they killed kenny!
you bastards! :D
there is no rule, but there should be something like ''are you a dick? YES / NO" when you create an account. Such a prick that only wants games, and is rude to someone who wants to give him game for free... as he said ''da fuq"?
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Yeah, I believe in Karma, I know that the more I give - the more I will receive, but it is all of being polite. If that was a cheap game I would give him that, but any game I bought for more than 1 euro is unacceptable. I didn't even ever bought friend a game for more than 1 euro and that guy doesn't deserve it either.
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I do'nt think support will accept, but if they accept to consider it an "inappropriate behavior", they might suspend him and let you reroll - but that seems very unlikely.
edit : I would still tell him to go fuck himself and not give him the game.
edit 2 : you successfully contacted him, he implicitly refused the contact attempt, maybe that's ground for "winner rejected the gift".
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i think you will get your re roll
lol...good to know im not the only one having trouble with public ga´s lately
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you successfully contacted him, he implicitly refused the contact attempt, maybe that's ground for "winner rejected the gift".
Yes, I had a reroll approved for a similar case (see details in my comment in this thread)
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edit : I would still tell him to go fuck himself and not give him the game.
+1 I would happily take the suspension, 100% worth it.
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Yeah, that's considered calling out and calling out is against the rules. Also posting his e-mail publicly... Oh oh!
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Nope. Unfortunately you can't. I had a guy with a racist Steam profile and a past of farming CV. Not worth a reroll.
Only option you have is to refuse to give him the game which will make you end up with a shitty looking profile since you will be the only one knowing why he never received the game.
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CV is what you get for gifting games in order to level up. Some users make fake invite giveaways to gain higher levels.
Yes, you have a week and can think about what you wanna do. i ended up gifting the game and was pretty unhappy about it.
I hope you get a reroll at least for the "refused contact". These users ruin the experience for us and I hate them to the bone.
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Saw it. I had similar encounters... But it won't be worth a reroll. :/
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I had a bunch of screenshots of him admitting making fake giveaways and saying "Fuck those steamgift assholes". I had everything. Still I didn't get my reroll.
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He was suspended for farming CV in the past so I couldn't reroll for it. Other people got banned for farming CV, this is ridiculous.
And his profile saying "Ni**er" and other racist things wasn't a reason as well.
Total bullshit if you ask me.
Won't make public giveaways anymore.
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I'm curious to know as well. One of the reason you can pick when requesting a new winner is "suspended or inappropriate behavior".
What the hell is inappropriate behavior for then ?
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For being a total dick ? No.
But the guy deleted you, and for that you might get a reroll.
I had one guy marked a giveaway received when the gift was still in my inventory. So I tried to add them, they refused my invite. I claimed the gift back and sent them a mail asking them to add me if they wish to receive their gift. The guy send me an invite, I accept and ask them why happened, why did they mark it received when they didn't actually claimed the gift.
The guy said something that made no sense at all and deleted me. I asked for a reroll, explaining the situation and showing them the screenshot of the Steam chat and it was approved.
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Even if they don't accept right now, you are under no obligations to send the gift if you are not able to establish direct contact with the winners.
So if they decline now, after the 7 days you can try again, showing that you made additional attempts to contact the winner (like writing a mail to ask them to add you back), and they would have no reason to refuse at that point.
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I had a similar situation and in principle it was more important to me to not reward the asshole rather than maintain a 100% giveaways completed ratio. I took the hit to my ratio and was perfectly happy with my decision. You can do the same. You won't be penalized with a suspension or anything.
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I once waited like 4 months with 1 "Non received" for that guy to buy that game on his own. Then I got reroll for "winner already owns it" in few hours.
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Please don't give him anything. Also god bless your mistake, I'm glad I've been able to blacklist him.
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You have the giveaway link and the profile picture, that's more than enough to figure it out.
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seem like someone is not getting their free game. I wonder why do retards like them sign up for steamgifts if they do not want to receive the gifts that they've won.
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If your re-roll ticket hasn't been answered yet, i suggest you edit it to include DavidSarif's screenshot and ask for support to deal with him as if it was a user report as well (don't make a double report, put all the info in same ticket, imo).
I mean, what DownwardConcept says below makes some sense:
He officially refused contact for every future giveaway. He might as well just get banned.
So ask support if there's ground for a ban, preferably a permaban, since he's also misused the feedback, by marking gifts he won as non-activated. It would do the whole community a service.
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He officially refused contact for every future giveaway. He might as well just get banned.
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I did the same thing. page 35, to save time for anyone else trying this
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From his profile also:
I generally trade all my items, if you put stuff on the table that is more worth on the market. If you try to get something cheaper or nitpicking with a few cents or go even, I will decline the trade and report you.
Asswipe is putting it waaaayyy mildly. O.o
This has to be the most obnoxious person i've seen on SG... ever.
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He is reporting people for fair 1:1 trades? Can he please die?
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If you check these non received, they have these games in their libray.
Which could mean that they mark it non received after actualy getting the game (because, well, they are an asshole), and that would mean a permanent ban.
EDIT : if you check the creator for the giveaways marked non received, in every case they have all their giveaways marked received except the one won by this guy. Submitted an user report for misuse of giveaway feedback.
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Yep, that's what I did.
I'm glad this thread brought attention to this guy, seems like they well deserve a permaban.
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I hope you can ask a reroll on the grounds of him deleting you and declining your gift. If I were you I'd also blacklist him so that he never wins anything from you in the future.
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i think i'd rather have one undelivered gift on my account than give a game to a person like that
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Seriously someone add me and tell me this guy's username. I wanna blacklist that piece of shit.
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I don't have anyone on my blacklist, but this guy deserves to be on everyones blacklist ^^
Edit: Found him with my Sherlock Holmes skills :P
Edit 2: Welcome, you're the first one on my blacklist.
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Hahaha. that would be golden.
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Another suggestion would be doing a mass Report Violation on steam to actual Steam Support, from his profile. ;)
Don't know if he'd only get a slap on the wrist though... at best, if anything at all.
This guy isn't just a stain on SG, he's a stain on Steam itself.
Considering he openly admits to basically extort people into giving him more than his stuff is worth:
I generally trade all my items, if you put stuff on the table that is more worth on the market. If you try to get something cheaper or nitpicking with a few cents or go even, I will decline the trade and report you.
That should also be a valid reason to report him.
Not sure there would be drastic consequences, but if someone were to come up with a good idea for a not too long text to copy/paste and submit in the right section of what to report him for.
If we report him for "Attempted Trade Scam", at the very least the should get the infamous scammer tag that he probably helped a lot of non-scamming users get. Might be going a bit overboard, but hey, if he can openly submits fake reports, we should be allowed to report him for that.
Another option would be "Offensive Screenshots or Art" - because of his text saying " Do NOT add me as a friend, you have no reason to do so, not even for FUCKING giveaways I won. Stupid cunts." - technically its neither screenshots nor art, it's just text, but still offensive (i'm deeply hurt :P). He'd probably just get a slap on the wrist though for this IF it were considered valid, dunno. :)
But him feeling the wrath of SG would be more than warranted, imo. If anyone ever had it coming... --'
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you could find them from the profile pic, you lazy cat.
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me too thx
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I've already blacklisted him, I deleted the message just in case is considered some next level calling out :\
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Well, that's one more well-deserved entry in my blacklist. I hope you can re-roll on either Inappropriate behavior or Rejected gift.
The guy even have his own giveaway group, lol.
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there are some active sg users in the group. weiiirrd...
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By the look of it, it could very well be his alt account.
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Also in one of his public GAs description
"Delivery only per mail. If you have a shitty mail provider or constant problems managing your mailcrap, please refrain from entering this, I will ignore your existance in this universe on the first sign of problems"
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I thought that too, sadly we can't report him for that
always wondered, how many people on SG have more than one account
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