As we all know, poverty is a problem is gigantic proportions in africa. From spending aid money on weapons to lack of education (or even clean drinking water) there is a basis for improvement that makes economists vomit with rage. Personally, though, I believe there is no problem that cannot be solved, even if the solution may elude the most educated men for centuries. Still, doesn't mean, we shouldn't try, right?
Here's your task: Solve the poverty problem in Africa. What would you do if you managed African ressources and wanted to improve the overall GDP within the next, let's say 10 years?

PS: There is no hidden giveaway here. Just like the economic climate in Africa, this thread does not give you anything for free.

12 years ago*

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Would be better off if every country stayed out of other countries business and focused on your own issues.Anyways what africa in general needs is better living conditions and educate their people and for the most part.Also getting other countries that are not african out of the country and making their own business deals to make profit to boost the economy by selling to other countries by using their natural resources like the gold mines,diamond mines,metals and such and become a industrial nation to pay their debts and boost their economy and stop relying on other countries to solve their problems.

12 years ago

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I fully support it!

12 years ago

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Stop sending them food, money, resources, infrastructure and make them take care of themselves. Stop coming to their rescue when they stub their toe, as they expect the World to come and solve their problems at every hiccup. The situation in Haiti is a great example. What happened? They sat on their hands, pillaged and raped their own communities until the rest of the World came in and fixed their country - and even killed and raped some of those people. African for Africans, let them take care of their own.

12 years ago

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As long as they don´t get the simple maths in their head that more kids = even less food for everybody, nothing will help.

12 years ago

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Yea that I never got either. You are starving to death, you have 3 kids. STOP MAKING MORE BABIES!

12 years ago

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If I had the option, I would take over the entire country by force. This would take a lot of money but not a gigantic amount.

As soon as that was done I would roll out a English carbon-copy legal system (with some well thought out adjustments for the different culture), centralize all continental resources into a single corporation that manages all diamond, gold, oil etc mining and refining operations. Once these are done announce internationally that the trade in illegal diamonds/blood diamonds has ended, inevitably lowering price but also raising consumer demand, particularly in the tech world (read "Blingtronics" at National Geographic).

Then I'd organise massive farming co-operatives (New methods of gathering water from the air are becoming promising in Spain, for example), move as many people out of the region-locked Rift Basin as I could. Start to look at Geothermal, solar or hydroelectric power, large farming operations with a budget directly funded by the export of massive natural resources.

Long term I'd be aiming for tourism in the now-Westernised United African Republic (or whatever), export of electricity over the northern borders into the EU, clean electricity that is from solar power and probably massive education drives.

Totally unreasonable to do in practice but I think it could work. Just like the whole world; if everyone shut up and put me in charge everything would be fine.

12 years ago

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Actually it's a big continent you are trying to take over and not a small single country.

The British tried that approach in India with the East India Co.

Carbon-copying one working legal system will not work because of a) local customs, b) traditions, c) religious factors and so on. You can say that works inside the EU, but each country still keeps her own constitution and laws. They are still trying to bring their laws in compliance with the EU laws. Same goes for the USA, there you have laws at federal and then at state levels.

But hey, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is currently on discount. :)

12 years ago

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Africa's still reeling from the last time England/France/Netherlands etc. tried to set up shop there, do you really think taking the entire continent by force is going to help?

"Just like the whole world; if everyone shut up and put me in charge everything would be fine." you could be enough of a dick and tried to force them to bow to your will they might unite into a single power bloc in order to destroy you/your forces. Then there'd be 5-10 years of peace.

12 years ago

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This is their problem. Instead of developing like other nations, they focused more on destroying each other (warlords, etc.). Now they're screwed and in any strategy game would be completely annihilated by some Korean. I'd use a more socialistic method like China to get it back on its feet. Capitalism only works when you have people with the ability to work on their own. African nations seem to lack that at this point in time, but should be granted it once they reach a level of economic independence.

But what do I know? I'm just a bunny.

12 years ago

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I'd like to vomit now.

12 years ago

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Being raised in a developed country gives you that luxury. Now excuse me while people die so you can feel holier than thou.

12 years ago

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I am not aware of the politics in that region, so i cannot speak for them. However i do know that if, just for once, everyone tried to help each other and stopped caring for how much money is in their own pockets, any problem such as this one could be solved easily.

12 years ago

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Yeah I agree 100%.

Greed really is the cause to many of problems, capitalism kinda scares me honestly.

Love this clip

12 years ago

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Legalize/tax weed + Drug Tourism = Profit

12 years ago

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The majority of the population doesn't give a shit. Most of those "charities" are shady and even the legit ones if you look only a % of what you donate actually goes to the people because they are a business too, they have expenses. It's just all fucked up with greed.

12 years ago

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The people themselves are the problem mostly, always has been always will be. You can drag a horse to water but you cannot force it to drink. It is basically the outsiders that have a problem with it.

12 years ago

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I'd kill 95% of the population and spread the wealth between the rest. Poverty fucking solved.

inb4 racism. Death and destruction is my solution to everything.
12 years ago

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Sounds reasonable.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Africa can rot as far as I'm concerned. They said no to colonisation thinking they could do just as well on their own. Joke's on them.

The more you send them money and ressources the more they are dependant on foreign support. We should just let them on their own, I actually think they would eventually be better off without us helping them.

I find it sick that people and governments throw away billions of dollars in Sub-Saharan Africa, just so the people there can eat and drink without having to do anything about it, while you guys don't give the slightest shit about the misery in your own country. Hypocrisy at its finest.

Anyway we are 7 billion humans on this planet already, when will this stop ?

12 years ago

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Can we just close this thread? As far as I can see it even violates this part of the rules: Please avoid creating topics for political discussion.

12 years ago

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Most have been calm and reasonable, which is why that rule exists. If it gets out of hand, yeah, it'll get closed.

12 years ago

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I'm actually happy with how relatively civil this discussion is. There is a very low percentage of total dickweeds in here and I certainly did not open this thread in an attempt to cause trouble. I agree that it deserves a lock if personal attacks and racist commentary gets out of hand, but I think we're doing pretty well for now.

12 years ago

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Granted it is somewhat civil, but even so there is not little of more or less subtle attitude of a certain kind. Still it could be worse, I guess.

And I was never assuming that you had the intention to cause trouble.

12 years ago

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I wish I could say I care but I don't like to lie. I have my own problems.

12 years ago

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Same here, brother.

12 years ago

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what is sad is some of those countries are filthy rich, oil, diamonds, gold, etc... you name it, and corruption only creates more hunger. this world is really wasted...

12 years ago

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having said that I have already sent clothes in good condition anyway, more than once. just hope the money converted to food goes to those who really need it, read: not the military which have that bad habit to steal it when launched by parachutes!

12 years ago

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Capitalism + corrupt government = Africa.

12 years ago

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Yup. I think the main problem is the fact that there's a lot of corruption, instability, and violence. It's not something you can solve by simply shipping over food or clothing - that won't make the root problems go away.

12 years ago

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Do nothing. Maintain status quo. Obey.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Seriously? In a thread literally about third world problems?

12 years ago

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I meant it as a joke, because yeah...the thread's literally about third-world problems. But now I think about it...angsting about third-world-problems on an internet forum and doing nothing else about it is really a first-world, teenage-dilettante prerogative, so I'm not so sure anymore.

12 years ago

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Hm. We need elix in this thread.

12 years ago

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Stop all aid, then use the money that would otherwise be going into aid on ripping the entire continent up from its foundations and sending the landmass into space. Suddenly there would be no poverty, no wars, no corruption and no more atrocities being committed by and against the people of Africa. Problem 'solved'.

12 years ago

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I think that if people actually cared about the shit thats going on there (and im not talking about the reatarded Kony thing) then that wouldnt happen. Dont be hipocrates you dont give a fuck about ppl starving, so live with it. Or keep crying while no one does anything, thats as usefull as facebook humanitarian spam.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

12 years ago

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i like to eat shoe laces

12 years ago

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Boiled or fried?

12 years ago

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capitalism, britian did more to end world poverty than all world aid combined when they took control of hong kong

12 years ago

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Africa's problems cannot be solved fully until corruption is eradicated.

12 years ago

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So how do you solve corruption? Extra points if you do it without instituting a dictatorship. ;)

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by OGrady.