were you effected by hurricane hellan?
That really sucks. Hopefully Milton will steer away from you.
As for games. When my internet was out in the past, but I had power, I connected my phone to my desktop and enable it as a hotspot to get internet to my computer. I used a USB wire, but you can probably use Wifi if your desktop has it. My cell service is really bad here and my plan doesn't have much data, so I specifically looked for very small games to play like old point and click adventures or arcade style games that are a few hundred MB. If you don't want to clog up the cell service any more than it already is so people can make calls, instead of downloading small games, you might be able to use your phones internet to give your computer a connection for a short time to get games like Hifi Rush working again and then disconnect your phone.
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my phone is over a decade and old so well it CAN do that, they no longer support it. they want me to buy a new phone that is designed to only last 2 years and breaks after its 5th drop. mines on its like 25ish? ypu also can hardly get any new apps on it. im not really a mobile gamer so ive never cared. got my roller coaster tycoon and kingdom rush games
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I have never gamed on a phone and mine is really old too. I have only had family hand me downs, so I just get what they are upgrading from. I used an iphone 4s until a couple years ago and now I am currently still using an old iphone 6s.
I think you misunderstood what I was saying. Since you don't have internet on your computer and you are being prevented from playing single player games, you can make your phone a hotspot and use it to give your computer an internet connection. This should allow you to temporarily let Steam or certain games like Hifi Rush connect to the internet and then play them again. You can make the phone a wifi hotspot if your desktop has wifi or you can connect the phone to your computer with a USB cable and then open "Network Connections" on Windows to create a new internet connection over the USB cable.
On an iphone, you go into settings, cellular, and then "personal hotspot". I'm not sure how to enable it on other phones.
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I will add my 2 cents and say that on Samsung it's Connections>Mobile Hotspot and Tethering. Once you connect a cable the USB tethering option becomes available too.
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I have a Samsung Galaxy A12 that's about 2-3 years old and has been bounced off the floor many times. I have it in a phone case, of course. But the thing has a great battery. Still lasts a few days so long as I'm not playing games or watching videos on it. When I don't have internet, I use it as a Hotspot and can play games. I've even used it for GFN... okay, it's a bit choppy on GFN haha, but so what.
My mum has one I gave her that is now 10 years old, but it stinks because you can't put apps on it, and the battery is gone to crap. I'm getting her a new one for Christmas. Haha! I won't be handing this one down since it does all I need it to do.
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That sounds rough, I hope things get better for you soon, and keep yourself safe if there's another tornado headed your way.
We don't really get proper tornadoes where I live, instead it's a similar kind of storm, I think it's called anti-cyclone, they can be destructive in the sense of cutting trees that fall into houses but they're nowhere nearly as strong usually and the strong ones only happen every 15 years or so. We do get hail storms with ice balls the size of ping pong balls every couple of years tho, those tend to mess up the roofs.
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Sorry to hear about your situation, appreciate that you took the time to share what is going on. Do take care.
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I'm in the land of earthquakes and wildfire. When we have power outages, sometimes we'll pull out old Nintendo DS or GBA games. Maybe you'd have better luck with smaller indie games, as those don't usually bother to have callback checks.
I hope your place stays free of mold, and that you weather the next storm without much more troubles. <3
Someone wrote that insurance places hate to cover mold, but if they cover water and such damage, and the repairs happen to also fix mold, it's usually easier to get money for. Might be useful info to someone. (Probably worth double checking. Insurance is... convoluted.)
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I wasn't anywhere near Helene (although we did get some of the wind), but I definitely feel your pain. A huge storm over the summer took out over 2 miles of utility poles in my area. Power was out for 3 days, and internet was messed up even longer. I have a backup generator that covers part of my house, so I theoretically could have played some games while waiting for things to get fixed, but without internet....
And I know exactly where you're coming from about the trees. I'm still dealing with a huge maple that came down in my yard during that same storm back in July! It didn't hit anything, but insurance won't cover removing it even though it's going to cost me over $2000 (which I don't have unless I put it all on a credit card). But they did send me a nice letter letting me know that they're raising my deductible for wind damage. What the fuck am I paying these people for?
I hope things get cleared up for you soon, and that Milton leaves you alone. Stay safe!
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insurance also wont cover any of the branches that didnt fall yet. deathtrap trees waiting to happen in my parents yard that i cant help them with
tops of some trees were twisted off and have yet to fall
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this is why i dont have any insurance of any kind, well that and cause im poor
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im a decent amount from florida and a few months ago helped some elderly family move the fuck out. not for hurricanes but because they hate desantis/trump and the home owners association raised prices on them like crazy.
when we went to visit/move them i was up in the morning watching people across the lake burning a fire and thought ooh thats nice
was informed layer its where the meth lab blew up a few years ago and that fires always burning
that could also be a reason for the move
also was informed that they lived in the vicinity of where a mail woman was eaten by a pack of wild dogs….
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Well if you are a decent ways from Florida, we can hope that Milton will taper off a lot quicker than Helene did. It's not really common for a hurricane from the Gulf to cause so much damage as far inland as Helene did.
Of course with weather changes due to global warming, who knows what 'common' even means anymore.
Anyway, hoping you stay safe and Milton isn't too bad.
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First, I hope the hurricane did not cause too much damage. :(
I hope some of the unfortunate events around you are also somewhat misinformed.
Mistakes are common in times of disaster.
It is a game of human messages. You can postpone any expectations of credibility.
Until things calm down, please do not take it too seriously and keep yourself and your surroundings safe.
If humans had been on the planet, they would have witnessed the economic and public safety problems in the countries hit by the hurricane, and in the aftermath, prices would have skyrocketed, affecting all humans on the planet.🌀🏧💸💳😭
Some may take Steam offline before a disaster or download games on Gog.
Some may prepare Steamduck in hopes of battery operation.🎮🦆
Some might download and read novels and books whose copyrights have expired to smartphones that are less difficult to charge for a change.📲
Or some may revisit the Survival Handbook before a more serious situation arises.🤔📕
The US would have something like this.
Hurricanes | Ready.gov
Hurricane Season Preparedness Digital Toolkit | Ready.gov
Via this page, you will be able to reconfirm your advance preparations and see the detailed scope of the future impact.
(You're probably using it, but just in case)
You may prepare for the next step or check the next place to escape to in the worst case scenario.
When you are safely tucked away, play a game or a book. Stay safe.
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🤔After I posted them.
I hear that the local situation is much harder.
It seems a little late to refuel and evacuate.
They are getting ready to mobilize ambulances and rescue teams to the area.
I wish you good luck with safety.⛑🚰🪔🚗ESC
Could lose access to a clean environment until electricity and water are restored.
Local people should check the latest information from the government.
(The gas station statistics were referenced just in case there were rumors of fuel shortages.)
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FL Division of Emergency Management on X: "We have partnered w/@Uber to provide Floridians free rides to & from shelters in counties evacuating for #Milton. Get a ride: 📲 Open the Uber app 👤 Tap Account on the bottom right & tap Wallet ✅ Add promo code MILTONRELIEF Find a state-approved shelter:" / X
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pretty much just hammering away at audio books i have saved well working
finished a little over half of discworld this year
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Sorry about everything but the Gulf coast has been like that for millions of years. Got to pick your poison. Earthquakes out west, hurricanes down south, blizzards up north and tornadoes in the middle. Getting insurance to pay for anything is always difficult. There is no wired internet where I live anyway and I am less than 10 miles from an interstate go figure. I'm always having to visit my grandparents if I want to download any games since cellular companies for whatever reason can't get with the times. I mean they can offer 5g service at over 150 MBPS but limit you to less than 100 gb of data a month? Seriously? You can burn through that in 1 day downloading 1 game. pft
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i dont live in the golf coast….
global warming has made it much worse
heat = energy
hotter hots
colder colds
more chaotic and unpredictable weather
mostly hots tho
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I think you are misinterpreting what I said.
Assertion one, the Gulf coast region(not simply the coastline) is prone to hurricanes. This has been the case far beyond mankind even coming into existence and it's not going to change, like ever.
Assertion two, the "south"(as in all of the south including but not limited to Tennessee, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Texas and Florida) is prone to lots of severe flooding and storm damage cause by cold air from the north meeting hot air coming off the Gulf.
If you were that heavily affected by Helene then you live in the south somewhere. It didn't have any kind of impact north of the Mason-Dixon line.
Sadly global warming is only going to get markedly worse as nobody is willing to actually take any kind of realistic measures against it. And most people still for whatever reason don't believe it exists. For perspective there was less than 1 square Km of vegetation on Antarctica in 1986 and today it is apparently over 12 square Km. Within our lives most of Antarctica will be green again but global warming is a myth or so they say. Things that live in the Arctic and Antarctic will cease to exist outside of zoo's eventually.
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you can launch the game but are stuck with endless loading when pulling up a save unless you are online, after that it runs fine offline.
and every sony game needs you to open online every X amount of time. its dumb…
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At least maybe you can play Bioshock without the launcher by using: "BioShockHD" -run %command%, in the launch options. Haven't tried it but saw it at the forums.
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Awful for this grandmother.
Still thank you for giving us some news, it's good to know you're doing relatively well.
Please take good care of yourself and your loved ones until the material damage has been repaired.
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yeah it got really bad for the 1st few days.
people waiting in line for gas for 2 3 hours
chemical plant explosion https://apnews.com/article/biolab-chemical-plant-fire-chlorine-evacuation-9552ac17f3674ecbd1a52be13b08413f
2nd time this has happened from them and last time was the same reason
thankfully live no where near them, but did stop people i know from leaving to visit family with electricity and potable water
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Similar situation as you and I practically JUST moved from across the country to this area. All of my things are delayed due to port closures and/or general issues with transportation to the area, not to mention everything else going on personally. Stay Strong!
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update —-used 95% cell data for the month
and still no date for when we will have internet back….
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3,758 Comments - Last post 26 minutes ago by pizurk
had no power for 4 days, cuts out once or twice a day now for a few minutes. i assume they keep cutting it off to fix somthing
quiet a few tornadoes
trees fallen down all over the place, good chance the place im living will need new roof.
been helping my parents clean trees out of their yard cause insurance wont cover any of the stuff that fell and didnt hit anything…. yes but that tree fell full across the yard and you cant make it to the other side without going over and they wont cover it at all???
still no internet…no updates what so ever on when it could come back. they will update us when it may come back in a week or two…
cellular data hardly works cause everybody is on it…. doesn’t really matter to me since my phone is so old most websites don't load on it
curfew in place every night
one of my brothers friends grandma died because they weren’t able to get to her and she was without power. she used machines to keep her alive and police claimed she died of natural causes… i mean… i guess… that seems fucky like they are trying to mess with the death toll somehow.
as of yesterday over 50% of people still without power in out area. i think our water tower is still on gas generator so water conserve is in place
Hurricane Milton has been bumped up to a 5- shits gonna be fun, again.
i also want to add fuck all single played games that need wifi to play
played hifi rush a few times without internet and now the game is soft locked until i can log back on….
current list of games i have installed that are single player that i cant touch. hifi rush - hogwarts legacy - spiderman - pacman dx - jurassic world 2 - gotham knights - bioshock cause the new 2k launcher
sorry for the rant, just bored out of my mind and cant sleep…
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