For new crowdfund projects, please refer to the latest in the comment section!
The thread opener is currently in 'zombie mode' and almost never updates, sorry!

This thread is for currently running videogame crowdfund projects, because nothing sucks more than hearing of a game AFTER it finished funding, when you missed the bonus goodies and discounts. Feel free to discuss anything related to keep the thread bumped so that your favourite projects get more exposure! Suggest any projects you think deserve a mention. The post-crowdfund thread has been retired due to the sheer size, sorry!

====The Main Interest List==== :

==== The Also-Rans ====

1 decade ago*

Comment has been collapsed. look at this one, I think it starts on kickstarter at July 23rd. Sorry for my bad English

9 years ago

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How about My Brother or The Deer God?

9 years ago

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I'm glad you suggested For My Brother, because I skipped over that one last night in an ashamedly book-cover judging moment. Still not sure what to make of it. I have a soft spot for games like Saira, An Untitled Story and Deep Within A Forest, but I can't tell whether this is going to turn out to be a cool metroidvania hybrid or a fumblingly melodramatic wad.

The Deer God I'm also reserving judgement on, after having been bitten so badly by Sword & Sworcery which I absolutely detested despite being a fan of the art style. I do like that they put the soundtrack tier before the game tier, because even if I wait it out to see how the game develops, I can support them and get some ambient music instead. Normally I'd put these two suggestions on the meh pile due to being the judgemental dictator that I am, but really they have too much potential.

Thanks for the suggestions, though my wallet hates you for tempting me into another backing another thing :P

9 years ago

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Look awesome and not funded yet:

9 years ago

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Oh cool, I could have sworn that InSomnia only had just over 12 hours left when I saw it last night. I suppose that's what I get for checking kickstarter at 3am. WATD looks pretty sweet too, though it would have been nice to see some more gameplay footage.

I'm already starting to regret updating this thread, my wallet is gonna hate me soon.

9 years ago

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Bumped for a little update :
We Are The Dwarves has decided to cancel their kickstarter campaign, as they realised that they aren't likely to meet their target. They instead managed to secure an alternate way to sustain themselves through the development process, and will be going ahead with the game regardless. Good news for all, but perhaps a tiny disappointment for people looking for added goodies on the early pre-order.

Terratech is just under halfway funded with 11 days to go. I'll be so sore if this one doesn't get funded. Mostly because I'm a giant sucker for customisation and physics. Still got a good chance as of yet, but given there is much content to be added and shown, people seem to be holding back.

InSomnia is only a little ways off and has 8 days left. The early bird tiers are mostly gone now, but this one is as good as done.

For My Brother is a long way off and nearly over.

The Deer God is nearly there with 7 days left. As good as secured.

Timespinner is now available for PC, Mac, Linux, PS4 or PSVita, with local coop and then 3DS as their next two stretch goals. 10 days left but already funded.

Twin Souls looks to be dead in the water with less than two days left and under half the funding necessary.

9 years ago

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Another tiny bump for Deer God getting funded, and for Terratech linking in a basic pre-alpha demo.
Edit : Demo link outdated, removed.

9 years ago

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I'd like to mention After Reset. Its another isometric RPG, similar to InSomnia, but based in a post-apocalyptic future setting rather than a dieselpunk one. Pretty interesting, and has a basic tech demo for backers (kind of lame, tbh). Still, should at least get on the Meh pile. Certainly has promise.

9 years ago

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Thanks for the reminder. I actually saw that through the InSomnia update email but it slipped my mind. Only just noticed the visual novel in there too <3

9 years ago

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Maybe this one too? I'm a big sucker for Norse stuff, and ever since The Banner Saga I've been looking for more. And hell, randomly generated rogue-like is one of my favorite styles.

9 years ago

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That one is made more tempting just because the dude is moving away from mobile gaming and into a real shot at the indie scene~

9 years ago

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Man, I'd still like to contribute to Timespinner, but they don't take PayPal... :S

9 years ago

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Some campaigns do a second-sweep after the kickstarter has ended, for paypal and other stuff. The prices are sometimes a little higher though. Aren't there any kinds of prepaid amazon cards you can use for things like this? :s

9 years ago

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Survive the Nights is the one I'm watching.

9 years ago

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I love the zombie genre and always love any degree of freedom in such survival-based settings, but this is giving me a strange warning signal. I mean it's great that they're getting the project out there, but with it being pre-alpha and the backer video being just one guy obviously reading from a script, it makes me cringe back. One dude chanting a script doesn't inspire confidence is all. Not everyone is a saint with a charismatic face, a camera and pitch videos I guess-

Still, adding because there is a chance it might grow into something great, but I can't stop going "eeeeegh" at this. Perhaps doesn't help that I'm from the same town they're from? xD

9 years ago

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Fair enough, I'm not going to hold that against you. Maybe you could add this video along with the Kickstarter link?

9 years ago

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Also, I laughed at the remark in the video of : "I caught a rat, and I turned him into a burger... with my boot". Admittedly this video was way better at selling me on the idea of the game.

9 years ago

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Stick System Shock 2, Thief, Deus Ex, Amnesia, and Dead Space in a blender and you get Solarix.

9 years ago

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Oh, cool. I really do need to check the whole game listing again.

Although, I wouldn't really say that Thief, Deus Ex and Amnesia are really comparable here. Thief had lots of tools that opened up paths in quite an open world. Deus Ex had a similarly open playstyle but focused more on tackling opponents than going around. Amnesia was all evasion and horror.

SS2 and Dead Space hold up nicely though. Once of the stretch goals is even to add RPG elements akin to SS2 stuff.

9 years ago

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Bump for Miyazaki-inspired Aegis Defenders, narrative based Epanalepsis and a turn-based arcade game, Mighty Tactical Shooter.
There's not much time left on Mighty Tactical Shooter, hopefully they add a post-campaign way of pledging.

9 years ago

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It's a shame about Mighty Tactical Shooter. Had I seen it earlier it would have definitely gone on the list.
It's funded now, but only just. I would have bought in myself, but the price-point was a little too high for my liking. Awesome idea though.

Epanalepsis looks like garbage to me, but then again I'm jaded on anything that uses pixelcore styling and shows no sign of actual gameplay. I love a good story, but if you go for the lower grade pixel setting and don't really plan on making it about gameplay, why the medium of a game at all? Why not a visual novel or a book? I just get this really bad feeling it's going to prey on people's hopes and offer little in return.

Thanks for the reminder on Aegis Defenders too~

9 years ago

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Another little bump to remind people that Solarix has 6 days and £8,000 left. It is struggling badly and the entry pre-order is £6 if you feel like giving it a chance.

It's worth noting that they plan to re-do the animations, as a good number of them are placeholders. The game is mostly completed so would be quite fast to deliver on any pre-orders, but will be produced regardless of whether it gets funded or not. The funding is mostly to boost them towards new additions like a semi-RPG system like in System Shock. If it looks like too much of a risk, that's cool, but I figure some genuine SS2-style tense almost-horror would be great~

9 years ago

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Aegis Defenders is a really good one. It has a huge potential of success. I recommended people check them out on the link at the top of the page.

9 years ago

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It'll definitely get funded. Well on it's way and still 31 days to go. Plus they advertised it before the kickstarter was even open, so it has good awareness~

9 years ago

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Just a little update to add Hard West which I have to admit has be pretty excited, dat fantasy western twitchy-action-adventure hnnngh.

Jotun needs another $12,000 and has 11 days left. Still safe to expect it to be funded, but consider having a peek.

Unfortunately, Solarix didn't make it, but they will still press ahead with making the game, albeit with less polish and none of the additions they hoped to heap on. Another game idea that sounded cool has been considered but not added, due to a number of suspicious/strange hiccups in their claims and material. Might add it later if their info pans out.

9 years ago

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Cavern Kings is an infinite action platformer designed to make every playthrough unique and interesting. Inspired by action-packed games like Vlambeer's "Super Crate Box" and the increasing difficulty aspects in "Risk of Rain", Cavern Kings aims to explode with special effects in classical arcade fashion and create interesting synergies with its powerup system.

9 years ago

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It really is like Risk of Rain. I wonder if it can really excel while under such a big shadow of a comparison?

9 years ago

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shouldn't it be added at funded but ongoing?

9 years ago

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Aha, good point~

9 years ago

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Well, apart from the stacking powerups, both games are very different beasts, Cavern Kings really being all about good old fashioned arcade fun, high scoring, etc. Anyway, thanks for adding it !
For those interested to try the game, there's a demo to be found here ! Also starting today is a closed beta for people who have donated 10$ and more. The changelog is actually pretty massive and adds/tweaks lots of stuff, and even introduces (experimental) gamepad support.
So if you like the game, throw some money at the dev and upvote on Greenlight !

9 years ago

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Aaaaaaaaaaaand the first stretch goal of $5000 was reached today !

9 years ago

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Second stretch goal of $7500 reached also. Still 16 days to go, so the $10000 final goal will probably be destroyed too ! This game is going to be awesome.

9 years ago

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The $10000 stretch goal has been reached ! A final $20000 goal has been added recently, 10 more days to go !

9 years ago

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The campaign's over ! $14,751 pledged of $2,500 goal, that's what you can call a successful Kickstarter !

9 years ago

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Hell yeah <3
Thanks for keeping this updated!

9 years ago

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Cavern Kings released on Early Access ! If you pledged $10 or more, you should receive your Steam key soon.
Can't wait !

9 years ago

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Mighty no. 9 is funded, but still fundable through paypal.

9 years ago

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Data Hacker: Reboot is the third in a series of RPG's (using RPG Maker). The first is on Steam. It's already funded and the first stretch goal was just hit.

9 years ago

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Added, albeit to the meh pile. I guess it's good to fund these things too, but they feature in indie bundles pretty fast.

9 years ago

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That's true. Paying for pretty much any Kickstarter project up front isn't the best deal. They always end up cheaper to buy after release, in sales and bundles. Even high profile ones are discounted pretty quickly, and smaller ones do end in bundles quickly.

That said, funding up front makes the game better, so if you're interested in what the developer is doing, paying at the Kickstarter stage means that you'll end up with a better game.

(BTW, it's ET3D, not ETD3D.)

9 years ago

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Actually this is a re-launch of a previously failed campaign if I'm not mistaken. The funding money is to generate the art and audio assets so it isn't just an RPG with stock material or solely re-used assets from the previous games. I mean, that's a given with any 2D RPG, and they're doing the smart thing by hiring people familiar with the pixel-art genre for it, just saying that it doesn't always necessarily mean the game is particularly -better- per se. I suppose in the case of a smaller-budget project like an RPGmaker game, it's a good way to gauge interest while covering your costs at the same time, as opposed to paying out-of-pocket for the work yourself only to find it doesn't really get enough sales. I've got nothing against it, but I just get this awful sense of expecting a cop-out when it comes to games made on that engine. Probably an unfair judgement because I adored things like Ib, Mad Father, Yume Nikki and the likes, but it always seems that most projects are lacking in core spirit. I just really can't feel motivated towards an RPGmaker kickstarter unless it reveals that it's trying to do something interesting with the story, y'know? To any outsider looking in, Data Hacker just looks like a typical fantasy RPG using the minor trope of "It's a game!". Just not to my tastes I guess.

Also the thing about being cheaper after release is relative. The Data Hacker things have been in many bundles, whereas games like Cave Story have only been on sale, but never for less than the pre-order backer price as far as I know. Or games like Paranautical Activity, which were in bundles BEFORE kickstarter completion, which once I found out, caused me to cancel my pledge for a double-copy pack. I mean, it's cool to pre-order and everything, but certain behaviours just make it a less than optimal spending choice. Risk is one thing, patterns and behaviour are another. Pretty sure there are plenty of people regretting early Starforge purchases, etc. The amount of time it takes to drop to an effective $1 purchase is where the real value of the pre-purchase comes in~

9 years ago

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Many of the games I backed at the $1 level (which means I like the idea and want to encourage it but not that enthusiastic to pay for the full game) later shows up in bundles. Examples are Ring Runner and Giana Sisters. Even the likes of Broken Sword 5 (which I backed at $25) went on sale cheaper than the Kickstarter even before the full game was released.

9 years ago

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Survive the night looks okay

Wow InSomnia has that fallout 1,2 feel. looks great :O

And We are the dwarves what an original idea and creative an...oh wait, it's a complete rip-off of The Lost Vikings

I see funding was cancelled. Blizzard pulled the plug?

9 years ago

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The Lost Vikings was never a 3D RTS in underground caves, and none of the vikings ever had guns and traps :P
Inspirational source? Sure. Rip-off? Hell no.

And it got cancelled because they realised they couldn't reach the goal within the remaining time, so backed out.

9 years ago

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Just added The Hum.
Interesting subject matter, but hard to pull off~

9 years ago

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It might be a little unrelated due to not being a kickstarter but you could take a look @

and i can also guarantee your you some money back if it goes wrong, im gamer first, and a dev last so i im with you all.

9 years ago

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Nah, I'm not going to add gofundme links and after floating around online for long enough, gofundme stuff like this always sets of alarm-bells in my head. Besides, you have a thread devoted to this and your project.

9 years ago

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Added Hive Jump and Woolfe to the kickstarter list.
Added Rimworld, The Mandate and Star Citizen to the post-kickstarter funding.

Also begged right on this spot shamelessly for people to consider looking at The Hum, because I have a boner for original non-screamer horror. \ :3 /
Might need to think up a better way to format this stuff with the descriptions, it's getting pretty clumsy to read.

9 years ago

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A little update :

Hard West, 16 days, only $10k left.
After Reset only has 13 hours or so left, if you want to get in on any of those perks.
Hivejump, 16 days, half-way funded. You can now pick a Wii-U copy instead of a PC version in the pre-orders.
Woolfe, 14 days left, 12k left to go.
Elysian Shadows, 10 days, 35k left to go.
After Reset only has 13 hours or so left, if you want to get in on any of those perks.

[Jotun]( was funded! You can back the project through one of the three big bar-links at the top of the Kickstarter page thanks to Humble.  
[The Hum]( is on the verge of cancellation though it has plenty of time left, as there seems to be no real interest.  
[Aegis Defenders]( has also been funded!
9 years ago

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SUPER III -- seems interesting to me -- reminiscent of Super Meat Boy platforming with an interesting Pac Man-esque sides-of-the-level-are-connected-to-each-other bit, and a neat warp-dash-across-the-level move. Still around 300 early backer slots for each of the $12 and $32 tiers available too.

9 years ago

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Egh. The game doesn't look like anything really worth noting, but that music is pretty cool. Added anyway. I know this is probably just my tastes interfering with my judgement again :P

9 years ago

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La-Mulana 2
La-Mulana 2 is the sequel to La-Mulana, which is a Metroidvania style game where you play as an archeologist seeking fame and fortune. The first La-Mulana is awesome, but it's not for everyone, since it's extremely tough, never really tells you where to go or what to do besides messages from townsfolk and/or ruins/clues you find throughout the temples. It's also very puzzle oriented, to the point where you can completely miss some puzzles because some have no indication of what they are or how to solve them, but everything is solvable using in-game clues if you can find them. The original La-Mulana is one of my personal favorite Metroidvania games and I can't wait to see how La-Mulana 2 turns out.

Kickstarter ended back in Feb and they reached their original goal, but they are still accepting paypal donations.

9 years ago

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Holy balls. Things like this are the reason I made this thread. La Mulana 2? Hell yeah <3

9 years ago

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It's not much, but if you go to the Kickstarter page you can download a La-Mulana 2 TGS demo. You are limited to just the starting area and there really isn't all that much to do, but it's kinda neat to check out. It pretty much looks and plays just like the original game, but in a different temple, with new puzzles and monsters, even has a tough boss you can try to take on. My only real gripe with the demo, it uses the first game's music just as a placeholder for it.

9 years ago

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Parkitect brings the Theme park management genre up to date with more than a hint of the old greats such as roller coaster tycoon 2 but brings its own take and additions to it as well

9 years ago

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The only new addition I can see is that it measures whether the customers see 'behind the scenes' which detracts from their enjoyment. The rest has all been done before. Not that it's a bad thing, Theme Park was a hit game for a reason. Just seems a bit odd that they would make such a straight-rip of Theme Park without really adding anything new into the mix other than being... new.

No stretch goals, no updates yet that hint at anything unusual or particularly interesting to come. If they even had one fun gimmick to add to the mix it would be noteworthy but right now it could just be a small-studio "me too" game. They did mention that there would be the ability to customise the rides in some manner, but at the moment we have no idea what that entails. It could be a usual slider to balance between speed/stability really. Added, but not to the main list.

9 years ago

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The big thing the devs have said is that the management side of it is going to be much more in depth than the likes of Roller Coaster tycoon 2 but its things like that aren't added a this stage, the forum post on tigsource goes into a lot more depth about the intention and how it differs if you read through clicky

9 years ago

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It would just be way better if they would post their plans / speculative features on the front page of their kickstarter. The management part of such games is rarely the most enjoyable, and they will probably need something to really set them apart from the clones if they want to really succeed.

Shame really. Seems like they know their stuff and are working on a solid base for the game, but they need to consider how this baby is going to grow, otherwise it will just be a faceless filler-esq game.

9 years ago

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Grand Theft Pizza Delivery!

9 years ago

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What about it?

9 years ago

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Added Nefarious, which might interest people who backed Mighty No.9 given the similar gameplay.
Also added 28 Killers to the Meh Pile, as it might interest some people with its quirkiness.

9 years ago

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Nefarious looks and sounds awesome! Reverse boss fights?!? Sign me up!! The idea of this game just makes me wonder why nobody has tried to make this game before.

9 years ago

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