For new crowdfund projects, please refer to the latest in the comment section!
The thread opener is currently in 'zombie mode' and almost never updates, sorry!

This thread is for currently running videogame crowdfund projects, because nothing sucks more than hearing of a game AFTER it finished funding, when you missed the bonus goodies and discounts. Feel free to discuss anything related to keep the thread bumped so that your favourite projects get more exposure! Suggest any projects you think deserve a mention. The post-crowdfund thread has been retired due to the sheer size, sorry!

====The Main Interest List==== :

==== The Also-Rans ====

1 decade ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

9 years ago

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I'm on the fence about this one. It has the potential to be like Spelunky in it's addictiveness and replayability, but it could also slip up big-time. Definitely added. Wish em luck <3

9 years ago

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Point 'n Click adventure gamers might be interested in: Loki's Exile.

9 years ago

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Geeegh. Not gonna lie, that looks and sounds pretty bad. Not a bad concept per se, but the samples they used for the launch video gave the impression it won't be very polished.

9 years ago

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^_^ You might find Moon Hunters more promising.

9 years ago

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Ahaaa, that's more my speed <3

9 years ago

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Bump due to added Band Saga and Codespells.

Aegis Defenders and Elysian Shadows were successfully funded!

As of this post, Woolfe has only 30 minutes left, and Hive Jump has just over a day.

9 years ago

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Just found this one:
Feels a little like Penumbra but in Northern Quebec. Doesn't seem too linear so definitely keeping an eye on it.

9 years ago

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I saw that one before but didn't feel entirely convinced it could pull together the way they envisioned. Sorry about not updating while it was still active. At least it got funded!

9 years ago

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I've been watching this one for many reasons including the Quebecois factor. I really hope what they envision comes to pass.

9 years ago

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Added Pathologic.
Might have to trim that "post campaign funding" last. Hnngh.

9 years ago

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Added Reassembly.

Nefarious is struggling and might flop without last-minute intervention.

9 years ago

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These may end in the meh pile, but I figured someone out there might be interested:

Cube and Me, a pet-raising dungeon crawler.
Phoenix Dawn, a gorgeous low-poly RPG.
Town of Salem is holding a Kickstarter for mobile, steam and localization support.
Blossom Tales, a modern take on old school overhead action-RPGs.
Extrasolar is looking for funding for the second season of their educational game set on Mars.
Outpost 13, a game where you play an alien entity bonded with a dog, whom must induce outpost crew to leave the station.

9 years ago

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Phoenix Dawn is a nice idea but for a one-man (recently expanded to two) crew to live up to all those expectations? I worry about the potential for burned backers. Town of Salem is a mobile-primary game with a pay-currency. I cringed, but hey, I guess people have different tastes to me.

Cube and Me looks like a great idea, but the fact that they're all cubes chafes on my brain a little bit. Music is great though. Extrasolar isn't my cup of tea, but the entire first season being free makes for a great gauge of whether someone will enjoy the finished second season. GREAT find.

Blossom Tales looks great. Loving the intentional strong Zelda vibe. Outpost 13? Haha, my god. I love the idea so much, but I can totally see this bombing as much as I can see it being a sneaky hit.

Once again, your work is appreciated, Agent-CNC!

9 years ago

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Bump for having added Paradigm too.

9 years ago

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Bumping again for having removed funded and failed projects, and also added the quirky yet appealing Battle Chef Brigade, and also an Oculus Rift-enabled sci-fi RTS played from the first person crew-on-ship perspective : Flagship .

Congrats to the people who made 24 Killers, Phoenix Dawn and others hit their funding marks!
Pathologic and Paradigm hit their goals, and Band Saga is struggling in the last hours to stretch over the final tiny bit.

9 years ago

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Band Saga got funded! You can still back it here for those who arrived late, though.
Reassembly, Codespells and Adventures of Pip all got funded. AoP was on it's re-launch and finally made it.

Outpost 13 and Cube and Me didn't make it, but I expect a re-launch for at least CaM.

9 years ago

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Dark Drive, a mix of metroid and Megaman zero, pretty cool. Already greenlit.

Virus kickstarter a cool MMZish game, its greenlight is Here I'll have more later.

9 years ago

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I've added them, but I get a weird feeling from Dark Drive's pitch video. The animation and varying speeds suggests that it's faked game footage (cooked for the pitch video), and because they don't underline this it leaves me feeling a little paranoid about how the project might pan out.

Virus looks pretty straightforward though, and it'll be interesting to see how it pans out.

9 years ago

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Paradigm got funded!
Added Bedlam, Black : The Fall, Dark Drive, and Virus.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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Bahahaha, yesss. Fun game idea, though I do worry how detailed they can get on such a project with only two people working on it, and over the internet at that. Hnngh, and the pre-order price is a little steeper than others too.

As for being a crazy cat lady? Haha, maybe, but when you've bonded to your pets they're really more like extended family aren't they? $100 seems like a lot but hey it's helping to get this game off the ground, and it's one way of helping to immortalise your fluff-baby without resorting to creepy things like taxidermy.

Like everything else in the "meh pile" I'll bump it up to the main listing if the creators make some updates to show more of the game / quality / stuff behind it. I don't really like having that secondary list because it kinda implies "my opinions are better than yours" but I worry about backers getting burned or the primary list getting diluted. I mean, hell, I once added a kickstarter that after a little extra investigation seemed VERY fishy (both on creator effort and intent, as well as some claims that really didn't add up) and I pulled it completely. Still, thanks for the suggestion!

9 years ago

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I'm actually not sure now whether to put this here or in the Post-Crowdfunding thread; The Kickstarter for Torment: Tides of Numenera is long-since done, but now InXile is fundraising to restore a cut area.

The Gullet is a piece of the city/creature/thing called The Bloom. More information can be found here, but this is the gist:

"Deep in the guts of the Bloom is a jumble of fleshy veins and cavities, known to natives as the Gullet. It surrounds a foul organic stew, containing the minds and memories of those devoured by the Bloom. The pulsing of a titanic heart reverberates from somewhere below… if you find yourself trapped here, the sound will drive you mad.

Few reach this place by intention. Most are eaten by a Maw and emerge in the Gullet, half-digested, to spend the final days of their lives in screaming agony. Transdimensional echoes of the Bloom's victims wander through the tunnels, lost and insane. Bizarre creatures, bred by the Bloom in its guts, burst from their wombs to hunt. Forgotten machines and artifacts lie half-submerged in Bloom-flesh, plucked from distant worlds of the past or future.

The only way out of the Gullet is down… to follow the sounds of the Bloom's beating heart and descend to a place where the Bloom's consciousness is at its most malignant and aware."

It sounds pretty nifty to me, and funding was going at a fast clip until it stalled out around 70%. There's a time limit with nine days remaining, so I hope it'll pick up.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

9 years ago

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While it can be like that, it's not necessarily how it always goes down. Consider how much work needs to go into games, and then consider the ever-closing deadline. When you consider how much extra content has been put in due to the stretch-goals, this doesn't really seem like a case of holding cut content hostage. For instance, one of the stretch goals was to flesh out one of the zones more, which makes sense because sometimes good ideas need to get cut out (or put on the back burner) to ensure they can stay within budget and within time constraints.

Besides, the bigger a project gets, the bigger the repercussions become if they're found to have been dishonest. Also, the one person I know who has played Wasteland 2 got really hooked on it and adored every minute, so perhaps it's a marmite game (or down to genre preference?).

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

9 years ago

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We'll see, though I suspect a lot of it comes down to how the project is managed. While they are different genres and scales/budgets, look at how Starforge and Towns turned out compared to say Shadowrun Returns or Shovel Knight.

Trust me, I know that burned, sinking feeling. Right now we can only really wait and see how it turns out. There are no real indicators in either direction, so really any base pledges at this point are pre-orders. I always suggest that backers do their own research though, because those pitch videos can be deceptive sometimes, and the info and updates (or lack thereof) can indicate what kind of product, timescale and reliability they can expect, y'know?

9 years ago

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Aha, that'd definitely be for the Post-Crowdfunding thread given the game itself is not only funded, but stacked up with a ton of stretch features too. I added it over there, but that thread often sinks given nobody actually discusses the stuff that's listed. I suppose you could seed a conversation about T:ToN and it'd help keep the thread floating for potential exposure.

Thanks for the heads-up anyway. It never occurred to me to check for pledge pre-orders for that~

9 years ago

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Another dump of links, hopefully something here will interest people:
Fortune's Tavern - a pixel fantasy tavern simulator.
Elegy for a Dead World - a game about exploring and writing stories about what you find. Strictly for those who enjoy experimental stuff.
Retro Pixel Castle - tactical village simulator.
Outpost 13 - new campaign, lower goal.
The Black Glove - surreal adventure game from Irrational alumni.
The Flame in the Flood - a survival game, also from Irrational ex-employees.

Edited to add:
Border - a metroidvania.
Rogue Wizards - a rogue-like, dungeon crawling, town builder.

9 years ago

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Fortune's Tavern is another slice of RPGmaker stuff, though I suppose at least it tries to do something different with the given base, it's still using a lot of art assets I recognise from elsewhere (in games that were free). Wasn't going to add it but I figure that could just be my difference in tastes again. It's hard to do "quality control" on a list of interesting kickstarters without being a total snob :P

...however I didn't add Retro Pixel Castle. The Dwarf-Fortress-alikey genre has a lot of passing competition, and this game is awfully simplified without seeming to bring anything new at all.

Flame in the Flood is an awesome find though, and I'm sure there'll be plenty of people into Black Glove. Plus you reminded me that Elegy for a Dead World existed, which while I have my doubts about it, is original enough that it deserves a shot. I'd love Elegy to prove my doubts wrong.

9 years ago

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The Land of Eyas Returns A platformer that looks pretty nice, already greenlit

9 years ago

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The high-difficulty platformer genre is pretty hard to pull off without being genuinely aggravating. I've seen the gravity gimmick done a few times too and it's rarely enough to hold a game up on it's own. Added, and going to hope they prove my doubts wrong <3

9 years ago

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Bumping given I haven't in a while, due to a tiny clean-up.

Also because a few of the projects there are near completion, so now would be your last chance to get in on some of the goodies. Fire in the Flood for example~

Added two unusual entries, one being Voxel Quest, which is an engine more than a fully actualised game. It is planned to be heavily reliant on player and modder content to be able to fit any games you want to host (think a videogame version of Tabletop Simulator, I guess?). The other being Videogames Live : Level 4, live medleys of videogame music, but offering up the digital soundtracks for backers, including some exclusive albums.

9 years ago

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This looks sexy


9 years ago

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No footage of assets, just a concept and the art of the creator's buddies. The creator doesn't mention their own level of talent and hasn't really gone into any details about the current state of the game.

This seems to be an "idea" kickstarter right now, and unfortunately, absolutely anybody can come up with a cool idea. Turning that idea into a working game, let alone a good one, is a huge undertaking that really requires at least a small group of dedicated people with the ability to make it even without a developer. The kickstarter underlines that they are using the project to try attract the attention of developers to get in on the project, which is a fair enough idea on it's own, but I get the distinct feeling that this creator doesn't have the know-how to actually, physically make the game themselves.

Certainly a cool idea, but cool ideas are plentiful and hard to actualise. I'll wait and see what happens before adding this one. Also sent the creator an in-site question hoping they'll flesh out their front-page some more. Besides, being a totally multiplayer-centric game, it can die very fast if it doesn't hit it really big. Awesome games like Strike Vector wiffled because of a wobbly playerbase (few fully populated servers means gradually fewer people feel like checking in to try play), and otherwise good games like Containment and The Hunted also faltered for similar reasons. The Hunted actually stumbled on a good number of issues with balance in these kinds of games, too.

9 years ago

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Just an update, the creator replied to my concerns and is aware of the long haul it will be to see it to completion.

He neglected to mention that he has actually worked in the industry before, albeit as a sound technician. While that may sound like an outlying role, you have to consider that this would at least offer insights into how certain parts of the process lock together. While not an active coder, the experience offers a better starting point. He assured that refunds will be offered after enough time has elapsed if there are no forthcoming investors or developers, and he seemed to be professional (not to mention polite) in the face of my admittedly blunt points.

I normally don't do this for concept-level games, but really I don't see why not. I'll just add a little warning in the description so people know what they're getting themselves into. Thanks for the suggestion!

9 years ago

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The Interactive Adventures of Dog Mendonça & Pizza Boy, an adventure game, is coming to an end in less than 60 hours and still has a way to go. There's a demo on Steam.

9 years ago

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Thanks, this one looks pretty solid. It's nearly funded and nearly over, but hopefully we can help tip it over the edge.

9 years ago

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Just added Sylvio, which might interest any of you who liked Afraid of Monsters or Cry of Fear. Not very graphically or technically impressive, but it has that certain kind of creepiness that is hard to get anywhere else. Pre-orders are for less than £5, albeit in a different currency, so you may need to google the conversion rates.

9 years ago

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Another little update to clear out finished projects.

Voxel Quest was funded but doesn't appear to have any post-funding options.

Dicetiny was cancelled but only because they managed to find funding through some investment company. The cancellation itself was due to being unable to meet all of the kickstarter rewards due to their agreement with said company, but still, hooray for them!

Black Glove didn't meet it's funding mark.

9 years ago

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[Limit Theory]() (funded)

An upcoming Space Sim, scheduled for release in 2015.

It's a spiritual successor to Freelancer, set in an infinite, procedurally-generated universe.

It is being developed by a one-man army, evil mastermind Josh Parnell.

The project was successfully funded with $187,865 (goal was $50,000) in 2012 and has been progressing ever since.

Screenshots : 01 02 03 04 05

Josh posts daily dev logs as well as monthly video updates that show his progress. Have a look at them, there's amazing things to see. LT has come a long way in two years.

There is currently no way of preordering the game or contributing financially. The game should be available on Steam (DRM-free) as well as on GOG. Maybe other platforms are likely to distribute the game when it is released, we're gonna have to wait the release date to be closer to have more accurate infos on that matter.

It will be single-player and support mods since it uses a custom engine created by Josh Parnell from scratch, as well as a custom scripting language that allows new functions and modifications to be implemented easily - without even quitting the game !

I hope I made you curious about the game despite my approximate english.

9 years ago

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Your english is pretty slick. Easy to understand an actually way better than a handful of other primary english-speakers you see floating around on the internet!

As for the game, something about the ship designs has my attention. I see a number of parts repeated here and there, and I have to wonder if it allows for players to create their own, much like the game "Kinetic Void"?

9 years ago

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Well, ships are procedurally-generated, that is why they use similarly-shaped boxes that are repeated. Believe me, the design of the ships will change a lot prior to release ! That part has actually been kinda left behind since Josh had other priorities - thousands of other things that had to be done first - but he's ready to start improving PCG of ships and stations. If you watch the dev updates you will see the ships change a lot from month to month, from an ugly collage of boxes to actual badass designs that seem to have been created by actual 3d artists...

But... yes!! You can design and create your own ships and stations thanks to the built-in ship/station editor.

A primitive ship editor was shown in an early dev update video; but knowing Josh, it will be dramatically improved soon.

edit : I apologize, I just noticed, while re-reading your OP, that since LT is funded, it belongs to the post-crowdfunding thread. My fault for reading in diagonal. Feel free to copy-paste the post there and let me know if you want me to delete this one for readability !

9 years ago

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Oh no, it's totally cool. It's better if we only bump one of the two threads so it doesn't get spammy. Plus this thread needs the most attention of the two.

You've definitely got me interested for Limit Theory though, I'll keep my eye open for it.

9 years ago

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Thimbleweed Park: A New Classic Point & Click Adventure! (FUNDED)

Ever wonder what it would be like to play a classic adventure game the day it came out and experience all the surprise and charm for the very first time? Wonder no more!

Twenty-five years ago, Ron Gilbert and Gary Winnick created the game that introduced the world to 2D point & click adventure games. Maniac Mansion took the computer game world by storm with its compelling story, complex puzzles, cutting edge humor, engaging game play, and provided an entire generation with a new idea of what an adventure game could be. Blah blah blah...

And now they are back together with an all new 2D point & click adventure game! Ron is skinny again and Gary had that rash looked at — and they're here (finally!) to create the true spiritual successor to Maniac Mansion and Monkey Island.

Thimbleweed Park is a new game that cuts to the core of what made classic point & click adventure games so special, and done by the actual people who spawned the genre.

It's deep, it's challenging, it's funny, it's everything you loved about adventure games.

9 years ago

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I wrote a message to Ron and Gary about other payment methods. There will be a Paypal button soon. Will definitely back this project...These games just bring up so many good memories.

9 years ago

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I don't closely follow every project on the link, so if they're going to allow paypal funding past the end of the campaign, could you give me a little reminder nudge and I'll add it to the other post-funding thread? <3

9 years ago

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Hey, the Paypal button has been added. There are also several strech goals. Only 7 days left

9 years ago

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19.000 short of "Talkies" goal.
I'm sure they will make it, this game needs talkies

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Was considering Americana Dawn but wasn't sure if it would just be considered a garbage RPGmaker-ish thing, despite it's Suikoden styling. Kelvin was added too, but I'm skipping on Vincent given the visuals and animation are really gritty and just give me a serious wobble of doubt. People will still be able to see it down here in the comments though~

9 years ago

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Melee: Battlegrounds - it's actually the only kickstarter project I back with really big money. Have made a Thread about it.

9 years ago

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Oooooh, awesome. Always liked the medieval twitch-combat games like this, even if most games forget to factor in lag/latency (making attack-spam the winning gamble in most situations). Still, the dynamic building and physics-influenced castle destruction is delicious.

The big trouble being that I'm strapped for cash after all this kickstarter backing, and my job contract actually terminates in another month, with christmas sneaking in too. Still, definitely added to the list! Thanks for the contribution, and hopefully we'll land a few more backers <3

Must... resist.
Maybe... resist...

9 years ago

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