It depends what type of MMORPG you want to get into. I played Dungeons and Dragons online for awhile, which is free apart from some premium benefits. You should check out the Free To Play tab on steam and go through the different ones, I suggest Forsaken World because it's a lot like WoW and has a good community.
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Agreed! :)
Dungeons and Dragons Online (DDO) is still the best most recent MMO I have played.
I tried out Runes of Magic, while it does a few good things, overall, the game feels a tad too childish for me. Star Wars: The Old Republic also now offers the first 15 levels free - but I'm sure you (The OP) would prefer a full game. Otherwise, if you're looking for a Diablo-like MMO, Path of Exile is free - and is quite a bit like Diablo 2 - it's still in closed Beta and should soon open up to the open Beta stage.
Drakensang Online is also alright for a web browser MMO, gets a bit grindy, but hey, that's what an MMO is. The other downfall is that money is shoved in your face too much. It's a very P2W game - entertaining none-the-less.
Another good idea is to check out the gameplay on Youtube before hand, heck even search some MMODen videos, MMOHut if you can listen to Omar for more then 2 minutes... Hahaha! :)
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well they may say they are free but most you have to pay real life money to unlock stuff like parts of the world like D&DO and runescape yes they say f2p but if you want to do every thing you going to pay
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Well, if you want to have success in F2P games you have to pay, thats casual. Or do you believe they make this game just for fun and spend million of dollars just to entertain you for free. Because they have no familys who want to eat etc.
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not all f2p game yes a lot of f2p games have it where u can pay to get some over powered gear but some mmo's you don't have to pay anything to play the game some have just pets and stuff yes they are nice they can hold your stuff for you but no they are not needed and do i think they make a game just for the hell of it no i don't all i was talking about was games that say they are free but they are not and also saying that there are some games that are free where you don't have to pay anything to do the full game
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Obviously games are gonna have cash shops and for runescape memberships. How do you think they gonna cover the games and keep them running... The only problem with SOME (not all) games is that its a buy to win, which besically means u'll have to purchase a few items to be decently successful in the game
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And if "a little" grinding doesn't scare you off, "a shit ton of" might.
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I may try it. I used to play Rising Force Online, but the servers are empty now.
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Aion IS free, there are just limitations, which I unlocked after a week of playing. Money is easy to come buy, and a 30 day goldpack costs around 5 million Kinah. I was halfway through the levelcap, and already had 30million. Only thing you need is to find someone trustworthy during your playsessions, who is willing to buy you one from a player, hand it over to you for use, and then getting paid. Because trading from new members is locked until the Gold pack is used.
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I dont like the hardcore MMORPG playing system with the 1-6 for attack and selecting enemies, thats why I like DC Universe Online a lot. It combined MMORPG with an action game (LMB and RMB are attacks and 1-6 are special powers like burst flames).
But if you are into the typical MMORPG style you should try out Star Wars The Old Republic ONCE IT GOES F2P. Yes, they probably go F2P soon because they lost more than 400.000 subs.
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Buy Guild wars it's free after you buy it which isn't bad. Or Runescape. There's plenty of options for you.
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Right now, the best free-to-play MMOs out there are probably Lord of the Rings Online and Dungeons & Dragons Online.
Even if some of their content is indeed locked and you have to pay for it, there's still plenty to do.
I'd say try to get a beta key for Planetside 2 or Firefall and play those, but they're not MMORPG. They're actually MMOFPS.
Until Guild Wars 2 comes out (and it's actually going to cost, even if it doesn't have a subscription fee) I'm afraid your choice is a bit limited, unless you want to play on a private server.
There's also Star Wars: The Old Republic and RIFT, but you can only play for free until level 15-20, and you get there pretty fast.
If you like the anime/chibi style, there's also Ragnarok Online. Not really my type of game, but I've heard good things about it.
DC Universe is also pretty good, but I've heard it has some restrictions for the F2P players.
If you want, I also have a spare buddy key for the beta of The Secret World, but honestly the beta is most probably going to end before summer, and you wouldn't be able to play with your friends anyway, since I only have one.
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Thanks, I wanted to try RIFT, until I saw that it was paid :\
I'm going to try AION, since it's close to the games I played when I was 15.
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Playing Champions Online, Vindictus, and Continent of the Ninth Seal (Coming soon).
Out of those, Vindictus and C9 might not count as full scale MMORPGs, but they are really good for free games.
Vindictus is true action, and when I say this I don't mean TERA's definition. This game has true, real time action. Any mistakes are your own, and you have to know when to heal yourself, dodge, and attack. The game has a cash shop (ran by Nexon), but it is not required to get to the end-game. I just recently leveled a character from 1-64 without needing a cash item.
C9 is also good and will have an Open Beta test really soon. It is an instanced based game like Vindictus, but it differs in terms of combat. This game relies heavily on racking up combos, but it is a ton of fun seeing what you can create. The character creation system is also much better than Vindictus.
Champions Online is also great. It has one of the best (if not the best), character creation system on the MMORPG system. The amount of freedom you have with appearance and ability customization (gold freeform characters), is pretty great. You could probably end up making 20+ characters before you know it.
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If you arent affraid of some learning curve you might want to try Pirates of the Burning Sea
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With the addition of the upcoming all new combat system.
You'll be able to click on your enemy, press any a button between 1-9, and eat lobsters. D: Talk about advanced and full of action. I don't think I'll be able to keep up! xD
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Ultima Online still has servers up. Remains the best MMORPG I've played to this date. Plenty of free shards still up and kicking.
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The MMORPG I played most (before it went F2P) was City of Heroes. What I like about it is that it has stories which make you feel you're actually doing something heroic, fast combat with not too many powers to click, and tons of costumes.
The F2P version is a little too restricted (although the latest update improved this a bit), but can still be fun.
As for players, I've dropped into the game on the last few days and there were always people around me with action on the LFG channel (one of the aforementioned new things in the latest update). Most of it was on Virtue, which is one of the more populated servers, but whenever I'm on Protector I also see people.
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Anyone knows a FREE MMORPG, with a lot of players? Any good ones?
I'm looking for one to play with my friends in the summer.
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