i'd rather leave everything like it is now. there are some issues that will arise from those limitations.
for example, you could enter multiple dark souls 3 giveaways (you know, those with 8k entries made by a 1-week old account...), win one, and wait till you are absolutely sure you will get the game to remove your other entries. preventing people from joining new giveaways is just annoying.
also, what if the creator had an issue in real life that prevents him from sending the game and has to wait more than 7 days?
you could keep entering GAs just in case your first ga was fake, and if you win again, you can reroll it.
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These are good points, which is why I'd be happy if the ability to enter was only disabled after a significant time had passed (maybe 2 months). But I guess you would then also have to disable the ability to change the status after a certain period of time in order to prevent people from getting around it.
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But I guess you would then also have to disable the ability to change the status after a certain period of time
What if the key/gift is revoked?
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Take a screenshot when Steam notifies you with the popup message. This should cover you with SG support. I also think that after about a month or so, keys are unlikely to be revoked as payment issues would likely be picked up by then (anything else is probably a global stuff-up, such as the recent Days Under Custody issue).
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But it won't cover me with SGT nor blacklists. Especially the latter will be causing a lot of drama
Less likely, but in case of CC frauds payments are revoked after card owner notices and reports that something is off. Time to take action is longer than 1 month in most (every?) jurisdictions.
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I moderate in a group called "Unlucky 7" which is about giving users who have not won much yet (specifically 7 or less games) good chances for winning games.They have to leave the group when they have won their 8th game. Every now and then it occurs that some leechy smartass doesn't acticvate his/her wins, so they can remain in the goup for longer and take as much as they can get before somebody recognizes. We had one a week ago that won one of my giveaways who went from 7 to 16 wins in the timeframe of an hour when finally kicked.
I wish there was a way to call out such assholes or any kind of way to prevent them from abusing the good will of others.
I know this is not totally what you were writing about, but is what your rant made me think about. I totally support "disable the ability to enter all giveaways if the user has wins that have not been marked as received / not received for more than 7 days".
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Conversely, I had a recent winner that was on vacation for two weeks when he won my giveaway. He could access SG but not his steam account to activate. He left me a nice note asking me if he could activate when he returned home and I agreed. When he returned home, he promptly activated, let me know and thanked me again, and now resides in my whitelist.
This suggestion would not allow him to enter any giveaways until he had marked mine as received.
There are also the issues of fake giveaways and bad keys to be considered with this suggestion. A winner is sent a bad key and he cannot enter any more giveaways until the creator sends him a new one, and if he doesn't, well that winner is just screwed for entering giveaways until it's resolved somehow ...
TLDR Version: The 7 days is a guideline put in place to protect creators/winners, not a hard and fast rule. :X
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Both Mullins and yourself have made good points which is why I'd be happy if the ability to enter was only disabled after a significant time had passed which would allow for some personal issues etc that people might have. As for the bad keys, I still think it's valid to mark it as not received after 7 days. If they are provided with a new working key a short while after they can certainly update the status.
A winner is sent a bad key and he cannot enter any more giveaways until the creator sends him a new one, and if he doesn't, well that winner is just screwed for entering giveaways until it's resolved somehow
As long as they mark it as not received, they can continue to enter. The problem is not marking it at all.
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If they are provided with a new working key a short while after they can certainly update the status.
Again, that refers to the "it's a guideline, not a hard and fast rule" sort of thing. The creator and winner can make other mutual arrangements that may go well beyond the 7 days. IMHO it should be kept on a case-to-case basis and not globally forced. :X
EDIT: but what if the creator and winner agree to not mark it if a replacement is being procured? :X
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Why would they delete the giveaway if the creator is in the process of getting a replacement gift for the winner? :O
I guess I'm just too easygoing around here. I'd just leave it unmarked if the creator was trying to get me a replacement, then delete the GA if he couldn't for whatever reason. :X
Damn it, you edited as I was typing. :O
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Damn it, you edited as I was typing.
Sorry :P
Looks like this thread earned me a blacklist by someone. Ah well, at least it wasn't you :)
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really? you gained a blacklist over an opinion?
i think thats the only thing i mainly dislike about steamgifts, people who will soley blacklist you over an opinion you shared.
v.s a greater reason which is usually cheaters, scammers , or the giving of an free item trying to re label it.
but that is life isnt it, people will always do wrong to others so easily.
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During the renewal of the Charitable Losers some old members that didn't pass the new group requirements didn't sync their account so they could enter or remain entered in group giveaways.
I also support the "disable the ability to enter all giveaways if the user has wins that have not been marked as received / not received for more than 7 days".
I recently had a winner that posted on his Steam profile that he would be away for 2 weeks and if he won something to ask support for a re-roll. If one goes on holiday or away for some time then it's up to the person that entered to remove his entries that end in that period or to make sure he/her has access to his/her Steam and SG account as one should know that you have 7 days to mark received and activate the gift and that the giveaway creator by SG rules should ask support for a re-roll if the winner doesn't activate/mark received after the 7 days have passed.
For two other winners in the same period that showed no sign of life after 7 days and didn't mark received and didn't activate their wins support granted me quickly two re-rolls.
The 7 days rule is one on the most known and vital SG rules to have some order in the SG giveaways otherwise 7 days become 14 days or 1 month or whatever. This rule is one of the SG back bones and as such is something that leaves no room to maneuver as 7 days are 7 days.
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If one goes on holiday or away for some time then it's up to the person that entered to remove his entries that end in that period or to make sure he/her has access to his/her Steam and SG account as one should know that you have 7 days to mark received and activate the gift and that the giveaway creator by SG rules should ask support for a re-roll if the winner doesn't activate/mark received after the 7 days have passed.
It's also up to the giveaway creator to decide if they want to wait for the person to return.
otherwise 7 days become 14 days or 1 month or whatever.
Again, also up to the creator to wait as long as they like. If I want to give people a month to mark their wins of my giveways without penalty, that is my option.
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I think waiting some time is fine. People have asked me to wait a little when they had some problems and I did so (they also kept me updated). But I do think there needs to be some kind of official limit.
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I have no problem with the 7 days as it is now. I have a problem with banning people from entering other giveways it they don't mark, because there are always going to be circumstances where it's not possible or the creator has agreed to an extension. :X
A limit, official or otherwise, removes those options.
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It's also up to the giveaway creator to decide if they want to wait for the person to return.
Again, also up to the creator to wait as long as they like. If I want to give people a month to mark their giveaways without penalty, that is my option.
That's sounds very much like making up your own SG rules as I just follow the official SG rules stated in the SG FAQ that after 7 days I can ask for a re-roll and when I see that SG support is very swift granting them to me for that reason, it's a good call.
Also like in my example to Eeev, if users know that they will not be available/internet available/have access to Steam and SG accounts during a specific period then they have the good option to remove the entries that are ending in that period and/or to not enter giveaways ending in that period.
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That's sounds very much like making up your own SG rules as I just follow the official SG rules stated in the SG FAQ that after 7 days I can ask for a re-roll and when I see that SG support is very swift granting them to me for that reason, it's a good call.
There's no "making up my own rules" anywhere in there. I follow the rules to the letter. You said it yourself -- I can ask for a reroll after 7 days, but I am not required to. It's my call as the creator, and I can and do allow the winner additional time when needed.
As the rules are now, you're free to ask for a re-roll after 7 days and I am allowed to give the winner some extra time if they need it. Win-win. ^^
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I can but wonder what most SG users would do in this 7 days situation. ^ ^
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In most cases they'd probably re-roll (and that's their right per the site rules), but I've had a few cases where the winner messaged me nicely asking if I would wait a couple days (once even a week) for them to get home from vacation, or a long work week away from home, family emergency, etc.
Their requests were polite and reasonable to me (though maybe not to everyone, which is understandable), so I allowed them the extra time to activate and mark. They were happy they won a game, I was happy they got it, and everything worked out.
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sounds like a great cause, wish we could view the giveaways they have won on there list even if they haven't hit it as received yet.
as it would help us know if they had won an giveaway of the same game already, or if they truely dont have the game yet.
or for groups like yours let us know how many giveaways they have actually won, since some like to hide that info.
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Yes, I recongnised that earlier. https://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/CeSoEv4
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All the other good points aside, it's worth noting that currently [unmarked] acts as a third (neutral) feedback option, rather than just an absence of feedback. For example, leaving it unmarked indicates you want the GA creator to reroll, while the other two do not [and rather, make assertion to the receipt of the game itself]. It's a good option if they haven't responded to your reroll request directly.
The points you made in the OP were compelling, but your proposed solution would seem to just create more problems than it fixes. :/
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hmm its an nice idea but it would create problems for ones who are unable to login and activate there wins, but waiting a year?
yeah some people need to get there acts together, if you won something and your able to access your steam and steamgifts accounts, you should redeem in a timely manner, not ignore everyone whos asking you simply to redeem your winnings.
if someone knowingly trys to win an game, yet doesnt claim for the sole chance of winning another, thats very sad that they would rip the chance from another person who doesnt have the prize yet.
which if they win, yet try to win another of the same game knowingly they should be banned for abusing the system.
as i always say, there is always pros and cons to everything, with giveaways there will always be ups and downs to everything, even if the system was different there would still be some.
so well the idea is thought of to help, it may also create more problems then expected, just like the things steam implements to stave off the scammers,cheaters, and likes.
but i must say thanks for the idea and opinion as its always nice hearing ideas of others, as even if people agree or disagree its still nice to hear the idea out.
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this thread gave me an idea, instead of setting an disable, what if we could view there won yet not labeled as received yet giveaways.
as it would give us an idea of how many they won, and what they actually won before.
which would protect the hosts from giving someone an game they had already won in the past no?
as then we would have more insight into them before we sent them there winnings.
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That seems like a good idea. I've seen at least one user unmark the games they've received, just so they'd be able to enter the 'no games won yet'-type of GAs.
So yeah, maybe there needs to be a way to see how many won games they have 'pending'.
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People just don't care in general.
I have a perfect score of all gifts delivered, and I'm going to maintain that score for as long as it's possible. From time to time I'm checking if my score is the same as it was - one time I noticed that suddenly some guy decided to mark over 1 year old giveaway as not received, probably to avoid SGTools check of unactivated and/or multiple wins - I reported it to support via request received feedback, got my feedback back, and user permanently suspended for misusing of giveaway feedback.
If more people cared about such situation, finding out and dealing with the issue would be much easier as if user suddenly changed received feedback of 3, 4 or even more giveaways, it's obvious that it's misuse of giveaway feedback and user should be banned. Thing is - the ONLY guy being in power to ban such user is giveaway creator that got the feedback, as nobody else, even support, is able to state that it's misuse of giveaway feedback and not any other event that could cause mark to be changed.
Also, I had legit cases in my giveaway group of people who needed more than 7 days to resolve particular problem, e.g. key being dupe, contacting seller and so on. So no, definitely it's not a solution. What I'd like to suggest is - allow changing giveaway feedback of won giveaway only for a fixed period of time, e.g. 1 or 2 months since giveaway finish. After that time, all further changes must go through support - guys with legit issues such as games being revoked can post screenshot and be fine, while abusers have no way to cause a mess.
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I have one giveaway left unmarked for over 4 months because it's for a preorder game that doesn't release until June. I guess technically I could mark it Not Received, but I don't think that's very polite...
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Recently I had to re-roll a giveaway. I checked the new winner and everything seemed ok and sent the key through the website as I usually do. But, I ended up looking into things further due to a comment the on the winners profile which was congratulating them on an earlier win (the specific game was not mentioned). I looked up the SG profile of the person who had made the comment and found a giveaway which had yet to be marked as either received or not received for the same game as my giveaway.
I ended up deleting the key before the winner was able to view it and proceeded to confirm if they indeed were the winner of the same game. Both support (via a new re-roll ticket) and the creator of the earlier giveaway (they said the winner was ignoring them) confirmed it was. However, I was told by support that I would have to wait until the previous win was marked as received / not received or the game was present on their Steam account before my new re-roll request could be fully processed.
I posted a comment on the winners profile asking them to activate their earlier win and not long after they had deleted my comment and the earlier one from the other giveaway creator. The status of the earlier giveaway remained unchanged for some time. It was clear to me that the winner had no intention of activating the earlier win or acknowledging either of the wins. Yet I would still have to wait 7 days. So I sent them the following special key via the website Activate-your-previous-wins. After some time and to my surprise, the winner's SG profile went from having just one win to four wins. One of the newly marked ones being over a year old and two of them not activated.
Now the issue here is not having to wait 7 days (I agree with the 7 day time frame for users to activate their wins) or the ability to enter multiple giveaways for the same game (which is fine). The problem is that the winner entered my giveaway which was created 12 to 13 hours after they had already won the same game and been contacted by the giveaway creator. I also bet there are a huge number of users with very old wins that have not been marked as either received or not received.
So my suggestion is to disable the ability to enter giveaways for games after the same game has been won and or disable the ability to enter all giveaways if the user has wins that have not been marked as received / not received for more than 7 days.
EDIT: A time period of more than 7 days would be more realistic, but there still needs to be some kind of limit.
Man.. didn't mean to write that much. Maybe I'll add some GA's later.
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