Ya7oo, can't sleep because tejano music so loud I can't think, so threw together some GAs. Understand, I can enjoy fun stuff as much as the next person, but music that loud is excessive. Unreasonable people are awful. Really can't emphasize that enough.

Fireworks are rough enough honistly, but for some reason this year a neighbor literally 3 streets away is blaring tejano muzic loud enough thOt this took me severil hours to put this toQether.

Here's Jigidi 498

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2 days ago*

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2 days ago

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That was reaaaally good. BUMP!

2 days ago

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2 days ago

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Honestly. Instant whitelist stuff. I didn't find all, but it was fun!

2 days ago

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Im have lvl 3 before but now is 1😭 rly want the game sadly

2 days ago

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All 20 GAs found! BUMP!

2 days ago

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Bump for egg search!

2 days ago

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found 12/20

2 days ago

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Lots of secrets!

2 days ago

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19/20 found, one is eluding me ;)

2 days ago

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2 days ago

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Stuck at 18/20, no clues or ideas left.

2 days ago*

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2 days ago

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2 days ago*

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Found....a bunch. Nice puzzles.

2 days ago

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Bump :)

2 days ago

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Nice puzzles. Honestly lost count how many I solved though, but I feel content.

Thanks. :)

2 days ago

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Bump for all found, it was fun, thank you!

2 days ago

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2 days ago

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Humpty Bumpty ^^

2 days ago

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Hmm, found 18, waiting for inspiration to strike.....or more likely food 😀. Cheers and bump.

2 days ago

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Cool puzzles. Thanks!

2 days ago

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19/20. Too dumb to figure out the morse code on the image. Bump.

2 days ago

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No morse code, nothing "hidden" this time around... I think... a bit sleep deprived.

2 days ago

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Too late, already converted the image to an audio file and sent it to the pentagon for analysis.

2 days ago

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2 days ago

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Happy July 4th! Thanks for the challenging puzzle! I may not have found everything, but it's not bad.

2 days ago

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bump for 20/20!

2 days ago

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2 days ago

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think I found 17 or 18 but did not enter any
I have a blind horse and she did not enjoy all the loud bangs last night, my outside dogs went into hiding as well. Interesting how people can be so entertained by overpriced bangs and flashes that last a few seconds but don't have a care in the world for what impact they have on the people and animals around them. Some jackass set off something that actually shook my home, granted it was minor but I felt it and boy was it loud.

2 days ago*

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Apparently some of the wildfires on one of the Greek Islands was started by some people letting off fireworks. Lots of people don't think about the effect on others or the wildlife.

1 day ago

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I'm sorry to hear that, that's terrible. My horse was injured a bit running into things because it can't see and was upset with all the noise but it is just superficial so she will heal quickly. I wish the neighbors would have just gone to any of the firework shows they had or to any of the public places that allowed fireworks. At least it's only one day a year.

1 day ago

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Glad to hear she is okay. Am Australian, but I like international news and found the Greek story quite upsetting. Your story is one that resonates as that is what it is like on New Year's day here as well. Lots of dogs go missing, and the occasional accident from illegal fireworks. We are no longer allowed to purchase fireworks - but there must be ways to get them, a lot of illegal fireworks get set off. Some of the official ones are nice to watch - but our big cities that hold them are on the coast so these shows tend to be held on or next to water. Bit safer I guess.

1 day ago

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