I got into the Beta. I have 2 invites. trade for them, fight over them. or flame me. or be polite. or lets just chat about space. I like space. Isn't it mind blowing. Here we are on a floating rock, going in a circle with 8 other rocks around a star that one million three hundred thousand Earths could fit inside of, which itself circles a black hole..... and its surrounded by floating rocks going in circles around other stars that circle around the same black hole. and that is just one small tiny little miniscule fraction of space. to say we are alone is like saying there is only one fish in the ocean. O.o

1 decade ago*

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1 decade ago

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that thing is nothing more then a guess, and africa/europe are drifting AWAY from US so their "collision" is imposible.

I could go on about other flaws in the clip, but I wont since it was fun to watch :-)

1 decade ago

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that's crazy. but humans will destroy earth in the next 100 years at this rate. lol

1 decade ago

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Take that nature!

1 decade ago

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can i have one invite? it's for a friend, i already own one...

Thanks in advence

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Buzzkil88.