The strangest game was "KULT: The Temple of Flying Saucers" - sold in the US as "Chamber of the Sci-Mutant Priestess". Have played it as a child and found it very strange.
The strangest film was "Die Blechtrommel" ("The Tin Drum") by G. Grass.
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off the top of my head jazz punk and movie wise hmmm thats harder. i think i would have to go with an art film that had weird cgi back when it was 1st invented. its was like the entire movie was windows 95 screen savers and just kept switching. no idea what it was called, cause i was like 5.
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The strangest game i have played was Super Daryl Deluxe, a really strange RPG, will really strange atmosphere, but damn idk why but i like it !
About strange film, no really strange but really unusual for me, and not really a film but more a fan short movie, i will say "Kung Fury".
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Mister Mosquito definitley Mister Mosquito and the strangest movie Society (1989), probably.
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For a game I'll go with "9: The Last Resort".. quite a unique experience. They don't make them like that anymore. (a gameplay video for all you weirdos - warning, full walkthrough.)
Weird film?.. there's too many of them (But "Bad Taste" is among the top 13, if you must ask)
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I have not played it myself, but Revenge of the Mutant Camels has to be up there in the strange department.
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Game: probably The Norwood Suite
Movie: IDK, something by Lynch or Cronenberg? I won't be original, it's either Eraserhead or eXistenZ. Or maybe Naked Lunch.
Edit: just watched Titane. Ducournau is definitely a Cronenberg's devoted student and follower. The movie is a strong contender for the title of the strangest movie I've ever seen.
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The Norwood Suite
Or pretty much anything by Cosmo D. You might like The Artful Escape.
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Game: I have no idea but I'm almost certain it was some flash game. Flash had a lot of super-weird games. Runners-Up...Pony Island and The Stanley Parable, maybe?
Movie: Probably MirrorMask. It feels even weirder now that the CGI is so outdated. Still a good movie, though.
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Smile For Me. I don't know if it's strange enough for you, but for me absolutely. And I really, really liked it. Got it from Humble Choice or something like that. I launched it just because of the overwhelmingly positive reviews with about 3 or 4 hundred total at that time. It was hell of an experience for me, was going through a bad times due to all this covid related stuff, and this game kinda raised me out of sleep, made me feel better and sort of. It's just really cool thing, though really weird - music, graphics, plot, literally everything.
Happy Days. This russian film is another thing. I didn't like it, though there are some good films in the Balabanov's filmography. This film feels like it's total bullshit, it's almost plotless, kinda depressing and reminds me of Franz Kafka's books, all this absurdism and plotting without significant events. Maybe some will like it, but I suppose you're better go and watch yet another Marvel movie and keep your mind healthy.
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The Magic Circle and Delicatessen directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet and Marc Caro for movie
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The most weird movie I saw His majesty Minor. All I remember about is it was gay softporn with zoofilia, if there was any plot/story, it has been well hidden. Movie infos says it is 144 minute long or somehow, but I swear it has at least 10 hours. The most strange is I watched till end, we really wanted to know what it is actually about.
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The Artful Escape would be my "strange" pick of the past year.
Deeeer Simulator would take second place.
As for movie, I can't be unique, I have to agree with a few of the above - anything by Cronenberg or Jean-Pierre Jeunet - honestly, the first time I watched Amelie, I was truly fascinated.
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Baobabs Mausoleum Ep.1: Ovnifagos Don´t Eat Flamingos. Lots of twin peaks vibes, cool music, great art style. The game's intro is a piece of art. Unfortunately, both 2nd & 3rd episodes weren't as good as the first one.
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The strangest game was probably A grande bagunça espacial - The big space mess.
Movies. Now that's definitely harder. I'll try to keep it short.
The Color of Pomegranates (1969), a soviet-armenian surrealist art film about the life of an 18th-century Armenian poet.
MirrorMask (2005), a british fantasy film based on a Neil Gaiman story with early 2000s CGI, which definitely adds to the strangeness if you're watching it now.
Jubilee (1978), a british comedy/drama/fantasy/idk film where Queen Elizabeth I is transported to a dystopian present day (aka 1977) London but it's overrun by corruption and punk guerrilla gangs.
Ex Drummer (2007), a belgian black comedy film about a punk rock band where the vocalist has a lisp, the guitarist is deaf and the bassist has a stiff arm and now they're trying to get a controversial author to play their drums and his handicap has to be that he can't play the drums.
Begotten (1990), an american experimental horror art film that starts off with God disemboweling himself with a straight razor and thus birthing Mother Earth who impregnates herself with the corpse's semen to later birth Son of Earth, a malformed, convulsing man.
Wake in Fright (1971), an australian psychological thriller film about a young schoolteacher who descends into personal moral degradation after finding himself stranded in a brutal, menacing town in outback Australia called Bundanyabba.
Rubber (2010) a french independent horror-comedy film about a tire that comes to life and kills people with psychokinetic powers.
Un Chien Andalou (1929), a french-spanish silent surrealist short film by Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dalí. It's pretty much the granddaddy of surrealist film.
Zardoz (1974), an irish-american-british science-fiction fantasy film starring a hairy Sean Connery in a red thong. Oh, and sex is obsolete.
The Holy Mountain (1973), a mexican surreal-fantasy film by Alejandro Jodorowsky where nine people form a group to seek the Holy Mountain, in order to displace the gods who live there and become immortal.
Meat Love (1989), a czechoslovak stop-motion-animated short film about two freshly cut chunks of meat who begin to admire each other. It's by legendary surrealist Jan Švankmajer and all of his work is pretty strange.
Pin (1988), a canadian horror film about a life-size, anatomically correct medical dummy in a doctor's office that he uses to teach his kids about bodily functions and how the body works but one of the kids is mentally ill and believes the dummy is actually alive.
Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989), a japanese cyberpunk body horror film that starts off with a metal fetishist cutting open his thigh and thrusting a large metal rod into the wound.
Pi, an american neo-noir psychological horror film exploreing themes of religion, mysticism, and the relationship of the universe to mathematics.
Malignant (2021), an american horror film about a woman who begins to have visions of people being murdered, only to realize the events are happening in real life.
Titane (2021), a french-belgian body horror film about a woman who feels sexually attracted to cars and when she acts on that her body changes.
Tokyo! (2008), a french-korean-japanese anthology film. All three segments are weird, but the second one, about Monsieur Merde, an unkempt, gibberish-spewing, aggressive, primitive green-clothed, red-haired man, is the best out of the three.
Holy Motors (2012), a french fantasy drama film about a man who seems to be an actor. He travels around town and acts. Not to or for anyone, he just acts. Totally different things, one of them is again Monsieur Merde.
These are just a few that immediately came to mind. If I can think of more, I'll add them.
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Just wondering these things as per usual.
As the title says, what's the strangest game you have played and strangest movie you have ever seen?
I'll add in mine after work as this is a spur of the moment topic and have no time at the moment.
Also look for a GA or two in here later.
And here they are.
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