I really would like to play that one, but can't offer any experiences about it because I actually don't own any of them yet.
I'm just aware of the "hard" gaming experience and that colleagues hold a torch for it because of being a really great game. I totally love the artwork but somehow there are always other deals (either to give away stuff or to play them my own) where I spent my money on so I couldn't afford those titles yet.
random number: 241
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First one is good but I warn you, it can be harder than a guy on a four hour Viagra kick.
You WILL want to throw your gamepad. You WILL curse out the devs. You WILL want to throw a bomb through their windows.
But, you also will have fun at the same time.
I never was able to beat the original. Just the second. And I need to get the third. Just wanted to warn you.
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haha... I kinda know that feeling by playing Hyper light drifter. That game made me went nuts as well due to the limited healing options and for being that hard. Not sure how it is compared to Dark Souls, but it's already quite frustrating mainly due to the clumsy controls. ...playing it anyway :D
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I don't own any of them, but I watched several let's plays and I liked what I saw, the strange setting, that kind of indirect narration and so on. Also many friends have been telling me about how difficult but satisfying the gameplay is, so I wanted to buy it at the next deals to feel it firsthand now that I have a PC capable of running it, but I would like to enter this giveaway if you are Ok with it. Thank you for this giveaway.
Random number: 50
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"Tried to" would be a more apt way of phrasing it. :) I am terrible at controllers if the game is 3D (2D games are okay), but for example finishing the Arkham games in hard mode with kb+m posed no more problems than for controller users (except for getting the maximum combo achievements).
Tried Dark Souls 1 PC edition, and couldn't get past the first boss. :)
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I want to play this game because I heard a lot about that Dark Souls: Prepare to die Edition is the hardest game of the trilogy. Now I only played dark souls 3 and I like this game.
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I've started playing a Souls game back at 2010 or somenthing when I got my hands on Demon Souls, it was a great game and devoted many hours on it. Next I played the Dark Souls game where it was a little more difficult that Demon. It had those puzzles and riddles that pieces to gather! It was an awesome one! That pretty much gathers my DS experience :)
Random Number: 1924
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I have not played any of them yet, although I want to.:)
The only way I can show that I am serious of playing this right away if I won it from you is by making the same guarantee that I made to be allowed to enter a Bully:Scholarship Edition giveaway of The Lucky Shamrock.
If I didn't play this game within a week (and I mean play, not load it up for a 1/2 hour and call it a day) I would purchase a game from your Wishlist and gift it to you as punishment for me breaking my guarantee (punishment to me, but a boon to you). Like I posted in his thread, it would be within reason of course (maybe $20 or so?). I could also tell you my misadventures of my hero in the game. I say that, as my skills are probably not quite up to snuff and I would be preparing to die...a lot.
Even if I am not chosen as a valid entry, this is still a very nice thing that you are doing. Thank you.:)
And my random number for this will be 1973 (the year of my birth).:)
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Okay, so...
I visited my brother on the New Year, and that one day he suddenly needed to go to work. But he did have a PS3 previously owned by his friend, with a couple of games on it, including Dark Souls 1. Now the funny thing was - he didn't really have a TV or a monitor. Well, he did have an unhooked TV, but it was and old and pretty small TV. I was surprised PS3 even connected to that this - it was like a box with a 12 inch screen. So I was sitting on the floor with the conroller and a TV between my knees, playing Dark Souls. And resolution on the TV was beyond bad - from a certain distance it was hard to say, if what you're looking at is a barrel, a door, or a hollow. But I soldier on. I've seen an LP of Dark Souls before, and it reminded me of an older game I really loved: Severgance Blade of Darkness - a game in which, if you're reckless, even regular enemies can kill you, and having to fight like 3 of them at the same time can be really hard. And Dark Souls is a game in which death is a game mechanic. Dying in the game didn't make me angry - that's a part of the game, how are you supposed to know wha the boss will do next time. So, when my brother came home - we kept playin untill his wife came home to wintess us passing each other controller and the TV back and forth.
So in 5 days that I was there, besides having all the New Year stuff, we've actually beaten the game. And of couse, it was my elder brother, who killed Gwyn on his first try, because he was really good at parries. And the game really encourages you to play it more than just once, but somehow, there's always stuff getting in the way, money needed for something, and somehow I didn't buy the game yet.
Number is 24 I love this number.
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I've played this game before on 360 and it felt like an abusive relationship no matter how much it hurt me, i kept loving it. Although I've never gotten to finish it and since I've sold my 360 along with all my games I've been dying to get back into souls series on pc with my wired 360 controller that i've still kept and is kept plugged in to my pc. So I would love to have a chance to enter this giveaway
Random number: 220
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I've not played and dark soul series but I love RPG games. I completed skyborn before the achievement and I killed all the mobs and walk fin the map.(I'm a hardcore grinder and I will explore the whole map before moving on and the mobs does not spawn even when u return back to the map). I would really like to have a chance to play dark soul :D
Random number:1748
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Praise the sun.---I have watched on youtube.if i win this game i will play it.---Praise the sun.
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I haven't played any of the Dark Souls games but I would really love to. Dark Souls 1 is my favorite from the series. Not only is it a fun game but it also has a lot to teach you about game design(which i'm trying to learn :D). The game doesn't hold your hand (like a lot of modern games do) and the experience of defeating a tough boss is incredible. If you want to hear about the design of Dark Souls 1 you can watch this commentary on it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EV16ROaHVfo (it's 6:23 hours long :D I don't know the guy just love his videos.)
Random number: 666 (not really random though :D)
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Don't own it, but I've heard form quite a few friends that it's a great franchise.. I also just got my controller last week so great timing :)
Thanks for this BTW.
47 all the way!
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I was told by a friend a few months ago about how awesome it shall be but I also heared that it can be really frustrating because there is no other game you die in THAT OFTEN :D
Anyway I'm interested in playing since I like the ingame atmosphere and slaughter generally. Purchased a steam controller in this years summer holiday sale and I still dislike shooter games on controller but games like Devil May Cry and Dark Souls for example fit the best with a controller. I don't own many games that are fun to play on controller but I ain't sitting infront of the pc when I'm tired but not sleepy enough to play games while lying in my bed :D
Random Number: 2046
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"Please only enter if you're really gonna play it!"
In my perfect world, there'd be no reason to say this. How depressing.
I'll pass, already got the game, only reason I haven't beat it yet is because of the damn game refusing to play properly on my shitty ass PC. What I mean to say is... thank you for the giveaway. c:
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My only experience with the series has been with the spin off titles like Demon Souls which I borrowed (lighting was so bad at times) and Bloodborne which I'm currently trying out...the combat feels so weird now that I have to dodge all the time...that's all I guess
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So, for my birthday today I decided to buy two copies of my favourite game, Dark Souls: Prepare to die Edition, only to find out I can't make GA's for that game anymore..
So I decided to give them away here.
Please only enter if you're going to play it. I got 300 hours on it and it's still my favourite one.
To enter, write a few words about your story with the Souls series, like what did you play, how did it make you feel. I'll close this Discussion this evening but it may take me a few days to send the keys cause I'm gonna spend the weekend with my girlfriend.
No idea how many people are going to enter, so maybe add a random number between 1 and 5000 to your comment. I'll decide based on the comment, but maybe I'll need something like this to make it easier in the end :)
Good luck, praise the sun and all that!
Edit: yeah if you don't own a controller you cant really play this game properly!!
Edit2: WINNERS CHOSEN !!!!!!!!!
So, RNGesus has chosen. The two numbers he gave me were 87 and 3559. The winners are:
Eriseo (difference: 37)
Skibby (difference 683)
I chose these following users (random number next to the username):
Eriseo 50
Newwplaayeer 1297
Haveadrunkday 1924
Shadowshiv 1973
Oclaymoreo 241
Delevion 24
Thelatinoasian 220
Mugknight 1748
Thetedgt 666
Mrawesomefalcon 47
Silent62 2046
Humankillerz 132
Foxcunning 555
Lovol 1
Cheman39 2365
Skibby 4242
Miroe250 1996
Fenrirxvii 17
Whorocks 48
Congrats to the winners! Added you on steam. Funny, both are from neighbouring countries ^^ greetings from switzerland!
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