Favourite horror game is definitely SOMA. It's like low-key horror. There are very few jumpscares. But the atmosphere is incredibly oppresive, just walking into an abandoned deep base, and the existential dread is brutal. And the ending is pure genius. I kept over and over thinking about THAT ending. Definitely recommended.
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I'm going to put Soma in my backlog just from your comment. I've owned it since 2018 (probably from a HB bundle) and kept putting playing it off because I'm not much of a horror guy. (Also it's 95% off on Steam right now for anyone that doesn't own it)
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Dead Space 2. Feels like it was made just for me! I know at the time it was controversial that Issac had been given a voice, but I always loved that they did that. The flow & pacing, the atmosphere, the tension. Tension is a great word to use when describing the game. There's times I'd forget to breathe. :)
Runner-up is F.E.A.R. 2. That ending...
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Cool. Thanks. 😎
Just read your first reply in the thread, and I gotta say it's nice to see another big appreciator of the 2nd game. In my experience at least, the large majority of people say the first is better (it's definitely a stellar game). DS2 was just a more engaging and smooth experience for me. The story, and then especially the way the chapters blended together so seamlessly. The loading screens between areas in the first game were understandable, but so annoying/immersion-breaking.
You should definitely play the 3rd one. An unfortunate step down due to too much publisher meddling, but it's still a good game. I avoided the "necessary" microtransactions like the plague and still had a fun time.
I'll always love F.E.A.R. too. Great enemy A.I., and like you said, some of the best gunplay. Just a great series. Extraction Point & Perseus Mandate are up there with Bioshock's Minerva's Den as my favorite expansion packs.
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I'm not sure if I should say my fav horror game is a game I've not completed yet. But the 20-30 minutes I played Outlast left me so scared that I had to stop. I don't think any game I've completed has given me the same sense of "omg I'm going to die and everything is horrendously bloodthirsty and cringy to look at". Probably due to watching Romulus this weekend I might start with Alien Isolation first , which has been mentioned here. Tense atmosphere, when I tried it. And Alien is one of my fav scifi sagas ever. I liked Romulus, btw.
I'm not easily scared and most new horror movies I watch give me more tension than scares. The last movies that gave me real fear were The Witch (with Anya Taylor-Johnson) and Smile. Waiting to watch the 2nd. Just saying to say how amazingly horrific the little I played Outlast was, and sorry for derailing so much ^_^
(I'm also looking forward to playing The Thing Remastered, I made a thread about it and someone beeped me there recently about the game coming, so thrilled! I love the Carpenter's version. The 50's one gave me scares when kid, but it's pretty much nothing compared to the original short story, and derailing again...)
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It's funny cause I had to take a break around 20 minutes in, but after getting past the generator bit the game stopped being scary for me.
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Welcome to my WL :)
I've beaten Outlast hmmm maybe 5 times total? I know the game by heart at this point. Granted, it's a bit scary but I've played so many horror games and seen so many horror movies that it's not possible to scare me to the point where I'd be like "this is it for me, I'm quitting".
But yeah, Outlast is definitely one of the best horror games I've ever played. I still need to play the second one.
I've seen Romulus in the cinema with my girlfriend, we really enjoyed it. Best Alien movie since Aliens IMO. Play Isolation, it's an amazing game all around.
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Imscared - A Pixelated Nightmare
The original from Game Jolt. It's the only horror game that scared me from start to finish. The audio design, the minimalism, the 4th wall breaking. And the fact that it kept me on the edge of my seat for its entirety. To be fair it's not long, but I never get tired of replaying it.
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I'm a HUGE wuss!
So I almost never play any game tagged with "horror" but when I was younger I did like F.E.A.R, Silent Hill and Resident Evil games, nowadays tho they have to be very lite on the scary part.
Gonna go with F.E.A.R as my favorite.
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I'm not big into horror, but I love the Alien franchise fan. So Alien: Isolation and recently Scorn are favourites.
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Well... I love horror movies, and watch A LOT of them, but, for some reason, horror games are too much for me...
The last one that I played, and can be considered as a horror is probably Pumpkin Eater. It is pretty short and deffinitely more creepy than scary, but it was better than I expected :)
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I've always liked the Resident Evil series, especially 2nd and 4th part with Leon as main protagonist. Maybe its because of zombies (Im a big fan), maybe the story and grimm corporation standing behind all problems, IDK. And the Remake of 4th part was a big WOW to me, its like I had my first playthrough once again :)
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For me is https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart_of_Darkness_(video_game)
I find it in the cereals box , when i started the game it was very intense 😥
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Favorite horror game would be fobia St Dinfa hotel, ....I don't think I've played more than 3 horror games. Id probably only be interested if it has an amazing narrative and good lore. The worst one, no the worst game I've ever played will surely be Monstrum. It also takes the cake for the worst SG win as well. Hence why I cautiously enter for games!
Since ur also Mr. Movie thread, the best horror movie I've watched is called Tumbad. I didn't expect to be blown away by an indie movie like that. That movie made me watch regional cinema of my country.
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Welcome to my WL :)
Added Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel to my wishlist, looks really good! Hmm Monstrum has very good reviews, I own it and I have it in my backlog. I'll definitely also play it sometime in the future.
I've seen Tumbbad on Amazon Prime Video - I might give it a watch, looks interesting.
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I'll say Haunting Ground. I'm not a huge fan of horror games myself (I play them, I enjoy them, but they stress me out more than they should) but my SO loves them, but years ago we sat together and played Haunting Ground, mostly me playing them watching, and I really enjoyed both the game and the experience.
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Nope, PS2 only, but I suspect that doesn't stop people from playing on PC.
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Doki Doki Literature Club, love psychological horrors in general, also weird and mind-bending stuff :)
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There are several moments that could make you think that the game is ended, but you have to do some actions to continue, you can find the manual how to proceed if it's not very obvious.
Also there are a lot of hidden stuff in the game, I suggest to watch "The Game Theorists" channel about the game after you finish it.
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Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth. I have it on GOG.
I expected typical jumpscares.
But the surroundings, dialogues, weird creatures, the people of Innsmouth and the way they talk/behave gave me eerie vibes throughout. I felt for Jack Walters as the story progressed. I understand why he completely lost it in the end.
The gameplay is somewhat janky. But the story and the environment kept me hooked till the end.
If you want to try it out, get it on GOG. Most of the bugs are fixed. But a third-party patch may be required to get through the last section.
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Hey guys!
I purged my WL since there were many inactive members there and I decided to do new recruitment!
If you want to be considered into joining my whitelist please reply to this thread with an answer to the following question:
What's your favorite horror game of all times and why?
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Here's a giveaway I'm currently running for my whitelist folks - you can check if you're on my WL before applying.
Update 13 DEC 2024: Here's another giveaway I just opened for my WL folks, I'm keeping the recruitment going!
UPDATE 20 DEC 2024: Here's yet another giveaway I opened for my WL folks, the recruitment is still open for a while!
UPDATE 28 DEC 2024: I see that the thread is still getting bumped so here's another giveaway for my WL folks, I will keep recruitment going for a while still so apply while you can! :)
UPDATE 03 JAN 2025: Here's another giveaway for my WL folks as I will keep the recruitment open for a while longer! :)
Well, that's it folks!
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