...aka I'm leaving SG.

In my case it's because I need to have an addiction/something digital to collect.
I already collected digital stuff like Emulators and Roms, MP3, Rockband 3 DLC and so on.

And my everlasting addiction is collecting games, that got worst since I joined Steam on Dec/2012 and in the following months I found out about game bundles.
In 2014 I joined SG and I also got addicted to winning games/entering giveaways no matter if it was a nice or a trash game.

Well, currently I own 3.4k+ games (not counting the removed ones) and I made a spreadsheet to keep track of the games I'm really interested in beating and according to HLTB it'll take me more than 6000 hours to beat 420 games.
Since I joined BLAEO in 2016 I spent 1000 hours to beat 173 games.
As you can see I'll never beat my backlog.

So I'm leaving SG since there is no point in winning more games.
But that doesn't mean I'll stop buying games.
Yeah, my last goal is to clear my Wishlist and don't add anymore games to it.

I'd like to thank all the people from whom I won a game here.

Now let me know why do you keep buying games even though you own 5k, 7k, 12k games and some of you only play games like CS:GO, TF2 and Idle Clicker Games.

Since trains are old-fashion, I'll just leave the GA links here:
https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/lfo8S/lego-marvels-avengers - South America only
https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/0F7Di/lego-harry-potter-years-1-4 - South America only

6 years ago*

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Why do you buy games?

View Results
For +1 in my library / I'm a hoarder/collector
They're cheap. Why not?
I don't buy games, only win them here
I can control myself and only buy/win games I'll actually play
Thanks for Skyrim

The one thing that's a blessing and a curse about PC gaming... is all these damn good deals! I can't help myself when my wallet's not empty, that is :D
Thanks for the train :-)

6 years ago*

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I wish you well, and I hope you take care.:)

Thank you for the final batch of giveaways.:)

For myself, I generally buy games that pique my interest (especially if they have a good sale price at the time). My backlog is quite huge as well, and hopefully I will make bigger dent in it in the coming months!

6 years ago

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Because there are worse things to which I could be addicted.

Good luck with whatever endeavors you pursue, and I'm happy to see that you're not forsaking gaming completely. Be happy and healthy.

6 years ago

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It's rare to buy a game for myself, usually my purchases are for GAs. I understand your decision and maybe one day I'll follow in your footsteps.

6 years ago

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At the end of the day, it still is a pretty reasonable hobby to have price-per-month-wise compared to other superfluos things I could spend my money in, that's how I rationalize it. Yeah, it's an addiction, but at least this ain't gonna kill me or make me broke.

Good luck with the whole quiting SG thing, I think we all attempt it at least once. And give that backlog a fierce fight, it might be seemingly endless, but it actually has a bottom (like how there's actually soil in antarctica under all those kilometres worth of ice).

6 years ago

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Luckily I'm a greenhorn from hell, so I don't have to worry about that too much yet. But one of my RL friends is a 5k hoarding nutcase. And when I asked, I think it turns out I had actually played more games than him :O

One thing he did that was pretty cool, though, was get some friends to look at his collection, and for them to pick games they wanted to complete. Sure, he might not have played them in the end, but a few of us got to have a go at it and enjoy 'em. Might be something to do?

Either way, be proud you have self-discipline! And I wish you well!

6 years ago

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I think it's good of you to recognize what you're not enjoying anymore (in this case, game hoarding) and taking steps to change it. I hope you can focus on games that are rewarding experiences for you! That, at least, is what I try to do.

6 years ago

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Bump and thank you

6 years ago

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Bump! 😊 👍

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

6 years ago

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i'm a hoarder...

wtf is wrong with me???

6 years ago

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they fill the void inside me.

6 years ago

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I'm lucky enough to only own nearly 140 games thus far, most of which I intend to play and beat completely while some could very well just be card farms. I see it being some kind of addiction, or a case of hoarding basically like a number of people have already said.
Like look at all the things I own but I do nothing with.
Then again, with that said, maybe it's just a way of feeling rich and powerful?

6 years ago

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wow %35 is lier

6 years ago

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You ask difficult questions xD
I can't refuse tier 1 hb if there are good games there xD Beside that I almost stopped buying games since I have small child - my time for gaming decreased drastically xD

6 years ago

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I like to have many games I 'm just curious about or that I really want to play and pick out one of them randomly

6 years ago

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Surely addiction here. It's similar to your description.. joined Steam only in 2012, figured out bundles and since then it's an ever growing story. I surely won't play everything, even if I had nothing better to do when being retired, since there are some games, which lack of everything. But they're cheap, and I'm not interested in collecting stamps or something else. So.. why the hell not?

6 years ago

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I have less games than many people here (according to Steam 460) and don't buy many games lately.
If I buy a bundle (doesn't happen that often lately) I only really activate the games I am interested in because there is no point for me in activating a key just to get a +1 in my library.
I hope quitting SG works for you if that's really what you want :)

6 years ago

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I ask the same question everyday... thanks a lot for GAs!

6 years ago

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Just do what makes you happy, if one of these things is to stop buying games - do it and go forward. I'm sure you'll find the right decision for yourself. Good luck and all the best iskibiribiri.:)

6 years ago

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personally i dont enter giveaways for games i wont play, so i dont really have a game buying addiction for myself... BUT for others.. rip. most of the games i buy are for giving to friends, internet-strangers and my bf. pretty costly :v

6 years ago

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For cards :(

6 years ago

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Clearly forum goers have a lot more self control than I would attribute to the general SG user.

I chose Potato - it seemed closest to how I feel. I wanted to choose the popular "I can control myself and only buy/win games I'll actually play", but the reality is I buy/win more games that I want to play, than I actually have time to play. Hence the inevitable backlog. Fortunately I have kids to offload the burden to. Top parenting tip right there!

Oh, and thanks for the GAs.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I collect way too much and it's so hard to stop...

I wish you all the best, Iskibiribiri!

6 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by iskibiribiri.