Timesplitters 2 or Turok 1 & 2, don't ask me to choose because I couldn't :-p
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Bioshock Infinite (Telling you, it's great) It's different, but great.
F.E.A.R. 1,2,3
The Darkness
Clive Barkers Jericho
Doom 3
Metro 2033
Those are all somewhat close.
Honestly though, nothing can match Bioshock quite like Bioshock, so it's tough to say.
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I'm a big fan of System Shock 2. It's one of my all time
The original DOOM and DOOM 2 are also great. I say this without any nostalgia goggles as I played the games for the first time ~3 years ago.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl was great. Very atmospheric, but not very scary. I've heard that the last part of the series is the best.
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I don´t have a favourite fps. But I do enjoy playing Killing Floor 2 and Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 from time to time.
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Favourite or close to what you like?
Because favourite is either Unreal Tournament 2004 or Deus Ex 1, depending on your definition of FPS game (is it anything that involves first-person viewpoint and firearms, or first-person games where the gameplay is centered around shooting mechanics?)
As for your question, play System Shock 2 and wait for the System Shock 1 remake. Also, try the F.E.A.R. series (and by series, I mean jump straight to the second game or play the first two and stop there).
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I like the level design of '99 more (if console kids would have to tackle AS-Overlord today, they'd be raging all over the internet on how the game is "broken"), but the gameplay in 2k4 is much faster, successfully balancing on the edge where it is constant action, but not to the point that it wears you out. (Funny enough, this makes Bombing Run my favourite mode, even though the majority despises it.)
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The beauty of AS-Overlord is in how simplistic it is, yet 10 times harder than all other Assault maps combined. There's literally just one objective, and the path is very simple as you need to go through the beach, through the cavern and above the ramps to the control room. And it is the map that used to make me ragequit in frustration in the old days, back when I was attempting godlike playthrough of tournament mode.
I mean, I can even recall other Assault maps, and each of them are good:
AS-Frigate - other than the bloody aimbot plasma cannon which makes frontal entry on the ship suicidal, I like that it has an entrance below the ship's base to balance things out
AS-HighSpeed - great BGM
AS-Guardia - the most mediocre of the lot, but it was decent in its own right
AS-Mazon - Great level, I like the calm and soothing BGM, plus it is a great map to practice defense at the chain area
AS-Rook - is decent, haven't tried it as many times as I'd have liked to :|
AS-Oceanfloor - my personal favorite after Overlord, depending on how well I'm oriented in the game it can take me either a minute and a half to clear it out, or it can go up till 5. To this date, I've not learned the placement of all 4 terminals :/
What I liked about UT 2004 was the quality in which they upgraded the Assault levels. When playing that Skaarj-mothership defense mission for the first time (AS-Mothership), I was literally squealing with excitement because of a Star Wars feel plus the fact that this was the first time we got a dynamic map (after the space segment is achieved all players spawn inside the mothership). Plus, all the Assault missions felt unique and fleshed out, and while playing them along with a few onslaught missions, I used to feel a Battlefield 2 vibe.
Sorry for the long post, but I love discussing Unreal and have converted 24 of my non-believer friends into playing the latest f2p version in order to decimate them on Facing Worlds of 1999, when they're skilled enough one day :P
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The problem with Oceanfloor and the reason even I can get lost in it is that once you breach the initial line and destroy the first terminal, you can essentially do the rest of them. To this day I could maybe reenact the three times where on offence we were stopped before doing the whole level in one go after the first terminal.
Rook has a similar problem: once you manage to get past the courtyard the first time, you can do all the objectives except the last one of escaping before any of the defenders could catch up; even if they somehow manage to quickly kill themselves to respawn.
My favourite I think was always Mazon. You can do close or long range encounters, and certain parts favour attackers, some the defenders, which means that if one side is good enough, they can reach a stalemate at any given point. Also, the objective of opening the front gate is optional, meaning if the offence is really bold, they can go straight for the crystal, which can equally mean a fast victory or an almost certain defeat, as the defenders can retake positions and guard the front gate switch now as well.
The level I can never tell whether I hate or not is HighSpeed. Sometime I could do it with little to no problems, sometimes it proved to be nearly unbeatable with its narrow spaces.
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About your question, my favorite FPS game is CS:GO... But I think Metro 2033 and Metro: Last Light are good choices for you :)
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Shadow Warrior 2013 -> Has good story, and upgrade system for weapons & skills. In that way it's like Bioshock.
(although push come to shove, it's probably more of a First Person Sworder. And in terms of pacing etc. it's nothing like Bioshock at all)
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np and i love spec ops the line .one of my favorite games.
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I think you stould try the STALKER games , maybe give a try for FEAR. Stalker is an adventure-story game in the area of Chernobyl and it happens to be FPS - you'll get more out of the game than just shooting, and after Bioshock I think you'd like to have something like that.
FEAR is a "standard" shooter (weapons, ammo, armor, letsgo!) with toggle-able bullettime and some horror elements, more in the first half. It has 2 expansions and 2 sequels, haven't played them yet.
Bioshock Infinite is also quite a good game, just keep in mind that almost all the horror elements (enclosed spaces, darkness) are not present, it's much more of a shooter than 1 or 2 was. It's a great game regardless of that :)
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Fear 2 scared the crap out of me in the first 30 minutes of game time,also I found extremely easy the normal mode but kinda afraid to try hard mode because I am fairly new to the genre..only played Bioshock series.Also I found the weapon armor system extremely good for new players unlike Bioshock which is much more complex.Infinite is more like a Sniper and story rich game,it is definitely different game that 1 and 2 in my opinion ofc .Btw I deleted Fear 2 content from steam library do you know if my progress will be saved or do I have to start the game from scratch?
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I am looking for something similar to Bioshock and Bioshock 2.Any good suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
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