For new crowdfund projects, please refer to the latest in the comment section!
The thread opener is currently in 'zombie mode' and almost never updates, sorry!

This thread is for currently running videogame crowdfund projects, because nothing sucks more than hearing of a game AFTER it finished funding, when you missed the bonus goodies and discounts. Feel free to discuss anything related to keep the thread bumped so that your favourite projects get more exposure! Suggest any projects you think deserve a mention. The post-crowdfund thread has been retired due to the sheer size, sorry!

====The Main Interest List==== :

==== The Also-Rans ====

1 decade ago*

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The one I'm looking forward to most is Satellite Reign. It's basically the spiritual successor to the old Syndicate games (back when it was an amazing strategy game rather than a crappy FPS). Made by some of the original Syndicate team and nice guys to boot (I interviewed them for my website a few months ago).

There's also Concrete Jungle, which I found via Kotaku a couple of weeks ago. I played the Flash version and it's a pretty cool puzzle game, definitely worth a look.

9 years ago

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It appears to have already been funded, you posted the link within it's final 10 hours and I wasn't checking this thread very often because I assumed nobody was interested in it/the subject. xP

Satellite Reign is a pretty solid looking syndicate homage though. It was one of the games that made me think of making this thread, really.

9 years ago

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Hi Hi!
Formicarium - an ant sim/strategy game.
Cube and Me has been relaunched - a bizzare pet sim/rpg hybrid.
Yes, Your Grace - a text-based strategy in the spirit of 'King of Dragon Pass'.
And the best for last:
Crossing Souls - an 80s inspired action RPG.

I hope Innerspace makes it.

9 years ago

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Wayward Terran Frontier: Zero Falls - exploration space command ship building action rpg
Looks really promising, here's a preview of the current tech demo from Scott Manley - Wayward Terran Frontier - Tile Based Spaceship Construction & Destruction

9 years ago

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Ah crap. I've been refreshing this thread for the last few days but my comment filtering had reset itself and I missed these entries. I'll go through them when I'm back from work tomorrow. Thanks for keeping this thread going guys :3

(also, Innerspace just made it's funding)

9 years ago

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There we go, updated!

9 years ago

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Ah better off to write it here: The Paypal button has been added for Thimbleweed Park and there are two stretch goals left: Talkies and iOS/Android ports. Only 7 days to go!

9 years ago

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Nice to see an Android port. Maybe I'll end up playing this game after all.

9 years ago

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Cool, thanks for the heads up!

9 years ago

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The new Kickstarter for Shadowrun: Hong Kong is now up and running.

Also, the Kickstarter for Clannad should probably be mentioned when you make the new list.

9 years ago

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Le bump. Added three projects and will look through the project listings in the next few days. Sorry for the long delay for an update! Feel free to continue suggesting projects that you're excited for!

9 years ago

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Added. Looks pretty polished, and getting on so many platforms (and the various PC OSes) is a sign of ambition. Good job they already have footage to show because otherwise I would be worried about them being over-ambitious. Shame they didn't really underline more of the game's theme, story or attractions in the project opener video though.

Thanks for the suggestion!

9 years ago

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Underworld settings are by far my favorite setting within the fantasy genre, ever since I've read quite a few of the Underdark books in Forgotten Realms. Really enjoyed all the games I played with settings like this (most recenty being the first Avernum remake, a brilliant cRPG). Can't wait to see Other Sides realization of this underworld setting, I'm definitely excited from what I've seen so far in terms of enemies and playable classes

Only my second game backed on KS, now the hard part...waiting!

9 years ago

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Added. I didn't realise these were from the Ultima guys, though I've only ever played a single game of theirs way back when on the genesis when I was too young to really grasp the strategies and nuances involved in NOT getting utterly wrecked, heh.

Thanks for the suggestion!

9 years ago

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Orion Trail is Oregon Trail in spaaaaace, with cute pixel art and cameos from other KS games.

Neptune, Have Mercy is a sci-fi submarine rogue-like.

Tahira looks an awful lot like The Banner Saga.

9 years ago*

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Ooh, awesome. Always good to have your suggestions, CNC!

9 years ago

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Shame Neptune Have Mercy didnt get kickstart.

9 years ago

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Orion Trail is winding up, soon, and needs more exposure. It's going to be close....

9 years ago

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This is it! IT'S HAPPENING.
This is the reason this thread exists, for games like THESE. Toejam & Earl! Minus executive meddling!

HHNNNGH. Bump it. Bump iiiiittt...

9 years ago

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I just found out about this myself and am truly very excited to read about this project! I have also loved the original TJ&E game, still own my original copy I bought day 1 for my Sega Genesis. The game looks and sounds absolutely amazing and I can't wait to see what happens with the project. I really love the sound of the 4 player online co-op support, love the look and feel of the early concept videos and concept artwork, the idea of unlockables that carry over from playthroughs.

My god, this game NEEDS to happen and it NEEDS to be released for ALL platforms so everyone can get a chance to see this amazingly awesome game back in action!!

9 years ago

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One of the updates released earlier today actually opened up voting on whether the visuals need tweaking. Given it's 2D art on a 3D background, a few of us have mentioned that things look a bit too much like cardboard cut-outs, plus the older style was slower paced and more brightly coloured and cartoony. Check out the updates so you can get a say on whether to have thick outlines, a brighter palette or shadows off / blobbed.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Oh crap, sorry for missing these. I'll sort through them in a sec!

9 years ago

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I doubt this will get funded but, since I sorta liked the demo, I'll still drop it here anyway:

9 years ago

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Thank god someone noticed that game,it looks amazing and it isnt getting attention at all.

9 years ago

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I recommend these games
Glitch Hunters
Tree of Life mix of korean mmorpgs and sandbox,will be in english too
Arco very original
Call of Combat

9 years ago

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Great, I see Three Monkeys is on there. I really hope it will get funded.
It sounds so interesting. Will try the "demo" they released later today. :P

9 years ago

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Thanks for the suggestions, I'll sift through them a little later on tonight!

9 years ago

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You can add only ones that you think are really good
Descent Underground-reboot of the Descent series link
Halcyon 6 link
Deadwood: The Forgotten Curse link
Cadence link
Unraveled link
Albert and Otto link
The Song of Sevenlink
Sportball Manager link
Super Slam Dunk Touchdown link
Nephil's Fall link
And also remove Snowbroken as its cancelled.

9 years ago*

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I prefer if people only suggest games that they themselves are interested in (or that they think are noteworthy), otherwise I could end up adding pretty much every digital gaming kickstarter to this list. Still, I added all of these...

Thanks for the suggestions!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Just a few days left on the Descent Kickstarter.

9 years ago

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Gagh, sorry! Thankfully it still has a few days left, though it looks like it'll miss it's mark. Miracles have happened before though~

9 years ago

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Now I have the painful decision to make on whether or not I can squeeze anything other than Izle into my budget, haha.

But seriously, some great finds there! Thanks! <3

9 years ago

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EDIT: Hyped for little devil woop

9 years ago

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Very good idea.

9 years ago

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I love this thread.

Everybody! Please fund Izle !!!

9 years ago

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I'm a sucker for sandbox games with terraforming / crafting, with or without stories or combat.
I once tried to do a Lets Play of Terraria with my brother and his friend (NSFW for really dumb childish humour), but because I'm an idiot and a customisation fanatic, I spent the entire video sculpting the ground and then build the framework for my base. Skipped the "small house" stage and ended up going straight for the "medium castle", heh. I ended up cutting out 90% of it and just leaving in snippets of our really weird conversations. I'm the one with the deeper, really dumb sounding voice. For reference, our repeated references to mongolians is because my bro named his guy "Mongo", and we decided he was a throat singer.

...yeah, it only gets dumber from there :P

So yeah, Izle was an instant back for me. Couldn't resist, even if my wallet hates me right now~

9 years ago*

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This one I backed but never advertised here. It failed though

Mulaka - Origin Tribes

9 years ago

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That's a real shame. If I had known about it, I would have definitely put it on the list.

Games that don't have a lot of material to show do tend to struggle to get funding, perhaps because it's a higher risk to backers who can't see a clearer view of the shape the game will take. Hopefully they'll try again once they have a little more example work to show. The biggest part about success on kickstarter is to make people aware of the project. Without that awareness, even the best projects are doomed to failure.

If you happen to see them making a second attempt later on, be sure to leave a message in here and I'll put it up on the list!

9 years ago

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not kickstarter, but this project seems interesting.

9 years ago

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heard of them before, looks like they're going to fail.

9 years ago

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yeah, sad. =(

9 years ago

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Yeah it looks like we came a little too late into the funding cycle, though they're still missing a fair amount. Shame.
Still, I'll put it up for the last remaining two days. Miracles have happened before.

9 years ago

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IT'S FUNDED!!!! Close call. yayyyy

9 years ago

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Bwahaha, nice!

9 years ago

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