Considering that we're talking cumulative hours from Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, and Fallout - New Vegas... Well, I suppose it's still a lot. laughs
Totally worth it though.
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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is kind of like that, I think I heard
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Well, I was going to say that but the only thing similar to Fallout would be the atmosphere, the gameplay and everything else is pretty much different.
But I'll recommend S.T.A.L.K.E.R. anyways. The first game is probably one of my all-time favorites.
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ive got the stalker games and tryed the first one, the settings similiar to fallout but its almost totally lacking in rpg aspects its more of a FPS not thats thats a bad thing just if your looking for FPS/RPG hybrid as i was after my 2nd or 3rd new vegas playthrough its doesnt fit the bill really imo
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Stalker series
Dead Island(Its meh imo)
Gothic Series
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I've heard people compare id's Rage to Fallout, but I've yet to play it, so I don't really know.
In terms of general gameplay, well, Bethseda's stuff is fairly unique, but I'd recommend the following that have at least superficial gameplay similarities:
Dead Island
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Far Cry 3
Metro: 2033
System Shock 2
Wish I could do better. But if you're simply looking for great RPG's, check out:
Dragon Age: Origins
Mass Effect
The Witcher
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I don't really like MMOs and I've got a really small bandwidth cap on my 'net anyway...
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Well, D&D Neverwinter is a free pretty good mmo, it's not really like Elder Scrolls and Fallout, but if you want to start with an mmo, try it out.
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it's not exactly free, anything that is good requires you to pay e.g. the fastest coolest mounts, the best companions etc
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GWs 2 has no monthly sub, just buy the box and go.
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Gothic series and Risen are probably the closest you can get.
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Kingdoms of amalur offers alot of elements from the series, though it is also quite different. It offers a open world, tons of quest and a combat system that is better than TES and fallout. Had alot of fun playing it.
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i thought that i will find sth new to play too, but christ! people what are u proposing to him. Most of those games are not similiar in any way. I wonder if u r typing just games u know to have post count.
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problem is that this games are kind of unique, if I knew, i wouldn't be reading this
Very close is Two Wordls (go for II part+addon)
It's hard to tell because mechanic of gameplay in fallout 3,new vegas is much different than previous and i don't know if it's ok for u.
If u don't mind commanding group, try might&magic series (u don't have to follow main plot all the time and world is huge.
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Two Worlds II felt like an indie TES style game from what I played, and if you have some interest in it, it is available in this BundleStars bundle with several other games.
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Play anything from Bioware, like Mass Effect, Dragon Age, SWKOTR. You can also try The Witcher. These all have RPG elements in them, they might not be an exact replica of what you want, but these rpgs are really fun. There's lots to explore and the lore in these games are very interesting as well.
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Gothic games are pretty good (up to no.3, Arcania is very dumbed down). I would definitely recommend Gothic 3, I played it when it came out, and it was one hell of an rpg, even tho it was buggy as hell when it came out.
Also Dragon Age Origins if you haven't played it already, it's an amazing game.
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Stalker was kinda like these when I tried it, it was also pretty good but my old PC couldn't run it above 20 fps. Still have to try it on this new one.
Other than that, Dead Island is a humongously watered-down zombie version of this game type where all the quest givers are in a hub area and then you go out to whack some ass. Not a very good one, I don't think I'll complete it, not even with friends. FOV is killing me anyways and I can't change it...
Two Worlds 1 is hilariously bad, if you're into that kind of stuff, don't miss it, it's a rather entertaining laugh.
The Gothic series were always like this, so off you go to check out the whole series. Pretty amazing games too, I just love the funny ways you can piss NPCs off in it.
KOTOR series and Jade Empire go without saying, and a lot of people will tell you to get Dragon Age and Mass Effect. Can't speak for the dragons, but I hated Mass Effect and generally consider it the single most retarded thing that humanity overrated. I guess Neverwinter Nights can be in this cathegory, but the first one's story sent me to sleep, regardless of you being able to choose different paths in there; gameplay was good though, it'll kick your ass.
If you take old ones as well (mostly isometric RPGs) then there are some that will give you nice choices, like older Fallouts except for the PS2 action adventure, or Planescape: Torment. If you're into smaller but more detailed worlds, then Deus Ex and its clones are waiting for ya (like Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines), but that cathegory is kinda different. Other than that, no idea if there's anything similar, or you will have to dive into the world of MMOs.
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Thanks for the detailed suggestions.
...Just so you know, there is a tool called the Dead Island Helper that allows you to change the FOV and everything...
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Maybe you would enjoy the original Deus Ex and Deus Ex: Human Revolution. They are not really open world games - but you have to decide how you reach the goals pretty much yourself - you can shoot, hack, sneak etc.
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Two Worlds 2 is ok but very buggy and does get irritating due to how repetitive it is although it is an improvement from the first and the world is much bigger. I would try Risen (risen 2 if you like pirates) or Gothic because they are have quite a bit of content and free roam opportunities.
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If you like open world and a sandbox-y RPG, you might want to try the Ultima series. Ultima VII is pretty much the best one in my opinion, so it might give you some hours of enjoyment. This if you don't mind old graphics (considering you say you played Daggerfall, I suppose you don't :) ).
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I've actually beaten the first two Ultima games and played a ton of Ultima V when I was 12, oh, 16 years ago... They're awesome, and close to what I'm looking for.
The only downer is the old graphics and top-down view... I'm looking for games I can immerse myself in, so first-person is nearly a must...
Good suggestions though!
Comment has been collapsed. make it very difficult my friend :) And you made me realize how unique TES games are, even if many similar games exist. But I'll give it another go at suggestions! :)
With the scope you want, open world and lots of things to do, I can only think of the Might and Magic series, that I think you already said you're considering/played.
I would suggest something like Ultima Underworld or Thunderscape (recently released in GOG and I have fond memories of playing it back in the day), even though I admit that they lack in the open worldness you might be looking for.
A series of games that I remember playing as well that is probably less known are the Ishar games. They were developed in the early nineties, so graphics might not be amazing, but you did play Daggerfall. Ishar are their best known games, even though I played a hell lot of Transarctica, which is more of a roguelike (I know you didn't ask for this, I just wanted to point out something new that people might not know :) ).
I completely lost track of these games as the company went under at the turn of the century, but I just saw it on sale at GMG, as a collection of all their games, so you might want to give it a look. For not a well known collection, the Ishar games are quite good.
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Honestly, you've already listed most of my suggestions. Tried Arx a long time ago on a friend's computer and would love to get it again. Love BL and DA. Have you really done EVERYTHING in the TES games you have? ;)
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I've done all of the major quests, literally thousands of side quests, and maxed out several characters in Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim. I also played around with tons of mods for Morrowind and Oblivion (sadly I don't own Skyrim on PC) and even made a couple mods of my own (modeled and added custom weapons and misc objects to the games).
So yeah, I've pretty much worn them out.
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Alright guys, I'm wondering if you all might think of a game or two I missed. I'm really into the whole open-world, you decide your goals, etc. gameplay of Bethesda's latest games. After 3,000-4,000 hours on Fallout and The Elder Scrolls, I'm pretty burnt out on what they currently offer.
Can you guys recommend anything else similar?
The closest thing I've found recently was Borderlands, but that was a stretch... It's seeming like Bethesda's games are pretty unique.
Games suggested:
Arx Fatalis
Gothic Series (I used to own the third game, but had trouble getting into it back then)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Series
The Witcher 2
Two Worlds II
Games suggested which I already own:
Dragon Age - Origins (I have had a lot of trouble getting into this one)
Mass Effect Series (not what I'm looking for here, yet still awesome games)
Might & Magic Series (want to start up the first game just haven't gotten to it yet)
Risen (got it in a bundle but haven't tried it yet)
Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic (not what I'm looking for here, yet still an awesome game)
The Witcher (tried it once but should give it an honest play some day)
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