About the draw, if I have already won a game, will I be unable to participate in the draw that I won a game in, even if it is not in my account, or is it temporary and I will be able to compete in the same game again?

2 hours ago

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You have to activate the game that you won. That's the rule. After that, since you have that game in your account, you are unable to enter giveaways for the games you own.
Btw i see that you won a game called "Furry Futa". But you probably didn't activate the game (can't see that in your steam profile). Than you created a giveaway for the same game. Not activating your wins is a reason for ban.

I recommend you to read this.

2 hours ago*

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So you're telling me that any future raffle I win I'll be forced to activate the key on my account, otherwise I'll get banned. I only entered a raffle with the key I won because I wanted to level up my Steamgift account?

1 hour ago

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Reading the rules and FAQ would help....

1 hour ago

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In my opinion, I will not harm anyone by doing this by winning the key and creating a raffle for it so that I can raise the level of my account because I am currently not working and the games are very expensive. And I think the rules should be added that the winner can do whatever they want with the key they won from the raffle by doing a new raffle or activating it in the account. This is just my opinion.

1 hour ago

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Rules do not work like that, i'm sorry.

If I win a game, can I regift, trade, sell, or remove it from my Steam account?
According to our guidelines, no, all games you win must remain activated and redeemed on the Steam account you used during registration. Failure to activate games you have received will result in a suspension.

1 hour ago

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So someone who BOUGHT the game gets the credit they deserve and then the winner who did nothing gets the same credit .... YOU'RE A GENIUS! sarcasm

You won't get banned for it but you will be suspended for a few days at least. Keep doing it and you will be though. If you don't want the suspension, buy the game ASAP and activate it on your account.

Either way you will likely get some blacklists for this.

1 hour ago

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I dont think he knows or cares the concept of blacklisting.
But he already got one at least:)

He is another lad who saw the site, liked the idea but didn't read the rules or cared and jump straight to it.

1 hour ago

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Also imagine if everybody would do this, how many dupes and wrongly assigned region locked giveaway would be circulating.

1 hour ago

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While I understand what it is you want to do it, is a very bad idea. That would just flood this site with recurring giveaways for the same keys, and the site would eventually die out due to that - which in turn would render your higher level completely useless. And/Or everyone would become level 10 and that would also render the whole contributor/level system useless.

The site operates on the fundamental principle of "1 key-1 giveaway" to keep the content always fresh and new.

To avoid a tempban (or worse) I suggest you read through the Guidelines and the FAQ sections and follow them. Just understand these regulations are there to keep the site alive and well, not to inflate anyones levels or even to hurt individual users.

And if you already won a game here and then re-used it on a giveaway (as another comment suggested above) instead of redeeming it to your Steam account, then I suggest you directly buy a copy and activate it on Steam - or you likely will receive a tempban from mods soon. Unactivated wins will also keep you out of almost any SGTools-protected giveaways for all future, as that is one of the most used basic protection people place on their giveaways when using that system.
Here you can see the result that SGTools returns when checking your account for unactivated wins.
Here you can see the result that SGTools returns when checking your account for multiple wins of same game.
Here you can see your games on Steam, where same game is not shown as owned/activated.
Keep in mind, if you have hidden that game on your Steam profile then that will also count as unactivated as SG can then not "see" that you did activate it/own it on Steam.

In the future I also suggest you read different sites rules and regulations and ask questions like this before you engage in activities on those sites, that will help you to avoid regulatory "shocks" or punishments from mods - it will just make your day better overall.

1 hour ago*

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Here before the ban

1 hour ago

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The most ironic thing is that by giving away ‘Furry Futa’ you can’t raise your account level at all.

2 minutes ago

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I think we'e a bit late warnng you, looking at your unactivated wins and created giveaways

1 hour ago

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Answering the specific question (others have pointed out how against the rules re-gifting is), you cannot enter another giveaway for a game you previously won and marked "Received", regardless of whether you activated the game on your account. The only way to win a giveaway and continue to be able to enter giveaways for it, would be to mark as "Not Received", then wait a week (which gives time for the giveaway creator to resolve whatever the issue with the key is).

1 hour ago

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In simple what will happen with your suggestion, that people make a group and create giveaways that are fake(because the game/key goes around in circle anyway and why even bother with a legit key then?) and just mark them as received all the time and repeat till you get to level 10?

I guess you are honest person and only think good, so didn't think about what people who abuse would do but cmon, in real life you should think about it more... People will try to scam you and you can't be this gullible..

40 minutes ago

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