I would want a sequel as Nathan Fillion and the others are firefly.:)
As for Star Trek, there is a new series that wil be airing in 2017.
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New Star Trek series or "new" Star Trek series rebooting an old one like the movies currently are?
I didn't watch, nor did I like the small crew/early years of Enterprise, DS9 I hated as well because gimme a Star Ship not a Space Base.
If its Original, Next Generation or Voyager-esque I'm totally in. I'm far from a Trekkie though, so I probably just committed a cardinal Trekkie sin by saying I liked/disliked one of the above.
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DS9 was actually my favourite series (but I don't think any less of you, as the other series were excellent as well).;)
The new series will actually take place before the events of the original series, but after Enterprise. There will be no ships named Enterprise in the series as far as I know.;) It does look interesting, and I think it will be better than the first couple of seasons of Enterprise (which DID get better later on, but by then it was too late).
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The Animated Series is also really good. I mean, the animation is very low quality, but there was a writer's strike going on in film/tv that did not include animation, so the episodes were written by the same people who wrote for the Original series. Plus they got the original cast to do the voices leonard nimoy insisted on it
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They maybe could pull off another season ( 2nd ) with aged crew. But i guess chances of that being anywhere as good as first season are slim. They would need to think of hell of a good backstory of what happened to crew after season 1 . Or maybe a animated show for adults , voiced by original actors. I could get into that.
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we'll make Kitten tie you to bed and watch Firefly ;)
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But... but... Pushing Daisies won in that what do people want to return. Honestly I would rather Pushing Daisies return anyway. I've watched both Firefly & the Serenity movie & I am still failing to understand what all the fuss is about, I mean come on it got canned mid-way through season 1.
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just another Gainax awesome creation
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A couple of television series that could do with a reboot/revival would be:
John Doe. Cancelled after 1 season, but it was a really interesting show.
Freaky Links. Another fun series cancelled after one season.
Sliders. Before the Kromags. After that, it got too convoluted and the 4 main characters (except for one) were off the show. Quinn Mallory WAS the reason the show was there, and when he was gone? Meh. BUT! I could see a reboot of this series...I hope?:)
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Holy shit! SLIDERS! What a show! I remember one where they got home but couldn't show themselves to anyone so they tested to see if the main guys gate squeeked because it had for years. It didn't so they jumped, then his Dad came out with oil and he had fixed it. Seemed so stupid not to test it in a more legitimate way! Still loved that show, would love to watch it again with adult eyes rather than when I was a child.
Also reminds me I'd love to see a reboot or a film of Quantum Leap, instead of a contentious last episode where he meets God...maybe...or not...
Give me an actual ending damn you!
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Seemed so stupid not to test it in a more legitimate way!
Off my recollections, they'd been sent there by a superpowered being they weren't entirely sure of, and they only had a couple of minutes before the next jump, and the next chance they'd get to jump after that would be in something like 20 years.
So yeah, they tried something quick and desperate, and then figuring it was better to not get stuck in a wrong dimension for a couple of decades, took the test at face value.
...sigh. Now I gotta go rewatch Sliders, myself. That show. :D
As far as Quantum Leap, I think Sam Beckett has done enough damage. ;P
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Haha, honestly I was pushing my brain a bit, I was fairly young and watched it syndicated as a weekly show. I assumed there was perhaps more to it but the squeeky gate always stuck with me as a strange tester.
I've been tempted to re-watch it numerous times but never got around to it.
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They had actually wanted another channel to take over the show (Quantum Leap), so when they didn't get any takers they gave us that craptacular ending instead.
I'm sorry, but I am supposed to be happy that he never made it home? Does he do that for eternity? That seems like the Leapers from the "other side" would have to do something like that, but Sam? It just didn't feel right to me. He should have been able to see his family again.
I did hear that they had also wanted to make a new series/mini series where Sam's daughter started leaping so she could find and rescue her father. I would have actually watched that one!
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:( I miss Sam. I do feel in todays market if they made Quantum Leap and it was getting canned, they'd come up with a real ending rather than some hokey meet God in a bar and leap forever idea. It'd probably be picked up by Netflix or get a film.
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I would love for more Quantum Leap. Netflix could still do something with it, they could do it like they did with Gilmore Girls, 3-4 long episodes.
There was another show that had a similar premise with Kevin McKidd called Journeyman but it didn't get enough attention and was cut early.
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Oh! I gotta agree with you about Farscape. Such an awesome, underrated show!:)
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I'm going to cheat a bit and go back only 15 years, so I can say:
Seven Days - one of the better series built around time travel, and one that's often overlooked.
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Overlooked so much I actually don't know about it! More info please :3!
Also, 20 years is an arbitary date to stop the slew of superhero reboots or modern media sequel suggestions. We live in the age of the reboot, i'd like "more" media or a new take on really untapped potential!
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It's a series about a top-secret government organization that can send people back in time exactly 7 days. They use that to go back and prevent disasters etc. after said event happened. And while the setup is a formulaic "problem of the week" deal, the way it was handled stretched the formula in many different ways to keep things interesting.
Most of the fun comes from the fact that the time machine used has side effects and likes to malfunction, so even the most basic missions going back in time tend to go wrong right from the start. Also the only person they managed to recruit who can withstand the physical strain is not exactly right in the head.
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I'm not really for rebooting movies (because the decade in which a movie is made plays a huge factor in how the atmosphere is presented and I don't think that one should mess with that) and I don't watch many series these days.
But since you've also mentioned games in your topic, then just get Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines some proper treatment already and let it become the masterpiece that it always wanted to be. Seriously, this could have been one of the greatest RPGs ever created, if Activision didn't treat Troika like shit and the game truly deserves another chance.
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Hear so much about it, wasn't a lot of its success down to fan modding though rather than developers?
I agree though, anything which is based off something like D & D will have a militant fanbase, so its going to be popular, was such an odd decision to throw it to the dogs!
On age defining a media, I agree to a certain degree, but things like Dune based on a series of books I believe needs to be re-visited and done with the same love and care that was given to LoTR.
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I've never played vanilla VTMB, so I can't really say how bad it is without the fan patches, but I agree that a lot of it's exposure comes from the pure dedication of the modding community keeping tha game alive by stabilising it and even adding extra content.
I know that it's rather blasphemous, but I've never really had much contact with the Dune universe, to the point where that '84 movie is the only feature film by David Lynch that I still haven't seen (and I love Lynch, but for some reason I never could get myself to watch it). IiviI
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Honestly, its not so much blasphemous rather that there's so little availability to the material! We're saturated with 100's of different threads for multiple different medias, yet one of the biggest, most well written series of all time hasn't had much since the late 90's.
I think the 80's film has come sort of full circle a bit like Blade Runner.
Was initially seen as a bit of a mess, was picked up by fans, was edited to make it better, started to become a cult hit, now is kind of universally "accepted"(I'm loathed to say liked as Dune the film is a bit of an abomination. Blade Runners good).
If you wanted to watch the Lynch movie, I'd say go watch the mini-series that had James McAvoy in it first, then the Lynch film will make sense at least a tiny bit of sense.
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I played VTMB in the vanilla version and a couple of times in various stages of modded.
Having said that, I didn't find the vanilla all that bad. Though after using fan patches / mods, playing the vanilla version makes one realise what that version lacks.
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Fringe or the event. I loved those sci fi shows as a kid.
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Yes and really good. But they canceled. I think it's much better then Arrow
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There was a closed alpha for an MMORPG in the World of Darkness universe a while ago, but it was abandoned and the IP sold on again. There's still videos/screenshots/etc of it floating around, but as far as I know the client and server were never leaked.
Hopefully the latest owners of the IP will make something of it and not leave it to rot further. :/
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Masquerade was only cancelled because the actor that played the Prince of the City died in a car accident 4 days after they finished filming the final episode of season 1.
Executives actually asked some of the fans if they wanted to continue, and recast the the role - But even the fans said that no-one would be able to replace him.
So it was cancelled :(
I had to buy the series on DVD to get the final episode here in AU because it was not shown on our TV channels. Then I had to buy a damn NTSC DVD player lol.
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as do i there is a rumor they are going to wrap it up with a movie tho i hope for a season instead (or both :-P)
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Constantine, Revolution, Jericho, Terriers
They murdered muh shows ;_;
I miss Hannibal too. There are some talks about a mini series or something. Hopeful.
Of course, a Dredd (2013) sequel. Man can dream.
Guillermo Del Toro's At the Mountains of Madness.
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it's 2012: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1343727/
but yeah, this dredd was good. has ton of room for more movies/shows
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Sorry, my reply was a bit narrow.
I had just come from the store page of "Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour" so my reply was mostly based on that.
I agree that certain adaptations could be a good idea and should be done, though I do not have any input as to what could be good or bad..
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This news excites me greatly, although during research into this I found out we nearly got it in 2008-2011 but it was cancelled due to complications. I think maybe the plot is just too long and intricate to fit into even a trilogy of films, and thats thinking about just one book.
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FlashForward ended with a huge cliffhanger, it wasn't bad and it definitely deserved another season... :/
Dune, AFAIK, there was always a lot going on behind the scenes (a lot of talks, acquisitions, offers...) for a new movie or series, but it never became real. Maybe with all the new players in the field (Netflix, Amazon) a series might become reality, sooner or later. Books though are immensely complex and it is very easy to disappoint both hardcore fans and people who didn't read the book. You can't simply explain Dune's backstory as easily as "hey, there is this huge evil galactic empire conquering everything, and some ragtag rebels fighting it, and they need a dude with superpowers, a space felon and a yeti to help them". There are many galactic powers in Dune (the Emperor, the CHOAM, Spacing Guild, the greater houses, the Landsraad, Bene Gesserit, IX etc.), each having its own agenda, and Arrakis is of fundamental importance to everyone, and explaining relations between all of them and why they do what they do is a matter of politics that is not easy to convey, so you either leave most of them out totally or flash them briefly with minimal to no insight as in David Lynch's movie (fan rage), or you start a convoluted explanation that has to be deep and long (casual watcher rage). Or you pull them in one at a time (but that definitely requires a tv series, can't do that in a movie or three).
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The fact that the film ends with the scene "AND WHY IS THAT? BECAUSE HE ISSSS THE KWIZAT HADDERACH!" Really is the cherry on top of an awful cake.
I definitely think it lends itself to a TV series rather than a film, but as we've seen now, the film game has changed for things with the scope of Dune. Now things are spread out over multiple films, to the point where things which are just one book are pulled out to fill two films. That's why i think Dune is perfect, in the modern market of multiple films for one specific thing, Dune would smash 10+ films without having to stretch out any plot or have loose threads created to make extra films.
The downside of course is the plot is so intricate and lengthy that it is perhaps simply too difficult to put in visual media.
I'd also add things such as Game of Thrones show that there is a desire for something like Dune with political intrigue, secret societies and fantastical elements in them.
Ugh, I don't care how its presented to be honest, I'm just itching to get hold of some more Dune. It also lends itself to almost every gaming genre I can think of. There's very little mediums I can think of(basically none) that can not be monetised by the phenomenon that is Dune. What's more, its perhaps the last great bastion of entertainment that really hasn't been capitalised on at all. I can't think of any other successful media at all that hasn't been attempted to be polished and placed in front of an audience, especially with such an established fan base like there is.
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Millennium, Firefly, House of Chiton, Out there, Alias, Profiler. ^^
I like your 3, 4, 5 and 6 a lot.
I would also like to see a reboot of Sliders.
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I like that cartoon series a lot and here it was called Jayce et les Conquérants de la Lumière..
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No, I mean the very enjoyable show with Lance Henriksen that was canned after 3 seasons.
I hear it was because of low view numbers because it was aired on a bad time with a lot of competition and it was too dark and too niche for the main viewing crowd.
I really but really like this series. ^^
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I am starting this thread because I can't believe we still aren't seeing a series of Dune films, Dune RPGS, Point & Clicks and turn based strategy games.
Its one of the biggest, most intricate space opera's of all time, it blows most if not all other space series out the water. The original Strategy games were a huge hit! The original film was bad, but it was back in the days of doing one film then maybe sequels instead of a Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings/Avengers style of just splitting it into a trilogy. I really liked the mini series with James McAvoy, it was pretty fantastic but it only covered the first 60-70 years and the beginning of the worm kings reign.
Basically, why aren't people all over Dune? My other thought leads towards The Watchmen, the film was perhaps too ambitious for one film, lots was missed out from the graphic novel, not to mention completely changing the ending, SQUID indeed. Series of films or a TV series would better suit it in my opinion, include the comic in the comic as well this time because its integral to the real ending. Don't fob us off with Gerard Butler doing a special DVD copy of the comic aside from the film.
What other huge media hasn't been touched in 20 years(or longer!)or maybe never that really deserves it? Genuinely interested in new ideas I haven't thought of, make me angry about the injustice! Don't suggest things that are constantly re-booted like Spiderman, Superman, Batman. You can suggest things like Star Trek(overdue a new series?).
EDIT 2: It doesn't have to be a movie that needs a reboot or a Game that needs a sequel etc, basically what has untapped potential, for example I can't believe we never got like an open world Buffy choice based RPG.
Edit: Personal list of things needing new media(constantly updated).
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