I feel like there might be something important you're (accidentally) leaving out. Can you post the full communication?
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Ah, I didn't think you literally "spoke" to them, sorry.
Can you post as much as you remember, besides the personal information? What was the issue you were calling about?
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The said issue is simple, I needed to get rid of verification questions that already expired (it asked my OLD phone number, for instance, I don't even keep the number in my record anymore.)
Since I'm unable to log-in because it asked me the question I don't keep, I have to talk to them.
As for the phone call, I might be leaving some information which is sensitive e.g phone number, but I'll try to write down as much as I can.
So the phone call started by... hello. (duh...)
I told him my name.
He introduced himself.
He asked how can he help me.
I answered my situation as I described above.
He asked me my address.
I gave him my address that I'm sure it's a damn valid one.
He said he can't help me further, I have to make new account.
Phone call ended.
I complained to another CS and he said I would receive another communication regarding this within 24 hours.
That's all I can remember.
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Yeah, that was probably an identity verification question; most customer support lines will end the call immediately if you get those wrong. I'd say the best thing you can do right now is wait for them to call you back, or if you're really in a hurry maybe call again and put some pressure on them (But be polite!).
If you're sure you gave him the primary address associated with your account (which may not be the most recent one or the same one you just had the parts shipped to) then he may have misheard you or something. If you're not sure what the primary address is, when you get the next call be sure to tell them that instead of guessing, and see if there's anything else they can do.
No real magic fix for this, unfortunately. Starting a new account might be the fastest option, if that's convenient.
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Probably I either mispelled or he misheard me. Either way, it's a screwed up one to verify with just voice, as it's easy to mispell. Heck, how I spell A and E letters in my language is different than how native Americans spell either letters.
If I have to make a new account, it's alright, but there's my FINANCIAL info saved in that damn account!
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He asked me my address. I gave him the address I had my order shipped to (physical PC items). He rejected that address and said he is unable to help me with my issue.
If that is a different address then what your billing one is that might be your issue because you gave them one that did not match.
If the address you gave them is not the same as you have on record that may be why they stoned walled you.I am just guessing here since you only said it was where you had the stuff sent to so i am taking that as it is different then what is on file or what cc you used but since you really did not state either way i can only guess at this point.
Also using just a CC # to identify who you are is a big no no as they are so easy to get along with the name on said card.
Though getting all worked up about it like you are is not going to solve or fix anything,though if you want to be angry about it more power to you,but trust me it never gets you anywhere in the end.Also since your so worked up about it i am having a hard time trying to figure out your issue at hand other then support stoned walled you but for what??You never really said the purpose of your call?did they send your stuff or are they not sending your stuff? is there an issue with them charging you for it?
I am thinking info not matching up and now your asking them to send to a random address that may be a legit one,but since you never used it before it might have throwing a red flag so they stoned walled you when you gave the the address you shipped it to instead one on file,if i was them i would have done the same thinking this guy might be trying to scam.
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I did answer in the comment (purpose of call). Here it is: http://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/5twfG5M
Edit: I told them an address I used to send my items to. I don't think I got it wrong, as I paid REAL money for them and my items would have ended up in terrorists' hands or random strangers on the street.
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i went through the post but some how missed it though i am not sure how lol...
Also it not about terrorist and what not so i am not sure why you brought that up lol
The said issue is simple, I needed to get rid of verification questions that already expired (it asked my OLD phone number, for instance, I don't even keep the number in my record anymore.)
Since I'm unable to log-in because it asked me the question I don't keep, I have to talk to them.
Well there lies the problem,you failed to keep your info updated and ,but blame them because you fail the verification process.
Edit: I told them an address I used to send my items to. I don't think I got it wrong, as I paid REAL money for them and my items would have ended up in terrorists' hands or random strangers on the street.
He asked me my address. I gave him the address I had my order shipped to (physical PC items). He rejected that address and said he is unable to help me with my issue.
I think your missing the point i was trying to make,again...what Address is that?I know it is the address you had the items sent to,but is it your main shipping address?Is it the one on file,does it match your CC # and so on
If your address is different from the one that you shipped to on your account that would be the reason you got stoned walled,your account got flagged for not passing verification that when they wanted an address they where looking for one on your account not the one you shipped the item to as if someone was trying to commit fraud they would already know that info.
This is really your fault for not keeping your info updated,now your blaming support for your troubles,may this be a lesson to not be so lazy and keep your phone #'s and addresses more up to date in case something like this arises.
This all leads back to you not keeping things updated,and now throwing a fit about it....funny how company does not do enough to protect your info they are shit for it...and when they do takes steps to help protect your account your up in arms because you failed to keep your stuff updated and fail verification and then give them wrong address when you call or they maybe typed it wrong,but either way ...if you would just kept your info updated you could have avoided all this.
This is what i have come up with as the only logical reason why this happened.
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you need to use your address that is attatched to your account/Credit Cards. then say there was a shipping problem to the place you had it shipped to.
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Just call them again. You will probably get someone else that is more helpful.
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I had an issue so I got to speak with Amazon representative.
He asked me my address. I gave him the address I had my order shipped to (physical PC items). He rejected that address and said he is unable to help me with my issue.
Which address does he want?
I'm not even sure why he needed my address? If he needs to verify my identity, I can even give him my freakin' credit card numbers I used to successfully order the said PC items. And the said credit card has always been saved in my Amazon account since the beginning of time.. err.. I mean since I made my Amazon account.
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