Because it isn't fair. Users accept steamgifts with this unfairness and they can suggest a fair way.
I joined 2-3 days ago and don't care anything. But "free" point is irrelevant argument for this topic. we don't speak about "sales of services", we speak about service quality (english isn't my language and i don't care this too :D )
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Points accumulate so quickly (I can't remember the last time I was unable to enter a giveaway for lack of an entry fee), and giveaways are so seldom deleted that I'd suggest this isn't a big issue...
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These "free" points aren't really free. They are a currency that's earned only when giveaways are made. Because of this, its a limited resource. If you had to wait a couple days or more to gain the cap of 300 points because few giveaways were being made, and you spent it all on a couple big giveaways, wouldn't you be at least annoyed if alk those giveaways were deleted and boom, 2+ days of patience down the drain and hou see other giveaways you'd have loved to entered as well, but now cang because you need to wait gor you'd "free" currency to now rebuild by the work of the community.
I get thos site works on the idea of socialism, which is good here as most the users cannot constantly contribute for a capitalist environment. But you're now slave to the contributions of others, and unless gou want to buy afew hundred USD worth of games (or your local equivalen) you shiz outta luck on entering that 30 point giveaway, which you could have jusg bought if you were willing go buy that ammount of points worth in game contributions.
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And as a side note, for those who don't understand why I put quotes around "free", the points are not free, not in the slightest bit, the cost someone something. If no one bought games to give away, no points would be distributed, then you'd realize how "free" those points really are. It costs someone something go buy everyone those points. Even if they got their games for "free", it wasn't free as it cost yet another person something somehow to get them that game. To this idea, nothing is "free" as someone somewhere put work into the thing or idea that you call "free".
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Sorry xD thought I hit edit. Multitasking with making dinner for family and friends (yay for adult birthdays xD)
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I agree with your core idea but disagree with the severity of the situation. At the moment it seems that one reaches the cap easily. If points were hard to get, their value would be higher. Now, one gets to throw them around without worries though I acknowledge that this likely differs from person to person.
As stated, current situation is not intended and will be fixed at some point.
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Well for the severity over giveaways that will last hoyrs yet, sure you have a point. But generating 20+ points for giveaways thar last under an hour (ie. giveaways that were accidentally made twice) if the giveaway is deleted, you maynot get enough points to enter the other, like in my situation.
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Yes but you get "free" points when someone creates a giveaway, say you entered one for 30p, and it was deleted, the same time some people created giveaways that was equal to those 30p, and they were deleted too but you didn't enter them so you're on the 0 "loss" anyway.
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sure, you gain points when there made, but the fact remains that the points that were lost in the detelation are gone, period. Which means that purchase made by the contributor (or whomever it cost to provide the game) is now lost to oblivion and wasted, rendered useless and pointless, they no longer have the opportunity to be utilized as they were intended.
And still it goes over, the 30 points I lost could have been used in another giveaway that I could have at least had the chance to win. Deleted giveaways have a 0% chance. If you're going to say that this doesn't matter, then there may as well be a garbage option for points that users can dump points into, as it'd be just as useful and productive, and at least then we'd be willingly discarding our points.
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can't remove from deletdd giveaways, I was hopinv I could but was sadly disappointed by the lack of a removal button post-deletion.
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Yup, need to wait till I finish cooking before replying now xD totally misreading things now
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Hasn't been implemented on Steamgifts since the last big update to V2.
In the meantime, it's not a big loss. A few giveaways get deleted from time to time, but it shouldn't affect your experience on the site much.
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I'm patient, but when . Someone makes 2 of the same giveaway by mistake and you don't realize till its too late and have entered the one they happen to delete, now outta points and the giveaway has less than an hour with no way to regain all the points needed to enter the proper giveaway, because you know 200+ USD worth of contributions is unlikely that day. Well, needless to say, giveaway ended and I had less than half of what I needed to enter whdn it was over.
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28 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by gus09
So, someone deleted a giveaway they made afew hours ago, it cost me 20 points, I was going to enter the copy they didn't delete (double post accident on their part) but I have less than 20 points and I haven't entered anything else after the giveaway that was deleted, so it's impossible to have spent those points on accident.
Assuming this isn't a bug, and I waited a good 20-30 minutes for the system to catch up just incase, I think this should be a major suggestion, especially with giveaways that are pricey, and having your points not reimbursed is a huge loss if it's a slow period. I get this is all "free", but it's a matter of logic here :/
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