think he be talking about the free weekends counting for the $100 USD minimum account value for registering. Yea some people can be a bit over zealous about the rules. But they are there for a reason. Exploiting a bug to get past the minimum requirements to register isnt cool.
If this isnt wut you are talking about, then I apologize.
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Humble bundle problems, user messages and, in the end, deletion of 2 giveaways and a bad reputation on the site (now I can have only one giveaway active.
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Maybe they are my fault, but that doesn't make this hard enforcement of rules a good thing to the comunity, especially when there was no clear feedback on exactky what I did wrong to have them deleted,
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Thanks! I can't accept right now, but anyway I contacted support and am waiting for an answer. I'm here more ventilating my anger.
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"Notes: This giveaway was removed since incorrect information was provided, or the selected game did not match the gift."
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I say that blind enforcement is always a bad thing. Rules exist for a reason. Blind enforcement doesn't take the reasons on perspective.
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Blind enforcement? I'm sorry, but your HIBforA giveaway was missing a game so therefore it was incorrect and so it was deleted.
As for your HIB3. Are you stating that you had the FULL set of HIB3 games to giveaway?
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Was it a Steam Key you were giving away or a Desura Key?
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Don't worry. Support is good here. They have to be firm. We do get many false giveaways or giveaways that don't contain the full bundle. It might be just a simple mistake that caused your giveaway to be deleted. :-)
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You can't give away "partial" HiBs. If you have a Steam key for HiB #3, that counts as a partial key. You have to gift the entire, unused, HiB gift URL. That's buried in the FAQ somewhere. I have a HiB 3 key I'm sitting on at the moment for that same reason.
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I'm glad that there are still people on SG who see it this way. If it is labeled as HIB, then it should include everything the winner would get if he or she bought it. Including soundtracks, DRM-free stuff and all the keys (including the bonus ones that might get added months later).
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Doesn't seem like you did things according to the rules, so why complain about it? it's all in the FAQ.
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One of my giveaways was wrong, but I was explaining on details. The other was just right.
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Even if you explained, it was wrong, and therefore, deleted, the other one i'll take Kait's decision on it. Either way, if you just contact support about it you shouldn't have any issues, don't worry you won't be noted as a scammer in any way for a simple misshap.
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One was missing a game, the other was exactly as the title, both steam keys.
I'm not saying it's wrong, you can give reason to anyone you like, but in the future I know I should give3away a humble bundle single key, or any indie bundle's as a regular one instead of the whole bundle. It's worth more, on the rules and can't be deleted.
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I wanted to giveaway the whole bundle, but it looks like the site prefers when I give single bundle keys as a regularly bought one.
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I see what you did there
Instead of "abusing" and make multiple giveaways you made one where you specified only ONE game was missing from the bundle
Am I right ?
EDIT: typo fixed
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Yes, you are right. That's why I'm saying this is an invitation to exploit the system.
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man! (or woman!)
you have my full respect!
that's what I think about this matter and you can check my profile so you see I am no LOLcat around
my advice as some people don't read descriptions: forget and relax about it!
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Indeed, agreed. There needs to be some other solution thought up, I don't know, like, maybe stop rewarding supposed true generosity with a crooked and stunted contributor value system? It should be a STATISTIC, nothing more. Not a gate to more giveaways. People need to just learn to use private links and groups better.
It's all BS anyway - people who've got 300 contrib value more probably spent around 80 - 100 on it all anyway through sales etc. Pointless and irritating.
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Thinking again, this all probably is to avoid legal problems with those indie bundles. Anyway, it estimulates exploitation I'm sure.
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Giveaway deletion is not a bad reputation, bad reputation is gifts marked as not received, so the mods might've as well saved you from getting "not received" for the lack of Toki Tori key (the winner had the right to mark it as not received if the bundle is incomplete) leaving you with 0% in your profile and no trust from the community. You'll get ability to create more giveaways as your previous giveaways are marked as received. Just make sure to follow the rules and you'll be fine. I'm pretty sure you'll be able to sort it out with support. Good luck and welcome to the site.
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I think it gives bad reputation because I was able to make 3 simultaneous giveaways and now I can have only one.
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You get +1 more giveaway option for every few giveaways of yours that are marked as received. You get -1 for every deleted giveaway, I think also for a giveaway that ended up with no entries. This is to make sure people are careful at creating giveaways and don't do trolling or spamming.
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Well, after reading all of this it was truly just a misunderstanding and I hope that support will clear it out soon.
But hopefully you have a better experience in the future!
Most of us are truly nice people (I can think of 2-3 people right off the bat that I met here) and I wish you luck in the future!
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Please, talk to support to clear up your problem.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and have a nice day.
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I registered some days ago and have been treated as a scammer when I was thinking I was doing something nice. It's really outrageous to be mistreated for what would be an unworthy U$ 1,00 when the site can be clearly and legaly exploited for much more. If anything, this policy is an invitation to exploit it in every single possible way.
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