
I've tidied up my whitelist a bit.
So I'm looking for a few new members.

There aren't really any. Except: Be nice to your fellow human beings.

For me it doesn't matter what SG level you have.
I will add people who give away less as well as people who give away more. So if you give away a lot, that doesn't automatically give you a advantage. I would like to say that everyone has the same opportunities. The selection is random.
How exactly random? I will use a random generator with Yes/No. Yes = Add | No = Do not add

Before you leave a comment, please check whether you are already on the whitelist.


If you are already on the whitelist, you do not need to reply to this post, you will remain on the list.

I don't want to make anyone look worse in front of others, so I respond neutrally.
If you received ✅ as a reply from me, you can check again with “Quick-Check”.
If you can fully access the giveaway, then I've added you. If you can't see it, then I didn't added you.

This process reminds me a bit of a fast food restaurant, sorry about that.

If you didn't make it, you will definitely have the opportunity to apply again in the future.
(For example, if I increased the number of members).

If you are part of my blacklist (13 people). Maybe I will give you a second chance.
If you are someone I have removed from the whitelist, I want you to know that I have NOT blacklisted you. You can also apply again.

Have a nice week everyone! 🥂

While you wait for my reply, feel free to take a look at my two trains/puzzles if you want.
You can also leave something funny if you like.





Я не говорю по-русски, поэтому в переводе могут быть ошибки.

Поэтому я ищу несколько новых членов.

На самом деле их нет. Кроме: Будьте добры к своим собратьям.

Для меня не имеет значения, какой у вас уровень SG.
Я буду добавлять как тех, кто раздает меньше, так и тех, кто раздает больше. Так что если вы много раздаете, это не дает вам автоматического преимущества. Я хотел бы сказать, что у всех одинаковые возможности. Выбор случайный.
Как именно случайный? Я использую генератор случайных чисел, в котором есть варианты "Да/Нет". Да = добавить | Нет = не добавлять

Перед тем, как оставить комментарий, пожалуйста, проверьте, находитесь ли вы уже в белом списке.


Если вы уже находитесь в белом списке, вам не нужно отвечать на это сообщение, вы останетесь в списке.

Я не хочу никого выставлять в худшем свете перед другими, поэтому отвечаю нейтрально.
Если вы получили ✅ в качестве ответа от меня, вы можете проверить еще раз с помощью "Быстрой проверки".
Если вы можете получить полный доступ к раздаче, значит, я вас добавил. Если вы не видите его, значит, я вас не добавлял.

Этот процесс немного напоминает мне ресторан быстрого питания, извините за это.

Если вы не прошли, у вас обязательно будет возможность подать заявку снова в будущем.
(Например, если я увеличу количество участников).

Если вы попали в мой черный список (13 человек). Возможно, я дам вам второй шанс.
Если вы тот, кого я удалил из белого списка, я хочу, чтобы вы знали, что я НЕ заносил вас в черный список. Вы также можете подать заявку снова.

Хорошей недели всем! 🥂

Пока вы ждете моего ответа, не стесняйтесь взглянуть на мои два поезда/головоломки, если хотите.
Вы также можете оставить что-нибудь смешное, если хотите.

4 months ago*

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I would like to try my luck on being on your whitelist :)

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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Thank you very much :)

4 months ago

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Note: Please take another look at my description, I have edit it to make the process easier.

4 months ago*

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ok, noted :P

4 months ago

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hello am brand new here can i get added as well plz :D

3 months ago

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I would but it sounds a bit 'Social Credit system' for my liking :)

4 months ago

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Edit: Now I understand what you mean, I expressed myself incorrectly. I only removed a few people from my whitelist, but I didn't put them on the blacklist.

Have edited this again in my description.

4 months ago*

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Wow, an adequate position during recruiting in WL, without measuring the skull and calculating the coefficients of the correct angle of raising the arm.
I was just passing by (and hiding the topics as usual) and was pleasantly surprised by your point of view (this is oh what a rarity here) - so I express my personal respect. Although sometimes your riddles are too complicated for native speakers of other languages)))

4 months ago

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I misunderstood because I misspoke, that's all.

What exactly is too complicated?

I don't force anyone to take part, it's open to everyone if they want to.
I haven't been doing puzzles for long, so I try to do my best as much as I can.
I give obvious hints, if you look closely. In the end, I also ask what I can do better.

4 months ago*

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It doesn't matter - the main thing is that the right idea was expressed (about the circumstances and all that). That's exactly what I wrote about - it's kind of nice to see that there aren't a bunch of items that look like explicit segregation (which can be seen in other topics on recruitment in WL/groups). Sgtool is an obvious example - because when it opens, it generally writes "Forbidden. You don't have permission to access this resource." which kind of hints that I can't be there just by the fact of my existence. And regional restrictions in Steam and so on in recent years clearly do not look ethical either.

No, everything is fine with riddles, I write that personally, because of the language barrier, it can be difficult for me with the text part + I'm not so good at cryptography and the like (although it's just interesting to pick puzzles).

4 months ago

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I understand

4 months ago

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напишу тебе на нашем родном)). мы сейчас самое активное ру сообщество на сг. залетай https://discord.gg/Z4atNkJfSZ

4 months ago

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I understand your point of view.
But I can't write in Russian because I don't understand the language.
If someone wants to, he can translate my riddles correctly for others and I will add it.
Since a translator would be too insecure for me. I could then also offer the same quiz with the same questions in Russian.

4 months ago

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I can do it in English. problem in the logic of thinking. It’s not always convenient for a non-native speaker

4 months ago

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I'm sorry about that

4 months ago

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No problem

4 months ago

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hi, i would like to be part of your WL :)

a fun(?) fact: your nick could be read like "churrasco" in brazilian-portuguese, it means barbecue

View attached image.
4 months ago

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Hello nice to meet you, I am barbecue XD

4 months ago*

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Can I (re)join?

4 months ago

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4 months ago*

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View attached image.
4 months ago

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4 months ago*

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Hey there! I would please like to join your whitelist if that's okay with you! :)

4 months ago

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4 months ago*

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Hello, i would like to join)

4 months ago

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4 months ago*

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Hello, I would like to join your whitelist if possible.

4 months ago

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4 months ago*

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I would like to be added if possible. Either way thank you for the opportunity

4 months ago

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4 months ago*

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Thank you for the chance, maybe next time

4 months ago

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I would be happy to (re)join if I can.
I like the puzzles you create and honestly I had the chance to play games like "Shantae" thanks to you. I can tell what you give are games you actually enjoy playing too, and that's nice.

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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Can I join your white list again, I was there early, but now I am not.

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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i can see everything now

4 months ago

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I'd love to join. Been loving your puzzles.

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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i would love it if i joined your wl. by the way i had so much fun with your diamond puzzle!

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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thx so much! :3

4 months ago

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Had fun with a few of your puzzles! Hope I can join!

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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I would like to submit myself for your consideration.

Thank you for your time.

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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Hi Shuraxxo,

I enjoy your puzzles (even solved a few!) and would love to be on your whitelist.

I was born in Australia. Would you like to hear my Australian jokes?

  1. Why did the koala fall out of the tree? Because it was dead.
  2. Why did the kangaroo drop dead? Because the koala fell on it.
  3. What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back? A stick.


4 months ago

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Is this chain reaction more common in Australia? XD

4 months ago

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May I join?

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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I would like to join again but I will understand if not, that's ok. :)

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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I do my best to be nice, as I'm raising a kid who follows by example.id love to be on your whitelist. So I will include a kid joke.

Why did the rooster cross the road? To follow the chicken!

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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Hi! I'd like to join. I always try to be nice; one of my goals in life is to be better to people at large than they are to me. :) It's not always possible, which sucks, but that won't stop me from trying again and learning from my mistakes in the process.

If that's good enough, great; if not, such is life. ;) Thanks for considering me either way!

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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Thanks for considering me! Maybe next time. :)

4 months ago

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Can I (re)join?

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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thanks legendary warrior Shurraxxo

4 months ago

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I always put the shopping cart back in the rack!

4 months ago

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That's a good thing. I think you could be a role model for many :)

4 months ago

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I'd like to join °w°

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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I'll confess... I think pigeons are underrated. They're adorable, the jiggle their fat and coo to attract mates and they're always around in the city.

4 months ago

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Since you just mentioned pigeons, I just had to think of this game.

Pigeon Simulator

4 months ago

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Immediately wishlisted!

4 months ago

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Glad I was able to recommend something to you

4 months ago

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May i join?

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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Closed 2 months ago by Shurraxxo.