Hey, I'd like to become a member :D
Already part of TNG, QGG and PA, if that means something to you :)
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Not even Just Cause 3 XL?
I understand the restrictions are +15p and unbundled, right? It's pretty much the same monthly requirements TNG has (starting September 2018). Also playing the games is a must, which there should be no issue with, I've been a member of PA and I've played all my wins so far. :)
I would manage fine with the group's requirements, but you have the final word :D
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Bump and a question: Is it really "no ratio system"? Looks like you have a ratio system of your own? :)
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Hello m! Well, I don't know, I actually don't see much of a ratio in a group where you could win up to 8 games while giving away only 2.
Or give away two games and win zero :-)
Anyway, since you we are both in PoP, you'd be welcome to try and join us, I bet you would like the general mood, relaxed atmosphere, commitment to play and good games :-)
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Our little group was born 6 years ago.
During these years Akatsuki and its members have been growing, changing and getting better.
We love giving away unbundled games and we love to play the games we win.
N.b.: Unlike previous recruitments which lasted only 7 days, this one will remain open for an unlimited period.
What's so special about Akatsuki?
Akatsuki is a non-ratio group, based instead on a three-months cycle basis.
For the first two months, members create mandatory monthly gifts.
On the third month, we introduce ways to mitigate the luck/misfortune mechanics, trying to "help" unlucky members who have won less during the cycle (they won't have to create gifts for this third month) and "asking for more" to lucky members as well (they will have to create more gifts). Also, In order to avoid extreme luck cases, we have limitations to the maximum number of games you can win in a cycle (8 gifts max).
Finally and most importantly, one of our primary goals is seeing people playing the games they get in our group. We do not want that people enter giveaways only to get a +1 in their library, or because they simply like to gamble and no more than that, or to farm cards or similar reasons. We want winners to play (or convincingly try) the games they win!
Annual cycle format
Akatsuki has a fixed cycle format where normal cycles are spaced out by special events and a month of general pause in August. Here we display the current structure of a standard year in our group:
January - February - March (Cycle 1)
April - May - June (Cycle 2)
July (Summer event)
August (Pause)
September - October - November (Cycle 3)
December (Santa event)
The Summer event and the Secret Santa event are optional and members decide whether to participate or not. After the events play out, cycles resume normally.
Special events have specific rulesets that will be published when related announcements will be posted on the Steam group forum.
Here are some GAs you can find in our group, this month:
Nobody Wants to Die
Hyper Light Breaker
The Last of Us™ Part II Remastered
Eternal Strands
Clair Obscur: Expedition 33
Rise of the Ronin
ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist
Marvel's Spider-Man 2
Life is strange: Double Exposure
Sumerian Six
Hades 2
Riviera: The Promised Land
and many more, you can check all games here
Please read our candidacy requirements and follow carefully the instructions. If you fail to do so, we won't evaluate your candidacy and you won't get a reply.
So, who are we looking for?
We are also mindful of the fact that our members buy each gift directly, whether on Steam, Humble, Fanatical or other officially recognized vendors. We don't accept members who would be providing their monthly gifts via licenses acquired from developers/publishers/your curation/etc...to do so would be counter to our overall premise, and would be decidedly unfair to all our members, who do abide by said rule.
Experienced SteamGifters already know this group and are invited to check our rules here below and see if they would like to apply.
Have you never been part of a group like this and/or you have never given away good unbundled games but you are willing to?
Well, you can always apply and we will have a chat, trying to see if you are truly made for our little group :-)
In the past we have given nice opportunities to new recruits who are now solid members of Akatsuki!
All candidate members MUST advance their proposal together with ideas about their first 3 possible gifts for their 3 first months in the group and write them down here (otherwise we won't take into account their submission).
Skull18, Ernesttico, BojanNS987
Steam Page
SteamGifts Page
Rules for new recruits
N.B.: Don’t add the admins on Steam to ask privately if you can join the group. The procedure is fairly straightforward: submit an application in this thread and we will reply here
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