Might be something wrong with directX
And if it is possible I would recommend formatting your drive and doing a fresh install - if this won't help it will exclude software problems.
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i did that , formated the ssd and did a new windows instal
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"The Asus PRIME B450M-K Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard supports the AMD Ryzen 5 3500X 3.6 GHz 6-Core Processor with BIOS version 1607. If the motherboard is using an older BIOS version, upgrading the BIOS will be necessary to support the CPU." But you said your bios is updated so you can cross this one out.
PSU being to weak for this? But around 300 should be ok for this.
If you have a possibility to check all components on different MB try it.
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the psu works fine cause i had it for like 3 months now and i used it in a different pc , at this point im pretty sure its one of the ram maybe even both , this what you get buying something from aliexpress lol XD
im gonna get aither 2x ADATA 8G DDR4 3200 or 2 TEAM GROUP ELITE 8G DDR4 3200
will they work fine for me ?
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It should work, I always use pcpartpicker to check for issues - https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/
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update , well im still getting bsod with the new rams , changed the ssd and got a bsod right after i finished a new clean windows instal
the bsod says IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL
any infos ?!!
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Hard to say, did you check with your usb devices unplugged? Might be one of them trying to get drivers on.
If not I would say you excluded ram and ssd as you still getting bsods with them changed, if you can try your gpu at your friends pc - if he will not get any blue screens that will leave mb or cpu at fault.
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idk to be honest lol XD did ab unch of changes in the bios and it worked :p what fixed it idk :p ,imo i think my cpu is a shit one that dont like undervolting and my mb bios was doing that
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Did you install Windows from scratch, or used an existing installation?
How long did you run memtest for? It needs several hours, ideally 8+ for each stick of RAM.
The RAM you've bought is not explicitly supported by your motherboard (you can view the list here). Usually any RAM works on any motherboard, but rarely it does cause problems. If possible, I would return this memory and buy a new kit.
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from scratch and yeah this asgard looks kinda low quality , will buy TEAM GROUP ELITE , should work with ;)
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I would replace the RAM to something that is on the motherboards compability list.
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yeah i was stupid to do that , i completely forgot to avoid aliexpress when i was shopping for parts ;/
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driver_irql_not_less_or_equal and PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA are both memory faults.
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ssd is fine i checked it and it has one year of service ;) ( i only use it for windows)
and yeah i will use one stick of ram at a time and see which is faulty
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yeah after i reserch it it can be related to the ram
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There is no way the memory is supported by the motherboard manufacturer. Try only with one RAM slot occupied, if still fails try the other memory stick...
But my guess is that the memory you purchased is really low quality and doesn't pass any quality testing on factory, better replace these with other more known brand, the price doesn't change that much.
You can try install both modules and run WindowsMemoryDiagnostic (or something simmilar).
I would RMA the memory.
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yeah my guess too and yeat using cpu z it tells me its using samsung chip
WindowsMemoryDiagnostic didnt give me any erreur
memtest untile it it reached 200% both sticks
my guess is that one of them is faulty , will test them more
the thing that boggles my mind is that they run fine for my friend , at 2400 /3000 and 3200 no problems so fare even game on them ( forza h5)
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Memories and motherboard compatibility is a big lottery. Thats the reason for buy more common brands like Kingston, Crucial, Corsair, etc... That will ensure you more compatibility and better quality control to avoid problems.
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yeah true im think of buying either ADATA 8G DDR4 3200 or 2 TEAM GROUP ELITE 8G DDR4 3200
will they work for me no problem ?
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i just got a new bsod this morning with the new rams :/
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I think with mine the GPU was also an issue at one point, it points to DirectX.
https://www.guru3d.com/files-details/display-driver-uninstaller-download.html to completely uninstall drivers and try an older gpu driver, or update your bios or recheck/reinstall directx or edit the registry in the last link.
Try these.
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DirectX. no problem found using dxdiag and teh same driver worked on my old pc ( the gou too)
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That the driver worked on your old pc doesn't mean much if you suddenly got other pieces of hardware, that could just interfere
There is actually a thing worth trying to actually reset your bios to something older rather then having the new one, unless the problems also occured with the old bios drivers.
Did you try making the changes in the windows register?
Also do you have your old equipment still? That would be very handy to rule out things if you can try every new piece of hardware just one by one to see what might cause the issues.
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yeah i did get bsod when i first booted the pc with an old bios , updating it didnt fix it
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I would check the memory voltage in bios. Once I had a similar issue with a well known kit. The system was really unstable. Turned out that the memory I bought required slightly higher voltage(officially 1,9V despite being DDR2(however it was certified to work with even up to 2,2 in OC profiles))
As I can see the description of the memory you bought mentions 1,35V while the standard for DDR4 is 1,2V. Your motherboard may not be recognizing the memory correctly and defaulting to 1,2
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If you'd bring that machine to the store I work at, we'd probably say it's the SSD, RAM and we'd advice you to improve that PSU. I don't think you'll have enough. I would feel a bit insecure with those 450.
Wish you the best of luck. Don't forget to check if the components are well put together, especially the PSU cables.
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Have some suspicions on PSU, but try those first
I would try to help if you need it
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It could be a lot of things but Let's start simple:
1) Check if All Cables are Well Connected (Power Cord, Sata, HDMI, PSU Cables) and Replace Them if You can (Except PSU Cables for now, guessing that is Semi/Modular).
2) Check if All Fans are Working (CPU, GPU, Case, PSU)
3) Monitor your Temps and or Voltages of your CPU, GPU, SSD, Motherboard (I personally use a Free Program Called HWMonitor)
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Let me share you my small experience with Asus entry level motherboards, they're terrible and very picky with RAM modules, and they also need a good PSU for those really low CPU power levels, the "C" State mode If I recall because their entry level designs are not the best, your Power Supply seems enough, Antec is reliable. If you see on the motherboard specs link It only supports 2666 MHZ max without Overclock, what speed was using through the BIOS? The JEDEC which is probably 2133mhz?
You can ask your friend to stay with his RAM modules for a weekend or full week and try different scenarios (if that is possible). If you don't get BSODs It's clearly some RAM compatibility issue or the ones you got are faulty, but memory test software show errors pretty fast when one of the RAM chips are faulty, they must be 8X 1GB chips. My bad if I'm not using the right terms, I've been out of PC HW for a while.
Corsair and Kingston RAM are the most common and reliable, Corsair "states" having a life time warranty. Check the motherboard compatibility list. And use 2666MHZ modules as the maximum if It's possible, I don't know If the motherboard supports XMP profiles. But If the chart says (O.C.) you need to Overclock the RAM manually for 3200MHZ.
A B550 motherboard would have been better, but yeah they're pricier.
Good luck, I hope you enjoy your PC without issues soon.
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well i just got a new bsod this morning with my new rams here is the memory dump
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You're entering a world of troubleshooting, I will try to look into that later on just for curiosity cause i'm not really a PC technnician. If It's possible I would try to RMA that Asus motherboard and try to get something like the Asrock B450M Pro 4, If Asus It's the only way to go I would try something with heatsinks on the VRMs. The entry level boards are trash, I think Gigabyte makes even better entry level ones. Don't listen to me that much anyway, lets see how this ends.
Guess It's time to give back those RAM modules to your friend.
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yeah i guess the ram are good i will the psu and gpu next even the cpu if they are pass it will be the motherbored fault
thanks for your help ;)
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If the motherboard is the last thing you can swap then you should try to understand every BIOS settings your motherboard has and disable some features. Someone down below said you should disable PBO. I don't have a clue what that is but those "sleep" states and the CPU going near Zero usage sometimes makes motherboards and PSUs go crazy.
I can't believe you have a faulty CPU, is your friend BIOS versión supporting that model? It is really weird having a faulty CPU but not imposible. I feel like there's probably one feature on the CPU/Motherboard that might be messing with your computer. Try disabling this PBO deal with your 3500X like Shad0wK said when you have the chance. Check any power saving state on your manual that makes the CPU goes nearly "dead" and disable that feature.
Good luck.
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Buying used hardware is like throwing dice, people like to reach the límits with their hardware by watching tutorials on Youtube.
Also, did I read well and you forgot to change thermal paste to your Ryzen 5? I just hope It doesn't give you a black screen tomorrow.
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no not the thermal past ;) i forgot to change the (new) in my post near the cpu so that people knows its used and not new
so fare the pc didnt crash or freez or bsod will keep testing until this afternoon to make sure its not the mb
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So what happened after all this mess? Did the system became more stable?
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so fare its stable , almost a day ;) to be honest i dont whats the option that made it stable but i did a bunch of things lol
-disabling fast boot
-power supply idle control to typical current
-disabling core performance boost
-disabling global c-stat control
-disabling PBO ( thanks to a user here )
-selected high performance in the power option in windows
it looks stable for now , it use to crash and bsod when idling and i found those solution in a forum , someone with an r7 3700x facing the same problems as i do and he fixed it like this ,
my guess is that the cpu is too sensitive to voltage and mb cant handle an X cpu since its an asus mk normal version
since the guy changed the voltage of his cpu from auto to 1.4375 and that fixed it
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When you realize that It doesn't BSOD you could isolate the problem even more by activating 1 feature at a time and stay some days like that and keep adding features until you find the culprit.
It's not the CPU the one to blame, It's the motherboard design, they go cheap and don't add enough capacitors and VRMs for the CPU. Look at the MSI B550 Pro VDH Wifi motherboard above the CPU socket and compare It with yours. I learned this stuff from a guy from Spain since I had a similar problem with a different AMD socket.
MSI and Asrock are eating the compettion nowadays, Gigabyte still fights and Asus is pure fame.
If the CPU doesn't reach his maximum frequency you could even undervolt It a bit and have less stress in the VRMs or lower the CPU clocks límits from the BIOS and then undervolt a bit. I'm sure you can find someone with some undervolt and underclock stats with that motherboard at some point, when you have more experience with your BIOS.
Good luck and have fun.
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nahhhhh im not gonna touch anything if it stay stable XD this is my first amd build and im short on money i dont want to waste time on it anymore :p
maybe in 3 or 4 months i will change the cpu to a r5 5500 or 5600 and avoid the X version in the future
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by the way there is a lso a wierd issue that can cause this but its rare, the problem might be that the CPU cooler being bolted too tightly can cause issues wich i did :p
might be a the real fix but i dk for sure
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Well, you could check the CPU cooler and see what happens. If you take off the CPU off again you could also shake the motherboard "heads down" just to be sure there's nothing on the CPU socket interfering which is rare but not impossible. Just be sure to not have any static with you, don't use long sleeve shirts or sweaters when manipulating the board.
Seems to me that changing the CPU in 4 months aint the best idea if It's in good conditions. Buying a B550 like the one I showed you would be a better choice and you could sell that Asus board at a fair price. Or If your case supports ATX boards the MSI B450 Tomahawk is a kick ass board but you would need a BIOS update.
Keep having fun :P
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yeah i did that when i got the cpu back and didnt bolted the coller super tight like i did before just enough to not wigle + the bios options modification and it works fine so fare :D will update the post after a few days just to be sure
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hi ;) i wanted to ask you something , my friend has an asus b450m-a that has 4 ram slots (4gbx4/2400) everything works fine with ryzen 5 2600 and 3500x but when he use a r5 5500 it wont boot with 4 ram , only 2rams ( a1/a2)
any ideas ?
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I have no clue bud, It should work fine, maybe It's a BIOS issue since It's the 5th and last gen of Ryzen with DDR4 support. Just imagine that board is supporting 5 generations of CPUs/APUS. Your friend will need to dig deep.
By the way, how did you know your DDR4 modules are using Samsung chips? Those are really good If they're not lying somehow. I know there is some software but just curious. Thaiphoon Burner maybe?
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yeah i tried the cpu and worked for me but i only have 2 ram slots , dual channel worked fine and i noticed 2 bend pins ( not a lot of bend but small enough to not fit in my MB) fixed them and worked , he will try it today and see if it works ;) , will let you know how it goes <3
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update , he fixed the problem ;) , there was 2 bend pins , not a lot but enough to creat a mess lol XD
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That's insane, but now we know something else, I'm not sure If the memory controller belongs to the CPU but anyway It's good to know a solution for that kind of scenario.
Have fun with the new system :)
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If your friends ram works fine in your pc, but the one you bought crashes in yours but works fine in your pc, you can deduce it's the ram compatibility that's causing the issue. You could try to reinstall mb drivers(which you've done I think) and check to make sure you're not running the memory above 1.35volts somehow, and do a chkdsk and a sfc/scannow in cmd.exe but those things are basically pointless since just swapping the modules with your friend fixes the issue. Or maybe undervolt the ram maybe it's unstable at 1.35v despite claiming to run. I'd look for a tut on that though. Are you running the ram with docp/axmp?
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my friends ram also gave me bsod this morning :/
those are the mem dump
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Probably a driver then.
Try this: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/driver-verifier-tracking-down-a-mis-behaving/f5cb4faf-556b-4b6d-95b3-c48669e4c983
Are you using a specific antivirus? Is this triggered specifically when you're using some application or just when you play games or does it happen randomly? Anything else you have on windows startup that's not absolutely mandatory? Press the windows key and type start up and look at that list, turn everything you don't absolutely need off or maybe everything off so you can test 1 by 1. Did this happen from day 1 when you build the pc, and if not have you installed any new software since that may have caused it?
Do you have any windows updates available? Does this happen in safe mode too?
Can you swap with a different drive and see if it happens on a different drive?
I assume chkdsk and sfc /scannow came out with no errors either?
Maybe try this too? https://www.tomshardware.com/how-to/fix-irql-not-less-or-equal-errors-windows (from what I read the irql is oftenly caused by gpu drivers, so maybe uninstall those and do a windows update).
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i tried doing a new windows instal in a diferent hard drive and as soon as it ened it gave me a bsod , didnt even boot in to windows :/
the hard drive and ssd works fine i tested them
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never heard of it and i did try to do a fresh windows instal on a diferent hdd and gave me a bsod right after i booted to windows ( without installing anything) and on a usb that i always use to instal a windows
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no i dont do that ;) and like i said the did try a new clean windows instal in a difrent hdd and it gave me a bsod right after it finished installing windows , didnt even boot on windows , im pretty sure its the cpu ,im using my friend cpu right now and it works fine and my friend pc didnt boot with my cpu in it
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no bad pins or physical signs and the cpu is a second hand got it from someone not rand new , sorry i forgot to change that
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Hardware wise: If the drives are fine, and we know the memory is good now, it could be that the slots on the motherboard are damaged, so the thing that makes sense is to swap out the motherboard see if that fixes it.
Software wise: If you did a windows install on a new drive, can you maybe do one on a bootable flash drive and install from there? It could be that the windows install you have is corrupted, not sure if you're using the media creation tool you downloaded from microsofts official website or some other file you have. (I think they recommend you use a flash drive to make a bootable device)
In either case I don't really understand why you'd get more crashes on a new build on a different hdd than on your current system which is a ssd. If both drives finish chkdsk, scandisk, sfc /scannow with no bad sectors, nothing to repair, no problems then the drives should be good as well.
Did you do the "windowskey+r" and typed in "perfmon /rel" to see what apps are crashing? Press on the red x's.
Any extra peripherals you plug into the pc? Like a sound card, or a wifi card, maybe switch to using different usb's for your mouse and keyboard maybe those are defective and the driver crashes but not sure. Are you able to replicate the issue somehow, like maybe start a gpu benchmark and see if it crashes in less than 30 seconds, or a cpu benchmark and see if that crashes it. Does the issue occur in safe mode? Usually you press F8 and then boot in safe mode, see if that crashes it, if it doesn't try safe mode with networking see if that crashes.
What are you pc parts temps before the crash occurs? Someone else suggested you use open hardware monitor, it's free, try that to check temps. If your gpu hits 100C or cpu hits 90C then they're overheating.
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swaping the motherbored will be the last thing i will do since its not easy , i swaped the ram+cpu and gpu and it works fine now so fare (will testit if forther ) if it crash i would know its the MB and my cpu didnt boot on my friend pc so im 90% its the cpu problem
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will do it and give it a try see if it fixes my problems ;) thanks
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Use this (free utility) to check the BSOD minidumps, maybe it is caused by some driver:
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this is what i got
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i cant , if it happens again i will let you know ;)
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you may have a bad stick of RAM, make a bootable usb with https://www.memtest86.com/ and scan your RAM. Sometimes new sticks can be bad. this happened to me with brand new corsair RAM
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scaned the ram and ecen changed them and yet the problem still came back ( mine work fines when my friend tried them)
i switched my cpu and gpu with him and see , the last thing will be the psu and motherbored
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I came to write this. DISABLE PBO in the BIOS! I had constant crashes with PBO on with my 5900x for months. Disabling it fixed the Blue screens and I did a manual overclock to 4.6Ghz later. So no performance was lost in the end.
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ok will do it tomorrow when i get teh cpu again thanks ;) <3
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looks like you need RMA memory modules
Aliexpres is source of cheap low quality goods memory better to get second hand from ebay or some deal on local shops and chose some recognizable brand, for ddr4 radiators are purely cosmetic I used OEMs from Micron and currently from Samsung Green PCB OC to 4000Mhz CL19 * I paid 53 Euro second hand for 2x16GB
Run memtest usb botable
Can be also due low quality memory modules need tune memory OC setting in bios - Impedances & CAD_BUS Setup
Check Termination Resistances:
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swapted the ram with working one and still the same problem , and mine worked in another pc np ;)
i switched everything except the mb and it works fine so fare ,tomorrow i will put the cpu back again and see if the bsod and freezes come back
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with teh same mb i swapted the cpu , ram and gpu ( same) psu and it works fine so fare almost a day , ithink the problem its from the cpu or the bios not fully working with the cpu ,it freezes when idle , like the smt activated with c state by default , and the r5 3500x doesnt have smt so maybe thats the problem , will test it when i get it back
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well i think i kinda found the problem but will test it later when i get the cpu back , its the smt mode , the ryzen 3500x dont support it and its enabled by default on my mb also the c state
will disable them and try when i get it back
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try running it with just one memory stick, if it does not bsod - try with the other one separately too. Also, don't rule out your PSU - if it's old, it can be because of it (but that's not easy to check unless you can borrow a PSU from your friend)
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i did that , i swaped the cpu and ram and gpu to make sure its not the mb , pc worked fine
mb worked fine with an r5 2600 also the psu is like 2 months old and worked fine in my old pc ( never overclocked anything)
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hi everyone i need some help :)
i recently build a somewhat new pc ( first time i build an amd pc )
ryzen 5 3500x
asus prime b450m-k 2 ( new ) newest bios
asgard 3200mhz 16gb (8x2) ( new )
rx 570 4gb msi armor oc
antec vp450 plus
ssd120 adata
with a new windows 10 64 pro instal
Description of Original Problem:
the problem im having freezes and BSOD , each time its a different erreur like kernel_security_check_failure and driver_irql_not_less_or_equal dxgmms2.sys or PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA error When idling or doing non-intensive CPU tasks.
setting the speed of the the ram to 3200 made it worse , 2400 take time to give bsod.
scanned the ram for erreurs with memtest but didnt get any erreurs
i changed the rams with my friends (team group 2400 ) they work fin for me so fare and mine works fine for him (2400 or 3200)
the gpu , psu and ssd works fine cause i had them before i build this new pc
i updated everything ( Windows and drivers )
i am missing something ?
well i fixed the problem by doing this steps
-disabled Global C-State Control' in the BIOS
-switched the IDLE state in Bios from low idle to typical idle.
-Disabling Core Performance Boost
-disabled PBO (Precision Boost Overdrive) in the bios
-disabled fast boot
-changed power plan in windows to high performance and disabled any type of power saving in the advance option (cpu 100%) .
what exactly fixed the problem ? idk to be honest :p imo its either global c state or idle state
someone suggested that i Set the CPU voltage to 'Override' and manually set it to 1.4375v. should fix the problem without changing anything but i didnt try it yet
thanks for your help and i hope this will help someone one day :D
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