundles and then never saw them in a bundle again. I end up piling on games though because I really like indie games and there are so many I am interested in.
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It seems to work wonders for anyone giving it a real try.
I used to organize my library through the Steam client, planning on what to play by moving games to different categories, but now I rely on just BLAEO instead, so much faster and also more fun.
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83 Comments - Last post 4 minutes ago by WaxWorm
2 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by BattleChaing
1 Comments - Last post 51 minutes ago by wigglenose
11 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Chris76de
9 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by freshduke
15 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by tabbou
319 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by Xarliellon
1,157 Comments - Last post 3 minutes ago by Nickelmufa
6,630 Comments - Last post 15 minutes ago by Masafor
381 Comments - Last post 20 minutes ago by aquatorrent
8,484 Comments - Last post 22 minutes ago by q0500
158 Comments - Last post 29 minutes ago by lext
1,320 Comments - Last post 55 minutes ago by Masafor
303 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Lugum
Update (2017-02-02)
I went through the replies to the application post, and counted 74 users who reported they finished games they played in the challenge! Great work everyone! Some of you finished several games, but I just counted you once, since one game was the only thing required to finish the challenge. Some might have finished games but not updated, or written about it in some other part of the thread, so the real numbers are probably even higher.
It's a shame I was away from home for much of the month and couldn't keep up with the topic, but I'm very happy about how many participated and played some won games!
Update (2017-01-04)
After 24 hours, I counted 92 replies to the application post, and it's great to know so many are up for playing some games won on Steamgifts!
If you replied with the game you intend to play in January as a regular reply to the thread and didn't reply to that specific post, add a reply there as well, since I won't be going through every page of the thread at the end of the month, I'll only check the replies to the first post when I do the end of the month count-up.
Original message:
Happy New Year everyone!
Now, most of us here have won some games on Steamgifts, and few of us have played through all the games we won. Some might not have played a single of the won games, so how about starting the first month of the new year with a little challenge, and try to inspire each other to play at least one game won here on Steamgifts?
Let's start out with a game that can be "finished" / "beaten". Games with a story mode, or even a simple puzzle game with a finite set of levels. The goal for the month is to play and finish this game. It's OK to play a game you have already started previously, but this time make sure to play the game all the way through.
Reply to this post with a comment about what game you intend to finish during the month. At the end of the month, reply to your own post, telling us about your progress. Bonus points for taking screenshots :) I'll try to add up how many games we managed to finish together at the end of the month. If you play more than one game, that's great, but only one needed for this challenge.
If you have limited time and want to know how much time you would expect to spend with a game before finishing it (to know if it's doable in one month) I recommend checking How Long To Beat.
If you can't remember which of your won games you have played and which you still have to finish, a good tool to use is this script by kelnage. Especially good to keep track of games with achievements, since it lists achievement progress for games, so you can see which ones you have started, not started, and likely finished, going by achievements.
I hope some of you will join in this month, have some fun and play some good games! Doesn't matter if you until now have played most of your wins or not a single one - every game played this month is one more game won on Steamgifts that got some love from its new owner :)
Advanced users who are ready to fight their backlog for real might be interested in joining BLAEO, a great tool that syncs your steam library and makes it easy to sort your backlog into lists with a slick drag-and-drop interface, accompanied by a great community and nice social functions, a real inspiration for getting a good start with playing one's backlog.
Since all challenge entries are posted as a reply on the first page, the rest of the thread can be used for discussion, maybe "suggest a game I should play" and whatnot.
Too keep the part with entry posts clean until I do the final count-up of finished games by the end of the month, I'll avoid replying too much to the entry posts.
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